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of Legislature's February 4, 2016 "Public Protection"
Budget Hearing

Unified Court System..............................................................Chief Administrative Judge Marks 
(video: to 1:41 hours)
  written statement              

Chief Administrative Judge Marks:  
           "Now I am not planning on going into the details of the salary commission’s findings now in my prepared remarks, but I’ll certainly answer any questions that you may have about that this morning. But what I would say, however, is that we are extremely pleased with what the Commission did and I would note that its findings and determinations were fully supported by the Legislature’s two representatives on the Commission....
            Indeed, this Commission has finally and essentially resolved what has been a decades long haphazard, inadequate, and frankly unfair process for setting judicial salaries.
  So we are extremely grateful for the Commission’s findings and for the support of the Legislature’s representatives on the Commission and through them, we are extremely grateful to you for those findings.
          We firmly believe that what we are seeking is fair and reasonable.  The newly arising cost of the judicial salary increase has resulted from a statutory process that was designed to inject fairness, objectivity, and transparency into the method for determining judicial salaries.  That statutory process worked and the salary commission’s determinations were fully supported by the Legislature’s two representatives on the Commission.    
We respectfully submit that the fair thing to do now is to provide the funding to implement those results. Without that funding it will be increasingly difficult to replace employees when they leave the court system, further decreasing our employment level and resulting in the consequences that will entail." (video, beginning at 8:29 mins.) 

         So, in the doomsday scenario, if we don't get additional money...if we had to absorb the full cost of this judicial salary increase, the $27 million, we would have to look at attrition, not replacing people when they leave the court system..."
   (video, at 25:15 mins.)

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Bonacic: 
"It appears to me that the priorities are to take care of the judicial salaries,
which we're all supportive of.  We think that the judges are deserving of raises.
(video, at 14:55 mins).

 “...to make sure that the judges get their raises,
which we all think they are entitled to.”
(video, at 25:15 mins.)


Senator Nozzolio/Chair-Senate Budget Subcommittee on Public Protection: 

…The judicial pay commission was a commission established by the Legislature
because we believed there was a need to have judicial salaries increased
and we look to be a partner with you and the court system in meeting the obligations established by the Commission. That’s public policy.
  We need to do that…”
(video, at 35:25 mins.)

“Yes, we need to be partners with you on the salary increases that judges will be receiving...”
(video, at 37:35 mins.) 

“…we believe, strongly, that the issues of judicial salary increases have to be met,
can’t totally be met within the traditional court, judicial budget…
  So expect you will have advocates to help in that endeavor...” (video, at 40:12 mins.).


Legislative Law §32-a:

“After submission and prior to enactment of the executive budget, the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee jointly or separately shall conduct public hearings on the budget. Such hearings may be conducted regionally to provide individuals and organizations throughout the state with an opportunity to comment on the budget. The committees shall make every effort to hear all those who wish to present statements at such public hearings.  The chairs of the committees jointly or separately shall publish a schedule of hearings.”   (italics, bold & underlining added)
                          January 11, 2016 Legislature's Announcement of Joint Budget Hearing Schedule

Legislature denies CJA Director Elena Sassower's request to testify
at the Feb. 4, 2016 "public protection" budget hearing, just as it had in 2015 & 2014 --
the consequence of her DEVASTATING, EVIDENCE-BASED testimony,
in opposition to the judicial pay raises & Judiciary budget at the
Legislature's Feb. 6, 2013 "public protection" budget hearing:
where it put her as the last speaker (at 7:21 hrs)


New York State Supreme Court Officers Association               Patrick Cullen, President
 (at 10:28 hours)   written testimony

New York State Court Clerk's Association                                   Pamela Browne, President
              (10:37 hours)   written testimony

Court Officers Benevolent Association of Nassau County      Billy Imandt, President
 (10:45 hours)  written testimony

Suffolk County Court Employees Association                            Bill Dobbins, President
(10:58 hours) written testimony


Michael P. Friedman

Commission on Judicial Conduct


February 16, 2016 video: 
"Senator Bonacic Discusses the Proposed Budget for NYS Court System"



February 4, 2016: "Give Courts the Money They Request, Bar Groups Urge Lawmakers",
New York Law Journal (Andrew Kreshner)

February 4, 2016: "NY Legislature weighing proposed raises for judges",
AP (Washington Times)  Syracuse.com

February 5, 2016: "OCA Urges Lawmakers to Fund Both Raises, Civil Legal Services", New York Law Journal (Joel Stashenko) 

April 24, 2016: "Severe staffing shortages grind courts to a halt", New York Post (Dean Balsamini, Kathlenne Bonlello)



January 21, 2016:  "EXCLUSIVE: Arbitrator gives NYPD Cops 1% salary raise, gets paid $115G for 46 days needed to reach the decision", NY Daily News (Denis Slattery, Reuven Blau)



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