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Outreach --
Good Government/Academia
/Bar Associations
 (March - May 2016)
(occasioned by 3/23/16 order to show cause & verified 2nd supplemental complaint)


CJA's March 28, 2016 e-mail to "good-gov't" groups --
"Lawsuit challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of NYS' budget 'process' -- including 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"   
          NYS League of Women Voters website
         NYPIRG website    
Common Cause-NY website  further link  
         Citizens Union website    Citizens Union Report: "Spending in the Shadows"
         Brennan Center for Justice website   
         Reinvent Albany website

CJA's March 28, 2016 e-mail to E.J. McMahon --
uit challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of NYS' budget 'process' -- including 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"       Empire Center for Public Policy website

March 28, 2016 e-mail from E.J. McMahon

March 29, 2016 e-mail from Reinvent Albany

March 30, 2016 e-mail from Reinvent Albany

CJA's March 30, 2016 e-mail to Professor/Hofstra Law School Dean Eric Lane  (with cc's) -- "Lawsuit challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of NYS' budget 'process' -- including 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"


CJA's March 30, 2016 e-mail to Professor/Congressional Candidate Zephyr Teachout (with cc's) - "'The Anti-Corruption Principle' -- & 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"


CJA's March 31, 2016 e-mail to "good-gov't" groups, scholars --
"Why are the 'good government' groups & scholars of the constitution and public fisc not educating the media about what the NYS Constitution has to say about the NYS budget?"


CJA's April 7, 2016 e-mail to Professor David Liebschutz --
"Lawsuit challenge to the constitutionality and lawfulness of the NYS budget"  Legal History of the New York State Budget -- An Overview

CJA's April 7, 2016 e-mail to Dick Dadey/Citizens Union --
"AGAIN: Lawsuit challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of NYS' budget 'process' -- including 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"

                Dick Dadey's April 8, 2016 e-mail

CJA's April 7, 2016 e-mail to New York City Bar Association --
"Request for the City Bar's Amicus Curiae/Intervention & Other Assistance in Lawsuit Challenge to the Consitutionality & Lawfulness of NYS Budget"
Committee on Government Ethics & State Affairs 

"The New York State Budget Process and the Constitution: Defining and Protecting the 'Delicate Balance of Power", (Committee on State Affairs), 58 The Record 345 (Oct. 2003)

 May 2007 REPORT  "Supporting Legislative Rules Reform: The Fundamentals"  (Committee on State Affairs)

                   amicus curiae brief to NY Court of Appeals -- McKinney, October 3, 2007    

April 15, 2016 e-mail from NYS Bar Association --
"telephone Message"

CJA's April 25, 2016 e-mail to NYS Bar Association --
"Request for the NYS Bar Association's Amicus Curiae/Intervention & Other Assistance in Lawsuit Challenge to the Consitutionality & Lawfulness of NYS Budget"   NYS Bar Association website
                         NYS Bar committee list   Committee on NYS Constitution


CJA's April 26, 2016 e-mail to Hofstra Law School Dean Eric Lane (with lots of cc's, including Rockefeller Institute; Fiscal Policy Institute)--
"Thank you, Dean Lane!  May you lead the way to building scholarship & informed discussion...the state budget"
            -- with cc's to:  Rockefeller Institute of Government/SUNY-Albany
                                       Thomas Gais, Director
                                                             Donald J. Boyd, Director of Fiscal Studies
                                                             John F. Cape, Senior Fellow
                                                             Lucy Dadayan, Senior Policy Analyst
                                                             David S.T. Matkin, Faculty Fellow
                                                             Richard Nathan, Retired
                                                             Patricia Strach, Deputy Director for Research

  Fiscal Policy Institute
                                                             Ron Deutsch, Executive Director
                                                             Frank Mauro, Executive Director Emeritus 

              April 26, 2016 e-mail from Professor Liebschutz

CJA's April 27, 2016 e-mail to NYS League of Women Voters --
"Request for Comment & Assistance: Citizen-Taxpayer Action Challenging Constitutionality & Legality of NYS Budget -- including 3-men-in-a-room-budget dealmaking"


CJA's April 29, 2016 e-mail to Brennan Center Chief Counsel Fritz Schwarz (with lots of cc's) --
"Thank you, Fritz Schwarz!  Building on the Brennan Center's 2004 report by your March 23, 2016 testimony & CJA's March 23, 2016 second supplemental complaint"
          -- click here for: Legislative Rules Reform Resource Page


CJA's May 3, 2016 e-mail to Assemblyman Philip Steck (with lots of cc's)-- "Thank you, Assemblyman Steck!  Follow-up to your March 23, 2016 testimony before the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation"

        May 3, 2016 automated e-mail acknowledgment from Assemblyman Nojay 

CJA's May 3, 2016 e-mail to NYS League of Women Voters --
"Thank you, Jennifer! -- Request for Comment & Assistance: Citizen-Taxpayer Action Challenging Constitutionality & Legality of NYS Budget -- including 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"    enclosed League of Women Voters' "IMPACT ON ISSUES 2005-2007"--"State Budget Process"

May 11, 2016 e-mail from League -- "RE: Thank you, Jennifer..."

           SEE:  League's 2016 Legislative Agenda  (Jan. 22, 2016)

               League's "Budget Highlights"  (April 11, 2016) 



see also

Dec 2013 - Jan 2014: Outreach to scholars, academia,
think tanks, bar associations, & "good gov't" organizations

(occasioned by examination of judiciary & legislative budgets)

See, also,
predecessor outreach pertaining to:
 CJA's underlying declaratory judgment action
(born March 30, 2012 & stalled, following transfer, August 30, 2012)

 2012-2013: Outreach to Academia

& additionally pertaining to & underlying:
CJA's Intervention in the declaratory judgment action of the "Senate" and "Assembly"
vs the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption
(commenced April 23, 2014 - murdered December 23, 2014)

Nov. - Dec. 2013 Outreach to Academia & "good government" organizations



Press Outreach



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