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D.A. Salary Grants for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 in Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S-2003/A-3003

*  *  *

$4,212,000 appropriation for D.A. salary grants --
2017 Aid to Localities bill -- p. 61

compare with: 2016 Aid to Localities bill -- pp. 72-73  

identical except for the reference to the state fiscal year for which the appropriation is being made. In the 2017 bill, it is "for state fiscal year 2017-2018"; whereas in the 2016 bill, it had been, erroneously, "for state fiscal year 2014-2015".  Other than that, they are the same -- including repetition of the typographical omission of the word "and" after the the words "prior to April 1, 2014"


statutory provisions relating to D.A. compensation
& state aid


Tenth Cause of Action
of September 2, 2016 verified complaint
in CJA's second citizen-taxpayer action

Exhibits referred to by the 10th Cause of Action
& annexed to September 2, 2016 verified complaint:

Exhibit H:       Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S.6403-d/A.9003-d:  pages 1-2, 72-73, 94, 96-97, 100, 124-125 

Exhibit I-1:      Plaintiffs’ July 13, 2016 FOIL request: “State Aid to the Counties for District Attorney Salaries for Calendar Years 2010-2016” 

Exhibit I-2:      July 20, 2016 letter from Comptroller’s records access officer 

Exhibit I-3:      July 22, 2016 letter from Comptroller’s records access officer 

Exhibit J-1:      Plaintiffs’ July 11, 2016 FOIL request: “The ‘plan’ to reimburse counties not covered by Judiciary Law 183-a for district attorney salaries: fiscal years 2016-17, 2015-16, and 2014-15” 

Exhibit J-2:      July 15, 2016 e-mail from Division of Criminal Justice Services’ records access officer

Exhibit J-3:      August 12, 2016 e-mail from Division of Criminal Justice Services’ records access officer

Exhibit J-4:      July 25, 2016 letter from Division of the Budget records access officer

Exhibit K:       Plaintiffs’ September 1, 2016 FOIL request: “Director of the Budget’s certificate of approval of the Division of Criminal Justice Services’ budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, contained in Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S.6403-d/A.9003-d – & any certification by the Division of Criminal Justice Services of its own budget”

*    *     *


CJA's September 1, 2016 FOIL/records Request to Division of Budget Director; Comptroller, Senate, Assembly, Criminal Justice Services -- "Director of the Budget's certificate of approval of the Division of Criminal Justice Services' budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, contained in Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S.6403-d/A.9003-d -- & any certification by the Division of Criminal Justice Services of its own budget"

Senate's September 9, 2016 e-mail

Assembly's September 9, 2016 letter

Comptroller's September 12, 2016 letter

Comptroller's October 11, 2016 letter of extension

CJA's January 19, 2017 e-mail to Comptroller

Division of the Budget's September 9, 2016 letter

Division of Budget's October 7, 2016 extension letter

Division of Budget's December 22, 2016 extension letter

Division of Criminal Justice Services' September 7, 2016 e-mail acknowledgment

Division of Criminal Justice Services' October 5, 2016 e-mail of extension

Division of Criminal Justice Services' November 10, 2016 e-mail of extension

Division of Criminal Justice Services' December 10, 2016 e-mail of extension


CJA's July 11, 2016 FOIL request:   “The ‘plan’ to reimburse counties not covered by Judiciary Law §183-a for district attorney salaries: fiscal years 2016-17, 2015-16, and 2014-15” 


       Division of Criminal Justice Services' July 15, 2016 e-mail of acknowledgment

       Division of Criminal Justice Services' August 12, 2016 e-mail of extension

        Division of Criminal Justice Services' October 26, 2016 e-mail of extension

        Division of Criminal Justice Services' November 10, 2016 e-mail of extension 

        Division of Criminal Justice Services' December 12, 2016 e-mail of extension

        Division of Criminal Justice Services' January 27, 2017 response letter


                 (i) approved 2016-17 D.A. salary aid allocation plan

                 (ii) Statewide Financial System Records
                         here-2014-2015, here-2014-2015, here-2014-15, here-2014-15,
                         here-2015-16, here-2015-16

                 (iii) here-D.A. salary aid -2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17

                        DIVISION OF THE BUDGET

        Division of Budget's July 25, 2016 acknowledgment letter

        Division of the Budget's October 27, 2016 extension letter

        Division of the Budget's December 22, 2016 extension letter

        Division of the Budget's January 27, 2017 response letter

approved 2016-17 DA.salary aid allocation plan,

                (ii) Statewide Financial System Records
                       here-2014-15, here-2014-15, here-2014-15, here-2014-15,
                       here-2015-16, here-2015-15

                (iii)  D.A. salary aid-2014-15
                       D.A. salary aid-2015-16
                       D.A. salary aid-2016-17


*     *     *

September 7, 2016 --
notice to NY's 62 counties
of their right to intervene in CJA's citizen taxpayer action with respect to 10th cause of action

*     *     *

CJA's July 8, 2016 LETTER TO THE 56 COUNTY GOVERNMENTS OF NEW YORK STATE WHOSE JUDICIALLY-LINKED DISTRICT ATTORNEY SALARIES ARE PAID FROM THEIR COUNTY BUDGETS -- ATT: County Boards of Supervisors & Boards of Legislators; County Executive Officers; Treasurers/Comptrollers; & County Attorneys -- RE:  GIVING NOTICE:  Your duty to repudiate & challenge the state-imposed district attorney salary increases based on your own district attorney's findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to rock-solid, prima facie evidence establishing them to be based on judicial salary increases that are statutorily-violative, fraudulent -- & unconstitutional

*     *     *

CJA's July 14, 2016 FOIL REQUEST TO THE 56 COUNTIES WHOSE JUDICIALLY-LINKED FULL-TIME DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ARE PAID FROM THEIR COUNTY BUDGETS -- "RE: Salaries & Other 'Compensation & Non-Salary Benefits' -- for District Attorneys and Other Full-TIme Elected County Officers

CJA's August 8, 2016 FOIL REQUEST TO NEW YORK's 62 COUNTY GOVERNMENTS -- "RE: State Aid for District Attorney Salaries"


                                        Population of New York's 62 Counties


Essex County...........................38,971

Seneca County........................35,436

Schoharie County.....................32,087

Lewis County..........................27,222

Yates County...........................25,256

Schulyer County......................18,518

Hamilton County.....................4,787

*  *  *

New York Counties Ranked by Per Capita Income

Map of New York Counties -- Median Household Income

Chart              Table

Judiciciary Law 183-a: Where's the Evidence?


What's Been Happening --

Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2016-2017
             DA salary reimbursement -- $4,212,000

Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
             DA salary reimbursement -- $4,212,000

Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
            DA salary reimbursement -- $4,212,000


Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
            DA salary reimbursement -- $3,862,000

Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
            DA salary reimbursement -- $2,812,000
                         plus, additionally: $700,000

Aid to Localities Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
            DA salary reimbursement -- $2,282,000








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