Plaintiffs' March 31, 2015 motion for leave
Exhibit 1-a:
Plaintiffs’ request to Secretary of
Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer –
Exhibit 1-b:
Skelos’ and Silver’s December
1, 2014 letter to defendant Cuomo
Exhibit 1-c:
16-page legislative budget for fiscal
year 2015-2016
Exhibit 2-a:
Chief Administrative Judge’s
Prudenti's December 1,
2014 memorandum to Cuomo, etc.
Exhibit 2-b:
Chief Judge’s Certification & Court of
Appeals Approval–
Exhibit 2-c:
Judiciary's Executive Summary
Exhibit 3-a:
Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti’s
December 1, 2014 memorandum to Cuomo, etc.
Exhibit 3-b:
Chief Judge Lippman’s Certification & Court of
Appeals Approval –
Exhibit 4:
Judiciary’s “Single Budget Bill Exhibit 5-a: Cuomo's "Commentary of the Governor on the Judiciary"
Exhibit 5-b:
Cuomo’s Budget Bill #S.2001/A.3001
Exhibit 6:
“Legislature Announces Joint Budget
Hearing Schedule”
Exhibit 7-a:
Defendant Cuomo’s Division of Budget
webpage for Judiciary Budget
Exhibit 7-b:
Senate Majority’s “White Book”: pp.
Exhibit 7-c:
Senate Minority’s “Blue Book”: pp.
Exhibit 7-d:
Assembly Majority’s “Yellow Book”: pp.
139, 134
Exhibit 8: Plaintiffs’ February 23, 2015 letter to
Chairs & Ranking Members of Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Ways &
Means Committee – “YOUR FEBRUARY 26, 2015 ‘PUBLIC
PROTECTION’ BUDGET HEARING: Reconsidering Your Denial of CJA’s Request to
Testify, Pursuant to Legislative Law 32-a, in Opposition to the Proposed
Judiciary and Legislative Budgets – and the Governor’s Budget Bill
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