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Plaintiffs' September 22, 2015 Opposition/Cross-Motion


Photos of the mailed cross-motion
with the FULL Oct 27, 2011 opposition report
& March 30, 2012 verified complaint -- 
here & here & here & here

Plaintiffs' September 22, 2015 Notice of Cross-Motion

Plaintiff Sassower's September 22, 2015 Affidavit

Exhibit 12:      “Marked Pleading” – AAG Kerwin’s verified answers to the allegations of plaintiffs’ verified complaint 

Exhibit 13:      Comptroller DiNapoli’s April 2015 Report on the State Fiscal Year 2015-16 Enacted Budget, pp. 10-11, 52-53

Exhibit 14-a:   Plaintiffs’ April 7, 2015 records request to Secretary of Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer pertaining to Joint Budget Conference Committee, etc.

14-b:    Plaintiffs’ April 8, 2015 record request to Secretary of Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer pertaining to Joint Budget Conference Committees

14-c:    Assembly Record Access Officer’s April 14, 2015 letter

Exhibit 15-a:   Plaintiffs’ March 28, 2013 records request to Secretary of Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer pertaining to Joint Budget Conference Committee, etc.

15-b:    Assembly Record Access Officer’s April 5, 2013 letter

15-c:    Secretary of the Senate’s April 4, 2013 e-mail

Exhibit 16-a:   Plaintiffs’ April 8, 2015 records request to Secretary of Senate and Assembly Records Access Officer pertaining to amendments of Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.2001/A.3001

16-b:   Assembly Record Access Officer’s April 14, 2015 letter, with enclosures

Exhibit 17:      Plaintiffs’ “mark up” of S.6351-A/A.8551-A, highlighting the amendments

Exhibit 18:      Plaintiffs’ “mark-up” of S.2001-A/A.3001-A, highlighting the amendments

Exhibit 19:      Judiciary’s budget for “General State Charges” for fiscal year 2014-2015

Exhibit 20:      Judiciary’s budget for “General State Charges” for fiscal year 2015-2016

Exhibit 21-a:   Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010: Commission on Judicial Compensation

21-b:   Part E of Budget Bill S.4610-A/A.6721-A:  Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation

Plaintiffs' September 22, 2015 Memorandum of Law


CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report 


  CJA's March 30, 2012 VERIFIED COMPLAINT in declaratory judgment action - CJA v. Cuomo, et al. (stalled in Supreme Court/NY Co., after transfer from Bronx Co.)








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