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Appeal at the Appellate Division, Third Dept.


Appellants' December 15, 2018 Reply Affidavt
in Further Support of Order to Show Cause (#4)
to Disqualify Appeal Panel for Demonstrated Actual Bias, for Certification of Questions
to the Court of Appeals, Etc.


* furnished to AG Underwood
& TOP supervisory/managerial attorneys --

CJA's December 13, 2018 e-mail -- "NOTICE..."
(Ex H-2 to below reply affidavit)


CJA's December 13, 2018 e-mail -- "AGAIN -- NOTICE..."
(Ex H-3 to below reply affidavit)


CJA's December 14, 2018 e-mail -- "CLARIFICATION -- NOTICE..."
(Ex H-5 to below reply affidavit)


CJA's December 17, 2018 transmitting e-mail


CJA's December 17, 2018 affidavit of service



* * *


December 15, 2018 Reply Affidavt

Exhibit F-1:     Appellant Sassower’s November 27, 2018 e-mail to Chief Motion Attorney
                      Amy Conway (3:30 pm) – “CJA v. Cuomo Citizen-Taxpayer Appeal: 3
                      Dept #527081 – Order to Show Cause (#4) to Disqualify the Appeal Panel
                      for Demonstrated Actual Bias, Etc.”

Exhibit F-2:     Appellants’ accompanying November 27, 2018 notice of motion

Exhibit G-1:    Appellant Sassower’s November 14, 2018 e-mail to Clerk Robert
                     Mayberger  (2:54 pm) – “FOIL/public access records request –
                     VIDEO of the Appellate Division, Third Dept’s Nov. 13, 2018 oral
                     argument of the cases on its session calendar)

Exhibit G-2:    Deputy Clerk Sean Morton’s November 16, 2018 letter

Exhibit G-3:    Deputy Clerk Morton’s November 30, 2018 letter

Exhibit H-1:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s December 10, 2018 e-mail

Exhibit H-2:    Appellant Sassower’s December 13, 2018 e-mail to Attorney General
                     Underwood (12:27 pm) – “NOTICE: Your Duty to Withdraw Asst. Solicitor
                     General Brodie’s Dec. 10, 2018 opposing memorandum in CJA v. Cuomo,
                     No. 527081 -- & to ENJOIN the ‘force of law’ salary & lulu
                     recommendations of the NYS Compensation Committee prior to Jan. 1,

Exhibit H-3:    Appellant Sassower’s December 14, 2018 e-mail to Attorney General
                      Underwood (1:04 pm) – “AGAIN -- NOTICE: Your Duty to Withdraw
                      Asst. Solicitor General Brodie’s Dec. 10, 2018 opposing memorandum in
                      CJA v. Cuomo, No. 527081 -- & to ENJOIN the ‘force of law’ salary & lulu
                      recommendations of the NYS Compensation Committee prior to Jan. 1,

Exhibit H-4:    Asst. Solicitor General Brodie’s December 14, 2018 e-mail (2:35 pm)

Exhibit H-5:    Appellant Sassower’s December 14, 2018 e-mail (3:44 pm) –

Exhibit H-6:    Asst. Solicitor General Brodie’s December 14, 2018 e-mail (4:23 pm)


Exhibit I:         Appellants’ refutation – analysis/”legal autopsy”
                      of Mr. Brodie’s December 10, 2018 memorandum in opposition

Exhibit J:        Delgado v. State of New York, summons & verified complaint
                      (Supreme Court Albany Co. #907537-18)

Exhibit K:       CJA Director Sassower’s written testimony for the NYS Compensation
                     Committee’s November 30, 2018 hearing

 * * *

click here for: 
Record of Proceedings in Appellate Division, Third Department


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