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Appellants' March 26, 2019 letter to Court of Appeals --
"In Support of Appeal of Right: NYS Constitution Article VI, §3(b)(1); CPLR §5601(b)(1)"

Appellant's March 26, 2019 affidavit of service


Appellants' March 26, 2019 letter to Court of Appeals

Exhibit A:        Dissent of then Appellate Division, 4th Dept. Justice Fahey --
                       St. Joseph Hospital v. Novello, 43 AD3d 139, 148 (2007)

Exhibit B:        Plaintiff-Appellants' Ninth Cause of Action --
                      "Three-Men-in-a-Room Budget Dealmaking is Unconstitutional,
             As Unwritten and As Applied
King v. Cuomo, 81 NY2d 247 (1993)

Exhibit C:       New York City Bar Association May 2007 Report:
                      "Supporting Legislative Rules Reform -- The Fundamentals" --
                      Executive Summary, pp. 8-11


Plaintiff-Appellants' "Legal Autopsy" of the Appellate Division, Third Department's December 27, 2018 Memorandum & Order

Exhibit A-1:   Plaintiff-Appellants' March 4, 2019 e-mail to Appellate Div/3rd Dept. Clerk
                     -- "FOIL/public accss records request -- CPLR 2219(b)"

Exhibit A-2:   Deputy Clerk's March 5, 2019 letter

Exhibit A-3:   Plaintiff-Appellants' March 15, 2019 e-mail to Appellate Div/3rd Dept.
                     Clerk -- "Informational Inquiry-FOIL/public access records request:
                    The designation 'Memorandum and Order' in the Appellate Division, 3rd
                    Dept's disposition of appeals"

Exhibit A-4:   Plaintiff-Appellants' March 19, 2019 e-mail to Appellate Div/3rd Dept.
                    Clerk -- "Informational Inquiry-FOIL/records request: Who has written the
                    ORDERING sentence that follows, rather than precedes, the names of the
                    justices in the 'Memorandum and Order' in CJA v Cuomo (#527081)?  And
                    where is your 'written authorization' to sign?"

Exhibit A-5:   Appellate Div/3rd Dept. Clerk's March 22, 2019 letter

Exhibit B:      Plaintiff-Appellants’ November 27, 2018 “ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE
                    (#4) to Disqualify the Appeal Panel for Demonstrated Actual Bias,
                    including its Wilful Violation of Judiciary Law §14, for Certification of
                    Questions to the Court of Appeals, & Other Relief”,
                    signed December 3, 2018

Exhibit C:      Plaintiff-Appellants’ January 15, 2016 “Statement of Particulars in Further
                    Support of Legislative Override of the ‘Force of Law’ Judicial Salary
                    Increase Recommendations, Repeal of the Commission Statute, Etc.”



Judiciary Law §14

Oakley v. Aspinwall, 3 NY 547 (1850)

Valz v. Sheepshead Bay, 249 NY 122 (1928)
"Where the question of whether a judgment is the result of due process is the decisive question
upon an appeal, the appeal lies to this court as a matter of right."

General Motors Corp. v. Rosa, 81 N.Y.2d 1004 (1993) 
"Motion for leave to appeal denied upon the ground that an appeal lies of right."

General Motors Corp. v. Rosa, 82 NY2d 183 (1993)

Kachalsky v. Cacace,
14 NY3d 743 -- Judge Smith's dissent
February 16, 2010

Maron v. Silver,
14 NY3d 230 -- Judge Smith's dissent
February 23, 2010

"An Illusionary Right of Appeal:
Substantial Constitutional Questions at the New York Court of Appeals
31 Pace Law Review 583 (2011) (Meredith Miller)

"What Does It Mean If Your Appeal of Right
Lacks A 'Substantial' Constitutional Question
in the New York Court of Appeals?
75 Albany Law Review 899 (2012)  (Alan Pierce)


Feb. 17, 2010
"Rare Dissent in Court of Appeals Dismissal of Appeal As of Right"
NY Civil Law

March 4, 2010:
"Smith Takes
Judges to Task
for Failure to Find Substantial Constitutional Issue in
Gun Case
New York Law Journal (at p. 1)


       click here for:  
RECORD of McKinney & St. Joseph Hospital
Appeals of Right & Motions for Leave

click here for evidentiary substantiation for footnote 4 of appellants' March 26, 2019 letter:
Judiciary's proposal of a "force of law" pay raise commission

click here for link to CJA's webpage for:
Docket: Delgado v. New York State
-- & VIDEO of Jan 11, 2019 oral argument


click here for
RECORD -- Appellate Division, Third Department

 before the Appellate Division, Third Department

click here for:
RECORD:  CJA's SECOND citizen-taxpayer action


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