Albany County Supreme Court
Justice Lawrence Kahn, & other judges who "threw" the Election Law cases of
Castracan v. Colavita & Sady v. Murphy, & judges participating in the 3-year
judge-trading deal
Doris L. Sassower's
January 2, 1992 letter, supplementing October 24, 1991 complaint
Doris Sassower's December 19, 1991 letter to Governor Cuomo
Judge Kahn's October 17, 1990 decision in Castracan v. Colavita
affidavit of Professor Vincent Bonelli, sworn to October 14, 1990
eyewitness affidavit of Eli Vigliano, Esq., sworn to October 14, 1990
eyewitness affirmation of David Cohen, Esq., dated October 5, 1990.
Doris Sassower's October 31, 1991 letter to Governor Cuomo
"Impartial body must oversee courts", letter to the editor, Paul
Pontorno, Gannett, 12/30/91
January 13, 1992 letter acknowledging January 2, 1992 complaint
April 22, 1992 letter dismissing January 2, 1992 complaint