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MISSING VIDEO -- October 14, 2015 First & Only Public Hearing
[MISSING! -- see August 30, 2018 FOIL request below]

transcription of CJA Director's testimony
(at 0:44:06 minutes - 1:11:15 hours) 

What was in those file folders
that CJA's Director handed up to the Commissioners
before beginning her testimony?

(1)  CJA’s June 18, 2015 letter addressed to the members of the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission   link

(2)  CJA’s June 22, 2015 letter addressed to JCOPE, LEC, the Governor, Legislative Leaders, and investigative and prosecutorial authorities – to which the members of the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission were recipients link

CJA’s June 27, 2013 conflict-of-interest ethics complaint, filed with JCOPE, against the Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, Legislators, etc., with its accompanying April 15, 2013 criminal complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara – and JCOPE’s June 28, 2013 acknowledgment letter link

(4)  CJA’s December 11, 2014 conflict-of-interest ethics complaint, filed with JCOPE, against the Governor, Legislative Leaders, and JCOPE, with its three enclosures: (1) CJA’s July 11, 2014 letter to the Governor & Legislative Leaders; (2) CJA’s July 18,  2014 letter to JCOPE; (3) the City Bar’s July 9, 2014 letter to the Governor & Legislative Leaders – and JCOPE’s December 16, 2014 acknowledgment letter   link

(5)  CJA’s December 12, 2014 conflict-of-interest ethics complaint to LEC  link

(6)   CJA’s November 8, 2011 Executive Summary of its October 27, 2011 Opposition Report  link

AND what further documents
did CJA's Director hand up during her testimony?

(1) Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010 establishing, every four years, a Commission on Judicial Compensation   link

(2) the August 29, 2011 Final Report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation  link

(3) a full copy of CJA’s October 27, 2011 Opposition Report, including its two Compendia of Exhibits and the 2002 two final motions to the Court of Appeals in the Article 78 proceeding Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York  link

(4) the first three pages – and four causes of action – of the March 30, 2012 verified complaint in CJA's declaratory judgment action Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc....on behalf of the People of the State of New York & the Public Interest v. Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli, Legislative Leaders, Legislature, Lippman, Unified Court System & the State of NY  link


*    *    *

click here for:
Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)

click here for:
Legislative Ethics Commission (LEC)  






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