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Going Where the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption Did NOT:

Joint Commission on Public Ethics


CJA's July 18, 2014 letter to JCOPE --
The Record of JCOPE’s Handling of Complaints:       
Status of CJA’s June 27, 2013 ethics complaint;
Rectifying your violation of Executive Law §94.9(l)(i) ('The Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011') by supplementing your 2012 and 2013 annual reports with the statutorily-required list of assigned numbers for each complaint and referral, including the status of each complaint."  
      EnclosureJuly 11, 2014 letter 

*     *     *

"U.S. Attorney Subpoenas Records of Ethics Panel", New York Times (Suzanne Craig, William Rashbaum), April 30, 2014

"Feds widen crackdown on New York political corruption", New York Post (Carl Campanile, Pat Bailey), April 30, 2014

"Preet Bharara asks for all complaints filed with NYS ethics commission", Daily News (Ken Lovett), April 30, 2014

"Reports: U.S. Attorney goes after state's troubled ethics watchdog", Gannett (Joseph Spector), April 30, 2014

*     *     *

JCOPE sworn complaint procedures with form     

click here for:
CJA's webpage for 
June 27, 2013 ethics complaint
to NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics
& its enclosed April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara "Achieving 'the Dream of Honest Government'"

Commission's June 28, 2013 letter of acknowledgment

CJA's  July 2, 2013 e-mail to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics  -- "Subject: Location of Records of the NYS Ethics Commission, Germane to our June 27, 2013 Ethics Complaint to the NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics, Etc."     -- link to webpage of CJA's ethics complaints to NYS Ethics Commission    CJA's September 23, 2003 letter to Ethics Commission "RE: (1) Preservation of the records of CJA's ethics complaints..."

CJA's August 6, 2013 e-mail to Joint Commission on Public Ethics -- "Subject: What is Your Answer?  Location of Records of the NYS Ethics Commission, Germane to CJA's June 27th JCOPE complaint & to the Investigations of the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption"

*     *     *

Executive Law §94

*     *     *

2013 Annual Report    JCOPE press release

"Investigations and Enforcement" -- 2013

2012 Annual Report    JCOPE press release

"Investigations and Enforcement" -- 2012


 *     *     *


Going Where the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption Did NOT: JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICS






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