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Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote
Public Confidence in Judicial Elections

Chair: John Feerick
Co-Chair: Professor Patricia Salkin

members including Appellate Division 2nd Dept Justice Barry Cozier


CJA's September 18, 2003 e-mail to Commission Counsel Michael Sweeney

(cc) September 23, 2003 letter to NYS Ethics Commission
         SEE:  Correspondence-NYS: Ethics Commission

Inventory of transmitted documents provided to Commission's counsel, Michael Sweeney
         SEE:  Judicial Selection - NYS: Judicial Election: Castracan v. Colavita
                   Test Cases - Federal (Mangano)
                   Test Cases - State (Commission)

Counsel Michael Sweeney's October 3, 2003 e-mail to CJA

CJA's November 6, 2003 letter to Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes -- RE: "Investigation of CJA's April 27, 1994 FULLY-DOCUMENTED criminal complaint against the justices of the Appellate Division, Second Department, consistent with: (a) your duty as Brooklyn District Attorney; (b) your rhetoric about investigating the corruption of judicial elections; AND (c) your membership on the committee formed by Appellate Division, Second Department Presiding Justice Gail Prudenti to study whether the Second Department is ''acting fairly and equitably' when dealing with an attorney's right to practice law'"

CJA's November 13, 2003 memo to Second Dept. Review Committee -- "RE: Fulfilling the mandate of Presiding Justice Prudenti's Committee examining whether the Second Department is "'acting fairly and equitably' when dealing with an attorney's right to practice law' by reviewing the dispositive case file evidence"

November 24, 2003 letter signed by Chairman Feerick & Counsel Michael Sweeney

CJA's November 25, 2003 letter to New York State Bar Association President A. Thomas Levin -- "RE: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE: The New York State Bar Association's duty -- reinforced by your September 16, 2003 testimony before Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections -- to confront case file evidence documentarily establishing the corruption of all safeguards for ensuring the integrity of judicial elections, including: (1) the unconstitutionality of New York's attorney disciplinary law, as written and as applied; and (2) the corruption of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct

Chairman Feerick's generic December 8, 2003 letter

CJA's February 4, 2004 memo to John Feerick & Patricia Salkin, Commission Co-Chairs -- "RE: Request for a Meeting to ensure that the reform recommendations of the Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections are empirically-based and confront the evidentiary proof of systemic corruption endangering the public and eviscerating its rights, exposed by the public interest Election Law lawsuits of Castracan v. Colavita and Sady v. Murphy, suppressed by the judicial, governmental, and bar establishment"

CJA's February 4, 2004 letter to Commission member Lenore Banks, Judicial Off-Board Specialist/NY League of Women Voters -- "RE: Request for a Meeting to ensure that the reform recommendations of the Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections are empirically-based and confront the evidentiary proof of systemic corruption endangering the public and eviscerating its rights, exposed by the public interest Election Law lawsuits Castracan v. Colavita and Sady v. Murphy, suppressed by the judicial, governmental, and bar establishment"

Chairman Feerick's February 12, 2004 letter


Final Report of the Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections -- February 6, 2006





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