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3rd Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation


Chief Judge Wilson's appointment of Eugene Fahey, Esq. 

Disqualified for financial and other interests, arising from his corruption as an associate judge of the New York Court of Appeals.  Together with his five fellow associate judges, Fahey subverted the New York State Constitution, ALL law, and ethical standards to deny/dismiss appeals of right & by leave in CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore, challenging the constitutionality and lawfulness of Chapter 60, Part E of the Laws of 2015, establishing the first Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation -- & of the $80,000 judicial salary raises resulting from its "false instrument" December 24, 2015 Report & the "false instrument" August 29, 2011 Report of its predecessor, the Commission on Judicial Compensation -- of which Fahey and all state judges are financial beneficiaries.   The clawbacks of judicial salary and pension benefits, of which Fahey is liable, from 2012 to his retirement in 2021 -- based on the open-and-shut, prima facie EVIDENCE that is the CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore record -- is probably on the order of a million dollars.
The Court of Appeals' self-interested corrupting of CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore to destroy constitutional, lawful governance and steal vast sums of taxpayer money was the subject of CJA's February 7, 2021 complaint to the Commission on Judicial Conduct, embodied in CJA's March 5, 2021 complaint to JCOPE.  The Commission on Judical Conduct's fraudulent dismissal of the February 7, 2021 complaint was the subject of CJA's November 24, 2021 complaint against it to JCOPE.  All these complaints are exhibits to the verified petition in CJA v. JCOPE, et al. -- a lawsuit whose record is Exhibit B in establishing the corruption of New York's judiciary, disentitling it to ANY salary increases -- Exhibit A being CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore

click her for Futher Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Governor Hochul's appointment of Robert Megna

Disqualified for interest, arising first from his collusion in the "false instrument" August 29, 2011 Report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation and in the unconstitutionality, unlawfulness, & fraud of the NYS Budget -- as to which CJA filed a June 27, 2013 complaint against him with JCOPE and, additionally, a July 11, 2013 complaint against him with the State Inspector General.  In 2016, Governor Cuomo made Megna his last-minute substitute appointee to the 1st Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation, which the year earlier had rendered its "false instrument" December 24, 2015 Report that CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore was already challenging.  In 2019, with CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore at the Court of Appeals, Governor Cuomo appointed Megna to the 2nd Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation.  His corruption as a member and, thereafter, in 2020, as Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer of SUNY would be embodied in CJA's August 31, 2020 complaint to JCOPE.  All three of these complaints, as well as CJA's November 2, 2021 complaint to the State Inspector General encompassing them, are exhibits to the verified petition/complaint in CJA v. JCOPE, et al -- whose second respondent/defendant is the State Inspector General.  In March 2023, shortly after Governor Hochul, a respondent-defendant in CJA v. JCOPE, et al, made Megna her interim budget director, they were sent e-mail updating them as to the unconstitutionality, fraud, and larceny of the FY2023-24 state budget.  

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE

Governor Hochul's appointment of Victor Kovner, ESQ.

Disqualified for interest, as for decades, he has been knowledgeable of and responsible for the corruption infesting New York's judiciary as an original member of the Commission on Judicial Conduct, from 1975 to 1990 and its chair in 1989-1990, thereafter abetting the corruption of both as a board member of the sham Fund for Modern Courts, in which capacity he colluded, in 2010 in creating the statute establishing the Commission on Judicial Compensation, which, inter alia, failed to specify that judicial corruption, on trial, appellate, supervisory and administrative levels, is the threshold "appropriate factor" that would disqualify the judiciary from ANY pay raises -- and who, in 2011, colluded in the corruption of the Commission on Judicial Compensation, including its "false instrument" August 29, 2011 Report.

click here for:  Further Particulars -- & THE EVIDENCE


Temporary Senate President Stewart-Cousins' appointment
Jeremy Weinstein, Esq. 

Disqualified for financial and other interests, as, until his retirement on August 30, 2019, he was a judge whose salary had been raised $80,000 by the "false instrument" August 29, 2011 Report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation and the "false instrument" December 24, 2015 Report of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation.  His "claw-back" liability for the seven-plus years of judicial salary increases he received -- and for the increased pension he currently is receiving -- probably exceeds half a million dollars.

 wikipeda  NY Courts       "He retired from the bench on August 30, 2019...He began his judicial career in 1994"



Govenor Hochul's appointment of
Nadine Fontaine, Esq.

worked in Governor Cuomo's office, from Sept. 2014 - May 2021,
as an assistant counsel and then as a first assistant counsel

DASNY & here


Chief Judge Wilson's appointment of Helene Blank, Esq. 

law firm


Assembly Speaker Heastie's appointment of Theresa Egan, Esq.



*  *  *

click here for Menu Page for:
NY's "Force of Law" Commissions -- Unconstitutionality & Fraud IN PLAIN SIGHT

click here Menu Page for:
VIDEO & Paper Trail Chronology of the Corrupt Commission Scheme
to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers -- 2011 - to date








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