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3rd Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation

CJA's Testimony at
October 13, 2023 Hearing --
& EVIDENCE handed up to each of the seven Commissioners
VIDEO, at 2hrs/31mins.  
transcript pp. 101-108

Part E, Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2015, with Legislative Law §62-1

CJA's October 10, 2023 FOIL request --
"Appointments & Oaths of Office of the 7 Commissioners of the Commission
on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation, as Required by
Public Officers Law §8 & §10, & Website & Other Info"

CJA's November 25, 2019 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Marks --
"Demand that You Withw Your Unsworn November 4, 2019 Testimony
before the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation as FRAUD,
as Likewise Your Submission on which it was Based, Absent Your Denying or Disputing
the Accuracy of My Sworn Testimony"

CJA's August 29, 2023 letter to Commission on Judicial Conduct
"Request for Substantiation & Reconsideration...
CJA's February 23, 2023 conflict-of-interest corruption complaint ...
-- CJA v. JCOPE et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

[CJA v. JCOPE, et al appeal brief & 3-volume record on appeal
given, in hand, to Chair Fahey
with post-it tabs to:
(a) CJA's Nov 24, 2021 complaint to JCOPE vs Commission on Judicial Conduct [R.185]
(b) CJA's Feb. 7, 2021 complaint to Commission on Judicial Conduct [R.241];
(c) CJA's Feb 11, 2021 complaint to Attorney Disciplinary Committees [R.251]

NYLJ - June 13, 2022 --
"Citizens' Groups Seeks to Void Repeal And Replacement of NY Ethics Watchdog"

** Also, given, in hand, to Chair Fahey:
CJA's February 22, 2022 Independent Expert Report chronicling
corruption in the Monroe County Family Court

* * *

CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore

(born Sept 2, 2016 - murdered Feb. 18, 2020 by Court of Appeals associate judges,
including Fahey & Wilson)

CJA v JCOPE, et al. 
vs NYS' ethics entities & the statewide & state legislative electeds they have protected
(born June 6, 2022 -- NOW at the Appellate Division, 3rd Dept)


Held at the NYC Bar Association --
click here for:
NYC Bar Association's complicitous role in NY's judicial corruption
& the fraudulent judicial pay raises...




Legislative Law §62-a

* * *

Press in Action/Inaction





click here:
3rd Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation


*  *  *

click here for Menu Page for:
NY's "Force of Law" Commissions -- Unconstitutionality & Fraud IN PLAIN SIGHT

click here for:
VIDEO & Paper Trail Chronology of the Corrupt Commission Scheme
to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers -- 2011- to date








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