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2019 Commission on Legislative,
Judicial & Executive Compensation


(NYS Budget Director Jan. 2009 - Jan. 2015)

As New  York State budget director, he colluded in the corruption & fraud perpetrated by the August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation, giving rise to CJA's March 30, 2012 declaratory judgment action, AND in the unconstitutionality, unlawfulness, & fraud of the NYS Budget, giving rise to CJA's March 28, 2014 citizen-taxpayer action.  In 2016, he became the Governor's last-minute substitute appointee to the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation.  Apparently, his membership on the prior 2016 Commission is NOT deemed a qualification for his service on the current Commission as it is MISSING from his bio on the current Commission's website 

Megna's abetting role in "grand larceny of the public fisc", accomplished by the statutorily-violative, fraudulent, & unconstitutional August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation -- & unconstitutional and unlawful slush-fund legislative & judiciary budgets


CJA's November 1, 2011 letter to Budget Director Megna  (fax receipt)

enclosed Oct 28, 2011 letter to Commission

enclosed October 28, 2011 letter to Judicial Pay Raise Advocates

link to webpage of:

VIDEO of Commission on Judicial Compensation's July 20, 2011 hearing
  -- Budget Director Megna at 32:34 -- 56:17

                           ---  Budget Director Megan's July 20, 2011 written statement  


cc:  CJA's March 2, 2012 letter to Governor, Temporary Senate President, Assembly Speaker, Chief Judge --
"YOUR FINDINGS OF FACT & CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: Protecting the People of this State & the Public Purse from Judicial Pay Raises that are Unconstitutional, Unlawful, & Fraudulent" 
Ex. A
:  Executive Summary of CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
Ex. B:  CJA's November 29, 2011 complaint to Attorney General Schneiderman's Public Integrity Bureau & its December 7, 2011 determination that "complaint does not warrant action by this office at this time"
Ex. C:  AG Schneiderman's website info as to partnership with Comptroller DiNapoli "to investigate public corruption involving taxpayer funds"; May 23, 2011 NYT article "Accord with Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases"; May 30, 2011 Albany Times Union article "AG, comptroller partnership a no-brainer

Ex. D:  CJA's March 1, 2012 complaint to Comptroller DiNapoli's Investigations Unit

CJA's March 30, 2012 declaratory judgment action -- CJA v. Cuomo, et al.



cc:  CJA's February 1, 2013 letter to Governor --
"Discharging Your Constitutional Duty with Respect to the Judiciary Budget Request for Funding of the Judicial Salary Increases Recommended by the August 29, 2011 'Final' Report of the Special Commission on Judicial Compensation
"  & February 1, 2013 letter to Comptroller & Attorney General

CJA's February 5, 2013 e-mail to Division of Budget --
"Waiting to Hear from You:  What Review Does the Division of Budget Do of the Judiciary Budget?"

CJA's February 26, 2013 letter to Budget Director Megna -- 
"Furnishing the Legislature with Essential Information
: (1) What review did the Division of the Budget do of the Judiciary’s budget for fiscal year 2013-2014?; (2) What is the Division of the Budget’s response to CJA’s testimony at the Legislature’s February 6, 2013 budget hearing on 'public protection', opposing the Judiciary’s budget and funding for the judicial salary increase?"      E-MAIL & Fax Receipts

click here for:
VIDEO of CJA's testimony at Legislature's February 6, 2013 budget hearing --

cc: CJA's March 19, 2013 letter to Governor --
Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty:  The People’s Right to Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary & to be Protected from 'Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc' by Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Pay Raises, whose Fraudulence, Statutory-Violations, and Unconstitutionality are Proven by Documentary Evidence in Your Possession & the Legislature’s"        E-MAIL & Fax Receipt

cc:  CJA's March 29, 2013 letter to Governor's Chief of Staff -- "RE: The Governor’s Duty to Disapprove S.2601-A/A.3001-A (Judiciary/Legislative Appropriations Bill), Pursuant to Article VII, §4 & Article IV, §7 of the New York State Constitution, Because the Legislature Violated Express Constitutional and Statutory Safeguards, as well as its Own Rules, in Passing It  E-MAIL to Megna

CJA's June 27, 2013 conflict-of-interest ethics complaint filed with JCOPE against...Budget Director Megna, with its accompanying April 15, 2013 criminal complaint filed with U.S. Attorney Bharara --

 "...this complaint is against...complicit counsel and professional staffs, who are executive and legislative employees over whom [JCOPE] also [has] jurisdiction. The most important of these, in the executive branch, is Budget Director Robert Megna."  (at p. 1)

"And what about Governor Cuomo's budget director, Robert Megna - to whom we independently turned with a November 1, 2011 letter entitled 'Protecting the Public Purse & Public Interest: Request That You Take Steps to Secure Governor Cuomo's lntroduction of Legislation to Override the Commission on Judicial Compensation's Statutorily-Violative and Unconstitutional Judicial Pay Raise Recommendations'?[fn] The 'proper discharge of his duties in the public interest' required him to notify the Governor, as the letter requested, that the judicial pay raises could not stand because the Commission had only examined judicial salary, not 'compensation and non-salary benefits' as the statute required, and failed to address other statutorily-mandated 'appropriate factors'. Did he do that? Or did he hold back because he was subordinate to the Governor, to whose conflicts of interest he was hostaged? Or did he have his own additional conflicts? All we know is that the Governor took no action." (at p. 6)

JCOPE's June 28, 2013 acknowledgment of the complaint

cc:  CJA's December 11, 2013 letter to Governor... -- [transmitting e-mail-Megna]
:  Your Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third Phase of the Judicial Salary Increase that Will Otherwise Take Effect, Automatically, on April 1, 2014"

cc: CJA's December 30, 2013 letter to Governor -- [transmitting e-mail-Megna, here & here]
  Your Duty to Exclude the Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized Estimates"

CJA's December 31, 2013 FOIL request Governor & Division of the Budget 
“(1) the Legislature’s ‘itemized estimates’ of its ‘financial needs’ for fiscal year 2014-2015, ‘certified by the presiding officer of each house’; (2) the Legislature’s ‘General State Charges’ for fiscal year 2014-2015, also itemized and certified”
 [transmitting e-mail]

           Gov's January 8, 2014 response    Budget Director's January 9, 2014 response



cc:  CJA's January 7, 2014 letter to Governor... -- [transmitting e-mail-Megna]
"'FOLLOWING THE MONEY': The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

cc:  CJA's January 14, 2014 letter to Budget Director Megna... -- [transmitting e-mail-Megna]
"Vindicating the Public’s Rights under Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution & Legislative Law §32-a:
(1) request to testify at the Legislature’s joint budget hearings in opposition to the proposed Judiciary & Legislative budgets;
      (2) request for information/records as to the process, if any, by which the Legislature’s proposed budget was compiled."

CJA's January 15, 2014 FOIL request to Governor & Division of the Budget[transmitting e-mail]
“Have New York Governor’s never furnished the Legislature with ‘Commentary’ or ‘recommendations’ on the Legislature’s proposed budgets pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution?”

   Gov's Jan 23, 2014 acknowledgment    Gov's Feb. 10, 2014 response

     Div of Budget's Jan. 23, 2014 acknowledgment    Div of Budget's Feb. 24, 2014 response

CJA's January 15, 2014 e-mail, January 16, 2014 e-mail, and January 17, 2014 e-mail to Budget Director Megna with relevant FOIL requests to Senate & Assembly

            CJA's January 15, 2014 FOIL request to Senate & Assembly --
The Governor’s 'Commentary' or 'recommendations' on the Legislature’s proposed budgets
             pursuant to Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

            CJA's January 16, 2014 FOIL request to Secretary & Assembly --
            "The process, if any, by which the Legislature's proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015
             was compiled"

            CJA's January 17, 2014 FOIL request to Secretary & Assembly --
The Legislature’s 'General State Charges' and the certifications thereof
             by the Temporary Senate President and Assembly Speaker, as likewise their certifications
             of the Legislature’s proposed operating budgets"

CJA's January 30, 2014 FOIL request to Governor & Division of the Budget -- "FOIL REQUEST: The reappropriations for the Legislature appearing in the out-ot-sequence section at the back of Governor Cuomo's Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551"

      Governor's February 6, 2014 acknowledgment     Governor's March 5, 2014 response

       Div of Budget's February 10, 2014 acknowledgement   Div of Budget's May 2, 2014 response

CJA's February 12, 2014 FOIL request to Governor & Division of the Budget  --
     enclosed February 11, 2014 FOIL/records request to Senate
Fiscal Notes for the Governor’s Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills & his Introducer’s Memoranda:  #S.6351/A.8551 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #S.2601/A.3001 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase; #S.6251/A.9051 (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase”

    Gov's Feb. 20, 2014 acknowledgment      Gov's March 20, 2014 response

    Div of Budget's Feb. 24, 2014 acknowledgment   Div of Budget's March 20, 2014 response


CJA's February 12, 2014 letter to Governor & Division of Budget --
The Governor’s Introducer’s Memoranda for his Article VII Judiciary and Legislative Budget Bills: #A.8551/S.6351 (2014) – third phase of the judicial salary increase; #A.3001/S.2601 (2013) – second phase of judicial salary increase;  #A.9051/S.6251   (2012) – first phase of judicial salary increase."

          Governor's February 20, 2014 acknowledgment

          Div of Budget's February 24, 2014 acknowledgment 

March 28, 2014 --
CJA's 1st citizen-taxpayer action, commenced with verified complaint annexing, as exhibits, CJA's December 11, 2013, December 30, 2013, January 7, 204, and January 14, 2014 letters & the FOIL requests 


FAST FORWARD -- November 2016
Megna parachutes in, as the Governor's appointee, to the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation,  following the sudden, unexplained resignation of the Governor's appointee Gary Johnson

CJA's November 11, 2016 FOIL request --
 "Governor Cuomo's appointment of Robert Megna to the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation"

         November 14, 2016 acknowledgment of CJA's FOIL request by Commission/OCA

             Governor's November 21, 2016 acknowledgment of CJA's FOIL request

                 Governor's December 20, 2016 response  & enclosed Nov. 10, 2016 letter to Robert Megna

                 Commission's December 21, 2016 response (via the OCA)  -- "We have no responsive records regarding the Governor's appointment of Robert Megna. You may wish to direct your inquiry to the Governor's office."

   click here for:
VIDEO of Megna, sitting as a member of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation, at its last meeting on November 15, 2016, following the unexplained resignation of Commissioner Gary Johnson



* * *
 October 22, 2017
"NY Fix it man Megna",
Albany Times Union (Rick Karlin)

* * *

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Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation -- 2019-2020 





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