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The Press in Action --
Reporting & Editorializing on Part HHH,
the Compensation Committee, its December 10, 2018 Report,
& the Lawsuits


September 19, 2018
"Waiting for the compensation committee"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)  & here

November 13, 2018
"State panel to weigh legislative pay hike"
Albany Times Union (Rachel Silberstein)

November 14, 2018
"Legislative pay panel may enlist an attorney"
Albany Times Union (Rachel Silberstein)

November 28, 2018
"Handful of voices weigh in on public officials' pay raises"
Times Union (David Lombardo)

November 30, 2018
"Assembly Speaker Makes Case for Legislative Pay Raise"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

November 30, 2018
"Compensation Committee hears pitch for raises (VIDEO)"
Capital Confidential (David Lombardo)

December 4, 2018
"No reforms, no raise"
Albany Times Union (editorial)

December 7, 2018
"Questions swirl around NY lawmakers' pay panel"
Albany Times Union (Chris Bragg, David Lombardo)

December 8, 2018
"How to earn these raises"
Albany Times Union (editorial)

December 10, 2018
"The legislative pay raise fiasco: A look at how we got here"
Albany Times Union (Richard Brodsky)

December 14, 2018
"Lawsuit aims to block legislators' pay raises"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

December 14, 2018
"Lawsuit Targets State Lawmakers' Pay Raises"
Wall Street Journal (Jimmy Vielkind)

December 14, 2018
"Money (That's what we want"
PODCAST -- Albany Times-Unon (David Lombardo)

December 16, 2018
"It'll take a long time to clean up this legislative salary mess"
Albany Times Union (Richard Brodsky)

December 17, 2018
"Some thoughts on the legislative cost of living increase
and limits on outside income
Albany TImes Union (Assemblyman John McDonald)

December 21, 2018
"Raise for lawmakers survive initial legal hurdle"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

December 23, 2018
"Reject a raise, if you dare"
Albany Times Union (editorial)

January 11, 2019
"NY lawmakers' raises debated in court"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

June 8, 2019
"Fate of legislative raises in doubt after ruling"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

June 7, 2019
"Court strikes down ban on outside income for lawmakers"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

"Judge strikes down ban on outside income for lawmakers (ruling)"
Albany TImes Union (David Lombardo)

June 9, 2019
"Fate of legislative raises in doubt after ruling"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

June 10, 2019
"Nice pay for part-time gig"
Albany Times Union (editorial)

June 11, 2019
"Assembly Dems use taxpayer money to defend pay raise in court"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

June 25, 2019
"AG's office mum on possibilities in pay raise case"
Albany Times Union  (David Lombardo)

July 30, 2019
"Judge clarifies fate of future legislative raises"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

August 16, 2019
"GOP lawmakers argue for voice in case affecting their private employment"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)


August 29, 2019
"Second judge rejects outside income restrictions on state lawmakers"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

September 4, 2019
"Federal lawsuit challenging compensation committee's work is put on hold"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

October 10, 2019
"State drops appeals in cases challenging pay raise commission's work"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

December 12, 2019
"Lawsuit challenges raises for Cuomo, Hochul"
Albany Times Union (Chris Bragg)



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Part HHH & the Committee on Legislative & Executive Compensation --
Unconstitutionality & Fraud in Plain Sight




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