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The Statute Establishing LEC, as Written --

Chapter 14 of the Laws of 2007,
Amended by Chapter 399 of the Laws of 2011

Legislative Law §80

Legislative Law §80
, as Applied --
-- oversight of which was within the purview of the Legislature's Committees on Ethics, Governmental Operations, Oversight, & Commission on Governmental Administration

Examination of annual reports --
would have revealled non-compliance with requirements of annual reports
(ie complaints, recommendations)

2012 Annual Report
(Lanza, O'Donnell, Jordan, Montgomery)
"Complaints and Investigations
As complaints must now be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2013, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." 

2013 Annual Report
(Lanza, Lavine, Breslin, Jordan)
"Complaints and Investigations
As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2012, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." (p. 8).

2014 Annual Report
(Lanza, Lavine, Breslin, Montesano)
"Complaints and Investigations
As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2014, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." (p. 7).

2015 Annual Report
(Lanza, Lavine, Breslin, Montesano)
"Legal Activity
At the direction of the Commission, LEC staff met with The New York Ethics Review Commission,
created by Section 21 of Part A of Chapter 399 of the Laws of New York of 2011. 
Staff provided materials, answered questions from the Review Commission and discussed various matters relative to the LEC.  The New York Ethics Review Commission published its report, Review of the Joint Commission on Public Ethics and the Legislative Ethics Commission on November 1, 2015.
Complaints and Investigations
As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2015, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." (pp. 7-8).

2016 Annual Report
(Lanza, Lavine, Brelin, Montesano)
"Complaints and Investigations   
As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2016, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." (at p. 8)

2017 Annual Report
(Lanza, Lavine, Breslin, Montesano)
"Complaints and Investigations   
As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2016, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE." (at p. 7)

2018 Annual Report
(Lanza, Simotas, Breslin, Montesano)
"As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2016, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE.
Pursuant to Legislative Law §80(11), the LEC will refer a matter for which the commission has a
'reasonable basis to believe' that a person subject to another state oversight body
may have violated section seventy-three or seventy-four of the Public Officers Law." (at p. 7)

2019 Annual Report
(Breslin, Simotas, Lanza, Montesano)
"As complaints must be filed with the Joint Commission on Public Ethics,
the instructions for filing complaints with JCOPE are available on the LEC website. 
In 2016, the Legislative Ethics Commission referred all parties who wished to file a complaint to JCOPE.
Pursuant to Legislative Law §80(11), the LEC will refer a matter for which the commission has a
'reasonable basis to believe' that a person subject to another state oversight body
may have violated section seventy-three or seventy-four of the Public Officers Law." (at p. 7)

examination of the required
JCOPE/LEC Review Commission Report

the holding of a hearing --
with testimony by Commissioners
& other witnesses;

findings of fact & conclusions of law,
embodied in committee report -- in support of legislation



John M. Brickman, Esq. -- since 2016

Peter V. Coffey, Esq.  bio -- since at least 2012

Ellen Holtzman, Esq.  bio -- since at least 2012

John J. Nigro  
bio  --
since at least 2012

Going Forward --
starting with complainants &
their substantiating complaints, FOIL requests, & lawsuits

and also including the press pertaining to their reporting

Legislative Law Article 4
"Legislative Committee;
Taking of
Testimony in Legislative Committees"




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