September 17, 2013 Public Hearing of the Commission to
Investigate Public Corruption
full video of hearing
US Attorney Lynch's testimony at 36:49 mins. to 59:32 mins.
transcript of her testimony
her written statement
Ordinary citizen witnesses testimony:
beginning at
1:52:50 hrs.
click here for:
clip of
Elena Sassower's testimony
* * *
As for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption's cover-up of the evidence before it of
U.S. Attorney Lynch's corruption -- and the corruption of U.S. Attorney
Bharara, see:
April 23, 2014 intervention motion in "Legislature's"
declaratory judment action v. Commission to Investigte Public Corruption
April 23, 2014 Affidavit (¶¶62, 65, 73-75)
April 23, 2014 Verified Complaint
(¶¶24-25, 29, 59, 66, 71, 93,
99, 123, 124 & Exhibit B-3)