"Journalistic Malpractice:
Suing Jayson Blair and the New York
for Fraud and Negligence",
Clay Calvert &
Professor Robert D. Richards,
14 Fordham Intellectual Property,
Media & Entertainment Law Journal 1 (2003-2004)
p.28: "...The legal remedies proposed
here merely await application in a court of law; the authors of this
Article argue that it is now time to put them to the test."
Professor Clay
& Professor Robert D. Richards, Co-Director,
Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment at Pennsylvania State
CJA's September 9, 2005 e-mail --
"Putting into
Practice Your Recommendations in 'Journalistic Malpractice..."
September 9, 2005 automated e-mail
Professor Calvert's September 9, 2005 e-mail (4:43 p.m.)
CJA's September 9, 2005 e-mail --
"Thank You!" (4:51 p.m.)
CJA's September 10, 2005 e-mail
-- "To Facilitate Your Review..." (10:07 a.m.)
CJA's September 23, 2005 e-mail --
"Your Much Awaited Evaluation"
(12:01 p.m.)
Professor Calvert's September 23, 2005 e-mail (1:16 p.m.)
CJA's September 23, 2005 e-mail --
"Thank You!" (1:18 p.m.)
Professor Calvert's September 24, 2005 e-mail --
"Re: Your Much
Awaited Evaluation" (1:23 p.m.)
CJA's October 3, 2005 e-mail --
"When Would It Be Convenient For Me
To Call You?" (11:51 a.m.)
CJA's October 10, 2005 e-mail
-- "Again, When Would It Be Convenient For Me To Call You?, ETC."
(12:22 p.m.)
CJA's October 21, 2005 e-mail --
CJA's November 8, 2005 e-mail --
"The Lawsuit vs The NYT for
Journalistic Fraud has been Commenced!" (5:51 p.m.)
CJA's February 19, 2006 e-mail -- "Reconsideration -- Lawsuit vs
NYT for journalistic fraud" (3:23 p.m.)
cc: CJA's March 13, 2006 memo to Professor Eric M. Freedman/Hofstra
University School of Law -- "Landmark Public Interest Lawsuit against
The New York Times & the January 19, 2007 Conference "Reclaiming the First
Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional Theories of Media Reform"
cc: CJA's March 24, 2006 memo
CJA's December 14, 2006 memo
COMMENTARY: 'Journalistic Malpractice: Suing Jayson Blair and the
New York Times for Fraud and Negligence': Request for Your Amicus
Curiae and Other Legal Assistance, Pro Bono or Paid, in
Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in
Vindication of the First Amendment -- & for Your Bringing the Case into
First Amendment & Media Law Scholarship & Commentary"
CJA's April 4, 2007
memo to indicated recipients including Professors Calvert & Richards --
"Fostering a 'Culture of Collaboration' between Academia and Activists:
Putting into Practice Law Review Recommendations for Media Reform and
Accountability -- CJA's Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times,
Championing "Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere"
CJA's May 1, 2007 memo -- "LAW DAY -- & the Just-Filed Appeal
Brief vs The New York Times for Journalistic Fraud"