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Special Feature:
Co-Sponsored with New York University's Brennan Center for Justice

"Reclaiming the First Amendment:
A Conference on Constitutional Theories of Media Reform


CJA's March 13, 2006 memo to Conference Co-Director-Hofstra Professor Eric M. Freedman -- "Landmark Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times & the January 19, 2007 Conference "Reclaiming the First Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional Theories of Media Reform"
           [indicated copies to:  Professor Jerome Barron, George Washington University Law School
                                          Professor C. Edwin Baker, University of Pennsylvania Law School
                                          Professor Lili Levi, University of Miami School of Law
                                          Professor Ellen P. Goodman, Rutgers School of Law at Camden
                                          Professor Robert McChesney, Institute of Communications Research,
                                               College of Communications/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                                          Professors Clay Calvert & Robert D. Richards, Co-Directors
                                               Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment at Pennsylvania State University
                                          Marjorie Heins, Esq./Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law

CJA's March 24, 2006 memo-- "Vindicating the First Amendment: Elena Ruth Sassower, et al. v. The New York Times Company, et al."

CJA's December 14, 2006 memo to Professor Freedman --
"PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE -- & PRACTICE INTO SCHOLARSHIP & COMMENTARY: Request for Your Amicus Curiae and Other Legal Assistance, Pro Bono or Paid, in Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in Vindication of the First Amendment -- & for Your Bringing the Case into First Amendment & Media Law Scholarship & Commentary, Including at the January 19, 2007 Conference: 'Reclaiming the First Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional Theories of Media Reform'"

CJA's December 14, 2006 memo to all conference participants --
"PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE -- & PRACTICE INTO SCHOLARSHIP & COMMENTARY:  Request for Your Amicus Curiae and Other Legal Assistance, Pro Bono or Paid, in Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in Vindication of the First Amendment -- & for Your Bringing the Case into First Amendment & Media Law Scholarship & Commentary, Including at the January 19, 2007 Conference: 'Reclaiming the First Amendment: A Conference on Constitutional Theories of Media Reform'"



CJA's January 17, 2007 e-mail to all conference participants --
"Jan. 19, 2007 conference -- Putting into Practice 'Constitutional Theories of Media Reform' in Vindication of the First Amendment"

CJA's January 17, 2007 e-mail to Professor Malla Pollack --
"Jan 19, 2007 conference -- Putting into Practice 'Constitutional Theories of Media Reform' in Vindication of the First Amendment"

Professor Pollack's January 22, 2007 e-mail response --
"RE: Jan 19, 2007 conference -- Putting into Practice 'Constitutional Theories of Media Reform' in Vindication of the First Amendment"

CJA's April 4, 2007 memo to indicated recipients including Professor Freeman --
"Fostering a 'Culture of Collaboration' between Academia and Activists: Putting into Practice Law Review Recommendations for Media Reform and Accountability -- CJA's Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times, Championing "Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere"

CJA's May 1, 2007 memo to Professor Freedman -- with cc's to scholar-presenters of the Jan 19, 2007 conference --
"LAW DAY -- & the Just-Filed Appeal Brief vs The New York Times for Journalistic Fraud"








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