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Judicial Selection

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State (Commission)

"Disruption of Congress"
Paper Trail to Jail
Paper Trail from Jail
The Appeals

Judicial Compensation

Informing the Voters

Press Suppression

Suing The New York Times
Background Paper Trail

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CJA's January 4, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"Asking 'Tough Questions' of CUOMO -- & of NY's other incumbent public officers --
NOW so as to make the 2018 ELECTIONS competitive!"

CJA's January 7, 2018 e-mail to Empire Report/NY --
"tried to send a tip via your website -- but it disappeared..."

CJA's January 8, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"LEAD -- Alert to NYS Republican Party: YOU CAN EASILY DEFEAT CUOMO, et al. -- & AT NO COST"

CJA's January 11, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"DO YOU WANT THIS LEAD? -- ALERT to NYS Conservative Party:
You can easily defeat, Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli -- & other incumbents -- & AT NO COST"

CJA's January 14, 2018 e-mail to Auburn.pub
"Questions for Congressman John Katko -- & Election Lead"

CJA's January 15, 2018 e-mail to Daily News --
"THE  MISSING BACKSTORY to your today's story on the Jan 10th GOP strategy meeting:
The corruption 'right at (Cuomo's) doorstep'"

CJA's January 15, 2018 e-mail Daily News --
"Your Jan. 8th article -- & CJA's ALERT, based thereon, to the NYS Conservative Party
that it could "EASILY defeat Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli -- & other incumbents --

 cc: CJA's January 21, 2018 e-mail to Daily News --
"Has Stephanie Miner informed NYPAN that CUOMO CAN EASILY BE DEFEATED --
& WITHOUT MONEY -- by a scandal that will achieve non-partisan, ANTI-CORRUPTION,
good-gov't reforms for the benefit of NY's 99%"

CJA's January 17, 2018 e-mail to Ross Barkan --
"YET AGAIN: Winning your race for NYS Senate does NOT require money. 
It requires nothing more than reporting the EVIDENCE of government corruption for which Senator Golden and his collusive fellow public officers must be indicted!"
CJA's October 4, 2017 e-mail

CJA's January 17, 2018 e-mail to New York Times --
"The 'slow to develop' race for governor --
Your today's article 'Cuomo Amasses $30 Million War Chest"

cc: CJA's January 21, 2018 e-mail --
"Has Stephanie Miner informed NYPAN that CUOMO CAN EASILY BE DEFEATED --
& WITHOUT MONEY -- by a scandal that will achieve non-partisan, ANTI-CORRUPTION,
good-gov't reforms for the benefit of NY's 99%"

CJA's January 23, 2018 e-mail to Newsday --
"Family Secrets: Cox, Catsimatidis & the corruption DIRECTLY involving Cuomo,
blowing open the 2018 electoral races -- & putting an END to Albany's 'culture of corruption'"

CJA's January 18, 2018 e-mail to Public Accountability Initiative -- LittleSis.org --
"Governor Cuomo, the Commission on Judicial Compensation
& Bill Mulrow's chairmanship of Cuomo's 2018 re-election campaign, etc..."

CJA's January 23, 2018 e-mail to Newsday --
"Family Secrets: Cox, Catsimatidis & the corruption DIRECTLY involving Cuomo, blowing open the 2018 electoral races -- & putting an END to Albany's 'culture of corruption'"

January 31, 2018 e-mail to Politico --
"Politico-NY's Budget Guide is SERIOUSLY inaccurate, misleading --
& deprives readers of what they most need to know
about incumbent public officers seeking re-election & higher office in this election year"



CJA's February 2, 2018 e-mail to Chris Carola, David Klepper

CJA's Febuary 13-14, 2018 e-mail to Bradley Tusk/NY Observer --
"LEAD: Republican & Conservative 'political leaders' are NOT 'suck in the boring dynamic' that will result in Cuomo's re-election.  Rather they are knowingly and deliberately 'protecting' Cuomo to save their own corrupt legislative incumbents"

CJA's February 15, 2018 e-mail to Associated Press --
"Proposal for Rectifying Follow-Up Coverage"

CJA's February 16, 2018 e-mail to WNYC
Reclaim NY's RECLAIMER: 'WNYC Attacks on Reclaim New York
Only Shows Mission to Empower New Yorkers is More Important Than Ever"

CJA's February 19, 2018 e-mail to WENY-NEWS --
"NEWS LEAD -- 'they'll have to figure out how to eliminate a $4.4 billion budget deficit'. 
Let them start by removing the fraud"

CJA's February 21, 2018 e-mail to WENY-MEWS --

CJA's February 21, 2018 e-mail to WNYC Robert Lewis

CJA's February 20-22, 2018 e-mail chain to Bureau Chief Allison Dunne --
"NEWS LEAD -- Your just-published article & broadcast
'Hudson Valley Republicans Consider Runs For Top NYS Offices"

CJA's February 23, 2018 e-mail to Sandra Peddie --
"Empowering Long Island Voters: CJA's citizen-taxpayer actions --
& testimony at the Legislature's budget hearings, Etc."
attached June 26, 1998 fax

CJA's February 26, 2018 e-mail to Daily News Reporter Lovett --
"Why are you wasting time?  NYS GOP Chair Cox and GOP county chairs
have the OPEN-AND-SHUT EVIDENCE to bring down Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli --
& DeFrancisco -- for corruption.  Do they deny it requires criminal indictments?"

CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to Sandra Peddie --
"Follow-up: Empowering L.I. Voters with Info about the On-the-Job Performance
of their Senate & Assembly Delegation"

CJA's February 27, 2018 Albany Times Union columnist Grondahl --
"What 'Fake News' Looks Like: 'Want to talk about the state's money?
Budget plenty of time' -- 2/11/18 -- AP Chris Carola"

CJA's February 28, 2018 e-mail to Robert Lewis --
"Your Criminal Justice Beat -- & the 2018 Elections"

CJA's February 20, 2018 e-mail to NYT/Vivian Wang --
(cc to Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Metro, Editorial, Jesse McKinley)
"Correcting & Adding to Your 'Albany Agenda' (NYT/Feb. 20, 2018) --

CJA's February 25, 2018 e-mail to Buffalo News/Robert McCarthy --
"PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's February 26, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Ken Lovett's Feb 26th Daily News article -- 'State GOP discontentment with Cox growing"

CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"As discussed -- 3 MUST-SEE VIDEOS that blow open this year's elections"

CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to Former Albany Times Union reporter,
now its occasional columnist Paul Grondahl -- "What 'Fake News' Looks Like:
'Want to talk about the state's money? Budget plenty of time' --
2/11/18 -- AP Chris Carola"

CJA's February 28, 2018 e-mail --
"Request for Legislative Gazette investigation & report of CJA's citizen-testimony
at the Legislature's Jan. 30, 2018 and Feb. 5, 2018 budget hearings"

cc:  CJA's March 30, 2018 e-mail to Assemblywoman Fahy --
"'this is how we show we're high functioning' -- Assemblywoman Fahy
(VIDEO & article "New York State Budget...', 3/30/18 Spectrum News-Nick Reisman)"

CJA's March 30, 2018 e-mail to State of Politics --
"The NYS budget is 'off the constitutional rails' --
Why shouldn't State of Politics be the FIRST to report and corroborate same?"


CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Gazette Editor James Gormley --
"Training Journalists, Consistent with the Legislative Gazette's Mission --
Request for Investigation & Report of CJA's Citizen-Testimony
at the Jan. 30, 2018 and Feb. 5, 2018 Budget Hearings"

CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to James Gormley --
"Thank you, Mr. Chartock: Legislative Gazette -- & WAMC Media Project"  

CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Alan Chartock

CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Gazette Editor Gormley
& WAMC Media Project Co-Host Rex Smith --
"Thank you, Mr. Chartock: Legislative Gazette -- & WAMC Media Project"  

CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Sandra Peddie --
"What's the status?..."   

CJA's March 2, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"STATUS: Asking 'Tough Questions' of CUOMO --
& of NY's other incumbent public officers -- NOW
so as to make the 2018 Elections competitive!"

CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to Luke Parsnow/Syracuse New Times --
"The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth -- and I can prove it.  Will you report --
and break a MAJOR news story that will upend this year's electoral races for governor,
attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?" 

CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to Luke Parsnow, etc. --
"The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth -- and I can prove it.  Will you report --
and break a MAJOR news story that will upend this year's electoral races for governor,
attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?" 

CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

CJA's March 8, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"FW: STATUS: Asking 'Tough Questions' of CUOMO --
& of NY's other incumbent public officers -- NOW
so as to make the 2018 Elections competitve!"

McCarthy's March 9, 2018 e-mail --
"RE: AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

CJA's March 9, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Thank you..."

CJA's March 9, 2018 e-mail to Sandra Peddie --
"ONE LAST TIME:  "What's the status?..."   and here

CJA's March 9, 2018 e-mail to Sandra Peddie --

CJA's March 11, 2018 e-mail to Newsday editors & editorial board --
"CORRECTION REQUIRED: Ending the 'entrenched political system that has bred cronyism
and corruption over decades' is EASY!  Here's the PROOF --"

CJA's March 11, 2018 e-mail to Newsday editors & editorial board --
"CORRECTION REQUIRED: CJA's Februry 23, 2018 proposal, with substantiating PROOF"

CJA's March 12, 2018 e-mail to Newsday editors & editorial board --
"Correcting 'CORRECTION REQUIRED: Ending the 'entrenched political system
that has bred cronyism and corruption over decades' is EASY!  Here's the PROOF --'"

CJA's March 12, 2018 e-mail to Newsday's Albany Bureau Yancey Roy & Michael Gormley __
"CORRECTION REQUIRED: CJA's Februry 23, 2018 proposal, with substantiating PROOF"

CJA's March 12, 2018 e-mail to Daily Gazette --
"Proposal: Go Interactive & ask Daily Gazette readers what they think --
and what they expect from their incumbent legislators and candidates seeking their votes"

McCarthy's March 13, 2018 e-mail --
"PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's March 13, 2018 e-mail --

CJA's March 14, 2018 e-mail to Robert Lewis --
"The VIDEOS -- & Reclaim NY's RECLAIMER: 'WNYC Attacks on Reclaim New York
Only Shows Mission to Empower New Yorkers is More Important Than Ever'"

CJA's March 15, 2018 e-mail to Harding, with cc to Editor Jeremy Boyer
"Questions for Republican County Chairs, for Molinaro -- & for Republican Chair Cox"

Daily Gazette's March 16, 2018 e-mail

CJA's March 16, 2018 e-mail to Syracus Post Standard reporter Mark Weiner
"FW: Alert to NYS Republican Party:

CJA's March 16, 2018 e-mail to Syracuse Post Standard reporter Weiner --
"background correspondence with Syracuse Post Standard --"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail to Parsnow --
"Did you read my March 7, 2018 e-mail on 'The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth...
[and] the electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail to Parsnow --
"March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"
click here for forwarded March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

CJA's March 17, 2018 e-mail to NYT/Goldmacher --
"Your yesterday's article, Bradley Tusk -- & your availability for a conversation"
cc: Bradley Tusk

CJA's March 17, 2018 e-mail to NYT/Goldmacher --
(cc to Rosenthal, Metro, Editorial, Jesse McKinley)
"Your yesterday's article, Bradley Tusk -- & your availability for a conversation"

CJA's March 20, 2018 e-mail to NYT/McKinley --
(cc: to Goldmacher, Rosenthal, Wang, Metro, Editorial)
"Those 'so-called Senate certifications' & other EVIDENCE of
Comptroller DiNapoli's betrayal of the duties of his office --
mandating NYT investigation & report about him & other public officers in this ELECTION YEAR"

CJA's March 21, 2018 e-mail to Goldmacher --
"Cynthia Nixon's campaign treasurer, Zephyr Teachout, is a lawyer & constitutional scholar.
Shouldn't she know about the citizen-taxpayer actions & complaints vs Cuomo that you have known of,
since Jan 17th -- but not reported on"      correction

CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Correspondents' Association reporters --
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Daily News Editorial Board --
"Your today's editorial 'Capitol offenses...' --
Securing justice & accountability for Daily News readers & '19 million New Yorkers'"

cc: Nick Reisman -- Spectrum News
CJA's March 30, 2018 e-mail to Assemblywoman Fahy

CJA's March 30, 2018 email to State of Politics (Spectrum News)


CJA's April 6, 2018 message to Sinclair

CJA's April 6, 2018 e-mail to Albany Times Union, etc.
"Verifying the TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message is EASY. 
Here's the EVIDENCE -- "

 CJA's April 7, 2018 e-mail to Sinclair-Owned CBS-6/WGRB --
"REPORTING THE TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' message that Liz Bishop read, on air --
& that Deadspin included in its composite statement"

CJA's April 9, 2018 e-mail to Sinclair-Owned CNY-Central --
"REPORTING THE TRUTH of Sinclair's "fake news" message,

CJA's April 9, 2018 e-mail to Syracue Post Standard reporter Weiner --
"TAKING THE LEAD: ENDING the 'FAKE NEWS' that pervades New York's 2018 electoral race for governor -- and for attorney general, comptroller & all legislative seats"

 CJA's April 9, 2018 e-mail to reporter Weiner -- 
"FW: CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making, happening now & behind-closed-doors, is constitutional? How about The New York Times?"

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to reporter Julie McMahon --
(cc: Mark Weiner, Patrick Lohmann, Chris Baker)
"TAKING THE LEAD:  Upending the 2018 electoral races with fully-documented, readily-verifiable stories germane to your reporting on 'courts, government, and other issues affecting the taxpayer' -- & to the reporting of reporters Weiner, Lohmann, & Baker"

Reporter McMahon's April 11, 2018 e-mail

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to reporter McMahon--
"Thank you..."

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to Albany Times Union, etc.  --
"The TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message -- & the 'game-changing' electoral significance of my media-suppressed testimony at the Legislature's Jan. 30/Feb 5, 2018 budget hearings"

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to Smith & Chartock --
"Time to Update the Albany Times Union website -- The TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message -- & the 'game-changing' electoral significance of my media-suppressed testimony at the Legislature's Jan. 30/Feb 5, 2018 budget hearings"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail to Luke Parsnow, etc --  & here
"Did you read my March 7, 2018 e-mail on 'The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth...
[and] the electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail to Prasnow, etc --   & here
"March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"
click here for forwarded March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

 CJA's April 10, 2018 e-mail (Public Media)-- "Follow-up -- The dishonest, cover-up journalism of NPR/PBS correspondents Karen DeWitt & Matt Ryan, ongoing and unabated" --
attached: CJA's December 23, 2015 e-mail --
"Responding to 'DA Fitzpatrick responds to Albany corruption...' (WVRO, Dec. 23, 2015)"  

CJA's April 12, 2018 e-mail to Loper, DeWitt, Ryan --
"Response?  Follow-up -- The dishonest, cover-up journalism
of NPR/PBS correspondents Karen DeWitt & Matt Ryan, ungoing and unabated"

CJA's April 12, 2018 e-mail to reporter Fred Mogul --
"WNYC Reporting & Analysis -- March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-closed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

CJA's April 12, 2018 e-mail to reporter Mogul --
"WNYC Reporting & Analaysis -- August 6, 2017 NOTICE: 'PUTTING AN END TO 'FAKE NEWS' --
& ANSWERING CASEY SEILER's QUESTION: 'Has anybody seen the website of the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?'  (Albany Times Union, 8/5/17 webposting)"
 re-transmitted -- August 6, 2017 e-mail

CJA's April 12, 2018 e-mail to reporter Robert Lewis --
"Status of my March 14, 2018 e-mail to you --"

CJA's April 13, 2018 e-mail to Journal News' News Director Mary Dolan --
"Gannett's Journal News/LoHud webite -- & reporting on the 37th Senate District contest
between Shelley Mayer & Julie Killian"

CJA's April 14, 2018 e-mail to Daily News columnist Harry Siegel --
"'The challenge Cuomo deserves' is NOT coming from Cynthia Nixon's 'smart and well staged campaign' --
& here's the PROOF --"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail --    
"Did you read my March 7, 2018 e-mail on 'The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth...
[and] the electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail --  
"March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"
click here for forwarded March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

cc: CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail
"CJA's media-unreported March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"
click here for forwarded March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail to Mike Poulopoulos/StateWatch-NY --
"CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to you: 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,
happening now & behind-closed-doors is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

Mike Poulopoulos' April 16, 2018 e-mail

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail -- "Thanks..."

CJA's April 24, 2018 e-mail to Allison Dunne --
"Looking beyond today's special election for the 37th Senate district seat --
& your April 18th/19th interviews of Julie Killian & Shelley Mayer"

CJA's April 28, 2018 e-mail to Buffalo News reporter Jey Rey --
"Your April 27th articles: Was there 1 meeting with AG Schneiderman, or 2? 
And were you at both, etc?"

CJA's April 29, 2018 e-mail to Syracuse Post-Standard --
"What's happening? -- April 11th e-mail: 'TAKING THE LEAD:
'Upending the 2018 electoral races with fully-documented, readily-verifiable stories
germane to your reporting..."

CJA's April 30, 2018 e-mail to Buffalo News reporter Rey --
"Resent -- Your April 27th articles..."

 CJA's April 30, 2018 e-mail to Syracue Post-Standard --
"Resent:  What's happening?..."


CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail to Syracuse Post-Standard --
"'Adult Supervision Required':
Please forward to your editors,
whose names & phone numbers I again request"

CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail to Syracuse Post-Standard --
"Correction to:  Adult Supervision Required"

McMahon's belatedly-discovered May 1, 2018 e-mail

CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail to Watchdog Team Editor Mike McAndrew --
"Three Men in a Rom -- & the 2018 elections... --
A fitting assignment for the Buffalo News Watchdog Tem that you head!"

CJA's May 9, 2018 e-mail to New Yorker Magazine Journalists Ronan Farrow & Jane Mayer --
"AG SCHNEIDERMAN's OTHER SIDE:  his 'professional conduct' and 'operations of the office'"

CJA's May 12, 2018 e-mail to Joe Patrice/Above the Law

CJA's May 10, 2018 message to Sarah Jaffe --
"Your reporting on the Working Families Party, Cuomo, Nixon, Teachout, Etc."

CJA's May 20, 2018 contact request for Seth Barron

CJA's May 20, 2018 contact request for Bob McManus

CJA's May 20, 2018 e-mail to David Freedlander/NY Magazine


CJA's August 9, 2018 e-mail to Parsnow
"NEWS TIP: Start Focusing on the Corruption of the NY ATTORNEY GENERAL,
if You Want to End 'Legislative Misconduct' & Other Gov't Corruption..."

CJA's August 20, 2018 e-mail to NY Magazine --
"URGENT MESSAGE FOR CHRIS SMITH: 'Cuomo, Again? Heavy is the head that wears this crown"

CJA's August 26, 2018 e-mail to Spectrum News Political Reporters Errol Lewis & Liz Benjamin --
"August 28th Debate:  Challenging Brazen Lies &
 the Distortion of the AG's Constitutional Function
by the 4 Democratic AG Candidates"

CJA's August 24, 2018 e-mail to Spectrum News Political Reporter Lewis 

CJA's August 25, 2018 e-mail to Spectrum News Political Reporter Benjamin

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to the Press --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's Democratic AG debate --
Challenging the brazen lies & distortion of the AG's constitutional function -- WITH EVIDENCE"

sent, on Aug. 28th to additional press:  here

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to Farrow & Mayer --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's Democratic AG candidates debate --

Challenging the brazen lies & distortion of the AG's constitutional function -- WITH EVIDENCE"

CJA's August 28, 2028 e-mail to David Goodman --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's AG candidates debate..."

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to Pamela Newkirk --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's AG candidates debate..." 

CJA's August 31, 2018 e-mail to City & State--
"Jeff Klein, the IDC -- & fellow incumbents, both Democratic & Republican,
running for re-election -- & the 4 posturing liars who are the Democratic AG candidates"



CJA's September 5, 2018 e-mail to Brian Lehrer --
"Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's September 5, 2018 e-mail to City & State --
"Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' at to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA' September 5, 2018 e-mail to NY Press --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's September 8, 2018 e-mail to FAQ-NYC political podcasters --
The unreported backstory to the AG race -- & its explosive consequences to the races for governor,
lieutenant governor, comptroller & all NY Assembly & Senate seats" & here

September 18, 2018 message (6:27am) to Townhall,
its "Contact Us" webpage

How about reporting on New York's "fake news" problem -- and the rigging of New York's elections by The New York Times and New York's other mostly "liberal"/"progressive" media?

I am director and co-founder of a non-partisan, nonprofit citizens' organization, Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA), with an archive of 30 years of EVIDENCE, posted on our website, www.judgewatch.org -- and including two ground-breaking lawsuits against The New York Times and Gannett, suing both for their journalistic fraud and election-rigging -- each lawsuit "thrown" by fraudulent judicial decisions of the New York courts: http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/press-suppression/press-suppression.htm .

The Times -- & other NY media -- are election-rigging for Cuomo -- covering up his corruption involving the state budget and fraudulent commission-based judicial and district attorney pay raises it embeds, laid out, "on a silver platter", in a succession of citizen-lawsuits, going back more than 6 years -- and culminating in a monumental citizen-taxpayer action -- all defended by litigation fraud of the state attorney general, in the absence of ANY legitimate defense and "thrown" by fraudulent judicial decisions. Throughout all these years, The Times & New York's other, mostly liberal"/"progressive media, have suppressed all report of these FULLY-DOCUMENTED lawsuits and, likewise, of the FULLY-DOCUMENTED criminal and ethics complaints that prosecutorial and disciplinary authorities have been "sitting on"-- with knowledge that they expose that Cuomo must be indicted for his "grand larceny" of the public fisc and other corruption, as likewise other high public officers, also up for re-election. Here's the link to our webpage on Cuomo -- http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/elections/2018/cuomo.htm -- which The Times, among other media, has had since January -- http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/elections/press/nytimes.htm

I am available to assist you to THE MAX.
Please forward to Matt Vespa & other journalists covering the New York political scene -- and the media.

Thank you.

Elena Sassower, Director
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)



CJA's October 10, 2018 e-mail to Yale Politic --
"Follow-up: 'Financing Identity...': $ is NOT the problem"

CJA's October 22, 2018 e-mail to Darren Chang/Cornell Daily Sun --
"'The Death of the Campaign Debate' --

CJA's October 22, 2018 e-mail to WCBS TV & Radio Moderators Kramer & Lamb --
"Questioning for Tomorrow's Gubernatorial Debate -- ISSUE #1 CORRUPTION --
unlawful and unconstitutional judicial pay raises & the NYS Budget,
 including behind-closed-doors 3-men-in-a-room budget deal-making"

CJA's October 23, 2018 e-mail to Terry Golway/Politico-New York --
"Your today's Playbook on the 'CUOMO vs MOLINARO debate' --
& The politically-explosive corruption story that Politico has been 'sitting on' for years..."

CJA's October 25, 2018 e-mail to Spectrum News Political Reporters
Errol Louis & Liz Benjamin
"Oct. 30th Attorney General Debate -- The Voters' Entitlement to Know About Corruption within the AG's Office, corrupting the judicial process with litigation fraud to perpetuate a corrupt status quo in which both major parties are collusive"

CJA's October 27, 2018 e-mail to City Limits Executive Editor Jarrett Murphy --
to Debate Moderators Louis, Benjamin
"What role, the AG? -- City Limits' Oct. 23rd article --
"Wofford Outsider Run for Attorney General Links Corruption to State Economy' (Roshan Abraham)"

click here for:
Educating the Candidates & Public About the Attorney General's Role

The AG's core function -- his job #1 -- is to ensure that the state & its public officers
comply with the NYS Constitution & that laws promulgated are in conformity therewith --
& YES, he has authority to investigate & prosecute public corruption

CJA's October 28, 2018 e-mail to Press --
"What role, the AG?' -- public corruption & the Oct. 30th AG debate"
cc: to the attorney general candidates

CJA's October 30, 2018 e-mail to gubernatorial candidates Molinaro,
Miner, Hawkins, Sharpe
"Behind-the-scenes of today's attorney general debate -- relevant to the gubernatorial and comptroller races"


November 1, 2018 e-mails --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate --
Why shouldn't 'long-shot' candidates become the front-runners?"
New York Times  public media   other press  &  here 

CJA's November 30, 2018 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
"Your just published article 'Assembly Speaker Makes Case for Legislative Pay Raise"  


CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to NYT --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee --
today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Newsday --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Albany Times Union & Karen DeWitt --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Susan Arbetter, Liz Benjamin, Jon Campbell, Dan Clark, Fred Dicker, Zack Fink, Bill Mahoney, Politico, Tom Precious, WNYC-NY --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Dan Clark, Robert Harding, Carl Campanile, Luke Parsnow, Robert McCarthy, Daily News; Statewatch; David Klepper; City Limits, Patrick Lohman, Tery Golway, Fred Mogul, Brian Lehrer, Ben Max, Jarrett Murphy, New York Post, Legislative Gazette, Alan Chartock, Errol Louis, Liz Benjamin --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to City & State, Harry Siegel, Ross Barkan, Marie French --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"



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