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PLAINTIFFS' March 21, 2006 VERIFIED COMPLAINT   (the 1st full day of Spring)
   Exhibit A:   “When the Judge Sledgehammered The Gadfly”,
                     NYT, November 7, 2004, Westchester Section, p. 1,
                     by Marek Fuchs, with plaintiffs' paragraph-by-paragraph
                     analysis  --  Accompanying primary source documents
                      substantiating analysis of para. 14:
                  Attachment #1: pp 28-35 of the transcript of NYS Senate
                         Judiciary Committee’s January 23. 2003 hearing to confirm
                         Gov Pataki’s “merit selected” appointment of Susan Read
                          to the NY Court of Appeals
                  Attachment #2: Plaintiffs’ written opposition testimony,
                          NYS Senate Judiciary Committee’s January 22, 2003
                          hearing, with documentary appendix
                  Attachment #3:  CJA's January 29, 2003 memo to NYT
                          Editorial Board, enclosing plaintiffs’ January 29, 2003
                          letter to NYT Albany Bureau Chief, with Syracuse Post-
                          Standard’s editorial,  “A Flawed Process” (1/27/03) and
                          news article, “DeFrancisco quiets a critic” (1/23/03)
                  Attachment #4: CJA's February 7, 2003 e-mail/memo to
                          Eleanor Randolph, NYT Editorial Board
                  Attachment #5: CJA's February 11, 2003 proposed Letter to the
                  Attachment #6:  CJA's March 6, 2003 e-mail/memo to Eleanor
                          Randolph, NYT Editorial Board
     Exhibit B:      CJA's June 11, 2003 memorandum-complaint to NYT
                        Editorial Board   [referred-to "Paper Trail" documenting the
                                corruption of federal judicial selection/confirmation
     ExhibitC-1:    CJA’s homepage “Paper Trail Documenting the Corruption
                        of Federal Judicial Selection/ Confirmation” as it appeared
                        on June 10, 2003
     Exhibit C-2:   CJA’s homepage, as it appeared on November 6, 2004,
                         indicating link to “Paper Trail to Jail”
     Exhibit C-3:   CJA’s “Paper Trail Documenting the Corruption of Federal
                         Judicial Selection/Confirmation & the ‘Disruption of
                         Congress’ Case it Spawned” as it appeared throughout
                         Elena Sassower’s six-month incarceration from June 28,
                         2004 to December 23, 2004
     Exhibit D:      CJA's June 19, 2003 letter to NYT Assistant Managing
                         Editor Allan Siegal
     Exhibit E:      CJA’s website page, “Press Suppression-The New York
                         Times”, as it appeared from June 28, 2004,  without
                        change through December 23, 2004
     Exhibit F:       CJA's August 26, 2003 letter to Outgoing NYT
                         Washington Bureau Chief – Incoming Managing Editor for
                         Newsgathering Jill Abramson
     Exhibit G:       CJA's September 25, 2003 letter to NYT Executive
                         Editor Bill Keller
     Exhibit H:      CJA’s October 13, 2003 letter to NYT Executive Editor
     Exhibit I:       CJA's November 1, 2003 letter to NYT Executive Editor
     Exhibit J-1:    CJA's December 1, 2003 letter to NYT Public Editor
                         Daniel Okrent
     Exhibit J-2:    CJA's December 24, 2003 e-mail to NYT Public Editor
     Exhibit J-3:     Automated December 24, 2003 e-mail acknowledgment
                          from NYT Public Editor Okrent 
     Exhibit J-4:    December 24, 2003 e-mail from Arthur Bovino,
                         Office of NYT Public Editor
     Exhibit K-1:    CJA's June 16, 2003 memorandum to Ralph Nader,
                         Public Citizen, Common Cause
     Exhibit K-2:    CJA's homepage (as of May 9, 2004)
     Exhibit K-3:    CJA's homepage (from May 22, 2004 to sometime after
                          June 28, 2004)
     Exhibit L-1:    CJA's May 11, 2004 letter to NYT reporter Raymond
     Exhibit L-2:     Hernandez’ May 11, 2004 e-mail
     Exhibit L-3:     CJA's May 11, 2004 fax note to Hernandez
     Exhibit L-4:     CJA's May 17, 2004 e-mail to Hernandez
     Exhibit M:       CJA's May 24, 2004 memorandum to Gerry Mulaney,
                           NYT Deputy Metro Editor for Politics
     Exhibit N:        CJA's June 17, 2004 memorandum-complaint to
                          Public Editor Okrent
     Exhibit O-1:    CJA's June 17, 2004 e-mail to Public Editor Okrent
                           (3:21 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-2:     June 17, 2004 automated acknowledgment (3:28 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-3:     Arthur Bovino's June 17, 2004 e-mail (3:34 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-4:      CJA's June 17, 2004 e-mail to Bovino (4:29 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-5:      Arthur Bovino's June 17, 2004 e-mail (4:43 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-6:      CJA's June 17, 2004 e-mail to Bovino (5:56 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-7:      Arthur Bovino's June 17, 2004 e-mail (10:12 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-8:      CJA's June 18, 2004 e-mail to Bovino (2:27 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-9:      CJA’s June 20, 2004 e-mail (4:22 p.m.)
     Exhibit O-10:    Daniel Okrent’s June 21, 2004 e-mail  (11:16 a.m.)
     Exhibit O-11:    CJA's June 22, 2004 e-mail to Okrent (9:32 a.m.)
     Exhibit O-12:    Arthur Bovino's June 22, 2004 e-mail (9:47 a.m.)
     Exhibit O-13:    CJA's June 22, 2004 e-mail to Bovino (10:48 a.m.)
     Exhibit O-14:    Arthur Bovino's June 22, 2004 e-mail (11:14 a.m.)
     Exhibit O-15:    CJA's June 22, 2004 e-mail to Arthur (3:07 p.m.)
     Exhibit P:         CJA's June 25, 2004 e-mail (cc) to Public Editor Okrent,
                           Gerry Mulaney, Philip Taubman, Raymond Hernandez,
                           Neil Lewis
     Exhibit Q:        CJA's July 29, 2005 letter to NYT Executive Editor Bill
     Exhibit R-1:      CJA's August 16, 2005 memorandum to NYT recipients
                           of July 29, 2005 letter
     Exhibit R-2:      CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement of opposition to
                            the nominations of Judge Wesley & P. Kevin Castel, Esq.
     Exhibit S-1:      CJA's September 26, 2005 letter to NYT Public Editor
                           Byron Calame
     Exhibit S-2:      Public Editor Calame’s September 30, 2005 e-mail
     Exhibit T-1:      CJA's November 30, 2005 letter to NYT Co. Assistant
                           General Counsel George Freeman
     Exhibit T-2:      George Freeman’s December 2, 2005 letter, with
                            envelope postmarked December 6, 2005
     Exhibit T-3:       Plaintiffs’ December 14, 2005 letter to George Freeman
     Exhibit T-4:       Plaintiffs’ December 22, 2005 letter to George Freeman
     Exhibit T-5 :      Plaintiffs’ December 30, 2005 letter to NYT Co. Senior
                            Vice President & General Counsel Solomon B. Watson, IV
     Exhibit T-6:      George Freeman’s January 3, 2006 letter
     Exhibit T-7:      CJA's January 6, 2006 letter to Solomon B. Watson, IV
     Exhibit T-8       CJA's January 12, 2006 letter to Solomon B. Watson, IV,
                           with CJA's November 1, 2005 and November 4, 2005 ltrs
     Exhibit T-9:      Senior Counsel David McCraw’s January 12, 2006 e-mail
     Exhibit T-10:    George Freeman’s January 10, 2006 letter
     Exhibit T-11:    CJA's January 13, 2006 letter to David McCraw
     Exhibit T-12:    David McCraw’s January 13, 2006 e-mail
     Exhibit T-13:    CJA's January 16, 2006 letter to David McCraw
     Exhibit T-14:    David McCraw’s January 17, 2006 e-mail
     Exhibit T-15:    CJA's January 19, 2006 letter to David McCraw
     Exhibit T-16:    CJA's January 24, 2006 letter to NYT Co. Senior Vice
                           President & Chief Legal Officer Solomon B. Watson, IV
     Exhibit T-17:    CJA's January 27, 2006 letter to Solomon B. Watson, IV
     Exhibit T-18:    CJA's January 30, 2006 letter to NYT Co., Secretary,
                           Corporate Governance Officer & Senior Counsel Rhonda
                            L. Brauer
     Exhibit T-19:    CJA's February 3, 2006 memo to all individualdefendants
                           except Okrent
     Exhibit T-20:    CJA's February 13, 2006 letter to Edward Bohan, Legal
     Exhibit T-21:    CJA's February 14, 2006 letter to Solomon B. Watson, IV
                           and Rhonda Brauer
     Exhibit T-22:    CJA's March 2, 2006 letter to Edward Bohan




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