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CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique -- & Organizations


American Bar Association (ABA)

click here for: prior correspondence with ABA

CJA's April 1, 2008 memo to ABA -- Governmental Affairs Office & Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements and Standing Committee on Judicial Independence (Justice Center) --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline:
         (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules;
         (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report;
         (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch;
         (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real"

CJA's April 29, 2008 memo -- "
Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's May 5, 2008 memo --
"Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline:
       (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and
       (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges"

CJA's June 3, 2008 memo to ABA President
William H. Neukom & ABA House of Delegates Chair Laurel G. Bellows --
"Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship:
          (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
          (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980

American Judicature Society

click here for: prior correspondence with American Judicature Society

CJA's March 31, 2008 memo to Seth Andersen, Executive Vice President & Cynthia Gray, Director/AJS Center for Judicial Ethics --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline:
     (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules;
     (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report;
     (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch"

April 1, 2008 e-mail from Cynthia Gray, Director/Center for Judicial Ethics

cc: CJA's April 24, 2008 e-mail to Professor Stephen Burbank
"Query: AJS Posting of your May 27, 2004 Letter to the Editor of the New York Times"

cc:  CJA's April 25, 2008 e-mail to Professor Burbank
"2nd Query: AJS Posting of your May 27, 2004 Letter to the Editor of the New York Times"

CJA's April 28, 2008 memo to American Judicature Society --
"Additional Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

April 30, 2008 e-mail from Cynthia Gray
"Additional Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's April 30, 2008 e-mail -
"Thank you..."

CJA's May 2, 2008 memo to Seth Andersen & Cynthia Gray --

Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline:
        (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and
        (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges"   (cc: Professors Burbank & Geyh)

May 12, 2008 e-mail from Cynthia Gray --
"Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline"  (cc: Professors Burbank & Geyh)

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo to Seth Andersen & Cynthia Gray --
Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship: (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; & (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980  (cc: Professors Burbank & Geyh) 


Brennan Center for Justice

     click here for: prior correspondence with Brennan Center for Justice

CJA's April 3, 2008 memo to Michael Waldman, Executive Director; Burt Neuborne, Legal Counsel; Deborah Goldberg (Director-Democracy Program/Fair Courts Project); James Sample, Counsel --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline:
         (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules;
         (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report;
         (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch;
         (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real"

CJA's April 22, 2008 memo to Brennan Center
"Additional Query on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's Law Day-May 1, 2008 memo to Brennan Center
"Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline:
         (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and
         (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo to Brennan Center --
Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship:
        (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
        (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"

* * *
James Sample - Professor/Hofstra Law School

testifying at Senate Judiciary Committee's June 14, 2023 hearing (at 23 mins):
"Ensuring an Impartial Judiciary:
Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act of 2023

* * *

Constitution Project

    Click here for
prior correspondence with The Constitution Project

CJA's April 3, 2008 memo to Virginia E. Sloan, President --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline:
     (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules;
     (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report;
     (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch;
     (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real"

CJA's April 22, 2008 memo to Virginia Sloan -- "Additional Query on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's Law Day-May 1, 2008 memo to Virginia Sloan
-- "Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline:
     (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and
     (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges"

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo  --

"Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship:
       (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
       (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"
cc: Professor Charles Gardner Geyh: Courts-Initiative Steering Committee Member)

HALT    (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)

CJA's May 5, 2008 memo to James C. Turner, Executive Director & Suzanne M. Blonder, Senior Legal Counsel & Director, Judicial Integrity Project
-- "Advancing Judicial Accountability -- Starting with Federal Judicial Discipline:  Securing Congressional Hearings on the Breyer Committee Report"

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo 
Serving Congress and the Public by Evidence-Based Scholarship & Advocacy:
(1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
     (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"

June 12, 2008 letter from Senior Legal Counsel Suzanne Blonder

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System
click here for:
prior correspondence with Institute

CJA's April 3, 2008 memo to Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline: (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules; (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report; (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch; (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real"

April 3, 2008 e-mail from Jordan Singer, Director of Research --
"RE: Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's April 3, 2008 e-mail to Jordan Singer --
"What is the meaning of your e-mail?  RE: Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

April 3, 2008 e-mail from Dallas Jamison, Director/Marketing & Communications
-- "4/3/08 Query.."

CJA's April 4, 2008 e-mail to Ms. Jamison
"Thank you, but -- RE: 4/3/08 Query.."

Ms. Jamison's April 4, 2008 e-mail
"RE: Thank you, but -- RE: 4/3/08 Query..

CJA's April 4, 2008 e-mail to Ms. Jamison
"I glean from your e-mail -- RE: Thank you, but..."

Ms. Jamison's April 4, 2008 e-mail --
"RE: I glean from your e-mail..."

CJA's April 4, 2008 e-mail --
"Neither of your two previous e-mails -- RE: I glean from your e-mail..."

Ms. Jamison's April 4, 2008 e-mail --
"Neither of your two previous e-mails -- RE: I glean from your e-mail..."

Judicial Action Group

CJA's June 16, 2008 letter to Executive Director Michael Poythress --
"Realizing JAG's Mission of Curtailing Judicial Activism through Judicial Accountability"

Michael Poythress' June 19, 2008 e-mail & letter

-- "Receipt of Letter and Critique"

CJA's June 19, 2008 e-mail
"Thank you for your kind acknowledgment -- RE: Realizing JAG's Mission of Curtailing Judicial Activism through Judicial Accountability"

Judicial Watch
 click here for: 
prior correspondence with Judicial Watch

CJA's May 6, 2008 memo to Tom Fitton, President, Paul Orfanedes, Director of Litigation, & Chris Farrell, Director of Research & Investigation --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline & Request to Review Judicial Misconduct Complaints Filed by Judicial Watch under the Judicial Conduct & Disability Act of 1980, etc."

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo 
"RE: Serving Congress and the Public by Evidence-Based Advocacy:
(1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
(2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980

Brennan Center -- Justice at Stake Campaign

  click here for prior correspondence with Justice at Stake   

CJA's March 18, 2008 memo to Justice at Stake Campaign --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline: (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules; (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report; (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch"

March 19, 2008 letter from Bert Brandenburg, Executive Director

  Justice at Stake Comment on Draft Rules, October 15, 2007

CJA's March 31, 2008 letter to Bert Brandenburg --
"Clarification & Unanswered Questions: Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's April 22, 2008 letter to Bert Brandenburg
"Additional Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's Law Day-May 1, 2008 letter to Bert Brandenburg --
"Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline:
         (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and
         (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges"

CJA's May 30, 2008 letter -- "Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship:
          (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
          (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"   
cc: Professor Charles Gardner Geyh: Board Member)

Washington Legal Foundation

     click here for: prior correspondence with Washington Legal Foundation

CJA's May 5, 2008 memo to Paul Kamenar, Executive Legal Director --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline:
      (1) Federal Judiciary’s New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline;
    (2) Breyer Committee & its Report; 
    (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch;   
    (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real;
    (5) Proposed Revision to Code of Conduct for United States Judges"

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo --
"Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship:
      (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; &
      (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980"

Constitutional Accountability Center
formerly Community Rights Counsel

CJA's March 25, 2011 letter to Douglas T. Kendall, President
"BEING TRUE to the Constitutional Accountability Center's 'Judicial Nominations and Accountability' 'Issue': ...(2) On Judicial Accountability:  What is Your Response to the Center for Judicial Accountability's May 13, 2008 Memo to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate Minority Leader McConnell?






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