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CJA's July 30, 1998 fax to Virginia Sloan, Executive Director --
"Senate Judicial Confirmations"
         enclosure: CJA's July 30, 1998 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
JULY 31, 1998 hand-delivery of primary-source, documentary evidence of the dysfunction & corruption of federal judicial selection & discipline:

Judicial Selection-Federal 1992-3
                              Judicial Selection-Federal 1996
              CJA's  August 1996 correspondence with Alliance for Justice,
              Free Congress Foundation, Common Cause & Century
              Foundation to build coalition to advance non-partisan reforms
              of federal judicial confirmation, recommended by

                    1986 Common Cause Report, "Assembly-Line Approval"
                    1988 Twentieth Century Fund Report "Judicial Roulette"

                   CJA's August 13, 1996 letter to Alliance for Justice --
                  "Coalition for non-partisan reform" 
                        (cc: Free Congress Foundation)
        CJA's August 19, 1996 letter to Common Cause --
                   "Coalition for non-partisan reform"
                   CJA's August 22, 1996 letter to Century Foundation --
                    "Judicial Roulette"

 Test Case-Federal (Mangano) [see cert petition]

    CJA's statement for inclusion in the record of the House Judiciary
     Committee's June 11, 1998 "Oversight Hearing of the Administration
     and Operation of the Federal Judiciary"

Accompanying Compendium of Documents Annexed to the Statement
    CJA's March 10, 1998 memorandum to House Judiciary Committee
          CJA's published article, "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial
", The Long Term View (Mass. School of Law) (1997)
    CJA's March 10, 1998 fax coversheets/receipts of certified mailing
    CJA's March 23, 1998 memorandum to House Judiciary Committee
          Ex. A: CJA's March 13, 1998 letter to Professor Burbank
          Ex. B: Professor Burbank's March 15, 1998 fax
          Ex. C: CJA's March 16, 1998 memo to House Judiciary Committee
          Ex. D: CJA's July 22, 1993 letter to National Commission on
                    Judicial Discipline & Removal
          Ex. E: CJA's June 9, 1993 letter to Counsel/House Judiciary
    CJA's March 23, 1998 fax coversheet to House Judiciary Committee
    CJA's May 22, 1998 letter to House Judiciary Committee
          CJA's April 24, 1998 testimony before the Commission on Structural Alternatives for the Federal Courts of Appeals
          "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law", $16,600 ad,
          NYT, 10/26/94
          "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll",
          $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
    CJA's May 29, 1998 letter to Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
    CJA's June 5, 1998 letter to House Judiciary Committee

         Correspondence with House Judiciary Committee during Democratic control:
         CJA's July 29, 1993 letter to Counsel
         CJA's August 26, 1993 letter to Counsel
         January 4, 1994 letter from Counsel
         CJA's January 31, 1994 letter to Counsel
         CJA's December 2, 1994 letter to Counsel
         CJA's December 27, 1994 letter to Counsel

         Correspondence with House Judiciary Committee following the Republican take-over
         CJA's February 2, 1995 letter to staff
         CJA's June 30, 1995 letter to Counsel
         CJA's July 10, 1995 letter to Asst. Counsel
         July 20, 1995 letter from Asst. Counsel
         CJA's November 8, 1995 letter to Asst. Counsel
         CJA's December 1, 1995 letter to Asst. Counsel
         CJA's January 29, 1996 to Counsel/Democratic Minority Side
         CJA's March 28, 1996 letter to Chief Counsel
         CJA's January 20, 1998 fax to Counsel

CJA's August 3, 1998 memo to Sloan (& Free Congress Foundation & Alliance for Justice) -- "Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of Alvin K. Hellerstein - District Court, Southern District, New York"
       enclosure:  CJA's August 3, 1998 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee

CJA's August 13, 1998 memo to Laura Compton, Program Asst. & Elizabeth Dahl, Counsel (& Free Congress Foundation & Alliance for Justice) --
"Need for Immediate Action"
       enclosure:   CJA’s August 11, 1998 letter to American Bar Association President Philip Anderson

(cc) CJA's August 18, 1998 letter to Alliance for Justice & Free Congress Foundation -- "Concerted Action on Issues of Federal Judicial Selection and Discipline"

CJA's August 25, 1998 letter to Sloan --
"Citizen Participation in a 'Citizens' Organization"

Sloan's August 25, 1998 letter
(cc: Dr. Morton Halperin/Senior Vice President/Century Foundation; John Kowal/Open Society Institute)

(cc) CJA's September 18, 1998 letter to Dr. Morton Halperin, Senior Vice President/Century Foundation --
"Citizens for Independent Courts'"
         -- enclosing CJA's September 15, 1998 letter to Elliot Mincberg, Legal Director/General Counsel, People for the American Way

CJA's December 2, 1998 letter to Sloan --
"Citizen Participation in a 'Citizens' Organization" (cc: Professor Charles Geyh and Professor Stephen Burbank)

Sloan's December 7, 1998 letter (cc: John Kowal/Open Society Institute)

CJA’s faxed and mailed December 9, 1998 letter to Professor Geyh
"CJA's document-supported critique"
           Ex. A:  Professor Geyh's November 23, 1998 letter,
                     with photocopy of envelope
           Ex. B:  CJA's December 2, 1998 letter to Virginia Sloan

           SEE:  Test Case-Federal (Mangano)

CJA’s superseding faxed and mailed December 9, 1998 letter to Professor Geyh, with December 10, 1998 coverletter --
"Retraction and Apology"

CJA's December 10, 1998 letter to Sloan --
"CJA's Participation in a 'Citizens' Organization"


Laura Compton's November 11, 1999 letter


Constitution Project's June 23, 2000 letter


CJA's March 7, 2001 letter to Barbara Reed, Policy Director & Counsel --
"Assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99); Appellate Division, First Dept. Cal # 2000-5434)"

    SEE:  Test Case-State (Commission)-Appellate Division

CJA's May 9, 2001 letter to Reed --
"Assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99); Appellate Division, First Dept. September 2001 Term"

CJA's May 11, 2001 letter to Reed --
"Assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99); Appellate Division, First Dept. September 2001 Term"


CJA's September 10, 2003 letter to Reed
CJA's June 16, 2003 memo to Ralph Nader, Public Citizen, & Common Cause

    SEE: Paper Trail to Jail in "Disruption of Congress" case

CJA's September 22, 2003 memo to Reed


CJA's June 8, 2004 memo --
"Your (
On-Going) Responsibility to 'Champion Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection' at Issue in the 'Disruption of Congress' case of United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower..."

CJA's June 9, 2004 memo --
"Your (
On-Going) Responsibility to 'Champion Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection' at Issue in the 'Disruption of Congress' case of United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower..."

CJA's June 10, 2004 draft memo of law on the unconstitutionality of the "disruption of Congress" statute


CJA's May 27, 2005 memo to Kathryn Monroe, Director-Courts Initiative --
"Furthering 'Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection', as well as Fundamental Judicial Accountability by your Amicus Curiae and Other Assistance in the Appeal of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"

"Disruption of Congress"- DC Court of Appeals
                     (6/28/05 appellant's brief & supplemental fact statement)
CJA's August 23, 2005 memo to Monroe --
"AMICUS CURIAE BRIEFS ARE DUE NOVEMBER 14, 2005 in the Consolidated Appeals of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"


CJA's June 20, 2007 memo to Sloan --
"Championing Judicial Independence at the U.S. Supreme Court by Amicus Curiae Support for Cert Petition in 'Disruption of Congress Case"

     cc: CJA's June 22, 2007 memo  --
"Championing Basic Citizen Rights, the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection, and Fundamental Judicial Accountability by Your Amicus Curiae Support for U.S. Supreme Court Review of the Cert Petition in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case"

CJA's July 2, 2007 memo --
"'Working to Keep Our Courts Fair and Impartial' -- As Empirically Tested by the 'Disruption of Congress' Case"

CJA's August 24, 2007 memo  --
"Championing Judicial Independence at the U.S. Supreme Court by your amicus curiae support for the filed and docketed cert petition in the 'disruption of Congress' case"

           SEE:  "Disruption of Congress" - US Supreme Court
                                       (see 8/17/07 cert petition)


CJA's April 3, 2008 memo to Sloan --
"Queries on Federal Judicial Discipline: (1) the Federal Judiciary's New Rules; (2) the Breyer Committee & its Report; (3) Proposed Congressional Legislation for an Inspector General for the Judicial Branch; (4) Resolution to Impeach U.S. District Judge Manuel Real"

CJA's April 22, 2008 memo to Sloan --
"Additional Query on Federal Judicial Discipline"

CJA's Law Day-May 1, 2008 memo to Sloan --
"Confronting Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Discipline: (1) CJA's March 6, 2008 Critique of the Breyer Committee Report & Letter to the Chief Justice; and (2) CJA's April 18, 2008 Comments to the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct on the Proposed Revision to the Code of Conduct for United States Judges"

                      SEE:  Judicial Discipline-Federal

CJA's May 30, 2008 memo to Sloan  --
"Serving Congress and the Public by Critical Scholarship: (1) Federal Judicial Pay Raises; & (2) Breyer Committee Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980
cc: Professor Charles Gardner Geyh: Courts-Initiative Steering Committee Member)


CJA's July 18, 2023 e-mail to POGO --
"Setting the Record Straight: 'Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act' -- Request for your Expert Opinion, Scholarship & Advocacy"

CJA's July 20, 2023 e-mail to POGO --
"Corrected July 18, 2023 Letter -- Setting the Record Straight: 'The 'Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act' & the Falsehoods that Have Accompanied It"




March 9, 2023
"Model Code of Conduct for U.S. Supreme Court Justices

June 14, 2023
"POGO Endorses Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act"





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