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SEE: Test Cases - State (Commission)
Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico
v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York


CJA's December 2, 1999 letter to Gov. Pataki -- Att: James McGuire/Counsel  --
"(1) Request, pursuant to Executive Order #11, 2(c) and #10, 2(d) and FOIL for the judicial screening committee reports of the qualifications of Court of Claims Judge William Wetzel and ALL the Governor's other judicial appointees (pp. 1-2); (2) Information as to why Judge Wetzel is being maintained as a 'hold over', as well as the number and identities of other Court of Claims judges who are also being maintained as 'hold overs' (p. 3)"  

CJA's February 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner/Executive Director/Gov. Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees     
   (indicated copies to Governor, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys/SDNY-EDNY, Ethics Commission, Wetzel, Crane)

*CJA's February 23, 2000 letter to Governor Pataki  ATT: Nan Weiner  --
"Opposition to Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane
"   [Wetzel] [Crane]
   (indicated copies to Wetzel, Crane, Kaye, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Spitzer, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys-
   SDNY/EDNY, Ethics Commission, City Bar, Patricia Salkin -- Government Law Ctr/Albany Law School, Bertram Gelfand,

     Ex. A: CJA's February 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner
     Ex. B-1: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's letter to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
     Ex. B-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1997
     Ex. B-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997
     Ex. C: computerized court record of Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission and recusal orders of 5 justices
 Ex. D: statement of former Bronx Surrogate Bertram Gelfand at the City Bar's public hearing on the Commission
     Ex. E: CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
             Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
             Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
             Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
             Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997
             Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, September 22, 1997
             Ex. D: NYLJ item, December 26, 1997
             Ex. E: receipted 1st page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to members of State Judicial Screening Committee
     Ex. F: pp. 5-13 of the transcript of the May 17, 1999 proceeding before Justice Lebedeff
     Ex. G: pp. 8-17, 22-23 of the transcript of the June 14, 1999 court conference before Justice Zweibel
     Ex. H:  transcript of the October 8, 1999 proceeding before Justice Zweibel
     Ex. I:  "Pols Rule Courtrooms: Acting Judges Owe Their Jobs to Pataki, Rudy", NYDaily News, January 18, 2000
     Ex. J:  Kamau Bey's May 27, 1999, June 25, 1999, and July 23, 1999 judicial misconduct complaints against Justice
                Wetzel &Commission acknowledgment & dismissal letters
     Ex. K: "Observers Say Judge Doomed Defense", NY Post, April 17, 1998, "Wacko Wetzel Left Oliver's Lawyer
, NYPost May 30, 1998, "Cybersex Defense Wants Trial Halted", NY Daily News, March 24,
                 1998, "Defense in Sexual Torture Case Says Court Let the Accuser Lie", NYT, March 24, 1998, "Oliver
                 Jovanovic: First Sacrifice of the Digital Age
", La Journada, May 19, 1998
     --  transmitting to the Governor a copy of the record in Supreme Court/NY County of Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission -- including its physically incorporated record in Supreme Court/NY County of Michael Mantell v. Commission 

CJA's February 24, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees --
"Confirmation of Mailing & Informational Requests" 

CJA's March 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees --
"Official Misconduct of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane in the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York"
enclosing copies of:
                 CJA's February 25, 2000 memo to A.G., Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorney-SDNY, Ethics Commission
                 CJA's March 3, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
CJA's March 3, 2000 complaint against Judges Wetzel and Crane to Commission on Judicial Conduct

CJA's June 17, 2001 letter to Chairman Lack/Senate Judiciary Committee --
"Opposition to Senate Confirmation of Judge William A. Wetzel for Reappointment to the Court of Claims, based on documentary evidence of his judicial misconduct in the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (S.Ct./NY Co. #99-108551) -- and Request to Testify in Opposition at the Senate Confirmation Hearing, based on Direct, First-Hand Experience"  
   (indicated copies to Gov. Pataki, Weiner, Shechtman, Spitzer, City Bar President Davis, State Bar President Krane, Fund for Modern Courts)
        Ex. A: Gov Pataki's press release announcing Wetzel's nomination & NYLJ item, 6/15/01
        Ex. B: CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to Chairman Lack
        Ex. C-1: CJA's February 24, 2000 letter to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: Nan Weiner
        Ex. C-2: CJA's March 7, 2000 letter to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: Nan Weiner
        Ex. C-3: CJA's March 17, 2000 memo -- sent to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. C-4: CJA's April 24, 2000 memo -- sent to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. C-5: CJA's October 24, 2000 letter to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. D:  CJA's March 27, 2001 letter to Ethics Commission
        Ex. E-1: CJA's March 30, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner
        Ex. E-2: Gov. Pataki's March 15, 2001 press announcement on App. Div. designations 
        Ex. F-1: CJA's March 30, 2001 letter to Gov Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-2: April 5, 2001 letter of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-3: May 4, 2001 letter of Gov Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-4: May 17, 2001 letter of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-5: CJA's June 4, 2001 letter to Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-6: June 11, 2001 letter of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-7: December 15, 1999 "Appointment Report" of 2nd Dept. Judicial Screening Committee for Justice Crane 
transmitting to Senate Judiciary Committee appellate papers in Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission 

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees --
"Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"  
   (indicated copy to Senate Judiciary Committee)

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Paul Shechtman, Chairman/Governor Pataki's State Judicial Screening Committee --
"Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"  

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Attorney General Spitzer  --
"Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"  
  (indicated copies to Senate Judiciary Committee, Solicitor Genera Preeta Bansal)

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to NYS Bar Association President Steven Krane, City Bar President Evan Davis, and Steven Zeidman, Executive Director/Fund for Modern Courts --
"Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"   

CJA's June 19, 2001 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lack --
"CJA's unresponded-to June 17, 2001 letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, opposing Senate confirmation of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and requesting to testify in opposition at the Committee's June 20, 2001 confirmation hearing"

CJA's June 21, 2001 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"Request for Documents & Information"

CJA's June 21, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees --
"Request for clarification and for the 'written reports' of the qualifications of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel"



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