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Securing Introduction & Passage
of the Public Trust Act
& a Constitutionally Functioning Legislature

CJA's August 13, 2013 letter to Senator George Latimer & Assemblyman David Buchwald -- "RE:  Constituent Request that You Introduce the Public Trust Act (Governor’s Program Bill #3), Consistent with the Senate and Assembly Informational Guides: “How a Bill Becomes a Law” and “The Legislative Process and YOU


Senate guide:  "How a Bill Becomes a Law"

Assembly guide: "How a Bill Becomes a Law"

Assembly guide:  "The Legislative Process and YOU"

Assemby free-standing card/insert:  "It Ought To Be A Law"

*     *     *

Governor Cuomo's Program Bill #3 -- Public Trust Act
& memorandum

*     *     *


VIDEO of Governor Cuomo's April 9, 2013 press conference
& press release: "Governor Cuomo Proposes New Class of Public Corruption Crimes"

"DA Vance Statement on Governor Cuomo's Proposed Public Trust Act" -- April 9, 2013 press release

VIDEO of Governor Cuomo's June 11, 2013 press conference, with press release: "Governor Cuomo Details Comprehensive Reforms to Prevent Public Corruption, Modernize New York's Voting Laws, and Reduce the Influence of Money in Politics"

June 11, 2013 letter, signed by ALL 62 New York State District   Attorneys to Speaker Silver & Senate Majority Coalition Leaders Skelos and Klein -- "RE: Governor's Program Bill #3: Public Trust Act"

"Manhattan District Attorney Vance, Governor Cuomo, District Attorneys from Around the State Urge Passage of Public Trust Act"  -- June 11, 2013 press release

*     *     *

CJA's FOIL Requests

        Public Trust Act/Program Bill #3 

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Governor

CJA's July 25, 2013 e-mail to Governor -- "Subject: Where is the Governor's Acknowledgment of CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL Request Pertaining to His Program Bill #3: 'Public Trust Act'?"

Governor's July 29, 2013 response

Governor's August 22, 2013 response     indicated website page

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Senate

Senate's July 25, 2013 response with Guide to Inspection & Copying

CJA's July 25, 2013 reply to Senate -- "Subject: CJA's As-Yet Unresponded-To 2 FOIL Requests to You and Senate Leaders -- July 16 & July 18"

CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Beth Garvey, Counsel/Senate Republican Conference -- Subject: Awaiting Your Written Responses to Our July 16th & July 18th Letters: Gov's Program Bill #3 (Public Trust Act) & His Program Bills #4, #5, #12"

Counsel Garvey's August 16, 2013 e-mail

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Assembly

Assembly's July 23, 2013 response
              Assembly Rule VII
              Public Officers Law Sec. 88
Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

Program Bills #4, #5, #12

Governor's Program Bill #4 --
Creating Enforcement Counsel at Board of Elections;
Repeal of Wilson-Pakula; Party Enrollment Deadline Change


Governor's Program Bill #5 --
Voter Registration; Ballot Access; Ballot Simplification


Governor's Program Bill #12--
"Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013"

CJA's July 18, 2013 FOIL request to Governor

   Governor's July 25, 2013 response 

Governor's August 22, 2013 response     indicated website page 

CJA's July 18, 2013 FOIL request to Senate

Senate's July 25, 2013 response with Guide to Inspection & Copying

CJA's July 25, 2013 reply to Senate -- "Subject: CJA's As-Yet Unresponded-To 2 FOIL Requests to You and Senate Leaders -- July 16 & July 18"

CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Beth Garvey, Counsel/Senate Republican Conference -- Subject: Awaiting Your Written Responses to Our July 16th & July 18th Letters: Gov's Program Bill #3 (Public Trust Act) & His Program Bills #4, #5, #12"

Counsel Garvey's August 16, 2013 e-mail

CJA's July 18 2013 FOIL request to Assembly

Assembly's July 23, 2013 response     

                                 *     *     *

 CJA's e-mails "Securing Government Integrity --
Starting with the 'Public Trust Act'"

To Assemblyman Buchwald:  CJA's July 22, 2013 e-mail

To Senator Latimer: CJA's July 24, 2013 e-mail

*     *     *

click here for:
Brennan Center Reports -- 2004, 2006, 2008

click here for:
Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform (2009)
videos, transcripts, majority & minority reports, etc.

See Committee's February 26, 2009 hearing -- including testimony of Jeremy Creelan (at 01:05 mins.)   

click here for:
Reformer who called NY's Legislature 'dysfunctional'
will be Gov. Andrew Cuomo's ethics czar

*     *     *

Governor Cuomo's State Senator --
Senator Greg Ball

Senator Ball's informational guide:
How a Bill Becomes a Law"

Senator Ball's April 22, 2013 press release:
"Cut the Crap, Just Reform it":

S5305A:   "Nonpartisan Election Act"

S2654:  "Public Corruption Prevention and Enforcement Act of 2013"

S2667:   term limits

S2663:  "Pension Forfeiture for Public Misconduct Act"  

*     *     *


"Senator Serrano Applauds Governor Andrew Cuomo for Introduction of the Public Trust Act", April 9, 2013    

"Senator Kennedy: Public Trust Act is Important, Necessary Step to Crack Down on Albany Crime Spree", April 9, 2013


*     *     *

CJA's Rules Reform webpages

Rules Reform Resource Page -- including 2004, 2006, 2008 Brennan Center Reports

Senate Rules Reform Resource Page -- including transcripts, videos, & reports of the 2009 Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform

Assembly Rules Reform Resource Page

Championing appropriate rules & leadership for the New York State Legislature 

     The People Lead -- Securing Passage of The Public Trust Act & a Properly-Functioning Legislature

Fighting Off Progeny of the Judicial Compensation Statute (S-2953: A-246) & Securing a Functioning Legislative Process






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