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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
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see contextual webpage for 2018 elections to May 2018: BUFFALO NEWS 

CJA's February 25, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's February 26, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Ken Lovett's Feb 26th Daily News article -- 'State GOP discontentment with Cox growing"

CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"As discussed -- 3 MUST-SEE VIDEOS that blow open this year's elections"

CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

McCarthy's March 9, 2018 e-mail --
"AG Schneiderman is corrupt, which is why, since 2012,
he has been a named defendant in CJA's lawsuits --
& the subject of criminal and ethics complaints"

CJA's March 9, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Thank you..."

McCarthy's March 13, 2018 e-mail --
"PSST: What your GOP sources have NOT told you about the races for governor,
attorney general, and comptroller, namely, GOP leadership is 'mired' in conflict-of-interest"

CJA's March 13, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --

CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Precious & other Legislative Correspondents Association reporters -
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

CJA's April 28, 2018 e-mail to Buffalo News reporter Jey Rey --
(cc: Precious, McCarthy)
"Your April 27th articles: Was there 1 meeting with AG Schneiderman, or 2? 
And were you at both, etc?"

CJA's April 30, 2018 e-mail to Rey --
(cc: Precious, McCarthy)
"Resent -- Your April 27th articles..."

CJA's May 2, 2018 e-mail to Buffalo News Watchdog Team Editor Mike McAndrew --
"Three Men in a Room -- & the 2018 elections... --
A fitting assignment for the Buffalo News Watchdog Tem that you head!"

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's Democratic AG debate --
Challenging the brazen lies & distortion of the AG's constitutional function -- WITH EVIDENCE"

CJA' September 5, 2018 e-mail --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's October 28, 2018 e-mail --
"What role, the AG?' -- public corruption & the Oct. 30th AG debate"


CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, McCarthy & Precious --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate -- Why shouldn't "long-shot" candidates become the front-runners?"

CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail, inter alia, Buffalo News --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate -- Why shouldn't "long-shot" candidates become the front-runners?"


CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Precious & news@buffnews.com --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to McCarthy --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"


* * *

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