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(Sonoma State University Media Research Project)

CJA's October 15, 1996 memo --
"1996 Project Censored Nominations" -- The New York Times

   Ex A"Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 op-ed ad, New York Times, 10/26/94
   Ex B: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, New York Law Journal, 8/14/95
   Ex C: "No Justification for Process's Secrecy", CJA's ltr to editor, New York Law Journal, 1/24/96
   Ex D: NYT op-ed ad, "The celebration of a century", 4/5/96
   Ex E: "From The Publisher", NYT editorial page, 1/17/92
   Ex F: "Without Fear or Favor", NYT editorial page, 8/19/96
   Ex G:  "The Color of Mendacity", NYT editorial, 7/19/96

Compendium I:    judicial elections
Compendium II:   federal judicial selection - O'Rourke
Compendium III:  NY Ct of Appeals -"merit selection" - Levine, Ciparick
Compendium IV: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"
Compendium V:   NYC "merit selection"
Compendium VI:  NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct - Duckman
Compendium VII: Governor Pataki's manipulations

            SEE:  Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism, & Blackballing by THE NEW YORK TIMES

CJA's December 2, 1996 supplement --
"1996 Project Censored Nominations" -- The New York Times

     Ex A:  CJA's October 21, 1996 coverletter to NYT
     Ex B:  CJA's November 27, 1996 letter to NYT Managing Editor Gene Roberts
     Ex C-1: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
     Ex C-2: CJA's proposed letter to editor, 11/13/96
     Ex C-3:  "No Way to Choose Judges", NYT editorial, 11/11/96
     Ex D-1: CJA's November 18, 1996 letter to Metro Editor Michael Oreskes
     Ex D-2: CJA's November 20, 1996 letter to Metro Editor Oreskes
     Ex D-3: CJA's November 22, 1996 letter to Metro Editor Oreskes
     Ex E-1: CJA's November 18, 1996 letter to Letters Editor's staff
     Ex E-2: CJA's November 14, 1996 letter to Letters Editor's staff

CJA's December 13, 1996 e-mail to Professor Peter Phillips, Director/Project Censored --
"CJA Project Censored Nomination" -- "Re: Procedures"

Professor Phillips' December 13, 1996 e-mail --
"Re: CJA Project Censored nomination"

CJA's February 4, 1997 memo to Professor Phillips
   Ex A:  CJA's December 13, 1996 e-mail
   Ex B:  Phillips' December 13, 1996 e-mail
   Ex C:  "Nader: The People's Lawyer", p. 69
   Ex D-1: CJA's October 2, 1996 e-mail
   Ex D-2: CJA's October 3, 1996 e-mail
   Ex D-3: Project Censored's October 3, 1996 e-mail
   Ex D-4: CJA's October 3, 1996 e-mail
   Ex D-5: Project Censored's October 17, 1996 e-mail
   Ex E-1: # 7 Censored Story (1995) -- NYT
   Ex E-2: #24 Censored Story (1995) -- NYT
Professor Phillips's August 4, 1997 letter

CJA's November 12, 1997 letter to Sut Jhally, Executive Director/Media Education Foundation & Project Censored Judge
   Ex A:  Professor Phillips' August 4, 1997 letter
   Ex B:  CJA's Press Release: Media & Democracy Congress II: October 16-19, 1997
   Ex C:  CJA's August 27, 1997 press releases to NYT
   Ex D-1:  CJA's April 30, 1997 letter to A.M. Rosenthal
   Ex D-2: A.M. Rosenthal's May 7, 1997 letter
   Ex D-3: "Nader Decks Rosenthal", Lies of Our Times, 9/93 

CJA's January 9, 1997 fax to Sut Jhally

CJA's June 29, 1998 letter to Sut Jhally
    Ex C: "Letter from the Ombudsman", Bill Kovach, Brill's Content/July-Aug 1998
     -- enclosing:
CJA's February 12, 1998 comprehensive complaint to Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. --
                  "Suppression of important, time-sensitive, and electorally-significant stories"
Ex A-1: CJA's October 21, 1996 complaint coverletter
   Ex A-2: "Times Columnist Wins a Columbia Award", NYT, 5/16/97
   Ex A-3: "Times Names 4 to Senior Positions on the News Staff", NYT, 5/24/97
   Ex B:  "Creating a Forum to Rake the Media's Muck", NYT
   Ex C-1: "Untrustworthy Ratings?", NJC's letter to editor, NYT, 7/17/92
   Ex C-2: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96

Sut Jhally's July 12, 1998 letter






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