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Picking an Interim Attorney General
Who Won't Indict Them All


The 11 Legislators of the Screening Panel

Assembly Chair: Joseph Lentol, ESQ.

Assembly Members:
Jeffrey Dinowitz, ESQ.
Crystal Peoples-Stokes
Matthew Titone, ESQ.
William Barclay, ESQ.  -- May 18
Brian Curran, ESQ.

Senate Chair: Kenneth LaValle, ESQ.

Senate Members:
Brad Hoylman, ESQ.
Terrence Murphy
Betty Little
Martin Malave Dilan

Here's the EVIDENCE of what they know and have wilfully ignored,
sufficient to indict & convict them under New York's penal law
for corruption, "grand larceny of the public fisc", etc.

Correspondence sent in 2013

CJA's January 3, 2013 OPEN LETTER to all senators --
RE: Transforming the Senate on Day 1 of its 236th Legislative Session by Appropriate Rules & Leadership" 

-- referred to:
December 26, 2012 letter to Senate Republican Conference Leader Skelos & Senate Democratic Conference Leader Stewart-Cousins --
"RE: ENSURING AN INFORMED SENATE VOTE ON SENATE LEADERSHIP & SENATE RULES: Your Response to CJA’s December 7, 2012 Letter to the Independent Democratic Conference on “ACHIEVING A ‘FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, FULLY FUNCTIONAL SENATE’    transmitting e-mail

December 7, 2012 letter to Senate Independent Democratic Conference Senators Klein, Carlucci, etc --
 transmitting e-mail

 December 21, 2012 letter to Senate Independent Conference Senators --
"RE: What is Your Response to CJA's December 7, 2012 Letter?"
e-mail & fax receipts

CJA's January 4, 2013 e-mail to all Senators 

CJA's January 3, 2013 letter to All 150 New York State Assembly Members --

CJA's January 4, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Members --
"Press Inquiries: Your Most Important Votes of the Upcoming 236th Legislative Session"

click here for: legislative rules reform


of CJA's testimony at the Legislature's February 6, 2013 "public protection" budget hearing
& the EVIDENCE handed up in substantiation


CJA's March 15, 2013 e-mail ALERT to ALL Senate & Assembly Members --
"Subject: Is the Judiciary Budget a 'Slush Fund'?"  --
referred to:
cc: March 11, 2013 letter to the Senate Budget Subcommittee for "Public Protection" --
Rectifying Your Absence at the February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on ‘Public Protection’ by Verifying the Dispositive Nature of the Opposition Testimony to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request”

CJA's March 18, 2013 letter to ALL Senate and Assembly Members --
"RE: The People's Right to Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary"  
transmitting e-mail/fax receipts

         E-Mail to ALL legislators  -- CJA's March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo -- "Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty: The People's Right to Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & the Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary & to be Protected from 'Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc' by Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Pay Raises, whose Fraudulence, Statutory-Violations, and Unconstitutionality are Proven by Documental Evidence in Your Possession & the Legislature's"

additional e-mails to:  all members-assembly judiciary; all members-senate judiciary; all-members-assembly ways & means; all members-senate finance committee; Assembly Public-Protection Subcommittee Chair; Senate Public-Protection Subcommittee Chair

 E-MAIL: to ALL Senators to ALL Assembly Members; General Conference Committee/Subcommittee -- CJA's March 22, 2013 letter -- "...The Scandal of Judiciary Appropriations Bill S.2601/A.3001, the Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Salary Increases Therein, District Attorney Salary Reimbursement Based Thereon -- & the Price Tag of Each"
click here for: 
Senate Resolution 818,  Assembly Resolution 812, videos of their passage on March 11th, as well as videos of the General Budget Conference Committee & its Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary

CJA's March 24, 2013 letter to ALL Senators  --
"Why You Must Reject S.2601-The Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary" 
E-MAIL: to all Senators -- here & here & here --
and then again on March 26, 2013

CJA's March 26, 2013 letter to ALL Assembly Members --
"RE: Why You Must Reject A.3001 -- The Appropriations Bill for the Judiciary"

        E-mail to all Assembly Members  & here-March 27, 2013


CJA's May 7, 2013 & May 22, 2013 letters to ALL Senators & Assembly Members --
"Doing Your Part to End Public Corruption" -- Parts I & II
furnishing: CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
click here for: CJA's webpage for April 15, 2013 corruption complaint]


CJA's June 19, 2013 e-mail to ALL Senators --
"Why You Must Vote AGAINST S.2953, establishing a special commission on compensation
of managerial & confidential state employees"

CJA's June 20, 2013 e-mail to ALL Assembly Members --
"Why You Must Vote AGAINST S.246 Establishing a Special Commission
on Compensation of Managerial & Confidential State Employees"

CJA's July 9, 2013 letter to All Senators & Assembly Members --
"RE:  (1) Status of A.246 (establishing a special commission on compensation of managerial
and confidential state employees);
(2) Securing legislative oversight of the statute upon which A.246 was modeled:
Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010 (establishing a special commission on judicial compensation)
transmitting e-mail


Assembly Chair Joseph Lentol, ESQ.
Chair: Assembly Codes Committee;
member: Ways & Means; Codes; Election Law, etc.

CJA's March 13, 2013 e-mail to Lentol-Chair/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary -- "The Legislature's Duty to Reject Judicial Appropriations Bill S2601-A3001 & its Unidentified Judicial Salary Increases that are Fraudulent, Statutorily-Violative, & Unconstitutional"

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Lentol's Chief of Staff -- "Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enclosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Ways & Means Member Lentol -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enclosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Lentol/Chair-Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary --attaching CJA's March 22, 2013 letter -- "...The Scandal of Judiciary Appropriations Bill S.2601/A.3001, the Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Salary Increases Therein, District Attorney Salary Reimbursement Based Thereon -- & the Price Tag of Each"
click here for: 
Senate Resolution 818,  Assembly Resolution 812, videos of their passage on March 11th, as well as videos of the General Budget Conference Committee & its Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary

CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Lentol's Chief of Staff & Albany Director of State Operations  

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Assembly Ways & Means Committee Member Lentol -- "HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Assembly Ways & Means Committee Member Lentol -- "Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's March 25, 2016 e-mail to Assemblyman Lentol/Chair/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary -- "Restoring constitutionality and lawfulness to NY's budgeting process -- & overriding the 'force of law' judicial pay raises"

CJA's February 8, 2017 e-mail to Chair Lentol
"...requested meetings to prevent repeat of constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations: 
re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget"   
enclosed CJA's February 6, 2017 letter

referred to:
VIDEOS of CJA's Testimony
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection" -- & referred-to substantiating EVIDENCE

Senate Chair Kenneth LaValle, ESQ.
member: Judiciary, Finance, Rules, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member LaValle -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member LaValle -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo"

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member LaValle -- "HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member LaValle -- "Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member LaValle, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Senator Brad Hoylman, ESQ.
Long-Standing Ranking Member: Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations
Ranking Member (since Jan. 2016): Senate Judiciary Committee
Member: Codes; Crime Victims, Crime & Correction, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Holyman -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enclosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 25, 2013 e-mails to Hoylman --
"Subject: Standing up for Legislative Law 54 & 'process' with respect to the budget"

 -- transcribed excerpt: March 24, 2013 Senate floor proceedings on budget appropriations

        -- transcribed excerpt: February 26, 2009 hearing of Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform 

        -- excerpts: 2009 Minority & Majority Reports of Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform
        -- Legislative Law 54 

   click here for: March 24, 2013 Senate floor proceedings   March 24, 2013 Senate Finance Commmitee meeting

cc: CJA's March 26, 2013 e-mail --
"Request that CJA's Opposition Report & verified complaint be brought to the Senate floor for inspection by the Senators"

CJA's June 4, 2013 letter to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations Ranking Member Hoylman --"RE: DOING YOUR PART TO END PUBLIC CORRUPTION: PART  III:  Request for Legislative Oversight, Analysis and Investigation of CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara and, specifically:
              (1) of Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010, as written and applied – as to which, to date, there has been no oversight, analysis, and investigation; and
              (2) of the Commission on Judicial Conduct & court-controlled attorney disciplinary system – as to which, in 2009, the Senate Judiciary Committee held oversight hearings that were aborted, with no analysis, investigation, findings, or committee report of the document-supported testimony of witnesses"

CJA's December 17, 2013 e-mail to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations Ranking Member Hoylman 
"Request for a Meeting: The Legislature's Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"  -- webpage for June 4, 2013 letter

CJA's January 8, 2014 e-mail to Ranking Member Hoylman -- "Following the Money': The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"  enclosure-Jan 7 letter

CJA's January 14, 2014 letter to Ranking Member Hoylman --
Vindicating the Public’s Rights under Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution & Legislative Law §32-a: 
(1) request to testify at the Legislature’s joint budget hearings in opposition to the proposed Judiciary & Legislative budgets;   (2) request for information/records as to the process, if any, by which the Legislature’s proposed budget was compiled."   e-mail receipt  

CJA's March 4, 2014 letter to Ranking Member Hoylman -- "Your Constitutional Duty: 
       "(1) to address the evidence of fraud and unconstitutionality in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets – and in the materially-divergent Governor’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551, which, in violation of Senate and Assembly Rules, is unsupported by a fiscal note and introducer’s memorandum; 
        (2) to address the $270,000 and other appropriations, embedded in the Executive Budget, for a demonstrably corrupt Commission to Investigate Public Corruption" 


cc CJA's January 15, 2016 letter --"IMMEDIATE OVERSIGHT REQUIRED: 
 (1) The Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation and its statute-repudiating, fraudulent, and unconstitutional December 24, 2015 Report with “force of law” judicial salary recommendations"

CJA's February 19, 2016 letter to Ranking Member Hoylman/Investigations & Gov't Operations -- "Preventing Yet Another 'Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc':  (1) Did you furnish my e-mails to ALL your committee members, as requested?; (2) What are your findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to my particularized showing that the latest round of judicial salary increases & this year’s Judiciary & Legislative budgets & the Governor’s materially discrepant Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001 are statutorily-violative, unconstitutional, and fraudulent?"

CJA's March 25, 2016 e-mail to Ranking Member Hoylman -- "Restoring constitutionality and lawfulness to NY's budgeting process -- & overriding the 'force of law' judicial pay raises"

CJA's February 7, 2017 e-mail to Ranking Member Hoylman
"Thank you -- Meeting Request: Senator Murphy's chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations 
enclosed CJA's February 6, 2017 letter

referred to:
VIDEOS of CJA's Testimony
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection" -- & referred-to substantiating EVIDENCE 

cc:  CJA's February 23. 2017 FOIL/records request & misconduct/fraud complaint -- "RE: FIRST TEST of the Senate's Ethis and Internal Governance Committee:  Senate Rules for 2017-2018'   transmitting e-mail

CJA's December 20, 2017 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Hoylman --
"AND YET AGAIN: Meeting request to Senator Hoylman as ranking member of the Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations AND the Senate Judiciary Committee"

cc:  CJA's December 22, 2017 e-mail --
"Request for a meeting, as soon as possible, to discuss the Judiciary budget -- & other issues within the Judiciary Committee's jurisdiction"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Hoylman, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Senator Terrence Murphy
Chair: Senate Committee on Investigation & Government Operations
Member: Local Government

February 7, 2017 e-mail from Chairman Murphy's scheduler

CJA's February 7, 2017 e-mail to Chair Murphy
"Thank you -- Meeting Request: Senator Murphy's chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations, attaching CJA's February 6, 2017 letter

August 24, 2017 e-mail from Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations Chair Terrence Murphy

September 28, 2017 e-mail from Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations Chair Murphy

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, ESQ.
Chair: Assembly Judiciary Committee
Member: Rules; Election Law, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Member Dinowitz -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enclosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's October 27, 2017 e-mail to Chair Dinowitz --
"Request for a meeting to discuss the Assembly Judiciary Committee's discharge of its oversight responsibilities, whose ABSENCE underlies the citizen-taxpayer action about which I testified at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing"

CJA's December 7, 2017 e-mail -- "FW: Request for a meeting to discuss the Assembly Judiciary Committee's discharge of its oversight responsibilities, whose ABSENCE underlies the citizen-taxpayer action about which I testified at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing"

cc CJA's December 8, 2017 e-mail --
"Statement for the Record of the Assembly Judiciary Committee's Rigged December 1, 2017 Hearing on the Judiciary Budget  

CJA's December 20, 2017 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair Dinowitz --
"Moving Ahead on Issues within the Assembly Judiciary Committee's Jurisdiction --Preliminary to a Meeting with Chair Dinowitz"

cc:  CJA's December 22, 2017 e-mail --
"Request for a meeting, as soon as possible, to discuss the Judiciary budget -- & other issues within the Judiciary Committee's jurisdiction"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Chair Dinowitz, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes
Chair: Assembly Committee on Governmental Operations
Member: Ways & Means; Rules, etc.

cc CJA's January 15, 2016 letter --
 (1) The Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation and its statute-repudiating, fraudulent, and unconstitutional December 24, 2015 Report with “force of law” judicial salary recommendations..."

CJA's February 19, 2016 letter to Chair Peoples-Stokes -- "Preventing Yet Another 'Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc':  (1) Did you furnish my e-mails to ALL your committee members, as requested?; (2) What are your findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to my particularized showing that the latest round of judicial salary increases & this year’s Judiciary & Legislative budgets & the Governor’s materially discrepant Budget Bill #S.6401/A.9001 are statutorily-violative, unconstitutional, and fraudulent?"

CJA's January 20, 2017 e-mail to Chair Peoples-Stokes

CJA's February 8, 2017 e-mail to Chair Peoples-Stokes --
"...requested meetings to prevent repeat of constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations: 
re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget", enclosing
CJA's February 6, 2017 letter

referred to:
VIDEOS of CJA's Testimony
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection" -- & referred-to substantiating EVIDENCE

Senator Patrick Gallivan
Chair: Crime Victims, Crime & Correction
Member: Finance, Codes, Elections, etc.

CJA's March 11, 2013 letter to Senator Gallivan/Senate Budget Subcommittee for "Public Protection" --
"Rectifying Your Absence at the February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on ‘Public Protection’ by Verifying the Dispositive Nature of the Opposition Testimony to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request”

CJA's March 13, 2013 e-mail to Gallivan --
"The Uselessness of the Legislature's 'White', 'Blue', 'Yellow' & 'Green' Books as Aids to Legislators in Understanding the Judiciary Budget & District Attorney Salary Reimbursement"

   -- ANALYSIS of the Legislature's "Color Books", to further demonstrate the Legislature's duty to reject the Judiciary Budget & the Judicial Salary Increases

          Exhibit A:   Senate Majority's "White Book"  link to "White Book"
          Exhibit B:   Senate Minority's "Blue Book"   link to "Blue Book"
          Exhibit C:  Assembly Majority's "Yellow Book" link to "Yellow Book"
          Exhibit D:  Assembly Minority's "Green Book" 
not publicly available  

cc: CJA's March 13, 2013 e-mail -- "The Legislature's Duty to Reject Judicial Appropriations Bill S2601-A3001 & its Unidentified Judicial Salary Increases that are Fraudulent, Statutorily-Violative, & Unconstitutional"

CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Senator Galivan/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary --attaching CJA's March 22, 2013 letter -- "...The Scandal of Judiciary Appropriations Bill S.2601/A.3001, the Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Salary Increases Therein, District Attorney Salary Reimbursement Based Thereon -- & the Price Tag of Each"
click here for: 
Senate Resolution 818,  Assembly Resolution 812, videos of their passage on March 11th, as well as videos of the General Budget Conference Committee & its Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary  

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Gallivan -- "HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Gallivan -- "Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's March 25, 2016 e-mail to Senator Gallivan/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary -- "Restoring constitutionality and lawfulness to NY's budgeting process -- & overriding the 'force of law' judicial pay raises"

CJA's February 8, 2017 e-mail to Chair Gallivan --
"...requested meetings to prevent repeat of constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget", enclosing
CJA's February 6, 2017 letter

referred to:
VIDEOS of CJA's Testimony
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection" -- & referred-to substantiating EVIDENCE


Assemblyman Matthew Titone, ESQ.
Chair: Consumer Affairs & Protection
(formerly chair of Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation)
Member: Judiciary, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Member Titone -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's January 9, 2017 e-mail to Chief of Staff to Titone

CJA's February 7, 2017 e-mail to Assemblyman Titone/Chair -- Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation -- "...requested meetings to prevent repeat of constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations:  re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget"

referred to:
VIDEOS of CJA's Testimony
Legislature's Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing on "local gov't officials/general gov't"
& Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing on "public protection" -- & referred-to substantiating EVIDENCE

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Judiciary Committee Member Titone, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Senator Betty Little
Member: Finance; Crime Victims, Crime & Correction; Rules, etc.

CJA's March 13, 2013 e-mail to Little/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary --
 "The Legislature's Duty to Reject Judicial Appropriations Bill S2601-A3001 & its Unidentified Judicial Salary Increases that are Fraudulent, Statutorily-Violative, & Unconstitutional"

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Little -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Little -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo"

CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Senator Little/Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary --attaching CJA's March 22, 2013 letter -- "...The Scandal of Judiciary Appropriations Bill S.2601/A.3001, the Unidentified, Unitemized Judicial Salary Increases Therein, District Attorney Salary Reimbursement Based Thereon -- & the Price Tag of Each"
click here for: 
Senate Resolution 818,  Assembly Resolution 812, videos of their passage on March 11th, as well as videos of the General Budget Conference Committee & its Subcommittee on "Public Protection", Criminal Justice & Judiciary  

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Little --
"HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Little --
"Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 26, 2014 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Little --
"Tomorrow's Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting -- AGENDA"


Senator Martin Malave Dilan
Member: Finance, Judiciary, Rules, Elections, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Dilan -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Dilan -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo"

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Dilan --
"HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Member Dilan --
"Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 26, 2014 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Dilan --
"Tomorrow's Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting -- AGENDA"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Member Dilan, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Assemblyman William Barclay, Esq.
Member: Judiciary, etc.

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Ways & Means Barclay -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's March 19, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Member Barclay -- "Judiciary Budget, Judiciary Appropriations Bill, Judicial Pay Raises: Ltr to Governor on 'Assisting the Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty" -- enlosed March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Assembly Finance Committee Member Barclay -- "HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Member Barclay, enclosing CJA's January 30, 2018 written statement in support of testimony

Assemblyman Brian Curran, ESQ.
Member: Codes; Ways & Means; Ethics & Guidance, etc.

The larceny of taxpayer monies in the Governor's Legislative/Judiciary budget bill for THIS FISCAL YEAR --
enacted, unamended

of CJA's testimony at Legislature's January 30, 2018 budget hearing
on "public protection"-- & substantiating EVIDENCE


of CJA's testimony at the Westchester Assembly Delegation's
February 2, 2018 forum on the state budget

of CJA's testimony at Legislature's February 5, 2018 budget hearing
on "local government officials/general government --
& substantiating EVIDENCE


"...these are penal law violations"
(CJA's final words at Feb. 5, 2018 budget hearing, before being cut off)


CJA's March 6, 2018 corruption complaint to Albany D.A. Soares --
Penal Law
§496 'corrupting the government'
" --


*  *  *

click here for:
Picking an Interim Attorney General
Who Won't Indict Them All





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