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NY's 58th Senate District
representing approx. 312,550 residents
embracing 5 counties: 
all of 

under construction


Significant 2021 memberships --
Ranking Member Senate Finance Committee
Member: Judiciary Committee, Codes Committee;
Investigations & Gov't Operations; Rules Committee

* * *
Previously --
Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations
Member continuously to 2017; 2020-21)
Judiciary Committee
Member continuously since at least 2011 & its Ranking Member 2019-2020)
Senate Finance Committee
Member continuously since at least 2016





CJA's June 4, 2013 letter to Senator O'Mara,
as member of the Senate Committee on Invesigations & Government Operations
PART  III:  Request for Legislative Oversight, Analysis and Investigation
of CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara and, specifically:

(1) of Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010, as written and applied – as to which, to date, there has been no oversight, analysis, and investigation; and
         (2) of the Commission on Judicial Conduct & court-controlled attorney disciplinary system – as to which, in 2009, the Senate Judiciary Committee held oversight hearings that were aborted, with no analysis, investigation, findings, or committee report of the document-supported testimony of witnesses

CJA's July 22, 2013 letter to Senator O'Mara, as member of the Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations  --
"Securing Investigation & Prosecution of Public Corruption]  
[transmitting e-mail]
attaching CJA's July 19, 2017 corruption complaint to Albany D.A. Soares        

EVIDENTIARY webpage for complaint



CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Senator O'Mara,
as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee
--  "Questions for Chief Administrative Judge Marks at Tomorrow's "Public Protection" Budget Hearing of the NYS Legislature"
attaching: written statement in support of testimony, WITH QUESTIONS

VIDEO of CJA's testimony at January 30, 2018 "public protection" budget hearing --
& EVIDENCE substantiating it


CJA's February 28, 2019 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member O'Mara --
"AGENDA: Judiciary budget & budget for the Commission on Judicial Conduct
for Fiscal Year 2019-2020"

CJA's February 19, 2019 written testimony, with QUESTIONS

included link to: substantiating EVIDENTIARY webpage



CJA's January 30, 2020 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Ranking Member O'Mara --
"Judicial corruption involving the NYS Attorney General -- & the budget bills for fiscal year 2020-2021 pertaining thereto"

CJA's February 11, 2020 e-mail to Judiciary Ranking Member O'Mara
"'Public Protection' Budget Hearing -- Questions for Chief Administrative Judge Marks"

February 12, 2012 e-mail -- "Today's..."  & here

click here for:  Questions for Marks & webpage 

CJA's February 12, 2020 e-mail to Judiciary Ranking Member O'Mara
"Legislative & Judiciary Budgets -- & Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #7501/9501:
Questions for Stewart-Cousins, Heastie -- & for Marks"

click here for:  Questions for Marks & webpage

click here for: CJA's Questions for Stewart-Cousins/Heastie & webpage

CJA's February 19, 2020 e-mail to Judiciary Ranking Member O'Mara --
"Request for Committee review & determination of Feb. 18, 2030 letter to Governor -- & Questions for Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Heastie & for Chief Administrative Judge Marks"
attached:  February 18, 2020 letter to Governor Cuomo




cc: CJA's September 15, 2020 e-mail to Chemung County "Local Journalism"
"Chemung County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Chemung County's 3 re-election-seeking state legislators,
which Chemung County D.A. Wetmore is 'sitting on'"

CJA's June 22, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint
vs Senator O'Mara, filed with Chemung County D.A. Wetmore

cc: CJA's September 15, 2020 e-mail to Steuben County "Local Journalism" --
"Steuben County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Steuben County's 4 re-election-seeking state legislators, which Steuben County D.A. Baker is 'sitting on'"

CJA's June 22, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint
vs Senator O'Mara, filed with Steuben County D.A. Baker

cc: September 15, 2020 e-mail to Schuyler County "Local Journalism" --
"Schuyler County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Schuyler County's 2 re-election-seeking state legislators,
which Schuyler County D.A. Fazzary is 'sitting on'"

CJA's June 22, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint
vs Senator O'Mara,
filed with Schuyler County D.A. Fazzary

cc: CJA's September 15, 2020 e-mail to Yates County "Local Journalism" --
"Yates County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Yates County's 2 re-election-seeking state legislators,
which D.A. Casella is 'sitting on'"

CJA's June 22, 2020 grand jury/public corrution complaint
vs Senator O'Mara, filed with Yates County D.A. Casella

cc: CJA's September 15, 2020 e-mail to Tompkins County "Local Journalism" --
"Tompkins County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Tompkins County's 4 state legislators --
2 seeking re-election -- which Tompkins County D.A. Van Houten, also seeking re-election,
is 'sitting on'"

CJA's June 15, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint
vs Senator O'Mara, filed with Tompkins County D.A. Van Houten


CJA's June 1, 2021 e-mail Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Hoylman,
to which all other members were cc'd
"Senate Judiciary Committee procedures for vetting Gov. Cuomo's nominations of Singas & Cannataro to the NY Court of Appeals -- & request to testify in strong opposition at their confirmation hearings, with EVIDENCE, decisive of their unfitness" -- 
link to 2009 hearings

CJA's June 7, 2021 e-mail
to the Senate Judiciary Committee's 15 Members
"Your tomorrow's 'meeting' on the nominations of Singas & Cannataro to the NY Court of Appeals -- UNCONSTITUTIONAL & FRAUDULENT, as it has not been preceded by vetting of the EVIDENCE decisive of their unfitness, of which you have had NOTICE"

click here for:  EVIDENTIARY WEBPAGE & Questions for D.A. Singas 

click here for:  EVIDENTIARY WEBPAGE & Questions for Judge Cannataro








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