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Making the 2016 Legislative Elections Competitive...

--  under construction --


Albany County Board of Elections

44th Senate District: 
Senator Neil Breslin (Finance, Judiciary, Legislative Ethics Commission)

46th Senate District: 
Senator George Amadore (Judiciary)

102nd Assembly District:
Assemblyman Peter Lopez

108th Assembly District:
Assemblyman John McDonald

 110th Assembly District: 
Assemblyman Philip Steck

109th Assembly District: 
Assemblywoman Patrice Fahy

111th Assembly District: 
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara

District Attorney David Soares


Chautauqua County Board of Elections

57th Senate District:
Senator Catharine Young (R, C, IP)  (Finance Committee-Chair)

150th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Andy Goodell  (Judiciary, Governmental Operations)


Cattaraugus County Board of Elections

57th Senate District:
Senator Catharine Young (R, C, IP)  (Finance Committee-Chair)

150th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Andy Goodell  (Judiciary, Governmental Operations)


Dutchess County Board of Elections

40th Senate District
Senator Terrence Murphy (R, C, G, IP, SC)  (Local Gov't, Investigations & Gov't Operations, Ethics); Chair-Administrative Regulations Review Commission; (Joint Budget Conference Subcommittee on Gov't/Local Gov't)

41st Senate District:
Senator Sue Serino (R, C, IP) (Judiciary)

103rd Assembly District:
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (Ways & Means)

104th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Frank Skartados (D) (Local Gov'ts)

105th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor (R)  (Governmental Operations)

106th  Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Didi Barrett (D)


Erie County Board of Elections   primaries

60th Senate District:
Amber Small (D)
Christopher Jacobs (R)

61st Senate District:
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary, Finance)
Thomas Loughran (W) 

140th Assembly District:
Anthony Baney (G)

143rd Assembly District:
Monica Wallace (D)

146th Assembly District:
Raymond Walter (C, IP)  (Ways & Means)
Dorothy Sobczyk (G)
Steven Meyer (W)

147th Assembly District: 

Erie County District Attorney --
John Flynn  
Joe Treanor

Genesee County Board of Elections

61st Senate District:
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary, Finance)

Assembly District:


Livingston County Board of Elections

57th Senate District
Senator Catharine Young (R, C, IP)  (Finance Committee-Chair)

59th Senate District
Senator Patrick Gallivan (R, C, IP)  (Finance, Codes)

133rd Assembly District
Assemblyman William Nojay - deceased


Monroe County Board of Elections

54th Senate District:

55th Senate District:
Senator Rich Funke  (R, C, IP)

56th Senate District:
Senator Joseph Robach  (R, C, IP) (Finance, Rules)

59th Senate District
Senator Patrick Gallivan (R, C, IP)  (Finance, Codes)

61st Senate District:
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary, Finance)
Thomas Loughran (W) 

62nd Senate District:
Senator Robert Ortt (R, C, IP)  (Local Gov't)



Nassau County Board of Elections

2nd Senate District:
Senator John Flanagan (R, C. IP)

3rd Senate District:
Senator Thomas Croci (R)  (Chair-Ethics, Local Gov't)

4th Senate District:
Senator Phil Boyle (R)   (Judiciary, Finance, Local Gov't)

5th Senate District:
Senator Carl Marcellino (R, C, IP) (Finance, Rules)

6th Senate District:
Senator Kemp Hannon (R, C, IP) (Rules, Judiciary, Finance)

7th Senate District:
Senator Jack Martins (R) (Finance)

8th Senate District:
Senator Michael Venditto (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary)

9th Senate District:
Senator Todd Kaminsky (D)  (Ranking Member-Local Gov't, Finance)

2nd Assembly District:
Anthony Palumbo

3rd Assembly District:
Assemblyman Dean Murray (R)

4th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D)  (Rules)

5th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Al Graf (R)   (Judiciary)

6th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Phil Ramos (D)  (Local Gov'ts, Ways & Means)

7th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Andrew Garbarino (R)

8th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick (R)  (Ways & Means)

9th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Joseph Saladino (R)  (Ways & Means)

10th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Chad Lupinacci (R)   (Judiciary, Election Law)

11th Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Kimberly Jean-Pierre (D)  (Local Gov'ts)

12th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Andrew Raia (R)  (Rules)

13th Assembly District:
Charles Lavine  (D) (Chair-Ethics & Guidance, Judiciary)

14th Assembly District:
David McDonough (R)

15th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Michael Montesano (R) (Judiciary, Ethics & Guidance, Oversight, Analysis, & Investigation)


Onondaga County Board of Elections

50th Senate District:
Senator John DeFrancisco

53rd Senate District:
Senator David Valesky    (Finance, Rules, Local Gov't)

120th Assembly District:
Assemblyman William Barclay (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary, Rules, Ways & Means)

126th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Gary Finch (R, C, IP) (Rules)

127th Assembly District
Senator Al Stirpe (D, Wor)

128th Assembly District
Pamela Jo Hunter (D, IP, Wor, WEP)

129th Assembly District
Assemblyman William Magnarelli (D, Wor, IP, WEP)   (Chair-Local Gov'ts, Rules, Oversight, Analysis & Investigation)


Orange County Board of Elections

39th Senate District
Senator William Larken (R, C) (Finance, Rules)

42nd Senate District:
Senator John Bonacic (R, C, IP) (Judiciary, Rules, Finance)

98th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec  (Local Governments, Election Law)

99th Assembly District:
Assemblyman James Skoufis (D) (Local Gov'ts)

100th Assembly District
Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther (D)

101st Assembly District
Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney

104th Assembly District
Assemblyman Frank Skartados (Local Gov'ts)

Putnam County Board of Elections

40th Senate District:
Senator Terrence Murphy (R, C, G, IP, SC)  (Local Gov't, Investigations & Gov't Operations, Ethics); Chair-Administrative Regulations Review Commission; (Joint Budget Conference Subcommittee on Gov't/Local Gov't)

41st Senate District:
Senator Sue Serino (R, C, IP) (Judiciary)

94th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Steven Katz -- retiring
Kevin Byrne (R)

95th Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Sandy Galef (D) (Governmental Operations)

Rockland County Board of Elections

38th Senate District:
Senator David Carlucci (D) (Investigations & Gov't Operations, Rules)

39th Senate District:
Senator William Larken (R, C) (Finance, Rules)

96th Assembly District
Assemblyman Kenneth Zembrowski  (Chair-Administrative Regulations Review Commission, Judiciary, Ethics & Guidance)

98th Assembly District
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec  (Local Governments, Election Law)

99th Assembly District
Assemblyman James Skoufis (D) (Local Gov'ts)

Schoharie County Board of Elections

51st Senate District:

Senator James Seward  (Finance, Rules),
Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Reform lines

Jermaine Bagnall-Graham, running on Democratic and Women's Equality Party lines

Otsego, Schoharie and Cortland counties,
as well as parts of Delaware, Chenango, Herkimer, Tompkins, Cayuga and Ulster counties 

102nd Assembly District:
Assemblyman Peter Lopez


Suffolk County Board of Elections

1st Senate District
Kenneth LaValle (R)  (Judiciary, Finance, Rules)

1st Assembly District
Assemblyman Fred Thiele (D)  (Ways & Means)

2nd Assembly District
Assemblyman Anthony Palumbo   (Judiciary)


Ulster County Board of Elections

39th Senate District
Senator William Larken (R, C) (Finance, Rules)

40th Senate District
Senator Terrence Murphy (R, C, G, IP, SC)  (Local Gov't, Investigations & Gov't Operations, Ethics); Chair-Administrative Regulations Review Commission; (Joint Budget Conference Subcommittee on Gov't/Local Gov't)

46th Senate District
Senator George Amedore (R, C, IP)  (Judiciary Committee)

51st Senate District
Senator James Seward (R, C, IP) (Finance, Rules) 

101st Assembly District
Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney

102nd Assembly District
Assemblyman Peter Lopez

103rd Assembly District
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (Ways & Means)

104th Assembly District
Assemblyman Frank Skartados (Local Gov'ts)


Warren County Board of Elections

45th Senate District:
Senator Betty Little (R, C, IP)  (Finance, Rule)

114th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Daniel Stec  (Local Gov'ts)


Washington County Board of Elections

Senate District

113th Assembly District
Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D) (Local Gov'ts)


Westchester County Board of Elections

34th Senate District:
Senator Jeffrey Klein (D)

35th Senate District:
Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D, IP, WF)

36th Senate District:
Formerly Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson -- ranking member/Senate Judiciary
Jamaal Bailey (D)

37th Senate District
Senator George Latimer (D)
(Local Gov't)

38th Senate District:
Senator David Carlucci (D) (Investigations & Gov't Operations, Rules)

40th Senate District:
Senator Terrence Murphy (R, C, G, IP, SC) (Local Gov't, Investigations & Gov't Operations, Ethics); Chair-Administrative Regulations Review Commission; (Joint Budget Conference Subcommittee on Gov't/Local Gov't)
Alison Boak (D)

88th Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Amy Paulin

89th Assembly District:
Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow  (Codes, Rules, Ways &  Means)

90th Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer

 91st Assembly District:
Assemblyman Steven Otis (Local Gov'ts; Chair-Commission on Solid-Waste Management)

92nd Assembly District:
Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti (R)

93rd Assembly District:
Assemblyman David Buchwald (D) (Local Gov'ts; Governmental Operations; Judiciary)

94th Assembly District:
Assemblyman Steven Katz -- retiring
Kevin Byrne (R)

95th Assembly District:
Assemblywoman Sandy Galef (D) (Governmental Operations)

Yates Board of Elections


135th Assembly District
Mark Johns (Governmental Operations)

115th Assembly District
Assemblywoman Janet Duprey (Governmental Operations, Rules, Ways & Means)

28th Senate District:
Liz Krueger (D, WF)   (Finance)




"GOP primary in doubt for Westchester D.A. race",
Gannett, August 2, 2016 (Jonathan Bandler)


under construction --

"Forecasting the 2016 Senate Races", City & State, August 15, 2016

49th Senate Seat --
vacated by incumbent Hugh Farley --


Chad Putnam

Christian Klueg


46th Senate Seat -- vs. incumbent George Amedore

Sara Niccoli


51st District
(Cortland, Cayuga, 7 other counties)

Democratic challenger Jermaine Bagnall-Graham (endorsed by Cayuga Co. Democratic Committee)
Democratic challenger: Audrey Dunning
Republican incumbent: James Seward

53rd District
(Madison, Onondaga, Oneida counties)

Democratic incumbent: David Valesky

54th District
(Seneca, Cayuga, Tompkins, Wayne, Monroe, Ontario counties)

Democratic candidate: Kenan Baldridge (endorsed by 6 county Democratic committees)
Charles Evangelista, Democrat
Republican candidate: Pam Helming (endorsed by 6 county Republican committees)
Floyd Rayburn, Republican
"Rayburn challenges..."


121st Assembly District
(Madison, Otsego, Oneida counties)

incumbent Democrat: Bill Magee
Republican challenger: John Salka

125th Assembly District
(Tompkins, Cortland counties)

incumbent Democrat: Barbara Lifton, Democrat
Republican challenger: Herbert Masser

126th Assembly District
(Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortland, Chenango counties)

incumbent Republican: Gary Finch
Democratic challenger: Diane Dwire
Diane Dwire to Assembyman Gary Finch:

127th Assembly District
(Onondaga County)

incumbent Democrat: Al Stirpe
Republican challenger: Vince Giordano
(endorsed by Onondago Co. Republican Committee)
Republican challenger: Michael Becallo

Leslie Danks Burke


Jim Gaughran -- Democratic challenger to Carl Marcellino

Chris Euchus -- Democratic challenger to William Larkin

Ryan Cronin -- Democratic challenge to Kemp Hannon

Adam Haber  Elaine Phillips


August 13, 2016: "Euchus criticizes Larkin for 'outrageous' pay raise proposal" , MidHudson News.Com

"State lawmakers in line for 47 percent raise",  Lockport Union-Sun & Journal (Joe Mahoney)

August 20, 2016: "Readers reject idea of stat raises"

"North Country Assembly candidate criticizes state legislature for bill that would raise lawmaker wages by 47 percent " North County Now News, August 22, 2016

August 22, 2016: "Trickle down election economics"

August 23, 2016 "Assembly hopefuls oppose raises for state lawmakers", Watertown Daily Times (Frank DiFiore)

"Jenifer Rajkumar:  Eyeing New York Assembly Seat in Six-Person Race"

September 7, 2016 "Ballston residents battling for 112th Assembly seat"


CJA's own legislative incumbents --

  Assemblyman David Buchwald

January 3, 2016 "Assemblyman Buchwald First State Legislator to Sign New Ethics Pledge"

March 23, 2016 "State Assembly Updates its Rules to Promote Transparency and Democracy"

37th Senate District:
Senator George Latimer (D) (Local Gov't)

[CJA's Aug. 13, 2013 letter to Buchwald & Latimer]


[discovered May 30, 2016]

CJA's Senate member is NOT Senator Latimer, but
Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins!

her re-election website:


Lulu-paid "Leadership"
( * denotes membership on 2009 Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform)

Senate Leadership List


Senate Majority (Republican) Conference

John J. Flanagan, Temporary President and Majority Leader

John A. DeFrancisco, Deputy Majority Leader for Legislative Operations

Kenneth P. LaValle, Chairman, Senate Majority Conference

Andrew J. Lanza, Deputy Majority Leader for Government Oversight and Accountability

* Joseph A. Griffo, Assistant Majority Whip 

John J. Bonacic, Deputy Majority Leader for State/Federal Relations


Senate Minority (Democratic) Conference
* Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Democratic Conference Leader

Michael Gianaris, Deputy Democratic Conference Leader

* José M. Serrano, Chair of Democratic Conference 

Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Vice Chair of Democratic Conference

* Kevin S. Parker, Assistant Democratic Conference Leader for Intergovernmental Affairs
* Daniel Squadron, Deputy Democratic Conference Floor Leader  


Senate Independent Demcratic Conference

* Jeffrey D. Klein, Independent Democratic Conference Leader

* David J. Valesky, Deputy Independent Democratic Conference Leader for Legislative Operations

David Carlucci, Independent Democratic Conference Whip

Diane J. Savino, Independent Democratic Conference Liaison to the Executive Branch

Tony Avella, Assistant Conference Leader for Policy and Administration of Independent Democratic Conference


Assembly Leadership List

Assembly (Democratic) Majority

Speaker -- Carl E. Heastie

Majority Leader -- Joseph D. Morelle


Assembly (Republican) Minority

Minority Leader -- Brian M. Kolb

Minority Leader Pro Tempore -- Jane L. Corwin

and lulu-paid Committee chairs and ranking members


IN THE SENATE   (committee list)

ChairCatharine Young -- an added $34,000
Ranking MemberLiz Krueger -- an added $20,500

Chair: John Bonacic -- an added $18,000
Ranking Member: Ruth Hassell-Thompson -- an added $11,000

Chair:  Andrew Lanza -- an added $15,000
Ranking Member
: Brad Hoylman -- an added $9,500

IN THE ASSEMBLY  (committee list)

Chair: Herman Farrell, Jr. -- an added $34,000
Ranking MemberBob Oaks -- an added $20,500

Chair: Helene Weinstein -- an added $18,000
Ranking Member: Michael Montesano -- an added $11,000

Chair: Crystal Peoples-Stokes -- an added $12,500
Ranking Member: Janet Duprey -- an added $9,000

Chair: Ellen Jaffee -- an added $12,500
Ranking Member: Peter Lawrence -- an added $9,000

                        ---------------------------UNDER CONSTRUCTION!--------------------------------------------------------------- 

Senator Phil Boyle
(4th Senate District)

Senator George Amedore
(46th Senate District)
"Senate candidate Niccoli supports outside income limit"

Senator James Seward -- Chair Majority Program Development Committee
(51st Senate District)
"Bagnalle-Graham views education, ethics as top issues in race against Sen. Jim Seward"

Senator Patrick Gallivan
(59th Senate District)

49th Senate District:
"State Senate Candidate Christian Klueg Calls Nomination Process Corrupt"
WAMC, May 26, 2016

60th Senate District
"Panepinto's departure turns November race for 60th district an open affair"

"The New York State Senate: An Analysis of All 63 Seats", Daily Kos, February 17, 2016 (Disastermarch17)



(150th Assembly District)
"Chautauqua Democrats Seek Candidates to Challenge Incumbent Andy Goodell in '16"
"Why some incumbents should not be re-elected"



Catherine Nolan



From Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie --

"Statement on Ethics Reform" -- June 8, 2016


From Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb --

"New York's Spending Practices Are A Disaster" -- May 13, 2016

"Albany's Ethical Challenge Has Gone Unmet" -- April 25, 2016

"A Broken Process and Broken Promises" -- April 8, 2016

"Statement...On The Final 2016-2017 State Budget" -- April 1, 2016

"Assembly Committee Activity Epitomizes Albany's Continued Dysfunction" -- March 29, 2016

"In New York, The Sun Has Set On Sunshine Week" -- March 18, 2016

"Statement...On Today's Rules Reforms Proposed By the Assembly Majority" -- March 17, 2016

"JCOPE's Behavior Has Us All Scratching Our Heads" -- January 20, 2016

"Score One For The Status Quo" -- January 15, 2016

"Assembly Minority Leader...Calls For Immediate Remedy To Toxic Albany Culture" -- January 12, 2016   Bill #A4617

"Statement...On The Governor's 2016 State of the State" -- January 13, 2016

"Albany's Chance For Change Starts Now" -- January 8, 2016

"Statement...On the Start of the Legislative Session" -- January 6, 2016




June 10, 2016 "Comprehensive ethics reform missing in action in Albany (Editorial)", Syracuse.com


I think the results demonstrate that the voters in the 143rd District have voted to restore integrity and principles to this seat,” she said of an Assembly seat whose past two representatives have left office in the wake of sexual harassment scandals.


"Putnam, Dutchess Voters Head to Polls on Primary Tuesday",
Putnam Voice, Sept. 12, 2016, (Sam Barron)


GOP, Democrats Eye...  October 16, 2016



Niagara County Acting District Attorney         non-competive, cross-endorsed 2016 electoral race:  here  &  here

Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares    non-competive, uncontested 2016 re-election:  here    xx



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