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Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo, et al
(Albany Co. #5122-16)



April 21, 2017
How the Attorney General Litigates --
defendants' papers in opposition
to plaintiffs' March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause


AAG Helena Lynch's April 21, 2017 affirmation

Ex 1   plaintiffs' September 2, 2016 verified complaint w/o exhibits
Ex 2   Judge Hartman's December 21, 2016 decision
Ex 3   Judge Hartman's signed February 21, 2017 order to show cause
Ex 4   Judge Hartman's signed March 29, 2017 order to show cause
Ex 5   plaintiffs' March 29, 2017 verified supplemental complaint (as corrected)
Ex 6   printout of summary of Assembly actions on bill #A.3000-D
Ex 7   page 450 of bill #A.3000-D
Ex 8   printout of summary of Senate actions on bill #S.2003-D
Ex 9   coverpage with certification of what is purported as Judiciary's budget
Ex 10  December 1, 2016 coverletter purported to certify Legislature's budget

AAG Lynch's April 21, 2017 memorandum of law


click here for:
Plaintiffs' May 15, 2017 Reply Papers
in Further Support of March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause



click here for:  Menu Page for CJA's TWO Citizen-Taxpayer Actions to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"& Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance 





cited cases:

People v. Call, 287 AD2d 877 (3rd Dept. 2001)
Trimarco v. Data Treasury Corp., (Suffolk Co. Supreme Court 2014)
Rakhlev v. New York City Housing Authority,
253 A.D.2d 526, 527 (2nd Dept. 1998)




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