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Roger Pilon's July 12, 1996 letter


CJA's September 11, 1998 letter to Roger Pilon, Director --
"RE: Amicus and other assistance, Sassower v. Mangano, et al., U.S. Supreme Court #98-106"
     Ex. A:  Roger Pilon's testimony at the 5/16/97 House Judiciary Committee hearing
               on "Judicial Misconduct & Discipline"
    -- transmitting (1) cert petition & supplemental brief in Sassower v. Mangano and (2) substantiating exhibits to CJA's 6/11/98 statement for inclusion in record of House Judiciary Committee hearing & 7/27/98 letter to Chief of the Public Integrity Section/U.S. Dept of Justice-Criminal Division
     SEE:  Test Case-Federal (Mangano) - Supreme Court


CJA's June 9, 2004 memo to Roger Pilon, etc. --
"RE: Your (
On-Going) Responsibility to 'Champion Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection' at Issue in the 'Disruption of Congress' case of United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower..."
    -- enclosing CJA's June 8, 2004 memo

CJA's June 10, 2004 draft memo of law on the unconstitutionality of the "disruption of Congress" statute

    SEE: Paper Trail to Jail in "Disruption of Congress" case

Roger Pilon's June 23, 2004 letter     


CJA's May 27, 2005 memo to Roger Pilon, etc. --
"RE: Furthering 'Basic Citizen Rights -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection', as well as Fundamental Judicial Accountability by your Amicus Curiae and Other Assistance in the Appeal of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"

"Disruption of Congress"- DC Court of Appeals
                     (6/28/05 appellant's brief & supplemental fact statement)
CJA's August 23, 2005 memo to Roger Pilon, etc. --
"RE: AMICUS CURIAE BRIEFS ARE DUE NOVEMBER 14, 2005 in the Consolidated Appeals of the 'Disruption of Congress' Case, Elena Ruth Sassower v. United States of America"


CJA's June 22, 2007 memo to Roger Pilon, etc.  --
"RE: Championing Basic Citizen Rights, the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection, and Fundamental Judicial Accountability by Your Amicus Curiae Support for U.S. Supreme Court Review of the Cert Petition in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case"

              SEE"Disruption of Congress"

CJA's August 24, 2007 memo to Roger Pilon, etc. -- RE: Championing Basic Citizen Rights, the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection, and Fundamental Judicial Accountability by your amicus curiae support for the filed and docket cert petition in the 'disruption of Congress' case"

             SEE:  "Disruption of Congress" - US Supreme Court
 (see 8/17/07 cert petition)               




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