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CJA's December 30, 2013 letter to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo --
  Your Duty to Exclude the Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized Estimates"


CJA's August 21, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo -- "Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & the Public Trust Act (Program Bill #3) -- the Sine Qua Non for 'Government Working' & 'Working for the People'"

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referred-to documents:

CJA's December 11, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo & Legislators -- "SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC PURSE FROM JUDICIAL FRAUD & LARCENY:  Your Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third Phase of the Judicial Salary Increase that Will Otherwise Take Effect, Automatically, on April 1, 2014"

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Legislative Budget -- Fiscal Year 2014-2015:

Legislature's November 27, 2013 transmittal letter to Governor Cuomo, signed by Temporary Senate President Skelos & Assembly Speaker Silver
 -- Attachments:
              Legislature's Budget Narrative (5 pp.) with chart (1 p.)
              "Schedule of Appropriations" (10 pps.)  

compare to Judiciary's November 29, 2013 transmittal:
 Judiciary's Proposed Budget - with transmittal memo & certification
Judiciary's General State Charges - with transmittal memo & certification

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FOIL Correspondence


CJA's December 2, 2013 letter to Secretary of Senate...-- "The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial needs for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

December 16, 2013 letter to Secretary of Senate  -- "AGAIN:  The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial needs for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"


CJA's December 2, 2013 letter to Assembly Public Information Officer...-- "The Legislature's Certified Itemized Estimates of its Financial needs for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, as Required by Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"

Assembly Public Information Officer's December 6, 2013 response1. Legislature's November 27, 2013 letter signed by Temporary Senate President Skelos & Assembly Speaker Silver to Governor Cuomo; 2.  Legislature's Budget Narrative; 3. Legislature's Schedule of Appropriations 

CJA's December 16, 2013 letter to Assembly Public Information Officer -- "RE: Where are the Legislature's Certifications & 'Fringe Benefit Costs' for Fiscal Year 2014-2015?"

Assembly Public Information Officer's December 17, 2013 response  

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FURTHER PROOF that Legislative Budget is NOT --
as Article VII, Sec. 1 of the NYS Constitution requires --
"itemized estimates of the financial needs of each house..."

(1) Three Prior Years of IDENTICAL Legislative budgets --
2011, 2012, 2013

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011

(2) Senate Temporary Committee on Rules & Administration Reform Discussions -- 2009 Meetings 

1st meeting on March 23, 2009: pp. 54-56; 61-62
2nd meeting on March 24, 2009: pp. 33-73
3rd meeting on March 25, 2009: pp. 43-60

See Legislative Budget for 2009 -- & prior years:

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001

Legislative Budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000

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click here for
2009 Temporary Senate Committeee on Rules & Administration Reform

Brennan Center Reports on NY's Legislature --
found to be the nation's MOST DYSFUNCTIONAL 

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Division of the Budget "Citizens' Guide"

September 24, 2013 call letter of Budget Director Megna

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CJA's July 19, 2013 corruption complaint
to Albany County District Attorney Soares

CJA's June 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Hartunian

CJA's September 17, 2013 oral & written testimony to Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

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