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CJA's People's Campaign to Hold the Commission
 to Investigate Public Corruption True to its Name & Announced Purpose


Referred-to Commission webpage,
reflecting what was posted in July 2013 --
consisting of 3 sections:
(1) Our Beginnings;
(2) Assembling Evidence for Upcoming Presentation;
(3) Disqualification for Interest of Members & Advisors:

Section #1

Our Beginnings -- Requesting a Special Prosecutor
from the FIRST Governor Cuomo:   

click here
CJA's webpage of correspondence with Governor Mario Cuomo


Section #2

Assembling Evidence for Upcoming Presentation:

CJA's  July 2, 2013 e-mail to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics  --
"Location of Records of the NYS Ethics Commission, Germane to our June 27, 2013 Ethics Complaint to the NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics, Etc."  

    -- link to webpage of CJA's ethics complaints to NYS Ethics Commission

    -- CJA's September 23, 2003 letter to Ethics Commission
        "(1) Preservation of the records of CJA's ethics complaints..."

CJA's August 6, 2013 e-mail -- "What is Your Answer?  Location of Records of the NYS Ethics Commission, Germane to CJA's June 27th JCOPE complaint & to the Investigations of the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

CJA's July 3, 2013 letter to Office of Court Administration --
"Records of Former Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections"          
link to webpage of Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections      OCA's July 22, 2013 FOIL response

   Section #3

Specific Disqualification for Interest
of Commission Members & Advisors:

Milton Williams, Jr./Chairman, Fund for Modern Court
link to: 
CJA's webpage for Appellate Division, 1st Dept appeal
in Mantell v. Commission on Judicial Conduct

link to: Fund for Modern Courts

Betty Weinberg Ellerin
"Justice Weinberg Ellerin served for more than twenty years as a judge. During that time, she served as Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for the New York City Courts and as Associate Justice and Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department."
link to: CJA's webpage for Appellate Division, 1st Dept. appeal
Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct

Richard Briffault
"Richard Briffault is the Joseph P. Chamberlain Professor of Legislation at Columbia Law School. His primary areas of teaching, research and writing are state and local government law and the law of the political process. Prior to joining the Columbia faculty in 1983, he was an Assistant Counsel to the Governor of the State of New York. He has served as the executive director of the Special Commission on Campaign Finance Reform of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, as well as a consultant to the New York City Charter Revision Commission and the New York State Commission on Constitutional Revisions."
link to Building Scholarship 

Daniel Castleman
"Mr. Castleman spent nearly 30 years at the New York County District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Castleman started his career there in 1979 as an appellate and street crime prosecutor. He then became a Senior Investigative Counsel in the Rackets Bureau handling political corruption and organized crime cases. After three years, Mr. Castleman became the Chief of the Rackets Bureau in 1990. In 1993, Mr. Castleman was promoted to Chief of the Investigation Division. Mr. Castleman then became Chief Assistant District Attorney in 2008."
 link to: CJA's webpage for Manhattan D.A. Morgenthau

Robert Morgenthau
"Mr. Morgenthau was the District Attorney for New York County from 1975 to 2009. In his nine terms in office, his staff conducted approximately 3.5 million criminal prosecutions.... In addition, Mr. Morgenthau was known as a national leader in the prosecution of white collar crime. Prior to serving as D.A., Mr. Morgenthau...was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York..."
       link to: CJA's webpage for Manhattan D.A. Morgenthau

Babara Bartoletti/Legislative Director, League of Women Voters
"Barbara Bartoletti has been the Legislative Director for the League of Women Voters of New York since 1988, and a member of the League of Women Voters since 1978."
link to: League of Women Voters


*     *     *

CJA's People's Campaign
to Hold the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name & Announced Purpose


CJA's August 5, 2013 letter to Commission --
"Keeping the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name & Announced Purpose"

The People Have Something to Say -- & Evidence to Back it Up

Building Our Own People's Media

Holding the Commission --
& its Appointing & Deputizing Authorities --
to Account

Reporting, Editorials & Commentary on Commission
(& Corruption Issues)

*     *     *

Menu of CJA's webpages on NYS Judicial Compensation:


CJA's July 19, 2013 corruption complaint
to Albany County District Attorney Soares
(& the Public Trust Act)

CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Bharara (SDNY) 

CJA's May 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Lynch (EDNY)

CJA's June 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Hartunian (NDNY)

CJA's June 27, 2013 ethics complaint
to NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics

CJA's July 11, 2013 corruption complaint
to NYS Inspector General 

CJA's June 4, 2013 letter
to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations
& Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation

Going After Black & Hispanic "Little Fish",
while the "Big White Whales" Go Free


*  *  *

Fighting Off Progeny of the Judicial Compensation Statute (S-2953: A-246) & Securing a Functioning Legislative Process

Securing Legislative Oversight & Override of the 2nd & 3rd phases of the judicial pay raises...

Championing of appropriate rules and leadership for the New York State Legislature 

CJA's People's lawsuit to void the judicial pay raises & secure judicial accountability -- CJA, et al. v. Cuomo, et al.

CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report to the "Final Report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation" 

The Judges' Judicial Compensation Lawsuits









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