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Another Test Case:   NY-(Landlord/Tenant)


  ***    Click here for full record of the case:

in White Plains City Court

in the Appellate Term of the Appellate Division, Second Department


Elena Sassower's October 4, 2010 motion for leave to appeal to the Appellate Division, if not to appeal by right, &, if denied, for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals, & other relief

Exhibit A-1:           Appellate Term’s July 8, 2010 decision & order (purportedly by Justices Molia & Iannacci, but not signed by them)
denying, inter alia, Sassower’s April 25, 2010 motion for their disqualification

Exhibit A-2:           Appellate Term’s unsigned February 19, 2010 decision (purportedly by Justices Molia & Iannacci) severing the first branch
                                            of Sassower’s January 2, 2010 motion for Justice Molia’s disqualification and referring it to Justice Molia (with accompanying order)

Exhibit A-3:            Appellate Term’s unsigned February 19, 2010 decision (purportedly by Justice Molia) denying the disqualification branch
                                            of Sassower’s January 2, 2010 motion for Justice Molia’s disqualification (with accompanying order)

Exhibit B-1:            White Plains City Court Judge Hansbury’s signed but not entered October 11, 2007 decision/order

Exhibit B-2:           Judge Hansbury’s signed, but not entered January 29, 2008 decision/order, denying, inter alia, the first branch of Sassower’s November 9, 2007 order to show cause for his disqualification, but thereupon sua sponte recusing himself

Exhibit C-1:           White Plains City Court Judge Friia’s signed, but not entered July 3, 2008 decision/order

Exhibit C-2:          Judge Friia’s July 21, 2008 signed hand-written notation on the face of Sassower’s July 18, 2008 order to show cause

                            for her disqualification & other relief, denying it without signing it

Exhibit C-3a:       Judge Friia’s July 21, 2008 signed, but not entered judgment of eviction

Exhibit C-3b:       White Plains City Court Clerk’s handwritten entry, faxed to Appellate Term on October 23, 2008, back-dated to July 21, 2008

Exhibit C-4:         Judge Friia’s July 21, 2008 signed, but not entered warrant of removal

Exhibit C-5:         Judge Friia’s signed, but not entered October 14, 2008 decision/order

Exhibit D:            Brennan Center’s article “Invigorating Judicial Disqualification: Ten Potential Reforms”, Judicature, Vol. 92, #1 (July-August 2008)

Exhibit E:             ABA Standing Committee on Judicial Independence: pages 1, 2 from draft report and recommendation; flier for its August 7, 2010 program
                            “Judicial Disqualification Forum: Finding Prompt and Meaningful Solutions for State Judiciaries

Exhibit F:          “Recusal and Recompense: Amending New York Recusal Law in Light of the Judicial Pay Raise Controversy”,
                          57 Buffalo Law Review 1597
(Dec. 2009), Jeffrey Fiut

Exhibit G:          People v. Ventura, 17 Misc. 3d 1132A (Westbury Village Court-Thomas F. Liotti, 2007)



Sassower's April 25, 2010 motion to disqualify Justice Angela G. Iannacci, & other relief
      Exhibit L-1:  unsigned February 19, 2010 decision of Justices Molia and Iannacci severing and referring for Justice Molia's determination the first branch
                          of Sassower's January 2, 2010 motion for her disqualification and denying its other branches

      Exhibit L-2:  February 19, 2010 order, signed by Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit L-3:  unsigned February 19, 2010 decision of Justice Molia denying the first branch of Sassower's January 2, 2010 motion for her disqualification
      Exhibit L-4:  February 19, 2010 order, unsigned by Justice Molia
      Exhibit M-1:  unsigned February 23, 2010 decision of Justices Molia & Iannacci determining appeal #2009-148-WC
      Exhibit M-2:  February 23, 2010 order on appeal #2009-148-WC, unsigned except for Clerk Kenny's stamped signature for entry
      Exhibit N-1:  unsigned February 23, 2010 decision of Justices Molia & Iannacci determining appeal #2008-1427-WC
      Exhibit N-2:  February 23, 2010 order on appeal #2008-1427-WC, unsigned except for Clerk Kenny's stamped signature for entry
      Exhibit O-1:  unsigned February 23, 2010 decision of Justices Molia & Iannacci determining appeals #2008-1433-WC & 2008-1428-WC
      Exhibit O-2:  February 23, 2010 order on appeal #2008-1433-WC, unsigned except for Clerk Kenny's stamped signature for entry
      Exhibit P:  Sassower's February 25, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit Q:  Sassower's March 1, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit R:  Sassower's March 1, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit S:  Sassower's March 4, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk
      Exhibit T:  Sassower's March 5, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit U:  Sassower's March 12, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit V:  Clerk Kenny's March 16, 2010 letter to Sassower
      Exhibit W-1:  Sassower's March 18, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
      Exhibit W-2:  Sassower's March 23, 2010 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny


Sassower's January 2, 2010 motion to disqualify Justice Denise F. Molia & other relief
     Exhibit A-1:  Sassower's December 16, 2009 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny -- "Request for Video
                         of December 16, 2009 oral argument"
     Exhibit A-2:  Chief Clerk Kenny's December 17, 2009 letter
     Exhibit B-1:  Sassower's Appellant's Brief "Introduction" & "Conclusion" -- #2008-1433-WC
     Exhibit B-2:  Sassower's Reply Brief: "Introduction & Conclusion" -- #2008-1433-WC
     Exhibit C-1:  Sassower's Appellant's Brief: "Introduction" & "Conclusion" -- #2008-1428-WC
     Exhibit C-2:  Sassower's Reply Brief: "Introduction" & "Conclusion" -- #2008-1428-WC
     Exhibit D-1:  Sassower's Appellant's Brief: "Introduction" & "Conclusion" --
                         #2008-1427-WC & #2009-148-WC
     Exhibit D-2:  Sassower's Reply Brief: "Introduction" & Conclusion" -- #2008-1427-WC & #2009-148-WC
     Exhibit D-3:  Sassower's July 16, 2008 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
     Exhibit D-4:  Chief Clerk Kenny's July 17, 2009 order on application
     Exhibit E:     Appellate Term postcards of oral argument
     Exhibit F-1:  Appellate Term's undated [October 1, 2008] decision [McCabe, Tanenbaum, Molia]
     Exhibit F-2:  Appellate Term's undated [October 1, 2008] order [McCabe, Tanenbaum, Molia]
     Exhibit G:    Sassower's October 15, 2008 order to show cause for reargument/renewal & other relief
     Exhibit H-1:  Appellate Term's November 26, 2008 decision [McCabe, Tanenbaum, Molia]
     Exhibit H-2:  Appellate Term's November 26, 2008 order
     Exhibit I-1:   Appellate Term's June 22, 2008 decision
                         [Rudolph, Molia, with Scheinkman "taking no part"]
     Exhibit I-2:  Appellate Term's June 22, 2008 order
     Exhibit J:    Sassower's June 1, 2008 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
                        Encl #1:  Sassower's May 15, 2008 letter to Chief Clerk Kenny
                        Encl #2:  Sclafani's May 26, 2008 affirmation
     Exhibit K:   CJA's February 9, 2000 letter of opposition to designation of Supreme Court
                        Justice Kenneth Rudolph to the Appellate Division



Sassower's November 8, 2007 order to show cause to disqualify Judge Brian Hansbury & other relief -- which Judge Hansbury signed, November 9, 2007
Exhibit GG:  October 19, 2007 trial notice from the Clerk's Office
            Exhibit HH:  October 11, 2007 decision & order
            Exhibit II:  October 23, 2007 notice of disposition of complaint by NYS Rent Administration/
                            Division of Housing

        Sassower's November 8, 2007 memorandum of law to disqualify Judge Hansbury & for disclosure


Sassower's July 18, 2008 order to show cause to disqualify Judge JoAnn Friia & other relief -- which Judge Friia refused to sign, July 21, 2008 
Sidetab Exhibit A:  Sassower's July 8, 2008 Order to Show Cause in #SP-1502/07, which Judge Friia refused to sign
         Exhibit 1:  Sassower's June 27, 2008 Order to Show Cause, which Judge Friia refused to sign
Exhibit MM:  Clerk's Office's May 30, 2008 trial notices
                        Exhibit NN-1: pages 8-18 of Sassower's November 8, 2007affidavit in support of her order to show cause
                        Exhibit NN-2: pages 18-22 of Sassower's November 8, 2007 affidavit in support of her order to show cause
                        Exhibit OO: Judge Hansbury's January 29
, 2008 decision & order
                        Exhibit PP-1:  Sassower's June 6, 2008 letter to Clerk Lupi --  "RE: John McFadden v. Elena Sassower,White Plains City Court #SP-1502/07"
                        Exhibit PP-2:  June 9, 2008 letter of Ct. Asst. Rodriguez
                        Exhibit QQ:  Sassower's June 13, 2008 letter to Clerk Lupi -- "RE: Request for Clarification of Ms. Rodriguez ' June 9, 2008 letter"
                        Exhibit RR:  Sassower's June 13, 2008 letter to Clerk Lupi -- "RE: My Yesterday's Visit to the Clerk's Office & Our Conversation Together"
                        Exhibit SS:  Sassower's June 24, 2008 letter to Judge Friia -- "RE: Respecting the Appearance & Actuality of Fair & Impartial Justice"
                        Exhibit TT:  Sassower's June 25, 2008 letter to Judge Friia -- "RE: Respecting the Appearance & Actuality of Fair & Impartial Justice"
                        Exhibit UU:  Sassower's June 26, 2008 letter to Deputy Clerk Ward  -- "RE: McFadden v. Sassower,
           Exhibit 2:  Judge Friia's July 3, 2008 decision & order
           Exhibit 3: 
¶¶63-79 of Sassower's September 11, 2007 reply affidavit
           Exhibit 4:
¶¶59-61 of Sassower's November 26, 2008 opposing affidavit
           Exhibit 5: 
¶¶89-90, 122-131 of Sassower's September 5, 2007 cross-motion affidavit
           Exhibit 6:  Doris Sassower's December 4, 2006 written statement to the Mayor & White Plains Common
                             Council in opposition to Judge Friia's reappointment & correspondence to Judge Friia

           Exhibit 7-a transcript of December 28, 1988 recusal motion before Judge Reap 
           Exhibit 7-b: December 12, 1988 notice of motion in #504/88 &
¶¶11-13 of affirmation
           Exhibit 7-c:  page from Judge Reap's January 25, 1988 decision & order
    Sidetab Exhibit B: Sassower's hand-delivered July 9, 2008 letter to Judge Friia -- "RE: Clarification of the Court's Refusal to Sign my July 8, 2008 Order to Show
                                 Cause for its Disqualification -- and Other Relief"
    Sidetab Exhibit C-1 Sassower's hand-delivered July 8, 2008 letter to Clerk Lupi
    Sidetab Exhibit C-2:   Sassower's hand-delivered July 9, 2008 letter to Clerk Lupi

Sassower's October 12, 2010 Request for Appellate Division Intervention

Appellate Division's October 13, 2010 letter --- assigned docket #: 2010-09890

Attorney General's October 14, 2010 letter to Appellate Division

Appellate Division's October 21, 2010 letter -- assigned docket #: 2010-09890

Sclafani's October 21, 2010 opposing affirmation

Appellate Division's November 26, 2010 "Decision & Order on Motion"
Justices Peter B. Skelos, JP, Randall T. Eng, L. Priscilla Hall, Plumber E. Lott)


Elena Sassower's June 14, 2011 motion for reargument

      Exhibit A:     Appellate Division, Second Department’s November 26, 2010 decision & order on motion, signed by Clerk Matthew G. Kiernan 

      Exhibit B:   March 16, 2011 letter to Appellate Division Justices Skelos, Eng, Hall, and Lott

      Exhibit C:  October 4, 2010 Request for Appellate Division Intervention

      Exhibit D:   June 14, 2010 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau

(1) December 7, 2007 and September 23, 2008 Administrative Orders 

(2) "Introduction” & "Questions Presented" from appellant’s three appeal briefs
            #1;   #2;   #3 & #4;

(4) May 23, 2011 letter to Governor Cuomo, Temporary Senate President Skelos, Assembly Speaker Silver, Chief Judge Lippman


Elena Sassower's June  27, 2011 memo to Sclafani, Attorney General -- "RE: Return Date on Reargument Motion in Appellate Division"

Scalfani's June 29, 2011affirmation in opposition

Elena Sassower's July 1, 2011 letter to Appellate Division, Second Department Clerk Matthew G. Kiernan -- "RE: Untimely Opposing Affirmation; Right of Reply"

Elena Sassower's July 29, 2011 affidavit in reply & in further support of reargument motion

Exhibit E:       Elena Sassower’s July 1, 2011 letter to Appellate Division, Second Department
                         Clerk Matthew G. Kiernan

    Exhibit F:       Resolution of the ABA Standing Committee on Judicial Independence, to be
                         Presented to the ABA House of Delegates at its August 2011 Annual Meeting

    Exhibit G-1:    Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau’s June 16, 2011 letter

    Exhibit G-2:    Commission on Judicial Conduct’s June 29, 2011 acknowledgment letter

    Exhibit G-3:    Elena Sassower’s June 14, 2011 letter to Appellate Division Presiding Justice
                         Gail Prudenti

Appellate Division's August 24, 2011 decision & order on motion
(Justices Peter B. Skelos, JP, Randall T. Eng, L. Priscilla Hall, Plumber E. Lott)


         STAY TUNED!  This important case establishing the worthlessness of judicial disqualification/disclosure provisions at the hands of corrupt judges IS NOT OVER ...





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