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of the responses of Westchester County Executive Andrew O'Rourke to Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire Pertaining to His Qualifications for a Federal Judgeship

     Exhibit A:  Public portion of the Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire of Andrew O'Rourke, 1/10/92
     Exhibit B:  NJC's November 20, 1991 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
     Exhibit C:  NJC's January 10, 1992 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
     Exhibit D:  American Bar Association's "Personal Data Questionnaire"
     Exhibit E:  Association of the Bar of the City of New York's "Uniform Judicial Questionnaire
     Exhibit F:  Affidavit of Richard Barbuto, Esq., sworn to April 26, 1992
     Exhibit G:  Westchester County "Information Guide", p. 6
     Exhibit H:  Location map of downtown White Plains and County Office Building
     Exhibit I:   1991 Lawyers' Diary, White Plains listings
     Exhibit J:   Surlak separation agreement, signed May 23, 1973
     Exhibit K-1: Complaint in Surlak v. Surlak
     Exhibit K-2: Amended verified complaint in Surlak v. Surlak
     Exhibit K-3:  Verified complaint in Surlak v. Surlak
     Exhibit L:   Westchester County Clerk's docket sheet, Surlak v. Surlak
     Exhibit M:  Coverpages of appellate brief & appendix
     Exhibit N-1: Table of Contents to Surlak appellate brief and appendix
     Exhibit N-2: Certification pursuant to CPLR 2105 annexed to Surlak appellate brief and Appendix
     Exhibit O:   Andrew O'Rourke's affidavit in support of plaintiff's motion for summary judgment, sworn to November 1, 1978
     Exhibit P-1: Andrew O'Rourke's June 7, 1982 letter to Westchester County Clerk's office
     Exhibit P-2: Appellate Division's December 14, 1981 order in Surlak
     Exhibit Q:  Pages 938-9 of the published Dec. 14, 1981 appellate division decision in Tappan v. Volvo, 444 NYS 2d 938
     Exhibit R:   Coverpages of appellate brief and record on appeal, Tappan v. Volvo
     Exhibit S:   Information and procedures for accessing federal court files: accession # for Pereira v. Homelite
     Exhibit T-1: "Bush's Brother Wants Full-Time State GOP Chief", Gannett, 2/19/89
     Exhibit T-2: "Colavita Leaving N.Y. Party Job", Gannett, 4/18/89
     Exhibit U-1: NJC's January 7, 1992 letter to President George Bush
     Exhibit U-2: NJC's February 25, 1992 letter to President George Bush
     Exhibit U-3: NJC's April 16, 1992 letter to Lee Lieberman, Senior Associate Counsel to President Bush
     Exhibit V-1: Title page, table of contents & pp. 1-2 of the June 1990 Report of the NYS Commission on Government Integrity: The Blurred Line:
                           Party Politics and Government in Westchester County: Report and Recommendations
     Exhibit V-2: "Ex-County Clerk Tells Tony Colavita Stories At Integrity Hearing", Gannett, 11/29/89
     Exhibit V-3: "O'Rourke Sees or Hears No Evil", Gannett, 6/13/90
     Exhibit W:  "New Word for Westchester GOP", Gannett, 11/10/82
     Exhibit X:  "Exec Post Goes to O'Rourke", Gannett 12/15/82
     Exhibit Y:  NJC's March 20, 1992 memo to Governor Cuomo's Task Force on Judicial Diversity
     Exhibit Z: "Senators, Archdiocese Lobby Over Hospital Job", Gannett, 2/9/91
     Exhibit AA: "Patronage is Key to Wrangling Over Top Hospital Job", Gannett, 5/6/91
     Exhibit BB:  "O'Rourke Mishandled Selection at Hospital", Gannett, 8/21/91
     Exhibit CC:  Bar graph: comparison of candidates' relevant professional experience, dated 9/30/91
     Exhibit DD:  September 16, 1991 letter from Westchester Co. Med Ctr Hospital Advisory Board to Westchester Co. Board of Legislators
     Exhibit EE:  Andrew O'Rourke's September 18, 1991 federal express/priority mail letter to individual members of Hospital Advisory Board
     Exhibit FF:  "O'Rourke Invites Hospital Board to Quit", Gannett, 9/19/91
     Exhibit GG:  "O'Rourke Says Hospital Board Has Prejudged His Nominee", Gannett, 9/26/91
     Exhibit HH:  "Hospitals Chief Choice: A Set-Up for a Let Down?", Gannett, 10/1/91
     Exhibit II:  "Citizen Boards Obligated to the People, Not O'Rourke", Gannett, 9/20/91
     Exhibit JJ:  October 10, 1991 letter of Carol Farkas, Chairwoman of the Westchester Co. Medical Ctr Hospital Advisory Board
                          to Westchester Co. Board of Legislators
     Exhibit KK:  "O'Rourke Drops 2 Members of Hospital Board", Gannett, 1/8/92
     Exhibit LL:  "O'Rourke Bungles in Dropping Two Hospital Board Members", Gannett, 1/9/92
     Exhibit MM:  "Hospital Board's Fate Rests with County Executive", Gannett, 2/20/92
     Exhibit NN:  "County Hospital Board Member Resigns; Cites Politics as Reason", Gannett, 4/24/92
     Exhibit OO: "Why Talk About Deal?  O'Rourke May Stay", Gannett, 9/12/91
     Exhibit PP:  "Mosca Got Pension WIndfall", Gannett, 9/8/91
     Exhibit QQ: "Mosca Report Raises Questions About O'Rourke, Vergari", Gannett,11/24/89
     Exhibit RR-1: Pages 7-9 of the September 16, 1991 meeting of Tarrytown B of Trustees, with statement by Trustee Michael Reynolds
     Exhibit RR-2: Michael Reynold's September 13, 1991 letter to President Bush and Senator Kennedy
     Exhibit SS-1:  NJC's January 7, 1992 letter to Michael Kinsella, Administrative Asst to Senator Alfonse D'Amato
     Exhibit SS-2:  NJC's February 11, 1992 letter to Michael Kinsella
     Exhibit SS-3:  NJC's March 3, 1992 letter to Michael Kinsella
     Exhibit TT: "D'Amato Probe Cost Taxpayers $818,000", Gannett, 12/13/91
     Exhibit UU:  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Biden's January 31, 1992 letter to NJC
     Exhibit VV:  NJC's April 16, 1992 Freedom of Information request to U.S. Justice Dept.
     Exhibit WW: Pages 1-7, ABA Booklet: Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary  (published 1991)
     Exhibit XX-1: NJC's February 24, 1992 letter to City Bar President Conrad Harper
     Exhibit XX-2: NJC's March 5, 1992 letter from President Harper
     Exhibit XX-3: NJC's March 17, 1992 letter to President Harper
     Exhibit YY-1: NJC's April 7, 1992 letter to Harriet Grant, Chief Nominations Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
     Exhibit YY-2: NJC's April 8, 1992 letter to Harriet Grant
     Exhibit YY-3: NJC's April 20, 1992 letter from Harriet Grant
     Exhibit ZZ:   Page 7 of the City Bar's Rules of Procedure for its Committee on the Judiciary
     Exhibit AAA-1: "Bar Group Told to Stop Rating Judges", NYT, 6/4/91
     Exhibit AAA-2: "Pick Judges, Not Fights", NYT, 6/8/91
     Exhibit AAA-3: "U.S. Justice Dept. Squelches Speech", Gannett, 6/8/91
     Exhibit BBB: Front & back book jacket of Andrew O'Rourke' Hawkwood
     Exhibit CCC:  Affidavit of certified public accountant Richard Berenson, sworn April 15, 194/15/92
     Exhibit DDD-1: "End Public Support for Private Bias", Gannett, 8/8/90
     Exhibit DDD-2: "Golf Clubs Sub-Par In Recruiting Blacks", Gannett, 4/7/91
     Exhibit DDD-3: "Another Barrier is Broken", Gannett, 5/18/91



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