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Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo, et al
(Albany Co. #5122-16)



click here for:
correspondence relating to 3/29/17 Order to Show Cause



Plaintiffs' March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause
Preliminary Injunction & TRO

signed OSC -- March 29, 2017, Acting Justice Hartman



Plaintiff Sassower's March 29, 2017 moving affidavit

Exhibit 1 -- March 24, 2017 FOIL to Senate
March 27, 2017 FOIL to Senate

Exhibit 2 -- March 24, 2017 FOIL to Assembly
March 27, 2017 FOIL to Assembly

Exhibit 3 March 24, 2017 FOIL to Senate
March 24, 2017 FOIL to Assembly



 Plaintiffs' March 29, 2017 Verified Supplemental Complaint




click here for:  Menu Page for CJA's TWO Citizen-Taxpayer Actions to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"& Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance 



The NYS budget is OFF the constitutional rails
Article VII, §§1-7; Article IV, §7; Article III, §10 of NYS Constitution --
hand-out to Westchester Co. Legislators at Feb. 3, 2017 local budget hearing


Pataki v. Assembly & Senate
Silver v. Pataki
Court of Appeals decision (2004)

New York State Bankers Association v. Wetzler
Court of Appeals decision (1993)


[budget resource webpage --
constitutional, statutory, rule provisions & caselaw




Legislature's December 1, 2016 budget request

The Judiciary's December 1, 2016 two-part budget request: 
Operating Budget   &  General State Charges

Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S-2001/A-3001

Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S-2003/A-3003
Division of Criminal Justice Services -- pp. 60-120


January 23, 2017: Release of Assembly (Democratic) Majority's "Yellow Book"

January 23, 2017:  Release of Senate (Coalition) Majority's "White Book"

Senate Minority's "Blue Book"

Assembly Minority's "Green Book"


VIDEO CJA's testimony at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing
on "Local Government Officials/General Government"

(last speaker: at 8 hours-47 mins.)  
transcript:  pp. 518-535

VIDEO:  CJA's testimony at the Legislature's January 31, 2017 budget hearing
on "Public Protection"

(last speaker:  at 11 hours-11 mins.)
transcript:  pp. 671 - 679


referred-to: VIDEO:  CJA's testimony at the Legislature's February 6, 2013 "public protection" budget hearing
(last speaker: at 7 hours-21 minutes)

VIDEO: March 15, 2017 Senate floor proceedings
Senate transcript

Senate one-house Resolution R.1050   website

      IDC Resolution R.1051   website


VIDEO: March 15, 2017 Assembly floor proceedings
Assembly transcript

Assembly one-house Resolution E.179   budget proposal


 click here for where EVERYTHING IS POSTED: 
2017 Legislative Session    


click here for: CONTINUATION of March 29th OSC

Securing Enforcement of the Citizen-Taxpayer Statute
& Threshold Integrity Issues

April 21, 2017
How the Attorney General Litigates --
defendants' papers in opposition
to plaintiffs' March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause

May 15, 2017
Plaintiffs' Reply Papers
in Further Support of March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause


& MORE: CJA's SECOND citizen-taxpayer action





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