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(correspondence marked with * involves Commission on Judicial Conduct)

[NOTE: background of interaction with NYS Senate Judiciary Committee:

 "Merit Selection" Appointment of Levine to NY Court of Appeals - September 1993

"Merit Selection" Appointment of Ciparick to NY Court of Appeals - December 1993


       correspondence relating to NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct 
SEE: Correspondence with NYS Ethics Commission from March 22, 1995 onwards


CJA's January 10, 1996 letter to Susan Meier/Legislative Asst./Governor Pataki   [O'Rourke]

CJA's refaxing of January 10, 1996 letter on January 16, 1996 (Linda DiBernardo); January 29, 1996 (Priscella Aboudreau); and February 12, 1996 (Kathleen Sandvidge)   [O'Rourke]

*CJA's March 29, 1996 letter to Michael Finnegan, Counsel/Governor Pataki

*CJA's April 18, 1996 letter to David Gruenberg, Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE: Opposition to Senate Confirmation of Judge Newton, Member, New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct"
  (indicated copies to Finnegan, Senate Majority Leader Bruno, Juanita Bing Newton, Assembly Judiciary Committee, NY
   Observer, NYT, NYLJ, NYPost)

      Ex. A:  NYLJ item, 4/11/96
      Ex B: CJA's repeatedly refaxed January 10, 1996 fax & CJA's March 29, 1996 ltr
      Ex. C: "Pataki's Secrets", op-ed by Andrea Bernstein, NYT, 3/23/96
      Ex. D: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", ltr to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
      Ex. E: "State politicians to scrutinize judicial-conduct panel", NYPost, 3/1/96
      Ex. F: CJA's analysis of fraudulent decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission     

*CJA's April 24, 1996 letter to Michael Finnegan, Counsel/Governor Pataki   [Newton]

*CJA's April 24, 1996 letter to Martha McHugh, Director of Scheduling/Governor Pataki  

*CJA's April 29, 1996 letter to Michael Finnegan, Counsel/Governor Pataki  [Newton]
  (indicated copies to Senate Judiciary Committee, City Bar, Fund for Modern Courts, NY media)
      Ex. A: CJA's repeatedly refaxed January 10, 1996 fax
      Ex. B: CJA's March 29, 1996 & April 24, 1996 ltrs to Mr. Finnegan
      Ex. C:  NYLJ item, 6/29/95
      Ex. D: CJA's April 18, 1996 ltr to David Gruenberg
      Ex. E: Executive Order #10: Judicial Screening Committees
Ex. F: Executive Order #11: Temporary Judicial Screening Committee

*CJA's May 6, 1996 letter to James McGuire, First Asst. Counsel/Governor Pataki  
               --  transmittal to the Governor a copy of the record of Doris L. Sassower v. Commission

*CJA's May 7, 1996 note to David Gruenberg, Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee

CJA's June 6, 1996 letter to David Gruenberg, Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee  [Newton]

*CJA's June 11, 1996 letter to NYS Senators -- "RE: Opposition to Senate Confirmation of Governor Pataki's Judicial Nominees and, in particular, to Judge Juanita Bing Newton"
       Ex. A: CJA's April 18, 1996 ltr to David Gruenberg
       Ex. B: CJA's April 29, 1996 ltr to Michael Finnegan

CJA's June 12, 1996 letter to Michael Finnegan, Counsel/Governor Pataki  [Newton]
  (indicated copies to Senate Judiciary Committee, Juanita Bing Newton, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Assembly
   Judiciary Committee)


CJA's March 7, 1997 letter to Michael Cardozo, President/Association of the Bar of the City of New York-- "RE: Supplement to the City Bar's February 7, 1997 Report"
  (indicated copies to Gov. Pataki, Chief Judge Kaye, various City Bar Committee Chairman & members, bar associations,NYT, NYLJ)
      Ex. A-1: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 paid ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
      Ex. B: CJA's June 11, 1996 ltr to NYS Senators
      Ex. C: CJA's June 12, 1996 ltr to Michael Finnegan
      Ex. D: City Bar program, "How to Become a Judge", 12/7/96
      Ex. E-1: NYLJ item, 3/4/97
      Ex. E-2: "Pataki Names Panels For Judicial Screening", NYLJ, 3/6/97
      Ex. F: CJA's February 10, 1997 ltr to Alan Rothstein, City Bar Counsel
      Ex. G: CJA's August 22, 1995 ltr to John Feerick, Chairman/Fund for Modern Courts
      Ex. H: CJA's May 6, 1996 ltr to James McGuire
      Ex. I-1: "Lawyers' Attacks on Judges Risk Censure", by Cardozo, National Law Journal, 8/26/96
      Ex. I-2: City Bar program, "POLITICIANS ON JUDGES: Fair Criticism or Intimidation?", 10/7/96

CJA's April 15, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki        [SEE Correspondence: NYS Ethics Commission]
  (indicated copies to 4 unchaired volunteer members of the NYS Ethics Commission, Richard Rifkin, its Executive Director, & NY media)
     -- enclosing "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to the editor, NYT, 11/16/96
"A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96

CJA's June 2, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki -- "RE: The public's right to basic information and your unworthy appointment of Justice Nicholas Colabella to the Appellate Division, First Department"  [Colabella]   [FOIL, etc]
   (indicated copies to all members of Gov's judicial screening committees, NY bar associations, Fund for Modern
    Courts, Common Cause, NYPIRG, Citizens Union, Gannett, NYLJ, NYT
      Ex. A-1: Gov's press release announcing members of state judicial screening committee & 3 jud. appointments
      Ex. A-2: "Colabella to Appellate Division", NYLJ, 5/15/97
      Ex. B: Executive Order #11: Temporary Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C: Executive Order #10: Judicial Screening Committees
      Ex. D: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. E: "Pataki Names Panels for Judicial Screening", NYLJ, 3/6/97
      Ex. F: Gov's classified ads of judicial vacancies
      Ex. G: City Bar's Uniform Judicial Questionnaire
      Ex. H: 3/24/92 front-page correction in NYLJ, with Doris Sassower's letter to the editor
      Ex. I-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 op-ed ad, NYT, 10/26/94
      Ex. I-2: Doris Sassower's Director's Biography
      Ex J-1: "Appellate Selection Process Stirs Concern", NYLJ, 12/10/96
      Ex. J-2: 12/16/96 item, NYLJ
      Ex. K: NY Judge Reviews (1997-8 edition)

CJA's June 12, 1997 memo to indicated recipients of CJA's June 2, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki  -- "RE: Ensuring the public's right to basic information about the Governor's judicial appointments process and protecting it from unfit appointees 

   (indicated copy to Governor Pataki)

CJA's June 16, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/Gov. Pataki's First Dept. Judicial Screening Committee  [elevation to A.D.]

CJA's June 20, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/Gov. Pataki's First Dept. Judicial Screening Committee  [elevation to A.D.]

CJA's July 25, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/Gov. Pataki's First Dept. Judicial Screening Committee -- "RE: 'Judicial Screening'"  [elevation to A.D.]

CJA's five July 29, 1997 - July 30, 1997 faxes to Asst. Counsel/Gov Pataki's 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee  --
"RE: On-the-Bench Judicial Misconduct: Cahn/Crane"   [elevation to A.D.]

CJA's December 12, 1997 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees
"RE: Informational Requests and Notice of Opposition to the Potential Judicial Candidacies of Albert M. Rosenblatt and Andrew O'Rourke"   [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to 1st & 2nd Dept. Jud Screening Committees-ATT Chairmen Gill, Plunkett, State Judicial Screening Committee-AT Chairman Shechtman, NYLJ)
       Ex. A: NYLJ items, 12/11/97 & 12/2/97
       Ex. B: CJA's June 2, 1997 ltr to Governor Pataki
       Ex. C: CJA's repeatedly resent & unresponded-to 1/10/96 ltr
       Ex. D: CJA's December 3, 1997 fax coversheet to Nan Weiner

CJA's December 15, 1997 letter to Paul Shechtman, Chairman/Governor Pataki's State Judicial Screening Committee -- "RE:  Public's Right to Information about your Appointment by Governor Pataki as Chairman of his State Judicial Screening Committee and as a Commissioner of the New York State Ethics Commission"
  (indicated copies to Weiner, Gov Pataki-ATT Thomas Dougherty, Appts. Secretary, NYS Ethics Commission, NYLJ,

      Ex. A: CJA's June 9, 1997 ltr to NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex. B: CJA's April 15, 1997 ltr to Governor Pataki
      Ex. C: CJA's April 11, 1997 ltr to Reverend Robert Eggenschiller, member/NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex. D: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
      Ex. E: "O'Rourke nominated for state judgeship", Gannett, 12/13/97
      Ex. F: CJA's June 12, 1997 memo to recipients of CJA's 6/2/97 ltr to Governor Pataki
      Ex. G: CJA's June 10, 1997 ltr to Mr. Shechtman
      Ex. H:  CJA's June 16, 1997 & June 20, 1997 ltrs to Mr. Shechtman

CJA's December 23, 1997 letter to James McGuire, Counsel/Governor Pataki  -- "RE: The Public's Right to Basic Information about the Governor's Judicial Selection Process and to Withdrawal of the Governor's Unworthy Nomination of Andrew O'Rourke to the Court of Claims -- Immediate Attention Required"
  (indicated copies to State Judicial Screening Committee, Exec Director Weiner, SJC Chairman Lack, City Bar President
   Cardozo, ABA President Shestack, NYSBA President Pruzansky, Media)

     Ex. A: CJA's June 2, 1997 ltr to Governor Pataki
     Ex. B: CJA's December 3, 1997 fax coversheet to Nan Weiner
     Ex. C: CJA's December 12, 1997 ltr to Nan Weiner
     Ex. D: CJA's December 15, 1997 ltr to Paul Shechtman
     Ex. E: CJA's December 15, 1997 fax coversheet to Nan Weiner
     Ex. F:  NYLJ, ad, 11/26/97
     Ex. G-1:  "O'Rourke not qualified to serve as judge", ltr to editor by Eli Vigliano, Esq., Gannett, 12/3/97
     Ex. G-2: "O'Rourke could be wearing judge's robes in January", Gannett, 12/22/97

CJA's December 26, 1997 letter to Andrew O'Rourke --  "RE: The Public's right to substantiation of the 'highly qualified rating conferred by the State Judicial Screening Committee for your appointment to the Court of Claims" 
  (indicated copies to McGuire, Weiner, Members-State Judicial Screening Committee, Lack, Cardozo, Shestack, Pruzansky, Gannett, media)
      -- enclosing:  NJC's November 2, 1992 ltr to reporter Ed Tagliaferri, Gannett
                          "O'Rourke not qualified to serve as judge", ltr to editor, Gannett, 12/3/97
                          "Untrustworthy Ratings?", ltr to editor, NYT, 7/17/92
"O'Rourke could be wearing judge's robes in January", Gannett, 12/22/97

               SEE: CJA's correspondence with bar associations:
               Association of the Bar of the City of New York
               New York State Bar Association
               American Bar Association

CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to Members of Governor Pataki's State Judicial Screening Committee -- "RE: Reconsideration and Retraction of Andrew O'Rourke's 'Highly Qualified' Rating"   [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to McGuire, Shechtman, Weiner, Chief Judge Kaye, Cardozo, Shestack, Pruzansky, Media)
   ---- transmitting to each member a copy of NJC's May 1, 1992 critique & compendium of exhibits

CJA's December 31, 1997 letter to Paul Shechtman  -- "RE: MEMBERS' MAILING ADDRESSES"
(indicated copy to Weiner)


CJA's January 2, 1998 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee    [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to McGuire, Weiner, Shechtman, Secretary of the Senate, media)
      Ex A: "O'Rourke could be wearing judge's robes in January", Gannett, 12/22/97
      Ex. B:  CJA's December 22, 1993 ltr to Senate Judiciary Committee counsel
      Ex. C:  CJA's December 18, 1997 ltr to Secretary of the Senate

CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Judith Kaye  -- "RE: Safeguarding the Public's Rights and Interest in the State Judicial Appointments Process"  
   (indicated copies to McGuire, Shechtman, Gill, Clair Gutekunst (member 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee & State Committee), Weiner, Senate Judiciary Committee, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Shestack, Gary Brown (Executive Director/Fund for Modern Courts), media)
      Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 ltr to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
      Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, 9/22/97
      Ex. D: NYLJ item, 12/26/97
      Ex. E: receipted first page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to members of State Judicial Screening Committee
 ---- transmitting to Chief Judge Kaye a copy of NJC's May 1, 1992 critique & compendium of exhibits

CJA's January 9, 1998 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee  [O'Rourke]
     (indicated copies to Kaye, McGuire, Weiner, Shechtman, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Shestack, Brown, media)

CJA's January 13, 1998 notice to Senators "WHY YOU MUST VOTE AGAINST SENATE CONFIRMATION OF ANDREW O'ROURKE TO A $113,000 COURT OF CLAIMS JUDGESHIP" (hand-delivered to virtually every Senator's office)

CJA's January 13,1998 handwritten note to Chief Judge Kaye, delivered to her at the Clerk's office of the NY Court of Appeals  [O'Rourke]

CJA's January 27, 1998 letter to John Eiseman, Deputy Counsel/Office of Court Administration  [O'Rourke]

CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to John Eiseman, Deputy Counsel/Office of Court Administration  [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to Lippman, Kaye, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Blair Horner/Legislative Director-NYPIRG,
     Rachel Leon/Executive Director-Common Cause, media
      Ex. A: CJA's January 27, 1998 letter to Eiseman
      Ex. B: Gov. Pataki's press release nominating O'Rourke to Court of Claims
      Ex. C: Retirement & Social Security Law, Sec. 211
      Ex. D: January 27, 1998 letter of Senators Franz Leichter & Richard Dollinger to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman
      Ex. E-1: "O'Rourke gets OK to collect pension while serving as judge", Gannett, 1/28/98
      Ex. E-2: "Ex-County Chief's Deal On Pension Is Questioned", NYT, 1/29/98
      Ex. E-3: "O'Rourke confirmed as judge", Gannett, 1/14/98

CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Robert Lippman/Office of Court Administration  [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to OCA Counsel Michael Colodner, Kaye, Dollinger, Leichter, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Horner, Leon, media)

CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Deputy Counsel John Eiseman   [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to Lippman, Colodner, Kaye, Dollinger, Leichter, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Horner, Leon, media)

CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman   [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copies to Colodner, Kaye, Dollinger, Leichter, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Horner, Leon, media)

CJA's February 1,1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye   [O'Rourke]
  (indicated copy to Lippman)

February 5, 1998 letter from Ann Pfau, Deputy Chief Administrator   [O'Rourke]

CJA's February 6, 1998 memo to Senators Dollinger & Leichter  [O'Rourke]
   (indicated copies to Lippman, Kaye, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Horner, Leon, NYS Committee on Open Government, media)

CJA's February 9, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman  [O'Rourke]
   (indicated copies to Kaye, Dollinger, Leichter, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Horner, Leon, media)

Deputy Chief Administrator Ann Pfau's February 19, 1998 letter  [O'Rourke]

CJA's February 26, 1998 memo to Senators Leichter & Dollinger   [O'Rourke]

CJA's August 19, 1998 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Adverse Information Relative to Judicial Candidacies"
  (indicated copies to James Gill/Chairman-Gov. Pataki's 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee & Kevin Plunkett/Chairman- Gov Pataki's 2nd Dept. Judicial Screening Committee)

[NOTE:  October-December 1998:  "Merit Selection" Appointment of Rosenblatt to NY Court of Appeals]


CJA's March 30, 1999 letter to Rosario Vizzie, Governor Pataki's Records Access Officer (Assistant Counsel)  [FOIL, etc]
    Ex. A:  CJA's March 12, 1999 ltr to the State Commission on Judicial Nomination
    Ex. B:  CJA's February 5, 1999 ltr to the State Commission on Judicial Nomination
    Ex. C:  CJA's June 2, 1997 ltr to Governor Pataki

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's April 7, 1999 letter   [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's May 6, 1999 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 2, 1999 letter to Gov. Pataki -- Att: James McGuire/Counsel  --
"RE: (1) Request, pursuant to Executive Order #11, 2(c) and #10, 2(d) and FOIL for the judicial screening committee reports of the qualifications of Court of Claims Judge William Wetzel and ALL the Governor's other judicial appointees (pp. 1-2); (2) Information as to why Judge Wetzel is being maintained as a 'hold over', as well as the number and identities of other Court of Claims judges who are also being maintained as 'hold overs' (p. 3)"
    [Wetzel]   [FOIL, etc]


CJA's February 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner/Executive Director/Gov. Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees      [Wetzel]  [Crane]
   (indicated copies to Governor, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys/SDNY-EDNY, Ethics Commission, Wetzel, Crane)

CJA's February 9, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner/Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees  [Rudolph]

*CJA's February 23, 2000 letter to Governor Pataki  ATT: Nan Weiner  -- "RE: Opposition to Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane
"   [Wetzel] [Crane]
   (indicated copies to Wetzel, Crane, Kaye, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Spitzer, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys-
   SDNY/EDNY, Ethics Commission, City Bar, Patricia Salkin -- Government Law Ctr/Albany Law School, Bertram Gelfand,

     Ex. A: CJA's February 7, 2000 ltr to Nan Weiner
     Ex. B-1: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
     Ex. B-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/97
     Ex. B-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
     Ex. C: computerized court record of Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission and recusal orders of 5 justices
Ex. D: statement of former Bronx Surrogate Bertram Gelfand at the City Bar's public hearing on the Commission
     Ex. E: CJA's January 7, 1998 ltr to Chief Judge Kaye
                  Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
                  Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 ltr to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
                  Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
                  Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
                  Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, 9/22/97
                  Ex. D: NYLJ item, 12/26/97
                  Ex. E: receipted 1st page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to members of State Judicial Screening Committee
     Ex. F: pp. 5-13 of the transcript of the May 17, 1999 proceeding before Justice Lebedeff
     Ex. G: pp. 8-17, 22-23 of the transcript of the June 14, 1999 court conference before Justice Zweibel
     Ex. H:  transcript of the 10/8/99 proceeding before Justice Zweibel
     Ex. I:  "Pols Rule Courtrooms: Acting Judges Owe Their Jobs to Pataki, Rudy", NYDaily News, 1/18/00
     Ex. J:  Kamau Bey's 5/27/99, 6/25/99, and 7/23/99 judicial misconduct complaints against Justice Wetzel &
               Commission acknowledgment & dismissal letters
     Ex. K: "Observers Say Judge Doomed Defense", NY Post, 4/17/98, "Wacko Wetzel Left Oliver's Lawyer Defenseless",
                NYPost 5/30/98, "Cybersex Defense Wants Trial Halted", NY Daily News, 3/24/98, "Defense in Sexual Torture
                Case Says Court Let the Accuser Lie
", NYT, 3/24/98, "Oliver Jovanovic: First Sacrifice of the Digital Age", La
                Journada, 5/19/98
     --  transmitting to the Governor a copy of the record in Supreme Court/NY County of Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission -- including its physically incorporated record in Supreme Court/NY County of Michael Mantell v. Commission 

*CJA's February 24, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Confirmation of Mailing & Informational Requests"  [Wetzel]  [Crane]

*CJA's March 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees
-- "RE: Official Misconduct of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane in the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York"  [Wetzel]   [Crane]
enclosing copies of:
                 CJA's February 25, 2000 memo to A.G., Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorney-SDNY, Ethics Commission
                 CJA's March 3, 2000 ltr to Chief Judge Kaye
CJA's March 3, 2000 complaint against Judges Wetzel and Crane to Commission on Judicial Conduct

[NOTE: October - November 2000:  "Merit Selection" Appointment of Graffeo to NY Court of Appeals]


CJA's March 30, 2001 letter to Assistant Counsel Rosario Vizzie -- "RE: (1) CJA's Outstanding March 30, 1999 F.O.I.L. Request; (2) Supplement to CJA's March 30, 1999 F.O.I.L. Request"   [FOIL, etc]
   (indicated copy to Committee on Open Government)

CJA's March 30, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees
 -- "RE: Requests for (1) information as to the screening process relating to the designation of Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Crane to the Appellate Division, Second Department; (2) access to the judicial screening committee report of Justice Crane's qualifications, as well as to the judicial screening committee reports of the qualifications of all the Governor's other judicial appointments/designees; (3) a copy of blank questionnnaire forms which the judicial screening committees require candidates to complete; (4) a copy of the judicial screening committees' most recent 'Uniform Rules'; (5) information as to the newly-created 'Federal Appointments Screening Committee', including its membership, rules and procedures, questionnaire forms, and telephone numbers"  [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's April 5, 2001 letter   [FOIL, etc.]

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's May 4, 2001  [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's May 17, 2001 letter   [FOIL, etc.]

CJA's June 4, 2001 letter to Assistant Counsel Vizzie -- "RE: Your May 17, 2001 Letter"  [FOIL, etc.]

Assistant Counsel Vizzie's June 11, 2001 letter  [FOIL, etc.]

CJA's June 17, 2001 letter to Chairman Lack/Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE: Opposition to Senate Confirmation of Judge William A. Wetzel for Reappointment to the Court of Claims, based on documentary evidence of his judicial misconduct in the public interest lawsuit, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (S.Ct./NY Co. #99-108551) -- and Request to Testify in Opposition at the Senate Confirmation Hearing, based on Direct, First-Hand Experience"
   (indicated copies to Gov. Pataki, Weiner, Shechtman, Spitzer, City Bar President Davis, State Bar President Krane, Fund for Modern Courts)
        Ex. A: Gov Pataki's press release announcing Wetzel's nomination & NYLJ item, 6/15/01
        Ex. B: CJA's November 13, 2000 ltr to Chairman Lack
        Ex. C-1: CJA's February 24, 2000 ltr to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: Nan Weiner
        Ex. C-2: CJA's March 7, 2000 ltr to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: Nan Weiner
        Ex. C-3: CJA's March 17, 2000 memo -- sent to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. C-4: CJA's April 24, 2000 memo -- sent to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. C-5: CJA's October 24, 2000 ltr to Gov. Pataki -- ATT: James McGuire
        Ex. D:  CJA's March 27, 2001 ltr to Ethics Commission
        Ex. E-1: CJA's March 30, 2001 ltr to Nan Weiner
        Ex. E-2: Gov. Pataki's March 15, 2001 press announcement on App. Div. designations 
        Ex. F-1: CJA's March 30, 2001 ltr to Gov Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-2: April 5, 2001 ltr of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-3: May 4, 2001 ltr of Gov Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-4: May 17, 2001 ltr of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-5: CJA's June 4, 2001 ltr to Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-6: June 11, 2001 ltr of Gov. Pataki's records access officer
        Ex. F-7: December 15, 1999 "Appointment Report" of 2nd Dept. Judicial Screening Committee for Justice Crane 
transmitting to Senate Judiciary Committee appellate papers in Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission 

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"
   (indicated copy to Senate Judiciary Committee)

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Paul Shechtman, Chairman/Governor Pataki's State Judicial Screening Committee -- "RE: Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to Attorney General Spitzer  -- "RE: Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"
  (indicated copies to Senate Judiciary Committee, Solicitor Genera Preeta Bansal)

CJA's June 18, 2001 letter to NYS Bar Association President Steven Krane, City Bar President Evan Davis, and Steven Zeidman, Executive Director/Fund for Modern Courts -- "RE: Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"
  [Wetzel] [

CJA's June 19, 2001 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lack -- "RE: CJA's unresponded-to June 17, 2001 letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, opposing Senate confirmation of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel and requesting to testify in opposition at the Committee's June 20, 2001 confirmation hearing"

CJA's June 21, 2001 ltr to Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE: Request for Documents & Information"

CJA's June 21, 2001 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Request for clarification and for the 'written reports' of the qualifications of Court of Claims Judge William A. Wetzel"

CJA's December 19, 2001 FOIL request to Senate Judiciary Committee
"RE: Request for Information Pertaining to Senate Confirmation of Governor George Pataki's Judicial Appointees to the Lower State Courts and to the New York Court of Appeals -- and Request to Inspect Relevant Documents Pursuant to F.O.I.L."   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 19, 2001 FOIL request to Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE: F.O.I.L. Request to Inspect Documents from the Record of the Senate Judiciary Committee's January 27, 1987 'Public Hearing to Consider the Nomination of JOSEPH W. BELLACOSA as an Associate Judge to the New York State Court of Appeals"   [FOIL, etc]


Senate Judiciary Committee's January 4, 2002 letter -- "RE: Foil Requests of December 19, 2001"  [FOIL, etc]

Senate Judiciary Committee's January 16, 2002 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's January 22, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE" CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. Requests"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's January 22, 2002 letter to 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee Chairman Gill -- "RE: (1) On-the-Bench Misconduct by Appellate Division, First Department Justices Milton L. Williams, Richard T. Andrias, and John T. Buckley, Disqualifying Them from Consideration for Appointment as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department; (2) Informational Requests"  [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]
(indicated copy to Nan Weiner, Exec. Director/Gov Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees)
Ex. A: NYLJ items, 1/22/02, 12/26/01
     Ex B: Appellate Division, First Dept decisions in Mantell v. Commission & Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission,
            as printed in NYLJ, 11/20/00, 12/20/01

     SEE:   Michael Mantell v. Commission   
Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission 
(Test Case-State (Commission))

CJA's January 22, 2002 fax to Nan Weiner, Exec. Director/Gov Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -
- "RE: 1st Dept. Judicial Screening"  [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]
CJA's January 22, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's January 23, 2003 letter to 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee Chairman Gill-- - "RE: (1) On-the-Bench Misconduct by Appellate Division, First Department Justices Milton L. Williams, Richard T. Andrias, and John T. Buckley, Disqualifying Them from Consideration for Appointment as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department; (2) Informational Requests"   [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's January 23, 2002 letter to Attorney General Spitzer --"RE: Your Duty to Protect the People of this State from the Possible Elevation of Milton L. Williams, John T. Buckley, or Richard T. Andrias, each Appellate Division, First Department Associate Justices, to the position of Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department"
   (indicated copies to Solicitor General Halligan and Commission on Judicial Conduct) 
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's January 23, 2002 coverletter to Solicitor General Halligan
--"RE: Your Duty to Protect the People of this State from the Possible Elevation of Milton L. Williams, John T. Buckley, or Richard T. Andrias, each Appellate Division, First Department Associate Justices, to the position of Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department" [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]
CJA's January 23, 2002 coverletter to Commission on Judicial Conduct
--"RE: Your Duty to Protect the People of this State from the Possible Elevation of Milton L. Williams, John T. Buckley, or Richard T. Andrias, each Appellate Division, First Department Associate Justices, to the position of Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department"  [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]
CJA's February 7, 2002 letter to 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee Chairman Gill -- "RE: Supplement to CJA's January 22, 2002 Letter: On-the-Bench Misconduct of Appellate Division, First Department Justice Eugene L. Nardelli, Disqualifying Him from Consideration for Appointment as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department" 
(indicated copy to Nan Weiner, Exec. Director/Gov Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees)   [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]
Ex. A: NYLJ item, 2/7/02
       Ex. B: 11/19/01 decision of Appellate Division Justice Nardelli
       Ex. C: 8/17/01 notice of motion in Elena Ruth Sassower v. Commission

CJA's February 7, 2002 letter to Nan Weiner, Exec. Director/Gov Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "
RE: First Department Judicial Screening Committee's Purported Review of Qualifications of Candidates for Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division First Department -- and Failure to Provide Requested Information and Documents"
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's February 8, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE" CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. Requests" [FOIL, etc]

CJA's February 12, 2002 letter to Attorney General Spitzer -- "RE: (1) Supplement to CJA's January 23, 2002 Letter-Notice: Your Duty to Your Duty to Protect the People of this State from the Possible Appointment of Eugene L. Nardelli, Acting Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department, to the Position of Presiding Justice; (2) Your Mandatory Supervisory Duty to Withdraw Assistant Solicitor General Carol Fischer's fraudulent opposition to the January 17, 2002 Motion for Reargument in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York"
  (indicated copies to Solicitor General Halligan and Commission on Judicial Conduct
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's February 12, 2002 letter to Solicitor General Halligan -- "RE: (1) Supplement to CJA's January 23, 2002 Letter-Notice: Your Duty to Your Duty to Protect the People of this State from the Possible Appointment of Eugene L. Nardelli, Acting Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department, to the Position of Presiding Justice; (2) Your Mandatory Supervisory Duty to Withdraw Assistant Solicitor General Carol Fischer's fraudulent opposition to the January 17, 2002 Motion for Reargument in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York"  [Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's February 12, 2002 letter to Commission --
"RE:  (1) Possible Appointment of Eugene L. Nardelli, Acting Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department, to the Position of Presiding Justice; (2) The Commission's Supervisory Duty to Withdraw Assistant Solicitor General Carol Fischer's fraudulent opposition to the January 17, 2002 Motion for Reargument in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York"
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's February 13, 2002 letter to 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee Chairman Gill  --
"RE: The Unfitness of Appellate Division, First Department Justices Milton L. Williams, John T. Buckley, Richard T. Andrias, and Eugene L. Nardelli, Disqualifying Them from Consideration for Appointment as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department" 
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's February 13, 2002 fax to Nan Weiner, Exec. Director/Gov Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -
- "RE: Unfitness of Judicial Candidates" 
[Designation of Presiding Justice-Appellate Division]

CJA's April 26, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE" CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. Requests" [FOIL, etc]

Senate Judiciary Committee's May 8, 2002 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's June 24, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- "RE: Inspection of F.O.I.L.-requested documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees"    [FOIL, etc]

Senate Judiciary Committee's June 26, 2002 letter  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's June 26, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE: Inspection of F.O.I.L.-requested documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's July 16, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE: Inspection of F.O.I.L.-requested documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees"   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's July 31, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE: Inspection of F.O.I.L.-requested documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees"   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's October 31, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE: Inspection of ALL publicly-available documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees, as requested by CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. requests"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's November 6, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee --
"RE: Inspection of ALL publicly-available documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees, as requested by CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. requests"   [FOIL, etc]

Senate Judiciary Committee's November 22, 2002 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's November 22, 2002 letter --
"RE: Inspection of ALL publicly-available documents pertaining to Governor Pataki's judicial appointees, as requested by CJA's December 19, 2001 F.O.I.L. requests"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 6, 2002 letter to Mark Ustin/Governor Pataki's Records Access Officer -- "RE: CJA's March 30, 1999 F.O.I.L. request and March 30, 2001 supplement, for, inter alia, (1) the 'written reports of the qualifications of Governor Pataki's judicial appointees, prepared by his judicial screening committees; and (2) documents pertaining to the operations and procedures of the Governor's judicial screening committees"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 12, 2002 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Publicly-Available Information Regarding Governor Pataki's Appointment of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims"

CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson 
 Inventory of Substantiating Documents   -- "RE: (1) Postponing Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims to no earlier than January 9, 2003; (2) Constituting a More Neutral Senate Forum for the Holding of the Confirmation 'Hearing'; and (3) Commencing Review of CJA's Documentary Evidence of Chairman Lack's Unfitness for Judicial Office"    [Lack] 
   (indicated copies to Lack, NYS Senators, press)
         -- attaching City Bar's January 1997 "Report on Nomination and Confirmation of Court of Claims Judges"
         -- CJA's December 19, 2001 informational/FOIL request on judicial confirmations

CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee -- ATT: Chairman Lack -- "RE: CJA's Opposition to Senate Confirmation of your Nomination to the Court of Claims; Request for Production of CJA's Original Submissions; Request to Testify in Opposition; Request for the Presence of a Court Stenographer; Request for Publicly-Available Documents Pertaining to your Nominations"
   (indicated copies to Senate Leadership)

CJA's December 18, 2002 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Governor Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "RE: Publicly-Available Information Regarding Governor Pataki's Appointment of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman James J. Lack to the Court of Claims"  


CJA's January 9, 2003 letter to Assistant Counsel Ustin --
"RE: CJA's unresponded-to December 6, 2002 F.O.I.L. request -- herein now supplemented"  [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Ustin's January 13, 2003 letter   [FOIL, etc]

            [NOTE: January 2003:  "Merit Selection" Appointment of Read to the NY Court of Appeals]

CJA's March 5, 2003 memo to Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committee leadership, transmitting a copy of
"NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PUBLIC", 1989 report on the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct by New York State Comptroller Edward Regan

CJA's April 16, 2003 letter to Mark Ustin, Governor Pataki's Assistant Counsel/Records Access Officer --
"RE: F.O.I.L. Requests of December 6, 2002 & January 9, 2003; (2) F.O.I.L. Requests of January 14, 2003 & January 16, 2003; (3) Newly-Initiated F.O.I.L. Request Pertaining to the Governor's 'Federal Appointments Screening Committee'/'Federal Judicial Screening Committee"  [FOIL, etc]

CJA's April 16, 2003 letter to Nan Weiner, Executive Director/Gov. Pataki's Judicial Screening Committees -- "
RE: (1) CJA's April 16, 2003 F.O.I.L. request to the Governor's Records Access Officer; (2) CJA's March 30, 2001 letter to you for information and documents -- to which we have received no response from you"  [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Ustin's April 23, 2003   [FOIL, etc]
Assistant Counsel Ustin's November 5, 2003 letter   [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Ustin's November 6, 2003 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 5, 2003 letter to W. Brooks DeBow, Governor Pataki's Deputy Counsel -- "RE: CJA's April 16, 2003 F.O.I.L. Request Pertaining to the Governor's 'Federal Appointments Screening Committee'/Federal Judicial Screening Committee"   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 6, 2003 letter to Deputy Counsel W. Brooks DeBow -- "RE: CJA's December 6, 2002 and January 9, 2003 F.O.I.L. Requests Renewing and Supplementing CJA's March 30, 1999 and March 30, 2001 F.O.I.L. Requests Pertaining to the Governor's Judicial Screening Committees for the Lower State Courts, as well as CJA's Requests for the Financial Statement of Albert Rosenblatt in Connection with his Appointment to the New York Court of Appeals"   [FOIL, etc]

Deputy Counsel DeBow's December 19, 2003 letter
responding to December 5, 2003 letter-- "RE: FOIL Appeal 2003-4 (FOIL Appeal Request Dated December 5, 2003 and Received on December 5, 2003"   [FOIL, etc]

Deputy Counsel DeBow's December 19, 2003 letter
responding to December 6, 2003 letter -- "RE: FOIL Appeal 2003-3 (FOIL Appeal Request Dated December 6, 2003 and Received on December 8 2003)"    [FOIL, etc]

Assistant Counsel Ustin's December 22, 2003 letter   [FOIL, etc]

CJA's December 26, 2003 letter to Deputy Counsel DeBow -- "RE" FOIL APPEAL 2003-3: CJA's December 6, 2002 and January 9, 2003 F.O.I.L. Requests, Renewing and Supplementing CJA's March 30, 1999 and March 30, 2001 F.O.I.L. Request Pertaining to the Governor's Judicial Screening Committees for the Lower State Courts, as well as CJA's Requests for the Financial Statement of Albert Rosenblatt in Connection with his Appointment to the Court of Appeals"   [FOIL, etc]

[NOTE: December 2003 - January 2004: "Merit Selection" Appointment of Smith to the NY Court of Appeals]



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