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New York State Bar Association


NJC’s October 1, 1990 fax to President Angelo Cometa

   -- SEE: Judicial Selection - NYS Judicial Elections - Castracan v. Colavita

October 2, 1990 letter from Counsel Kathleen Mulligan Baxter



CJA's February 3, 1995 letter to Professor Jay Carlisle/Committee on Professional Discipline     
         (indicated copies to Professor Janet Johnson (Chair-Grievance Committee for the 9th Judicial District); Frank Rosiny (Chair-NYSBA Committee on Professional Discipline

  -- SEE: Test Case - Federal (Mangano)

CJA's April 7, 1995 letter to Professor Carlisle
(indicated copies to Committee Chair Rosiny & Professor Janet Johnson)

CJA's May 16, 1995 letter to Richard Grayson/Committee on Professional Discipline
   (indicated copies to Patricia Gorman (Counsel, NYS Assembly Judiciary Committee); Chairman Rosiny, Professor Carlisle, Professor Janet Johnson

CJA's June 1, 1995 letter to Committee on Professional Discipline Chair Frank Rosiny
-- "Unconstitutionality of New York's attorney disciplinary law, as written and as applied"
(indicated copies to President Maxwell Pfeifer; Haliburton Fales (Chairman/First Dept Disciplinary Committee & Task Force on the Profession), Martin Adelman, Esq., Professor Jay Carlisle & Richard Grayson, (members Committee on Professional Discipline); Hal Lieberman (member-Committee on Professional Discipline & Chief Counsel-First Dept Disciplinary Committee) Sheldon Elsen (First Dept Disciplinary Committee, Patricia Gorman (Counsel -NYS Assembly Judiciary Committee)

June 5, 1995 letter from Counsel Baxter  (indicated copy to Frank Rosiny



CJA's May 5, 1997notice-challenge -- "File of Article 78 proceeding, Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct, N.Y. Co. Clerk #95-109141"
  Ex. A-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's letter to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
      Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
      Ex. B: CJA's 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission,
                  with annexed law: 22 NYCRR 7000.1 et seq., Judiciary Law 44.1, NYS Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 22


CJA's January 9, 1998 letter to President Joshua Pruzansky

CJA's January 12, 1998 letter to President Pruzansky

CJA's February 9, 1998 letter to President Pruzansky, with inventory of transmittal

CJA's February 10, 1998 memo to President Pruzansky -- "RE: O'Rourke Waiver"

CJA’s November 19, 1998 letter to Judicial Committee Selection Chair Howard Stave


CJA’s January 4, 1999 letter to President James Moore -- "Appointment of Justice Albert Rosenblatt to the Court of Appeals"
(indicated copy to Howard Stave, Chair, NYSBA Judicial Selection Committee)

CJA’s February 17, 1999 letter to President Moore -- "New York State Bar Association's Committee on Judicial Selection"

Ms. Baxter’s February 18, 1999 letter


CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to President Michael Hassett -- "CJA's November 13, 2000 report, 'The Complicitous Roles of the Bar Associations in the Corruption of 'Merit Selection' Appointment to the New York Court of Appeals"
(indicated copies to First Department Disciplinary Committee; Institute on Professionalism in the Law, Chief Judge Kaye's Committee to Promote Public Trust and Confidence in the Legal System)

     Ex A-1: City Bar President Evan Davis' October 18, 2000 ltr to Governor Pataki,
                 with accompanying October 18, 2000 press release

     Ex A-2: 10/19/00 front-page item, NYLJ
     Ex A-3:  CJA's 10/16/00 fax coversheet to City Bar Counsel
     Ex A-4: CJA's October 19, 2000 fax to City Bar Counsel
     Ex A-5:  October 19, 2000 fax from City Bar Counsel
     Ex A-6:  October 25, 2000 fax coversheet from City Bar Counsel, enclosing member rosters
     Ex A-7:  November 17, 1998 fax from City Bar Counsel with Executive Committee membership
     Ex B-1: State Bar President's October 24, 2000 ltr to Gov. Pataki with accompanying "Guidelines for Evaluating
                         Qualifications of Judicial Candidates"
     Ex B-2: State Bar's October 24, 2000 "News Release"
     Ex B-3: 10/25/00 NYLJ front page item on State Bar's ratings
     Ex B-4: CJA's October 25, 2000 fax to State Bar counsel
     Ex B-5: State Bar membership list of its Executive Committee & Judicial Selection Committee
     Ex B-6: State Bar President's November 2, 2000 ltr to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
     Ex C-1: Women's Bar Association's October 20, 2000 "Media Advisory"
     Ex C-2: 10/23/00 NYLJ front-page item on Women's Bar ratings
     Ex C-3: CJA's October 23, 2000 letter to Women's Bar
     Ex C-4: website of Women's Bar listing its officers & past presidents
     Ex D-1: October 20, 2000 letter from President/NYS Trial Lawyers Association to Gov. Pataki's counsel
     Ex D-2: Trial Lawyers' October 20, 2000 "News Release"
     Ex D-3: 10/24/00 NYLJ front-page item on Trial Lawyers' ratings
     Ex D-4: CJA's October 24, 2000 letter-fax to Trial Lawyers
     Ex E: "Court of Appeals Nominees Grilled by Bar Groups", 10/17/00 front-page article, NYLJ
     Ex F-1: Gov Pataki's November 2, 2000 press release: "Governor Pataki Nominates Graffeo to Court of Appeals"
     Ex F-2: "Pataki Selects Judge for Appeals Court He Sees as Lenient", NYT, 11/3/00
     Ex F-3: "Pataki Names Graffeo to Court of Appeals", NYLJ, 11/3/00
     Ex G: CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to Cit Bar President Evan Davis
     Ex H-1: CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to Guy Miller Struve & P. Kevin Castel
     Ex H-2: 11/3/00 front-page item/NYLJ
     Ex I-1: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Chairman/NYS Bar's Judicial Selection Committee
     Ex I-2: CJA's January 4, 1999 letter to State Bar President
     Ex I-3: CJA's February 17, 1999 letter to State Bar President
     Ex I-4: February 18, 1999 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
     Ex J-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"
     Ex J-2: June 1, 1995 letter to Chairman/State Bar Committee on Professional Discipline
     Ex J-3: June 5, 1995 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
     Ex K: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Co-Chair/Women's Bar Judiciary Committee/
               with fax coversheets to her
& her Co-Chair, and Women's Bar President


     Ex A-1: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", letter to the editor, NYPost, 12/28/98
     Ex A-2: CJA's March 26, 1999 ethics complaint to the NYS Ethics Commission
     Ex B:  CJA's September 15, 1999 ethics complaint/supplement to the NYS Ethics Commission
     Ex C-1: CJA's October 6, 2000 letter to NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex C-2: Commission on Judicial Nomination's 10/4/00 report of recommendees
     Ex D-1:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex D-2:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex D-3:  October 13, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex E-1: February 24, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination, enclosing Commission's
                     November 12, 1998 report of recommendees
     Ex E-2:  CJA's March 12, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex F:  CJA's February 5, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex A-1:  November 25, 1998 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A-2: CJA's December 1, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. B:  CJA's December 16, 1998 letter to Senior Counsel/NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
          Ex. C:  "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", NY Post, 12/28/98
          Ex. D:  CJA's January 13, 1999 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee/Clerk
     Ex G-1: April 26, 1999 letter of Exec.Director/NYS Committee on Open Government
     Ex G-2: CJA's May 3, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
     Ex H: CJA's October 5, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A: NYLJ notices, 9/15/98, 9/21/98
          Ex. B-1: Commission on Judicial Nomination brochure
          Ex. B-2-5: Commission on Judicial Nomination questionnaire
          Ex. C: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", NYT, 10/26/94 
          Ex. D: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll", NYLJ, 8/27/97
          Ex. E-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
          Ex. E-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", NYLJ, 11/20/96
          Ex. F:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", 11/16/96
      Ex I: CJA's November 18, 1998 letter to Exec. Committee/City Bar
      Ex J-1:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to the editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex J-2: CJA's June 12, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki
      Ex J-3: CJA's June 11, 1996 letter to NYS Senate
          Ex.  A: CJA's April 18, 1896 letter to Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
          Ex. D: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
          Ex. F:  CJA's 3-page analysis of decision in DLS v. Commission on Judicial Conduct
              Ex. B:  CJA's April 29, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki 

      Ex K:  NYS Assembly Bill: 2/23/83 

INVENTORY OF FILE FOLDER A:  documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Stephen Crane as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals

INVENTORY OF FILE FOLDER B:  documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Juanita Bing Newton as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals


CJA's March 1, 2001 letter to President-Elect Steven Krane -- "Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc, acting pro bono publico, against Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. Cal #2000-5434)
   -- SEE Test Cases - State (Commission)

CJA's June 18, 2001 memo to President Krane -- "Governor Pataki's Reappointment of Judge William A. Wetzel to the Court of Claims, Scheduled for a Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2001"
(also addressed to City Bar President Evan Davis & Fund for Modern Courts Executive Director Steven Zeidman, with indicated to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee)
  --  enclosing CJA's June 17, 2001 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lack  

President Krane's July 5, 2001 letter to CJA

CJA's November 13, 2001 letter to President Krane --
"Your purported 'review' of the 'materials' on which you based the false and defamatory statements in your July 5th letter"
(indicated copies to A. Rene Hollyer, Chair-NYSBA Special Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline; NYSBA Albany Office-Kathleen Mulligan Baxter (Counsel); Patricia Bucklin (Executive Director); James Silkenat, Chair-NYS Fellows of the American Bar Foundation)

CJA's November 13, 2001 letter to President Krane --
"Your July 5, 2001 letter -- and CJA's request herein for your endorsement that the New York State Bar Association's Special Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline make findings as to the accuracy of the uncontroverted analyses in the appellate papers of Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (N.Y. Co. #108551/99) showing that the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct has been the beneficiary of FOUR fraudulent judicial decisions, without which it would not have survived, and, upon verification of same, that the Special Committee provide amicus and other support therein and join in CJA's long-standing efforts to obtain an official investigation of the Commission's demonstrated corruption"
   (indicated copies to A. Rene Hollyer, Chair-NYSBA Special Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline; NYSBA Albany Office-Kathleen Mulligan Baxter (Counsel); Patricia Bucklin (Executive Director); James Silkenat, Chair-NYS Fellows of the American Bar Foundation)

     Ex. D:  Mission Statement of various committees
     Ex. E: "First Baby Boomer to Head NY State Bar Association Will Work to Restore Trust and Confidence in the Legal System", NYSBA press release (6/1/01); "New State Bar President Champions
          Openness, Service
", NYLJ, 6/11/01
     Ex. F: CJA's April 12, 1996 ltr to City Bar President Barbara Paul Robinson
     Ex. G: April 17, 1996 letter of Steven Krane, Chairman, City Bar's Committee on Professional & Judicial Ethics
     Ex H: "Bar Presidents Flourish at Proskauer, Rose", NYLJ, 4/8/96
     Ex. I:  "Ethics Opinion Allows Criticism of Trial Judge", NYLJ, 2/29/96,
                  Formal Opinion of City Bar's Committee on Professional and Judicial Ethics
     Ex. J: Exhibits "I-1" to I-4" of CJA's November 13, 2000 report "The Complicitous Role of the Bar Associations
        in the Corruption of Merit Selection' Appointment to the New York Court of Appeals
     Ex. K: Exhibits "J-1" to "J-3" of CJA's November 13, 2000 report "The Complicitous Role of the Bar Associations
         in the Corruption of Merit Selection' Appointment to the New York Court of Appeals
     Ex. L: CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to State Bar President Hassett/ATT: Counsel Baxter
     Ex. M: Cover, Table of Contents & pp 14-17 of CJA's 11/13/00 report "The Complicitous Role of the Bar  Associations in the Corruption of Merit Selection' Appointment to the New York Court of Appeals"
     Ex. N-1: CJA's March 2, 2001 letter to Patricia Bucklin, Counsel, Chief Judge Kaye's Committee to Promote Public Trust and Confidence in the Legal System
     Ex. N-2: CJA's March 1, 2001 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
     Ex. N-3: CJA's March 7, 2001 letter to Bucklin, enclosing CJA's March 7, 2001 ltr to Louis Craco,
                   Chairman, Institute on Professionalism in the Law

CJA's November 13, 2001 letter to Special Committee on Procedures of Judicial Discipline Chair A. Rene Hollyer -- "The duty that the New York State bar Association's Special Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline owes the Association's 72,000 lawyer members to address the corruption of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct -- as readily-verifiable from the record of Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (N.Y. Co. 108551/99)
                (indicated copies to State Bar President Krane; Kathleen Mulligan Baxter/State Bar Counsel; Patricia Bucklin/State Bar Executive Director; James R. Silkenat, Chair/NY Fellows of the American Bar Foundation


CJA's January 7, 2002 letter to Chair Hollyer --
"Request for
amicus and other support in the appeal of Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. 108551/99) and advocacy to obtain an official investigation of the Commission on Judicial Conduct, based on the readily-verifiable proof of its corruption"
                (indicated copies to State Bar President Krane; Kathleen Mulligan Baxter/State Bar Counsel; Patricia Bucklin/State Bar Executive Director; James R. Silkenat, Chair/NY Fellows of the American Bar Foundation)

President Krane's January 15, 2002 e-mail to CJA -- "Sassower Litigation"

CJA's February 20, 2002 handwriten memo to Chair Hollyer

CJA's March 6, 2002 handwriten memo to Chair Hollyer

Chairman Hollyer's April 22, 2002 letter

Chairman Hollyer's May 23, 2002 letter

CJA's December 11, 2002 public comments and questions at the forum sponsored by the State Bar & Fund for Modern Courts, entitled, "Judging the Judges: The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct"


CJA's January 29, 2003 e-mail to Counsel Baxter --
"Developing a Legislative/Advocacy Agenda"
  -- transmitting CJA's January 22, 2003 written statement in opposition to Senate confirmation of Susan Read to the NY Court of Appeals
      -- SEE:
Judicial Selection - NYS "Merit Selection" -- Ct of Appeals: Read

CJA's November 25, 2003 letter to President A. Thomas Levin --
"EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE: The New York State Bar Association's duty -- reinforced by your September 16, 2003 testimony before Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections -- to confront
case file evidence documentarily establishing the corruption of all safeguards for ensuring the integrity of judicial elections, including: (1) the unconstitutionality of New York's attorney disciplinary law, as written and as applied; and (2) the corruption of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
                (indicated recipients including six NYSBA Committee chairs -- Committee on Judicial Campaign Conduct, Special Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline, Special Committee on Public Trust and Confidence in the Legal System, Special Committee on Judicial Independence, Special Committee to Review Code of Judicial Conduct, Committee on Judicial Selection -- and NYSBA Executive Director Patricia Bucklin and Counsel Kathleen Mulligan Baxter)

SEE Searching for Champions (Correspondence) - NYS Officials: Chief Judge Kaye's Commission to Promote Public Confidence in Judicial Elections


CJA's September 16, 2009 letter to New York State Bar Association --
"The New York State Bar Association's 'Valuable Input' to The New York State Commission on Judicial Nomination"

CJA's September 24, 2009 memo to, inter alia, NYS Bar Association --
"Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"     

CJA's September 21, 2009 Comment to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's Proposed Revised Rules
        Ex A-1:      Merit System For Choosing Judges Isn’t A Cure-all”, NYT, 1/28/79 
        Ex A-2:      “Cuomo Clashes With Committee Over Judgeships: Asks Panel to Disregard Law on Nominations”,
                                 NYT, 12/20/82
        Ex A-3:      “The Dispute Over Selections for Court of Appeals”, NYT, 2/27/82
        Ex A-4(a):   “The Campaign for Governor is Over: What’s on Trial Is How Best to Pick Judges”, NYT, 12/29/82,
        Ex A-4(b):    “Judges Are Better Elected Than Selected”, NYT, 1/11/83, 
                                 letter to the editor by Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink
        Ex A-5:       “Cuomo Requests Greater Leeway To Select Judges: Seeks Revised Procedure for Top Court in
”, NYT, 12/30/82
        Ex A-6:      “Picking of Judges Assailed by Cuomo: Wants More Options in Filling Appeals Court
”, NYT, 8/15/83
        Ex A-7:      “Judge Selection for New York’s High Court: The System Works”,
                                 NYT, 8/30/83, letter to the editor by Senate Minority Leader Manfred Orenstein
        Ex A-8:      “Cuomo Gets Names For Top Court Job: He Criticizes Lack of Diversity in List of 7 for Chief Judge”,
                                 NYT, 12/2/84
        Ex A-9:      “Challenge for Cuomo: Picking Judges”, NYT, 12/7/84
        Ex A-10:   “How Manhattan Stole the Judiciary”, NYLJ, 12/9/93, by App. Div. Justice William C. Thompson
        Ex B-1:    “Court of Appeals Candidates Are Named”, NYLJ, 12/3/02
        Ex B-2:    “Few Appellate Judges Apply for Wesley’s Seat”, NYLJ, 9/18/03
        Ex B-3:    “Model for Selecting Top Court Judges Reveals Its Flaws”, NYLJ, 11/13/03
        Ex C:      “Semi-Secret Court of Appeals Nominations Draws Criticism”, NYLJ, 11/2/00
        Ex D-1:   May 10, 1978 letter from Assemblyman Charles Henderson to Governor Hugh Carey,
                              from legislative bill jacket, Chapter 156, Laws of 1978
        Ex D-2:   Election Flyer: “On Tuesday, November 8, 1977 For Better
                            Courts Vote YES on Court Reform Amendments”
        Ex E-1:   “Wider Selection Urged for Governor”, NYLJ, 12/23/82,
                           letter to the editor by Supreme Court Justice James J. Leff
        Ex E-2:   “Changes Needed In Judicial Selection”, NYLJ, 11/30/82, letter to the editor
                            by Acting Supreme Court Justice Walter M. Schackman        

CJA's November 23, 2009 letter to New York State Bar Association       

CJA's November 23, 2009 memo to, inter alia, NYS Bar Association --
"Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"


CJA's January 2, 2014 letter --
"ACHIEVING NYS BUDGET REFORM: What is Your Expert Opinion of the Budgets Proposed by New York's Judiciary & Legislative Branches? -- & How Should the Governor & Legislature be Reviewing Them, Consistent with Article VII of the NYS Constitution?"
  email receipt

              referred-to webpage:   CJA's December 30, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo --
:  Your Duty to Exclude the Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized Estimates" 


cc:  CJA's Jan. 19, 2016 e-mail --
"Tomorrow's SJC hearing on the confirmation of D.A. DiFiore as Chief Judge -- & Request for Deferment of Senate floor proceedings pending a written committee report containing findings of fact & conclusions of law as to the citizen opposition"


CJA's April 18, 2019 e-mail --
"Request for Amicus Curiae Support & Scholarship: Citizen-taxpayer action challenging NYS budget -- NOW at the NY Court of Appeals on an appeal of right on the isues of constitutional construction directly involved"  
& here

          State Bar's April 15, 2016 e-mail  & CJA's April 25, 2016 e-mail to State Bar

Executive Committee
Committee on the New York State Constitution    "Making A Modern Constitution"
Committee on State and Federal Constitutional Law
Committee on Courts of Appellate Jurisdiction
Committee on Legislative Policy

Committee on Civil Practice Law and Rules

Committee on Professional Ethics
Committee on Attorney Professionalism  Subcommitte on Gov't
Committee on Standards of Attorney Conduct
Committee on Professional Discipline
Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline

CJA's April 25, 2019 e-mail --
"Resending to NYSBA -- STATUS? 'Building scholarship -- & amicus curiae support for a monumental appeal of right 'wherein is directly involved the construction of the constitution of the state...'"   

    blocked NYSBA e-mails     blocked NYSBA e-mails

CJA's April 26, 2019 e-mail --
"'A Lesson in History' -- NYSBA President Elect Greenberg's speech on April 18, 2019,
at the 55th Charles Evans Hughes Lecture"  

                              NYSBA website -- "A Lesson in History"


CJA's April 26, 2019 e-mail to New York State Bar President Michael Miller --
"Misconduct by NYSBA General Counsel Baxter: request for amicus curiae suport & scholarship for citizen-taxpayer challenge to the constitutionality of the NYS budget, NOW at the NY Court of Appeals on an appeal of right on the constitutional issues"


CJA's April 26, 2019 e-mail to NYSBA President Miller --
sent via his office website e-mail

CJA's April 29, 2019 e-mail to NYSB President-Elect Henry Greenberg --
"FW:  Misconduct by NYSBA General Counsel Baxter: request for amicus curiae suport & scholarship for citizen-taxpayer challenge to the constitutionality of the NYS budget, NOW at the NY Court of Appeals on an appeal of right on the constitutional issues"

CJA's May 9, 2019 e-mail  --
"Follow-Up: FW: 'A Lesson of History' -- NYSBA President Elect Greenberg's speech, on April 18, 2019, at the 55th Charles Evans Hughes Lecture"

April 15, 2019 Greenberg Traurig press release "Henry Greenberg to Speak
at the 55th Annual Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Lecture"

New York County Lawyers Association press release
 Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Lecture

NYSBA website -- "A Lesson in History"


CJA's June 27, 2019 e-mail to President Greenberg --
"GAPS in scholarship on the NY Court of Appeals, including (1) its 2004 Silver v. Pataki decision; (2) its subversion of appeals of right -- & mandatory appeals by leave; (3) Judiciary Law 14 & disqualification/disclosure by the Court's judges"


CJA's June 14, 2022 e-mail to NYS Bar Association --
"EMERGENCY ACTION REQUIRED, consistent with ethical, professional & civic responsibilities: Lawsuit to VOID the 'ethics commission reform act of 2022' and for TRO -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, et al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

President Sherry Levin Wallach
President-Elect Richard C. Lewis
Secretary Taa R. Grays
Treasurer Domenick Napoletano

Member-at-Large/Section Seat Gregory K. Arenson
Member-at-Large/Young Lawyers Seat Lauren E. Sharkey
Immediate Past President Andrew Brown
Member-at-Large/Section Seat Simeon H. Baum
VP-11th District Seat David Louis Cohen
VP-13th District Seat Orin J. Cohen
Member-at-Large/Diversity Seat Lamarr J. Jackson
VP-3rd District Elena Defio Kean
VP-12th District Michael A. Marinaccio
VP-10th District Michael A. Markowitz
Member-at-Large Thomas J. Maroney
VP-6th District Michael R. Mays
VP-1st District Michael J. McNamara
VP-7th District Mark J. Moretti
VP-5th District James P. Murphy (judge)
Member-At-Large Christopher R. Riano
VP-4th District Nancy Sciocchetti
VP-9th District Adam Seiden (judge)
VP-1st District Diana S. Sen
VP-8th District Kathleen Marie Sweet
VP-2nd District Pauline Yeung-Ha
Member-at-Large Sarah E. Gold
Member-at-Large Ronald C. Minkoff
Member-at-Large Violet E. Samuels
Member-at-Large/Diversity Seat Mirna M. Santiago
Member-at-Large Kaylin L. Whittingham

Kathleen Mulligan Baxter, Esq. -- Staff Liaison
Pamela M. McDevitt, Esq. -- Staff Liaison
Mailing -- David P. Miranda, Esq

Committee on the New York State Constitution

Chair: Christopher Bobst, Esq.
Vice-Chair: Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick

Seth H. Agata, Esq.
Mark H. Alcott, Esq.
Craig Robert Bucki, Esq.
Linda Jane Clark, Esq.
Riddhi Dasgupta, Esq.
Jeri Ann Duvall, Esq.
Daniel Erskine, Esq.
Hermes Fernandez, Esq.
Margaret J. Finerty, Esq.
Judge Helen Freedman
Mark F. Glaser, Esq.
Henry M. Greenberg, Esq.
Jeffrey D. Lebowitz, Esq.
A. Thomas Levin, Esq.
Bennett M. Liebman, Esq.
Desmond C.B. Lyons, Esq.
Nelson Mar, Esq.
David Evan Markus, Esq.
Aaron Eitan Meyer, Esq.
John M. Nonna, Esq.
Lori Gayle Nuckolls, Esq.
John A. Owens, Jr., Esq.
Karen K. Peters, Esq.
Kevin Anthony Reilly, Esq.
Andrea Carapella Rendo, Esq.
Steven H. Richman, Esq.
Richard Rifkin, Esq.
Prof. Nicholas Adams Robinson (Pace)
Elisa Strassler Rosenthal, Esq.
Alan Rothstein, Esq.
Judge Alan Scheinkman
Jarrod William Smith, Esq.
Justin S. Teff, Esq.
Ira Treuhaft, Esq.
Jana Williams  (Pace)
Stephen P. Younger, Esq.
David Louis Cohen (Exec Committee Liaison)
Thomas J. Richards (NYSBA Staff Liaison)
Mailing purposes:
Hilary F. Jochmans, Esq.
Pamela Devitt, Esq.
David Miranda, Esq.

CJA's June 16, 2022 e-mail to NYSBA --
"NOTICE OF CANCELLATION of tomorrow's oral argument on TRO, hopefully to be rescheduled to Wed. June 22nd -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's July 3, 2022 e-mail to NYSBA -- "TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE...

CJA's September 25, 2022 e-mail to NYSBA --
WANTED: your scholarship, expertise, & independent expert opinion as to the state of the record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al -- starting with the 6th cause of action to VOID the "ethics commission reform act of 2022"

CJA's December 28, 2022 e-mail to NYSBA --
"NYSBA's role in Executive Committee Member Kaylin Whittingham's nomination to CELG; ethical, professional, & civic responsibilities with respect to CJA v. JCOPE, et al.; & the fake scholarship of members of the Committee on the NYS Constitution"






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