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New York City Bar Association
(formerly Association of the Bar of the City of New York)



NJC’s September 28, 1990 fax to City Bar Executive Director Fern Shair Sussman,
with enclosed press release

            SEE Judicial Selection -- NYS: Judicial Elections:  Castracan v. Colavita

NJC’s October 1, 1990 transmittal memo to Executive Director Sussman

NJC’s October 4, 1990 fax to Pro Bono Coordinator

NJC’s October 25, 1990 letter to Election Law Committee Chair Judge Michael Stallman


NJC’s February 12, 1991 letter to Judge Stallman

NJC’s December 23, 1991 letter to City Bar President-Elect John Feerick


President-Elect Feerick’s January 28, 1992 letter

NJC’s February 24, 1992 letter to President Conrad Harper

President Harper's March 5, 1992 letter to NJC
NJC’s March 17, 1992 letter to President Harper

NJC’s March 17, 1992 letter to President-Elect Feerick

NJC’s May 14, 1992 letter to President-Elect Feerick

NJC’s May 20, 1992 fax to Counsel Alan Rothstein

NJC’s May 26, 1992 fax coversheet to President Feerick

NJC’s May 26, 1992 letter to President Feerick

President Feerick’s June 8, 1992 letter to NJC

NJC’s June 26, 1992 fax to Executive Secretary Sussman

City Bar’s July 2, 1992 notification of meeting with President Feerick

NJC’s September 9, 1992 fax to President Feerick,
enclosing NJC’s September 9, 1992 letter to Counsel Rothstein

NJC’s September 15, 1992 letter to President Feerick

NJC’s October 6, 1992 letter to President Feerick

Doris Sassower’s October 16, 1992 letter to Counsel Rothstein

President Feerick’s November 6, 1992 letter to NJC

NJC’s December 17, 1992 letter to Judiciary Committee Chair Alvin Hellerstein

Chairman Hellerstein’s faxed notation
on CJA’s December 17, 1992 fax coversheet


NJC’s January 22, 1993 fax to Chair Hellerstein

Chairman Hellerstein’s February 3, 1993 letter to NJC


Doris Sassower’s February 20, 1994 letter to Committee on professional Responsibility Chair Joseph Gregory  -- "Sassower v. Mangano, et al."

Doris Sassower’s February 23, 1994 letter to Erica Raved, Secretary to Committee on Professional Responsibility -- "Article 78 proceeding: Sassower v. Mangano, et al."

Raved’s February 24, 1994 letter to Doris Sassower

CJA’s October 17, 1994 letter to City Bar President Barbara Paul Robinson --
"Amicus Support before the U.S. Supreme Court"

   -- enclosing Doris Sassower's September 28, 1994 letter to John Borek, Esq.

CJA’s October 27, 1994 letter to President Robinson

Alan Rothstein’s December 13, 1994 letter to CJA


CJA’s January 9, 1996 letter to Judiciary Committee Chair Daniel Kolb

CJA’s January 25, 1996 letter to Legal Referral Service --
"Legal Assistance for Public Interest Case"
   -- transmitting copy of the record in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York 

CJA’s March 18, 1996 letter to President Robinson --
"New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct"
 (indicated copies to Assembly Judiciary Committee, Mayor Giuliani, Governor Pataki, City Bar Counsel Rothstein, NY County Lawyers Association (ATT: Irwin Davidson/Exec Director; Klaus Eppler/President), Ronald Russo, attorney for Judge Duckman, NYS Bar Association President Maxwell Pfeifer, NY media)
Ex A: "Protect Judges From Politicians", op-ed article by President Robinson, NYT, March 14, 1996,
              & "Rush to Judgment By Pataki Criticized", letter to editor by President Robinson, NYLJ,
              March 6, 1996
    Ex B:  "Ethics Opinion Allows Criticism of Trial Judge", NYLJ, February 29, 1996
    Ex C: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's lletter to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
    Ex D:  CJA's January 25, 1996 letter to City Bar's Legal Referral Service
    Ex E: "26 Bar Groups Join To Defend Judiciary", NYLJ, 3/8/96
    Ex F:  CJA's February 20, 1996 letter to Mayor Giuliani
    Ex G:  CJA's February 27, 1996 letter to Mayor Giuliani

President Robinson’s March 26, 1996 letter to CJA

CJA’s April 12, 1996 letter to President Robinson --
"The Legal Community's Ethical/Professional Responsibility"
  (indicated copies to Steven Krane, Chairman/Committee on Professional & Judicial Ethics; Helaine Barnett, Esq., Former City Bar President Feerick; Incoming City Bar President Michael Cardozo, Gary Brown, Exec. Director/Fund for Modern Courts; Assembly Judiciary Committee, Governor Pataki, Mayor Giuliani, NY Co. Bar Association (Davidson & Eppler); NYS Bar Association President Maxwell Pfeifer, Ronald Russo, Esq., NY media)
Ex C:  City Bar's guide, "How to Complain About Lawyers and Judges in New York City"
     Ex D:  CJA's August 22, 1995 ltr to John Feerick/Chairman, Fund for Modern Courts

April 17, 1996 letter of Committee on Professional and Judicial Ethics Chair Steven Krane --
"Inquiry Reference No. 96-16"

CJA’s May 16, 1996 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"Statement of May 10, 1996"

(cc) CJA’s May 23, 1996 letter to Assembly Judiciary Committee --
"New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct"

-- cc: Michael Cardozo, President-Elect

Counsel Rothstein’s May 24, 1996 letter to CJA


CJA’s February 10, 1997 letter to Counsel Rothstein
   (indicated copies to Victor Kovner, Esq., City Bar President Cardozo, Robert Jossen, Chairman/Judicial Conduct Committee; Daniel Kolb, Chairman/Judiciary Committee; Fern Schair, Executive Secretary & Chief Administrative Officer of the City Bar; John Feerick, Chairman/Fund for Modern Courts; Gary Brown, Exec Director/Fund for Modern Courts; Ron Russo, Esq. (attorney for Judge Duckman))
Ex A: CJA's January 25, 1996 letter to City Bar's Legal Referral Service
   Ex B: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
   Ex C-1: CJA's August 22, 1995 letter to John Feerick, Chairman/Fund for Modern Courts
   Ex C-2: John Feerick's August 28, 1995 letter
   Ex D:  CJA's January 9, 1996 letter to Daniel Kolb, Chairman/Judiciary Committee
   Ex E: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's letter to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995


"Report on the Continued Use of the Temporary Judicial Screening Committee",
Association of the Bar of the City of New York:  Council on Judicial Administration, February 7, 1997

CJA’s March 7, 1997 letter to President Cardozo --
"Supplement to City Bar's February 7, 1997 Report"
(indicated copies to Governor Pataki, Chief Judge Kaye, William Dallas, Esq., Robert Haig, Chairman/Council on Judicial Administration; Daniel Kolb, Chairman/Judiciary Committee, David Pfalzgraf, President/Erie Co. Bar Association; Helen Druce, Exec. Director, Onondaga Co. Bar Association, Ron Russo (atty for Judge Duckman), NYT, NYLJ)
 Ex. A-1: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, November 16, 1996
      Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 paid ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
      Ex. B: CJA's June 11, 1996 letter to NYS Senators
      Ex. C: CJA's June 12, 1996 letter to Michael Finnegan
      Ex. D: City Bar program, "How to Become a Judge", December 7, 1996
      Ex. E-1: NYLJ item, March 4, 1997
      Ex. E-2: "Pataki Names Panels For Judicial Screening", NYLJ, March 6, 1997
      Ex. F: CJA's February 10, 1997 letter to Alan Rothstein, City Bar Counsel
      Ex. G: CJA's August 22, 1995 letter to John Feerick, Chairman/Fund for Modern Courts
      Ex. H: CJA's May 6, 1996 letter to James McGuire
      Ex. I-1: "Lawyers' Attacks on Judges Risk Censure", by Cardozo, National Law Journal, Aug 26, 1996
      Ex. I-2: City Bar program, "POLITICIANS ON JUDGES: Fair Criticism or Intimidation?", October 7, 1996

CJA’s April 25, 1997 letter to Special Committee on Judicial Conduct Chair Robert Jossen --
"Dissemination of Materials to the Committee on Judicial Conduct"

CJA’s May 6, 1997 fax to President Cardozo, transmitting CJA's May 5, 1997notice-challenge
"File of Article 78 proceeding, Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct, N.Y. Co. Clerk #95-109141"
      Ex. A-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
      Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
      Ex. B: CJA's 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission, with annexed law:
      22 NYCRR 7000.1 et seq., Judiciary Law 44.1, NYS Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 22

CJA’s May 8, 1997 letter to Lawrence Zweifach, member-Special Committee on Judicial Conduct --
"May 14, 1997 public hearing"

CJA’s May 13, 1997 fax to Chair Jossen --
"Tomorrow's hearing"

CJA’s May 13, 1997 fax to Member Zweifach --
"Tomorrow's hearing"

CJA’s May 13, 1997 fax to Chair Jossen --
"Tomorrow's hearing"

CJA’s May 14, 1997 testimony before Special Committee on Judicial Conduct

CJA's June 12, 1997 memo for City Bar President Cardozo --
"Ensuring the public's right to basic information about the Governor's judicial appointments process and protecting it from unfit judicial nominees"

   -- transmitting CJA's June 2, 1997 letter to Governor Pataki --
"The public's right to basic information and your unworthy appointment of Justice Nicholas Colabella to the Appellate Division, First Department"
      Ex. A-1: Gov's press release announcing members of state judicial screening committee & 3 jud. appointments
      Ex. A-2: "Colabella to Appellate Division", NYLJ, 5/15/97
      Ex. B: Executive Order #11: Temporary Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C: Executive Order #10: Judicial Screening Committees
      Ex. D: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. E: "Pataki Names Panels for Judicial Screening", NYLJ, 3/6/97
      Ex. F: Gov's classified ads of judicial vacancies
      Ex. G: City Bar's Uniform Judicial Questionnaire
      Ex. H: 3/24/92 front-page correction in NYLJ, with Doris Sassower's letter to the editor
      Ex. I-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 op-ed ad, NYT, 10/26/94
      Ex. I-2: Doris Sassower's Director's Biography
      Ex J-1: "Appellate Selection Process Stirs Concern", NYLJ, 12/10/96
      Ex. J-2: December 16, 1996 item, NYLJ
      Ex. K: NY Judge Reviews (1997-8 edition)


CJA’s September 4, 1997 fax to Counsel Rothstein,
enclosing “Restraining ‘Liars in the Courtroom’ and on the Public Payroll ”,
CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997

CJA’s September 15, 1997 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"Amicus Support: Letter Support: Sassower v. Mangano, et al."
     -- SEE Test Cases - Federal (Mangano)

CJA’s November 10, 1997 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"Amicus Support: Sassower v. Mangano, et al."

CJA’s December 17, 1997 fax to Counsel Rothstein

CJA’s December 19, 1997 memo to Chair Kolb --
"Protecting the Public from unfit judicial appointees"

CJA’s December 22, 1997 memo to Chair Kolb --
"Taking Action to Protect the Public from Unfit Judicial Nominees"

CJA’s December 23, 1997 memo to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke Nomination to the Court of Claims"

Counsel Rothstein’s December 23, 1997 letter to CJA

CJA’s December 30, 1997 memo to Chair Kolb --
 "Protecting the Integrity of the Judicial Selection Process for Appointive State Court Judgeships"


cc: City Bar President Cardozo
CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Judith Kaye
"Safeguarding the Public's Rights and Interest in the State Judicial Appointments Process"
      Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
      Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, 9/22/97
      Ex. D: NYLJ item, 12/26/97
      Ex. E: receipted 1st page of CJA's Dec. 29, 1997 memo to State Judicial Screening Committee members

CJA’s January 8, 1998 fax to Counsel Rothstein --
"Opposition to O'Rourke Ct of Claims Judgeship & Public's Right to Basic Information"

   -- enclosing CJA's January 8, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye

CJA’s January 12, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb

CJA’s January 14, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --

CJA’s January 26, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --
"Effective Strategies"

CJA’s January 29, 1998 memo to Chair Kolb

CJA’s January 30, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --
"Andrew O'Rourke: Withdrawal of OCA approval of waiver"

CJA’s January 30, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke Waiver"

CJA’s February 2, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s February 2, 1998 fax to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s February 5, 1998 memo to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s February 5, 1998 memo to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s February 6, 1998 memo to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s February 10, 1998 memo to President Cardozo --
"O'Rourke Waiver"

CJA’s February 16, 1998 memo to Chair Kolb --
"O'Rourke waiver"

CJA’s March 7, 1998 letter to Chair Kolb

CJA’s August 12, 1998 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"The City Bar's Responsibilities under the Professional and Ethical Codes of Conduct"

  -- enclosing cert petition, etc in Sassower v. Mangano
     -- SEE Test Cases - Federal (Mangano)
CJA’s September 4, 1998 fax to Counsel Rothstein --
"9/9/98 Debate of Would-Be Democratic A.G. Candidates"

CJA's September 8, 1998 memo - Att: Counsel Rothstein -- "September 9th debate between the candidates for the Democratic nomination for New York State Attorney General"
Ex A-1:  "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
    Ex A-2: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 ad, NYT, 10/26/94, r
                reprinted in the NYLJ, 11/1/94, for an additional $2,280
    Ex B: CJA's September 7, 1998 letter to A.G. Democratic candidate Koppell
    Ex C: CJA's September 7, 1998 letter to A.G. Democratic candidate Spitzer
    Ex D: CJA's September 7, 1998 letter to A.G. Democratic candidate Davis
    Ex E: CJA's September 7, 1998 letter to A.G. Democratic candidate Abate


CJA’s November 6, 1998 memo to City Bar President Michael Cooper --
"Your continuing ethical and professional obligations, based on the record-supported presentation in
Sassower v. Mangano, et al, S.Ct. #98-106"
     -- SEE Test Cases - Federal (Mangano)

CJA’s November 18, 1998 letter to Executive Committee --
"Protecting the Public from the Dysfunctional, Politicized and Corrupted New York State Commission on Judicial Nomination"

  -- SEE: Judicial Selection - NYS - Ct of Appeals: "Merit Selection"- Rosenblatt


CJA’s May 18, 1999 letter to President Cooper --
      -- SEE Test Cases - State (Commission)

CJA’s May 19, 1999 fax to Counsel Rothstein --
"newly-commenced Article 78 proceeding vs NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA’s May 19, 1999 letter to Lawrence Zweifach --


CJA’s February 9, 2000 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"Vindicating the Rule of Law and Public Interest in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #99-108551)

CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to City Bar President Evan Davis --
"Request, inter alia, for the City Bar's (1) establishment of a Standing Committee on Judicial Conduct; and (2) amicus support and legal assistance in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York  (NY Co. #99-108551)"

Ex A-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law", CJA's $16,770 ad, NYT, October 26, 1994
   Ex A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
   Ex A-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad,
                      NYLJ, August 27, 1997
   Ex A-4: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, November 16, 1996
   Ex A-5: "O'Rourke's appointment was illegal", CJA's ltr to editor, Daily News, February 13, 1998
   Ex A-6: "No Justification for Process's Secrecy", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, January 24, 1996
   Ex A-7: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", CJA's ltr to editor, NYPost, Dec 28, 1998
   Ex A-8: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
   Ex A-9: "Untrustworthy Ratings?", CJA's ltr to the editor, NYT, July 17, 1992
   Ex A-10: "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline", CJA article, The Long Term View (Massachusetts School of Law), summer 1997
   Ex B-1:  CJA's testimony about the Commission on Judicial Conduct at the May 14, 1997 public hearing of the City Bar Special Committee on Judicial Conduct
   Ex B-2:  CJA's May 5, 1997 notice-challenge
        Ex. A-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
        Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1996
        Ex. B: CJA's 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission,
                  with annexed law: 22 NYCRR 7000.1 et seq., Judiciary Law 44.1,
                  NYS Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 22
   Ex C: Inventories of transmitted documents
   Ex D-1:  CJA's May 18, 1999 letter to President Michael Cooper
   Ex D-2: CJA's May 19, 1999 fax to Alan Rothstein
   Ex D-3: CJA's February 9, 1999 ltr to Alan Rothstein
   Ex E:  Notice of Appeal & Pre-Argument Statement
   Ex F:  CJA's January 26, 1999 written questions for A.G. Spitzer and transcript of January 27, 1999 exchange with Spitzer

COMPENDIUM I: Correspondence with City Bar Prior to the May 14, 1997 Hearing of the Ad Hoc Committee on Judicial Conduct

COMPENDIUM II: Correspondence with City Bar Subsequent to the May 14, 1997 Hearing of the Ad Hoc Committee on Judicial Conduct

CJA’s June 22, 2000 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to President Evan Davis"

CJA’s July 3, 2000 letter to Judiciary Committee Chair Barry Kamins --
"The City Bar's professional responsibilities relative to: (a) its rating approving Susan K. Knipps to the civil court and; (2) ensuring the integrity of the July 6th 'Public Hearing' of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary with respect to Ms. Knipps' appointment"

CJA’s July 10, 2000 letter to Chair Kamins --
"The Post-Hearing Procedures of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary in Connection with CJA's opposition to the Mayor's Prospective Appointment of Susan K. Knipps to the Civil Court"

July 12, 2000 letter of Dennis Cariello, Presidential Fellow to Barry Kamins

CJA’s July 25, 2000 letter to Chair Kamins --
"Responding to the July 12, 2002 Letter of Dennis Cariello, Presidential Fellow of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York"

(cc) to City Bar President Davis & City Bar Judiciary Committee Chairman Kamins:
      CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to Guy Miller Struve, Esq. and P. Kevin Castel, Esq. --
"The City Bar's Concealment of Pertinent Background Facts about the 'Committee on Judicial Conduct' from the Committee's own Chairman and Members"

CJA's October 16, 2000 report on the corruption of "Merit Selection" by the NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination
Ex A-1: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", ltr to the editor, NYPost, 12/28/98
      Ex A-2: CJA's March 26, 1999 ethics complaint to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex B:  CJA's September 15, 1999 ethics complaint/supplement to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex C-1: CJA's October 6, 2000 letter to NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex C-2: Commission on Judicial Nomination's October 4, 2000 report of recommendees
      Ex D-1:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex D-2:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex D-3:  October 13, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex E-1: February 24, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination, enclosing Commission's
                     November 12, 1998 report of recommendees
      Ex E-2:  CJA's March 12, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex F:  CJA's February 5, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex A-1:  November 25, 1998 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A-2: CJA's December 1, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. B:  CJA's December 16, 1998 letter to Senior Counsel/NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
          Ex. C:  "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", NY Post, 12/28/98
          Ex. D:  CJA's January 13, 1999 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee/Clerk
      Ex G-1: April 26, 1999 letter of Exec.Director/NYS Committee on Open Government
      Ex G-2: CJA's May 3, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex H: CJA's October 5, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A: NYLJ notices, 9/15/98, 9/21/98
          Ex. B-1: Commission on Judicial Nomination brochure
          Ex. B-2-5: Commission on Judicial Nomination questionnaire
          Ex. C: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", NYT, 10/26/94 
          Ex. D: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll", NYLJ, 8/27/97
          Ex. E-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
          Ex. E-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", NYLJ, 11/20/96
          Ex. F:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", 11/16/96
      Ex I: CJA's November 18, 1998 letter to Exec. Committee/City Bar
      Ex J-1:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", ltr to the editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex J-2: CJA's June 13, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki
Ex J-3: CJA's June 11, 1996 letter to NYS Senate
          Ex.  A: CJA's April 18, 1996 letter to Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
                Ex. D: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
                Ex. F:  CJA's 3-page analysis of decision-DLS v. Commission on Judicial Conduct
          Ex. B:  CJA's April 29, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki 
Ex K:  NYS Assembly Bill: February 23, 1983 

documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Stephen Crane as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals

documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Juanita Bing Newton as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals

CJA's November 13, 2000 report on the complicity of the bar associations in the corruption of "merit selection" to the NY Court of Appeals
     Ex A-1: City Bar President Evan Davis' October 18, 2000 letter to Governor Pataki, with accompanying October 18, 2000 press release
       Ex A-2: October 19, 2000 front-page item, NYLJ
       Ex A-3:  CJA's October 16, 2000 fax coversheet to City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-4: CJA's October 19, 2000 fax to City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-5:  October 19, 2000 fax from City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-6:  October 25, 2000 fax coversheet from City Bar Counsel, enclosing member rosters
       Ex A-7:  November 17, 1998 fax from City Bar Counsel with Executive Committee membership
       Ex B-1: State Bar President's Oct. 24, 2000  letter to Gov. Pataki
                    with accompanying "Guidelines for Evaluating Qualifications of Judicial Candidates"

       Ex B-2: State Bar's October 24, 2000 "News Release"
       Ex B-3: 10/25/00 NYLJ front page item on State Bar's ratings
       Ex B-4: CJA's October 25, 2000 fax to State Bar counsel
       Ex B-5: State Bar membership list of its Executive Committee & Judicial Selection Committee
       Ex B-6: State bar President's November 2, 2000 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
       Ex C-1: Women's Bar Association's 10/20/00 "Media Advisory"
       Ex C-2: October 23, 2000 NYLJ front-page item on Women's Bar ratings
       Ex C-3: CJA's October 23, 2000 letter to Women's Bar
       Ex C-4: website of Women's Bar listing its officers & past presidents
       Ex D-1:  Oct. 20, 2000 letter from President/NYS Trial Lawyers Association to Gov. Pataki's counsel
       Ex D-2: Trial Lawyers' October 20, 2000 "News Release"
       Ex D-3: October 24, 2000 NYLJ front-page item on Trial Lawyers' ratings
       Ex D-4: CJA's October 24, 2000 letter-fax to Trial Lawyers
       Ex E: "Court of Appeals Nominees Grilled by Bar Groups", October 17, 2000 front-page article, NYLJ
       Ex F-1: Gov Pataki's Nov. 2, 2000 press release: "Gov. Pataki Nominates Graffeo to Court of Appeals"
       Ex F-2: "Pataki Selects Judge for Appeals Court He Sees as Lenient", NYT, November 3, 2000
       Ex F-3: "Pataki Names Graffeo to Court of Appeals", NYLJ, November 3, 2000
       Ex G: CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to City Bar President Evan Davis
       Ex H-1: CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to Guy Miller Struve & P. Kevin Castel
       Ex H-2: November 3, 2000 front-page item/NYLJ
       Ex I-1: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Chairman/NYS Bar's Judicial Selection Committee
       Ex I-2: CJA's January 4, 1999 letter to State Bar President
       Ex I-3: CJA's February 17, 1999 letter to State Bar President
       Ex I-4: February 18, 1999 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Ex J-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"
       Ex J-2: CJA's June 1, 1995 letter to Chairman/State Bar Committee on Professional Discipline
       Ex J-3: June 5, 1995 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Ex K: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Co-Chair/Women's Bar Judiciary Committee/
            with fax coversheets to her & her Co-Chair, and Women's Bar President

CJA’s November 13, 2000 letter to President Davis --
ATT: Counsel Rothstein -- "CJA's November 13, 2000 report, 'The Complicitous Roles of the Bar Associations in the Corruption of 'Merit Selection' Appointment to the NY Court of Appeals'"

      SEE: Judicial Selection - NY: Ct of Appeals "Merit Selection"-Graffeo


CJA’s January 29, 2001 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding, Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission  on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York (NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept. Cal #2000-5434)"

CJA’s August 10, 2001 letter to Counsel Rothstein --
"On the Issue of Standing -- Amicus and other assistance in the appeal of the public interest Article 78 proceeding,
Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., acting pro bono publico, against Commission  on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York
(NY Co. #108551/99; Appellate Division, First Dept: September Term"



CJA’s December 16, 2002 e-mail to Counsel Rothstein --
"City Bar Endorsement of CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to NYS Senate Leadership for Postponement of Senate Confirmation Proceedings on the Nomination of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman"


"Report on Nomination and Confirmation of Court of Claims Judges",
Association of the Bar of the City of New York: Council on Judicial Administration, December 1996  

 CJA's December 16, 2002 letter to NYS Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Senate Minority Leader Martin Connor, & Senate Minority Leader-Elect David Paterson      INVENTORY OF SUBSTANTIATING DOCUMENTS    
                -- CJA's December 19, 2001 informational/FOIL request on judicial confirmations


  -- SEE: Judicial Selection - NYS - Judicial Appointments-Lower Cts (Lack) & Chronological Trail



CJA's January 23, 2003 memo to Counsel Rothstein & Legislative Director Jayne Biegelsen -- "Developing an Legislative/Advocacy Agenda for 2003"

CJA’s March 26, 2003 e-mail --
"Bar Evaluations of Wesley & Castel"

CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement to City Bar Judiciary Committee & ABA Committee --
"Bar Evaluations of the Qualifications of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley, Nominated to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and of P. Kevin Castel, Nominated to the District Court of the Southern District of New York"

 Ex A-1:  ABA's "Evaluation Criteria"
     Ex A-2:  City Bar's "Guidelines for Evaluating Candidates for Judicial Office"
     Ex B:  pages from Wesley's questionnaire
     Ex C:   pages from Aug. 17, 2001 motion for disqualification/disclosure in 1st Dept. App. Div.
     Ex D: CJA's August 6, 1998 judicial misconduct complaint
     Ex E:  pages from Castel's questionnaire
     Ex F-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll",
                        CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97

     Ex F-2:  "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline", by Elena Sassower,
                       The Long Term View (Massachusetts School of Law) summer 1997


     (1) October 15, 2002 reargument/vacatur
          for fraud motion & annexed exhibits

      (2) October 24, 2002 motion for leave to appeal
annexed exhibits

    CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to P. Kevin Castel
        -- CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to City Bar President Davis

CJA’s June 13, 2003 memo to Judiciary Committee Chair Jeh Johnson --
Bringing Accountability to the ABA and City Bar by calling upon them (1) to justify their barebones ratings of Richard C. Wesley and P. Kevin Castel for federal judgeships by disgorging their findings pertaining to CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement; (2) to respond to the recommendations of the 1986 Common Cause report and the 1996 Miller Center Commission report for substantiated bar ratings [pp. 4-6]; (3) to confront the fundamental standards disqualifying candidates for judicial office articulated by CJA's March 26, 2003 statement [pp. 8-9]"

CJA’s June 16, 2003 e-mail  --
"Bar Association Ratings of Richard Wesley & P. Kevin Castel, etc."


CJA's September 1, 2006 memo to President Kamins --
                   SEE: Elections 2006: Informing the Voters


CJA's September 17, 2009 letter to City Bar --
"The New York City Bar Association's 'Valuable Input' to The New York State Commission on Judicial Nomination"

CJA's September 24, 2009 memo to, inter alia, NYC Bar Association --
"Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"     

CJA's September 21, 2009 Comment to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's Proposed Revised Rules
        Ex A-1:      Merit System For Choosing Judges Isn’t A Cure-all”, NYT, 1/28/79 
        Ex A-2:      “Cuomo Clashes With Committee Over Judgeships: Asks Panel to
             Disregard Law on Nominations
”, NYT, 12/20/82
        Ex A-3:      “The Dispute Over Selections for Court of Appeals”, NYT, 12/27/82
        Ex A-4(a):   “The Campaign for Governor is Over: What’s on Trial Is How Best to Pick Judges”,  
                                NYT, 12/29/82, editorial
        Ex A-4(b):    “Judges Are Better Elected Than Selected”, NYT, 1/11/83, 
                                 letter to the editor by Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink
        Ex A-5:       “Cuomo Requests Greater Leeway To Select Judges: 
                   Seeks Revised Procedure for Top Court in State
”, NYT, 12/30/82
        Ex A-6:      “Picking of Judges Assailed by Cuomo: Wants More Options in Filling Appeals Court
”, NYT, 8/15/83
        Ex A-7:      “Judge Selection for New York’s High Court: The System Works”, NYT, 8/30/83,
                          letter to the editor by Senate Minority Leader Manfred Orenstein
        Ex A-8:      “Cuomo Gets Names For Top Court Job: He Criticizes Lack of Diversity in List of 7
                   for Chief Judge
”, NYT, 12/2/84
        Ex A-9:      “Challenge for Cuomo: Picking Judges”, NYT, 12/7/84
        Ex A-10:   “How Manhattan Stole the Judiciary”, NYLJ, 12/9/93,
                              by Appellate Division Justice William C. Thompson
        Ex B-1:    “Court of Appeals Candidates Are Named”, NYLJ, 12/3/02
        Ex B-2:    “Few Appellate Judges Apply for Wesley’s Seat”, NYLJ, 9/18/03
        Ex B-3:    “Model for Selecting Top Court Judges Reveals Its Flaws”, NYLJ, 11/13/03
        Ex C:      “Semi-Secret Court of Appeals Nominations Draws Criticism”, NYLJ, 11/2/00
        Ex D-1:   May 10, 1978 letter from Assemblyman Charles Henderson
                           to Governor Hugh Carey, from legislative bill jacket, Chapter 156, Laws of 1978
        Ex D-2:   Election Flyer: “On Tuesday, November 8, 1977 For Better
                            Courts Vote YES on Court Reform Amendments”
        Ex E-1:   “Wider Selection Urged for Governor”, NYLJ, 12/23/82,
                           letter to the editor by Supreme Court Justice James J. Leff
        Ex E-2:   “Changes Needed In Judicial Selection”, NYLJ, 11/30/82,
                           letter to the editor by Acting Supreme Court Justice Walter M. Schackman

CJA's November 23, 2009 memo to, inter alia, NYC Bar Association --
"Building Dialogue & Scholarship: 'Merit Selection' to the New York Court of Appeals"


CJA's January 2, 2014 letter --
"ACHIEVING NYS BUDGET REFORM: What is Your Expert Opinion of the Budgets Proposed by New York's Judiciary & Legislative Branches? -- & How Should the Governor & Legislature be Reviewing Them, Consistent with Article VII of the NYS Constitution?" 
email receipt

              here's the referred-to webpage:   CJA's December 30, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo --
:  Your Duty to Exclude the Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized Estimates" 

cc:  CJA's July 11, 2014 letter to the "Three Men in the Room" --
Governor, Temporary Senate President, & Assembly Speaker
"Getting to First Base in Achieving 'the Dream of Honest Government'"

  (1) Rectifying your violation of “The Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011” by appointing the review committee to evaluate JCOPE that you were required to appoint “No later than June 1, 2014”;
(2) Making public your 'written response', if any, to CJA’s June 27, 2013 ethics complaint against you, filed with JCOPE   
transmitting e-mail  & here

cc: CJA's December 12, 2014 letter to investigative/prosecutorial authorities --
"Conflict of Interest Ethics Complaint vs Governor Andrew Cuomo, Legislative Leaders, & JCOPE for Violation of the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011 Pertaining to the Review Commission Statutorily-Required to be Appointed 'No later than June 1, 2014'”


           City Bar & Common Cause January 13, 2015 letter to Governor & Legislative Leaders --
                  "Failure to Appoint the Commission to Review Work of JCOPE and the LEC"   

cc:  CJA's June 22, 2015 letter to JCOPE/LEC & Public Officers --
Honest Review by the JCOPE/LEC Review Commission:  Rectifying JCOPE’s violations of Executive Law §94.9(l)(i) by furnishing the statutorily-required yearly 'listing of assigned numbers of each complaint and referral received…including the status of each complaint'”

MISSING VIDEO -- October 14, 2015 First & Only Public Hearing

transcription of CJA Director's testimony (at 0:44:06 minutes - 1:11:15 hours)   

   other witness presentations          

City Bar's October 14, 2015 testimony -- press release

City Bar's October 16, 2015 letter to NY Ethics Review Commission


cc:  CJA's Jan. 19, 2016 e-mail --
"Tomorrow's SJC hearing on the confirmation of D.A. DiFiore as Chief Judge -- & Request for Deferment of Senate floor proceedings pending a written committee report containing findings of fact & conclusions of law as to the citizen opposition"

CJA's April 7, 2016 e-mail to New York City Bar Association --
"Request for the City Bar's Amicus Curiae/Intervention & Other Assistance in Lawsuit Challenge to the Consitutionality & Lawfulness of NYS Budget"

Committee on Government Ethics & State Affairs 

"The New York State Budget Process and the Constitution:
Defining and Protecting the 'Delicate Balance of Power
", (Committee on State Affairs),
58 The Record 345 (Oct. 2003)

May 2007 REPORT  "Supporting Legislative Rules Reform: The Fundamentals
(Committee on State Affairs)

               amicus curiae brief to NY Court of Appeals --
McKinney, October 3, 2007



City Bar --
Committee on Ethics & State Government -- April 2019

CJA's April 15, 2019 e-mail --
"Request for Amicus Curiae Support -- CJA's second citizen-taxpayer action,
with ten causes of action challenging the NYS budget & the 'force of law' commission pay raises, etc."

City Bar's April 17, 2019 e-mail

CJA's April 17, 2019 e-mail --
"Follow-up:  Request for Amicus Curiae Support..."

                    Government Ethics & State Affairs Committee

City Bar's April 22, 2019 e-mail


c: CJA's May 5, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
"Corrections & Reporting Required: 'JCOPE issues a curious letter on Cuomo --
4 years after complaint' (4/29/22) AND 'A non-fond farewell to JCOPE' (4/15/22)"

cc:  CJA's May 6, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Setting the record straight on Executive Law §94 -- as to JCOPE & CELG --
& taking the emergency correction action with respect thereto
warranted by CJA's April 13, 2022 complaint (#22-052)"

cc: CJA's May 16, 2022 e-mail to Inspector General --
"(1) Your flagrant violations of your own policy, procedure & Executive Law Art. 4-A
pertaining to CJA's Nov. 2, 2021complaint vs JCOPE, etc; (2) Confirmation that you will have no jurisdiction over CELG, in contrast to JCOPE"

cc:  CJA's June 9, 2022 e-mail to "JCOPE Must Go" Coalition Members --
"NOTICE: Lawsuit vs JCOPE, et al. (#904235-22/Albany County) -- & your ethical and professional responsibilities to the Peopls of the State of NY with respect thereto"

CJA's June 13, 2022 e-mail to NYC Bar Association General Counsel Lauren Axelrod --
"Request that the NYC Bar Association discharge [] its ethical, professional, & civic responsibilities: Lawsuit to VOID the 'ethics commission reform act of 2022' and for TRO -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, et al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

                          Committee on Government Ethics & State Affairs
                                     Edward Murray, Chair

CJA's June 14, 2022 e-mail to NYC Bar Association --
"EMERGENCY ACTION REQUIRED: Request to NYC Bar Association Officers & Board of Directors: Lawsuit to VOID the 'ethics commission reform act of 2022' and for TRO -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, et al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

Susan Kohlmann, President
Harlan A. Levy, Vice President
Jonathan Lippman, Vice President
Peter J. W. Sherwin, Vice President
Thomas R. Slome, Treasurer
Leslie Horton Campbell, Secretary
Devika Kewalramani, Chair of Board of Directors
Kevin S. Schwartz, Secretary of the Board of Directors
Rakhi Bahadkar-Rajpaul
Sarah J. Berger
Whytne J. V. Brooks
Michele Cerezo Natal
Melissa Colon-Bosolet
Philip Desgranges
Paula T. Edgar
Brian D. Farkas
Jyotin Hamid
Jaipat S. Jain
Tanya Kennedy
David F. Levine
Kiyo Matsumoto
Rossalyn K. Quaye
William T. Russell
Mark R. Schulman
Judith Whiting

CJA's June 14, 2022 message to Board Chair Kewalramani

General Counsel Lauren Axelrod's June 14, 2022 e-mail

CJA's June 15, 2022 e-mail to Axelrod -- "CLARIFICATION OF YOUR JUNE 14th E-MAIL..."

CJA's June 16, 2022 e-mail to NYC Bar -- "NOTICE OF CANCELLATION of tomorrow's oral argument on TRO, hopefully to be rescheduled to Wed. June 22nd -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's July 3, 2022e-mail to NYC Bar -- "TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction: 'ethics commission reform act of 2022' -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's September 25, 2022 e-mail to NYC Bar -- "WANTED: your scholarship, expertise, & independent expert opinion as to the state of the record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al -- starting with the 6th cause of action to VOID the 'ethics commission reform act of 2022'"

CJA's December 29, 2022 e-mail to NYC Bar --
"Does the NYC Bar Association dispute that the record of CJA v. JCOPE, et al. is a perfect 'paper trail' of public corruption, obliterating constitutional state governance -- &, if not, what actions will it take, consistent with its responsibilities?"

cc:  CJA's December 29, 2022 e-mail to "Watchdog Groups" --
"When will "Watchdog Groups" be confronting the CJA v. JCOPE, et al. lawsuit – & such other EVIDENCE dispositive that 'CELG Must Go'"











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