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Chief Judge Judith Kaye


CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Judith Kaye  -- "RE: Safeguarding the Public's Rights and Interest in the State Judicial Appointments Process"
   (indicated copies to McGuire, Shechtman, Gill, Clair Gutekunst (member 1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee & State Committee), Weiner, Senate Judiciary Committee, Cardozo, Pruzansky, Shestack, Gary Brown (Executive Director/Fund for Modern Courts), media)
      Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 letter to James Gill, Chairman/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
      Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
      Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, 9/22/97
      Ex. D: NYLJ item, 12/26/97
      Ex. E: receipted first page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo to members of State Judicial Screening
           ---- transmitting to Chief Judge Kaye a copy of NJC's May 1, 1992 critique & compendium of exhibits

SEE:  Judicial Selection - NYS: Chronological Paper Trail of Judicial Appointments to Lower State Courts

CJA's January 13, 1998 handwritten note to Chief Judge Kaye, delivered to the Clerk's office of the NY Court of Appeals

CJA's February 1, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: Safeguarding the Public's Right to Compliance by the OCA with 211 of the Retirement and Social Security Law""
 -- CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman #1-- "RE: Reconsideration and Withdrawal of OCA Waiver to Court of Claims Judge Andrew O'Rourke and Informational Requests"
        --Ex A  CJA's Jan 27, 1998 letter to OCA Deputy Counsel John Eiseman
        --Ex B   Gov Pataki's Dec 12, 1997 press release on O'Rourke's nomination to Court of Claims
        --Ex C   Secs. 211 & 212 of Retirement & Social Security Law
        --Ex D   Jan 27, 1998 letter from Senators Leichter & Dollinger to Chief Administrative Judge Lippmann
        --Ex E   articles on O'Rourke
-- CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman #2-- "RE: Reconsideration and Withdrawal of OCA Waiver to Court of Claims Judge Andrew O'Rourke and Informational Requests"

CJA's March 3, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: (1) Meeting your Administrative and Disciplinary Responsibilities under Sec. 100.3C and D of the Chief Administrator's Rules Governing Judicial Conduct; (2) Designation of a Special Inspector General to Investigate the Corruption of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct"
  (indicated copies to Administrative Judge Crane, Judge Wetzel, Gov. Pataki, Commission on Judicial Conduct, A.G. Spitzer, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys-SDNY-EDNY, Ethics Commission, City Bar, Patricia Salkin, Director-Gov't Law Center/Albany Law School, Former Bronx Surrogate Gelfand, media)
            Annexed Inventory of transmitted substantiating files 

    Ex. A:  pages from Chief Judge Kaye's January 10, 2000 "State of the Judiciary Address"
    Ex. B:  exchange of correspondence between Kamau Bey & Chief Judge Kaye's office

SEE:  Test Cases - State (Commission)
Judicial Selection - NYS: "Merit Selection" to the NY Court of Appeals

CJA's April 18, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: (1) Formal Misconduct Complaint against Michael Colodner, Counsel of the Unified Court System; (2) Request for Clarification of your Supervisory Power as Chief Judge and your Administrative Responsibilities under Sec. 100.3C and D of the Chief Administrator's Rules Governing Judicial Conduct"
  (indicated copies to Counsel Colodner, Special Inspector General Spatz, Gov. Pataki, Commission on Judicial Conduct, A.G. Spitzer, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys-SDNY/EDNY, Ethics Commission, City Bar, media)
    Ex. A: March 27, 2000 letter from Michael Colodner, Counsel/Unified Court System
    Ex. B: Chief Administrative Judge's 1998 report, pp. 45-6, 57
    Ex. C-1: CJA's March 3, 200 judicial misconduct complaint vs. Judges Wetzel & Crane
    Ex. C-2: Commission's March 7, 2000 acknowledgment letter
    Ex. C-3: Commission's April 6, 2000 dismissal letter

CJA's June 30, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: (1) CJA's unresponded-to April 18, 2000 letter to you [pp. 1-4]; (2) CJA's opposition to the Mayor's appointment of your Deputy Counsel Susan K. Knipps, for a civil court judgeship, scheduled for a July 6, 2000 'public hearing' at the Association of the Bar of the City of NY [pp. 5-9]"
  (indicated immediate copies to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman, Counsel Colodner, Special Inspector General Spatz, Commission on Judicial Conduct, Susan Knipps-Deputy Counsel/Chief Judge Kaye, Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary, City Bar, & eventual copies to Gov. Pataki, A.G. Spitzer, Manhattan D.A., U.S. Attorneys-SDNY/EDNY, Ethics Commission, media)
    Ex. A:  notice in NYLJ, 6/27/00; CJA's June 27, 2000 letter to Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary
    Ex. B: CJA's June 27, 2000 letter to Michael Colodner, Counsel/Unified Court System
    Ex. C:  receipted first pages of CJA's April 18, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye, March 3, 2000 letter to Chief
                Judge Kaye, March 3, 2000 complaint to Commission on Judicial Conduct, February 23, 2000 letter
                to Gov. Pataki, February 25, 2000 memo to proposed intervenors
    Ex. D: CJA's exchange of correspondence with Claire Gutekunst, Chief Judge Kaye's designee on Gov. Pataki's
              State Judicial Screening Committee
    Ex. E:  CJA's February 1, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: Safeguarding the Public's Right to Compliance

               by the OCA with 211 of the Retirement and Social Security Law""
        -- CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman #1-- "RE: Reconsideration and
           Withdrawal of OCA Waiver to Court of Claims Judge Andrew O'Rourke and Informational Requests"
           --Ex A  CJA's Jan 27, 1998 letter to OCA Deputy Counsel John Eiseman
           --Ex B   Gov Pataki's Dec 12, 1997 press release on O'Rourke's nomination to Court of Claims
           --Ex C   Secs. 211 & 212 of Retirement & Social Security Law
           --Ex D   Jan 27, 1998 letter from Senators Leichter & Dollinger to Chief Administrative Judge Lippmann
           --Ex E   articles on O'Rourke
        -- CJA's January 30, 1998 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Lippman #2-- "RE: Reconsideration and
           Withdrawal of OCA Waiver to Court of Claims Judge Andrew O'Rourke and Informational Requests"
    Ex. F: Thomas Thornton's February 11, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye, on behalf of himself, John Heard, &
              Ross Giunta, co-signers; Susan Knipps'  May 5, 2000 letter to Thomas Thornton, on behalf of Chief Judge
              Kaye; Thomas  Thornton's June 6, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
    Ex. G: Thomas Thornton's May 30, 1998 & June 25, 1998 letters to Gerald Stern, Administrator/Commission on
               Judicial Conduct; Gerald Stern's June 25, 1998 letter to Thornton; Thornton's June 26, 1998 letter to Stern
    Ex. H: Thomas Thorton's January 18, 1998 judicial misconduct complaint & subsequent correspondence with
              Commission based thereon, etc.

CJA's August 3, 2000 judicial misconduct complaint against Chief Judge Kaye, filed with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct

October 17, 2000 hand-delivery to Chief Judge Kaye's NY Office of CJA's OCTOBER 16, 2000 Report on the Corruption of "Merit Selection" by the NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex A-1: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", letter to the editor, NYPost, 12/28/98

      Ex A-2: CJA's March 26, 1999 ethics complaint to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex B:  CJA's September 15, 1999 ethics complaint/supplement to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Ex C-1: CJA's October 6, 2000 letter to NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination

      Ex C-2: Commission on Judicial Nomination's October 4, 2000 report of recommendees
      Ex D-1:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex D-2:  CJA's October 11, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex D-3:  October 13, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination

      Ex E-1: February 24, 2000 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination, enclosing Commission's
                     November 12, 1998 report of recommendees

      Ex E-2:  CJA's March 12, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex F:  CJA's February 5, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination

          Ex A-1:  November 25, 1998 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A-2: CJA's December 1, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. B:  CJA's December 16, 1998 letter to Senior Counsel/NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
          Ex. C:  "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", NY Post, December 28, 1998
          Ex. D:  CJA's January 13, 1999 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee/Clerk
      Ex G-1: April 26, 1999 letter of Exec.Director/NYS Committee on Open Government
      Ex G-2: CJA's May 3, 1999 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Ex H: CJA's October 5, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination

          Ex. A: NYLJ notices, 9/15/98, 9/21/98
          Ex. B-1: Commission on Judicial Nomination brochure
          Ex. B-2-5: Commission on Judicial Nomination questionnaire
          Ex. C: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", NYT, 10/26/94 
          Ex. D: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll", NYLJ, 8/27/97
          Ex. E-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
          Ex. E-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", NYLJ, 11/20/96
          Ex. F:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", 11/16/96
      Ex I: CJA's 11/18/98 letter to Exec. Committee/City Bar
      Ex J-1:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", ltr to the editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Ex J-2: CJA's June 12, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki
      Ex J-3: CJA's June 11, 1996 letter to NYS Senate

          Ex.  A: CJA's April 18, 1996 letter to Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
                Ex. D: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
                Ex. F:  CJA's 3-page analysis of decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct
          Ex. B:  CJA's April 29, 1996 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki
      Ex K:  NYS Assembly Bill: 2/23/83 

CJA's October 24, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: CJA's October 16, 2000 Report evaluating the Commission on Judicial Nomination's October 4, 2000 Report of Recommendees for the Court of Appeals"
Ex B-1:  CJA's March 17, 2000 memorandum
      Ex B-2:  April 24, 2000 memorandum

CJA's December 9, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- RE:  Presentment of CJA's November 13, 2000 Report to Your Committee to Promote Public Trust and Confidence in the Legal System & Removal of Four of Its Members" 
-- given to her, in hand, along with
CJA's November 13, 2000 Report on the Complicity of the Bar Associations in the Corruption of "Merit Selection"
       Ex A-1: City Bar President Evan Davis' October 18, 2000 letter to Governor Pataki, with accompanying
                        10/18/00 press release

       Ex A-2: 10/19/00 front-page item, NYLJ
       Ex A-3:  CJA's October 16, 20 fax coversheet to City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-4: CJA's October 19, 2000 fax to City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-5:  October 19, 2000 fax from City Bar Counsel
       Ex A-6:  October 25, 2000 fax coversheet from City Bar Counsel, enclosing member rosters
       Ex A-7:  November 17, 1998 fax from City Bar Counsel with Executive Committee membership
       Ex B-1: State Bar President's October 24, 2000 letter to Gov. Pataki with accompanying
                   "Guidelines for Evaluating Qualifications of Judicial Candidates"
       Ex B-2: State Bar's October 24, 2000 "News Release"

       Ex B-3: 10/25/00 NYLJ front page item on State Bar's ratings
       Ex B-4: CJA's October 25, 2000 fax to State Bar counsel
       Ex B-5: State Bar membership list of its Executive Committee & Judicial Selection Committee
       Ex B-6: State bar President's November 2, 2000 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
       Ex C-1: Women's Bar Association's October 20, 2000 "Media Advisory"
       Ex C-2: 10/23/00 NYLJ front-page item on Women's Bar ratings
       Ex C-3: CJA's October 23, 2000 letter to Women's Bar
       Ex C-4: website of Women's Bar listing its officers & past presidents
       Ex D-1: 10/20/00 letter from President/NYS Trial Lawyers Association to Gov. Pataki's counsel

       Ex D-2: Trial Lawyers' 10/20/00 "News Release"
       Ex D-3: 10/24/00 NYLJ front-page item on Trial Lawyers' ratings
       Ex D-4: CJA's October 24, 2000 letter-fax to Trial Lawyers
       Ex E: "Court of Appeals Nominees Grilled by Bar Groups", 10/17/00 front-page article, NYLJ
       Ex F-1: Gov Pataki's 11/2/00 press release: "Governor Pataki Nominates Graffeo to Court of Appeals"
       Ex F-2: "Pataki Selects Judge for Appeals Court He Sees as Lenient", NYT, 11/3/00
       Ex F-3: "Pataki Names Graffeo to Court of Appeals", NYLJ, 11/3/00
       Ex G: CJA's June 20, 2000 letter to City Bar President Evan Davis
       Ex H-1: CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to Guy Miller Struve & P. Kevin Castel
       Ex H-2: 11/3/00 front-page item/NYLJ
       Ex I-1: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Chairman/NYS Bar's Judicial Selection Committee
       Ex I-2: CJA's January 14, 1999 letter to State Bar President
       Ex I-3: CJA's February 17, 1999 letter to State Bar President
       Ex I-4: February 18, 1999 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Ex J-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"
       Ex J-2: June 1, 1995 letter to Chairman/State Bar Committee on Professional Discipline
       Ex J-3: June 5, 1995 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Ex K: CJA's November 19, 1998 letter to Co-Chair/Women's Bar Judiciary Committee/with fax coversheets
                 to her & her Co-Chair, and Women's Bar President

CJA's March 1, 2001 letter to Chief Judge Kaye -- "RE: CJA's December 9, 2000 letter"
ndicated copy to Committee to Promote Public Trust & Confidence in the Legal System-c/o Patricia Bucklin/Counsel)


See also May 1, 2002 disqualification/disclosure motion in Commission case (pages 16-56, 63-66 in particular)

SEE:  Test Cases - State (Commission)

SEE also correspondence with Office of Court Administration & Chief Judge Kaye's committees, commissions, institutes, special inspector general

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