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for libel & journalistic fraud

*     *     *



Defense Counsel Freeman's Reply Affidavit, June 9, 2006
      Exhibit A:  transcript pages of the Senate Judiciary Committee's May 22, 2003 confirmation hearing

Plaintiff Sassower's Reply Affidavit,
June 13, 2006  

JUNE 14, 2006 ORAL ARGUMENT at which Plaintiff Sassower handed up to the Court two law review articles in substantiation of Plaintiffs' journalistic fraud cause of action:   

            (1) Journalistic Malpractice: Suing Jayson Blair and the New York Times for Fraud and Negligence", by Professors Clay Calvert & Robert D. Richards, 14 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal 1 (2003-2004)

"Access to the Press -- A New First Amendment Right", by Professor Jerome A. Barron, 80 Harvard Law Review 1641 (1966-1967)

PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF MOTION for Disqualification of "Acting Supreme Court Justice" Gerald E. Loehr for Demonstrated Actual Bias & Interest, Vacatur of his July 5, 2006 Decision & Order by Reason Thereof or Upon the Granting of Reargument/Renewal, Disclosure & Referral to Administrative Judge Francis A. Nicolai, Vacatur of the County Clerk's August 1, 2006 Judgment & Other Relief, dated August 21, 2006

Plaintiff Sassower's Moving Affidavit in Support of Disqualification/Disclosure, Reargument/Renewal, Vacatur, sworn to August 21, 2006
        Exhibit CC:    Judge Gerald E. Loehr’s July 5, 2006 decision and order,
                            granting defendants’ motion to dismiss the complaint
                            and denying plaintiffs’ cross-motion
         Exhibit DD:    Administrative Judge Francis A. Nicolai’s May 8, 2006
                            notice assigning this action to "Acting Supreme Court
                            Justice" Gerald E. Loehr
          Exhibit EE:    August 1, 2006 judgment signed by Westchester
                            County Court Clerk Timothy C. Idoni
          Exhibit FF:    Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI), filed with the
                            Westchester County Clerk’s Office on April 25, 2006,
                            by George Freeman, Esq. on behalf of defendants The
                            New York Times Company, et al.
          Exhibit GG-1:  Supreme Court Justice Mary H. Smith’s August 4, 2004
                              recusal order in
George Sassower v. Feltman, Karesh,
                              Major & Farbman, et al
.  (Index #20421-92)
          Exhibit GG-2:   Supreme Court Justice John R. LaCava’s April 16,
                               2004 order of recusal in George Sassower v. Feltman,
                               Karesh, Major & Farbman, et al
. (Index #20421-92)
          Exhibit HH:     “Veteran Democrats bid to unseat Republican judges”, The
                                Journal News, October 27, 2004
          Exhibit II:   “Politicos pay tribute to a poster boy of cronyism: Tax cheat
                            Arred gets a big turnout at party
”, The Journal News,
                            column by Phil Reisman, August 1, 2006
          Exhibit JJ:    Doris L. Sassower’s published Letter to the Editor,
                            The Westchester Crusader, April 8, 2004
          Exhibit KK-1:    CJA’s webpage of
Castracan v. Colavita
          Exhibit KK-2:    CJA’s webpage “papertrail of suppression,
                                protectionism, and blackballing” by The New York
                                Times from 1990 & 1991
          Exhibit LL-1:   Doris L. Sassower’s October 24, 1991 letter to Governor
                              Cuomo, with enclosures, filed as a complaint with the
                               New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct:
    1989 three-year judge-trading cross-endorsements deal
   Doris L. Sassower’s Letter to the Editor, “Cross-Endorsement:
                      Questions of Protectio
n”, New York Times, June 9, 1991
   Doris L. Sassower’s column “Judicial-Selection Panels: An
                      Exercise in Futility?
”, NYLJ, September 22, 1971
   Doris L. Sassower’s 1989 Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory
          Exhibit LL-2:   Commission’s January 7, 1992 letter dismissing
                               the October 24, 1991 complaint
          Exhibit MM:   “Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?”, CJA’s
                             $16,770 public interest ad on The New York Times
                             Op-Ed page of October 26, 1994
          Exhibit NN-1:   CJA’s March 4, 2003 facially-meritorious and
                               documented judicial misconduct complaint against
                               Justice LaCava and Administrative Judge Nicolai, filed
                               with the New York State Commission on Judicial
          Exhibit NN-2:  Commission’s June 19, 2003 letter dismissing the
                               March 4, 2003 complaint
          Exhibit OO:    “Westchester’s Matrimonial Part Revamped in Wake of
”, New York Law Journal, June 26, 2006,
                               front page
          Exhibit PP-1:   Plaintiff Sassower’s August 7, 2006 letter to
                               Westchester County Clerk Timothy C. Idoni
          Exhibit PP-2:   August 8, 2006 letter of Westchester County Deputy
                               Clerk John J. Allen

     --- Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Disqualification/Disclosure, Reargument/Renewal, Vacatur, dated August 21, 2006

            -- Appendix In-Depth Analysis of the "Deemed True" Allegations of the Verified Complaint Recited by the July 5, 2006 Decision & Order

Defense Counsel Freeman's Affidavit in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Disqualification, Reargument, Renewal and Vacatur, sworn to September 19, 2006

Plaintiff Sassower's Reply Affidavit in Further Support of Plaintiffs' August 21, 2006 Motion for Disqualification/Disclosure, Reargument/Renewal, Vacatur, sworn to September 25, 2006
         Exhibit QQ: exchange of correspondence
         Exhibit RR: "Institutional Reckless Disregard for Truth in Public
                               Defamation Actions Against the Press
" by Professors
                               Randall P. Bezanson & Gilbert Cranberg, 90 Iowa Law
                               Review 887 (March 2005)

Judge Loehr's September 27, 2006 Decision & Order


 Docket # 2006-8091; # 2006-10709; # 2007-186

PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF APPEAL & REQUEST FOR APPELLATE DIVISION INTERVENTION, dated August 21, 2006   --    Appellate Division acknowledgment, August 25, 2006

PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF APPEAL & REQUEST FOR APPELLATE DIVISION INTERVENTION, dated December 21, 2006  --   Appellate Division acknowledgment, January 8, 2007

*    *    *

Elena Sassower's February 1, 2007 letter to George Freeman

George Freeman's February 1, 2007 e-mail & subsequent e-mail exchange

Elena Sassower's February 15, 2007 letter to the Appellate Division, Second Department, enclosing signed stipulation enlarging plaintiffs-appellants' time to file their appeal brief to April 23, 2007


Elena Sassower's March 29, 2007 letter to Appellate Division, Second Department Clerk James Pelzer -- "RE: Application for Permission to File Oversized Brief"

Appellate Division Clerk Pelzer's April 6, 2007 letter 

Appellants' APPEAL BRIEF, April 23, 2007

Table of Contents to Record on Appeal

Supplement to the Record


Appellant Sassower's Order to Show Cause, signed April 23, 2007, returnable May 2, 2007

Eli Vigliano's Supporting Affirmation, dated April 24, 2007

Appellant Sassower's Supplemental Affidavit, sworn to April 25, 2007
          -- Exhibit A: Sassower's April 23, 2007 letter to Appellate Division
                            Clerk Pelzer

George Freeman's May 1, 2007 letter to Appellate Division

Appellate Division's May 8, 2007 Decision & Order on Motion

George Freeman's June 27, 2007 coverletter to Appellate Division, Second Department Clerk Pelzer

New York Times' Opposing Brief,
June 27, 2007

Elena Sassower's July 5, 2007 letter to George Freeman -- "RE: Stipulation for Enlargement of Time"

Mr. Freeman's e-mail -- "RE: Stipulation Enlarging Time -- Reply Brief"

Elena Sassower's July 9, 2007 letter to Appellate Division, Second Dept. Clerk Pelzer -- "RE: So-Ordering of Stipulation for Enlargement of Time for Plaintiff-Appellants' Reply Brief

Stipulation for Enlargement of Time, so-ordered by Appellate Division, Second Dept. Clerk Pelzer

Appellants' REPLY BRIEF,
July 24, 2007 

Elena Sassower's December 10, 2007 letter to Appellate Division, Second Department Clerk -- "Electronic Recording of Oral Argument: Friday, December 14, 2007"

ORAL ARGUMENT, December 14, 2007 
The New York Times did NOT show up!

Elena Sassower's December 18, 2007 letter to Appellate Division, Second Department -- "RE:  December 14, 2007 Oral Argument: Videotape & Correction of my Response to Appellate Panel Presiding Justice Santucci"

February 5, 2008 decision & order (Spolzino, J.P., Santucci, Lifson, Covello)  -- does NOT identify ANY of appellants' appellate issues, ANY of the facts, law, or argument they presented in support, and conceals the existence of the journalistic fraud cause of action in making it appear that appellants' Complaint was limited to a single defamation cause of action, when there were two



WHO ARE THESE JUDGES -- each of whom earned $144,000 yearly -- who rendered such a fraudulent judicial decision, corrupting any semblance of "the rule of law"?

Robert A. Spolzino 
Fred T. Santucci
Robert A. Lifson
Joseph Covello

Spolzino  -- left the bench August 2009 because of dissatisfaction with his $144,000 yearly salary --
NYLJ: front page - News in Brief "Second Department Judge Quits Over Lack of a Raise": August 4, 2009


March 8, 2014
The Uninhibited Press, 50 years Later"
New York Times Editorial





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