old with
the Fiscal Curtain: Budget Making in the Great Recession -
CJA's email to Senate & Assembly Fiscal & Higher Education
Committees --
"Your Tomorrow's Budget Hearing on "Higher Education"
-- & Questions for SUNY Chancellor King, CUNY Chancellor
Matos Rodriguez, & NYS Education Commissioner Rosa"
Eric Lane
NPR gaza
February 7, 2025 "Here's
who's running for mayor in 2025" City & State
Nocenti -- counsel -- posting for OCA
Office of Public Affairs | Former New York State Supreme
Court Justice Thomas J. Spargo Sentenced for Attempted
Extortion and Bribery | United States Department of Justice
Assembly Rule VIII
Guide to Inspection
Public Officers Law
Senate Inspection Rules
Assembly letter
CJA Investigation
Annual Reports
Court of Appeals: Rules of Procedure
Court Clerks
Lisa LeCours
New York Times v. Sullivan Wrong?" Richard A.
Epstein (1986)
of Chicago Law Review:
Vol. 53: Iss. 3, Article 2.
Available at:
CJA's October 8, 2024 complaint vs AG James for her
conflict-of-interest-driven litigation fraud in
CJA v. Commission on Legislative, Judicial &
Executive Compensation, et al.
CJA's October 8, 2024 complaint vs AG James for her
conflict-of-interest-driven litigation fraud at the
Appellate Division, Third Dept in CJA v. Commission on
Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation...AG James,
et al.
preliminary statement Jcope
appeal complaint --
AG James
Prepping -- December 9, 2021
August 5 letter
Court Rules
Rules of the Chief Judge:
Part 33:
"Temporary Assignment Of Justices And Judges"
Part 121:
"Temporary Assignment of Judges to the Supreme Court" --
"All temporary assignments of judges to the Supreme Court from a court of
limited jurisdiction, other than the Court of Claims, or designations of
eligibility for such assignments, shall be made by the Chief Administrator
of the Courts, in his or her discretion, upon consultation with and
agreement of the presiding justice of the appropriate Appellate Division,
pursuant to Part 33 of the Rules of the Chief Judge and in accordance with
the procedure set forth in this Part."
Judiciary Law Article 2-A "General Jurisdiction Relating to Courts and
Judiciary Law §9 --
Judiciary Law
§14 -- "Disqualification of judge
by reason of interest or consanguinity"
§19 -- "A judge must not be
interested in the costs of a matter"
Judiciary Law
-- "Number of supreme court justices in each judicial
Judiciary Law §140-B
-- "General jurisdiction of supreme court" --
"The general jurisdiction in law and equity which the
supreme court possesses under the provisions of the
constitution includes all the jurisdiction which was
possessed and exercised by the supreme court of the colony
of New York at any time, and by the court of chancery in
England on the fourth day of July, seventeen hundred
seventy-six, with the exceptions, additions and
limitations created and imposed by the constitution and laws
of the state. Subject to those exceptions and limitations
the supreme court of the state has all the powers and
authority of each of those courts and may exercise them in
like manner."
Judiciary Law §147-A --
"Powers of justice of supreme court" --
Any justice of the supreme court has power to hold a special
or trial term of the supreme court in any county for the
whole or any portion of the term, and to act upon any
business which regularly comes before the term in which he
is sitting, except where he is personally
disqualified from sitting, in a particular action or special
already-published: June 20, 2024 decision
Matter of Walker v Fernandez, 225 AD3d 1015, 1016 [3d Dept 2024]
22 NYCRR 130-1.1[c];
Matter of Doe v Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 172 AD3d 1691, 1693
[3d Dept 2019];
Matter of Cobado v Benziger, 163 AD3d 1103, 1107 [3d Dept 2018]
Center for Jud. Accountability, Inc. v Cuomo, 167 AD3d 1406, 1408
[3d Dept 2018], appeal dismissed 33 NY3d 993 [2019], lv dismissed &
denied 34 NY3d 961 [2019]
Matter of Maron v Silver, 14 NY3d 230, 249 [2010]
Pines v State of New
York, 115 AD3d 80, 90 [2d Dept 2014],
appeal dismissed
23 NY3d 982 [2014])
Geiger v Arctco Enters., Inc., 910 F Supp 130, 131 [SD NY 1996]
28 USC §§1441[a];
Barnes v. Rodriguez, 223 AD3d 1132, 1133-34 [3d Dept 2024]
Barnes v. Rodriguez,
208 AD3d 1525 [3rd Dept]
Ruotolo v. Fannie Mae,
127 AD3d 1442, 1443 [3rd Dept 2015], appeal dismissed 26 NY3d 983 [2015]
Cuomo v. Commission on Ethics & Lobbying in Government --
May 9, 2024 opinion & order
22 NYCRR 1250.8
Galvin v. U.S. Bank, N.A.,
852 F3, 146, 159 [1st Cir 2017]
Maraschiello v City of Buffalo Police Dept.,
709 F3d 87, 92 [2d Cir 2013], cert denied 571 US 824 [2013]
Article 56
-- Patrick
Gallivan (R, C) uncontested
SD 61 --
Sean Ryan
(D, WF) Christine Czarnack (R, C)
SD63 --
(formerly Tim Kennedy)
April McCants-Asken (D,WF) John
Moretti (R,C)
-- Stephen Hawley
AD140 --
William Conrad
AD141 --
Crystal Peoples-Stokes uncontested
AD142 --
Patrick Burke
Mark Priori (R,C)
AD143 --
Wallace (D, WF) Patrick Chludzinski (R,C)
AD144 --
Norris, ESQ.
AD145 --
Morinello, ESQ. (R)
AD146 --
Karen McMahon,
ESQ. Deborah Kilborne (R,C)
AD147 --
David DiPietro
AD148 --
Joseph Giglio
AD149 --
Rivera uncontested
AD150 --
Andy Goodell,
ESQ. -- retiring
* 109th AD
(vacated by
Assemblywoman Pat Fahy)
NO R, C primaries -- Alicia Purdy
NO WF primary -- Gabriella Romero D PRIMARY only--
Gabriella Romero, Anane Osuwu, Ginnie Farrell, Justin Reidy,
Andrew Joyce. Jack Flynn
North Country Public Radio
Mar v. Liquid Mgt. Partners, LLC, 880 NYS2d
647, 648 (AD2d 2009)
Where the plaintiffs can be fully compensated by a monetary
award, an injunction will not issue because no irreparable
harm will be sustained in the absence of such relief (see
Dana Distribs., Inc. v Crown Imports, LLC, 48
AD3d 613, 613-614...; Price
Paper Twine Co. v Miller, 182
AD2d 748, 750)."
CJA's October 25, 2023 complaint to Commission on Judicial
Attorney Grievance Committees, OCA Inspector General, et
CJA's oral testimony
at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing
as to its failureto oversee how the D.A.'s discharge their responsibilities
enforce the Penal Law -- & the statutory link between D.A. &
judicial salaries
Tatiana Neroni -- commentary
richmond signature
July 18, 2024 "NY
Courts Limit Access to Ethics Data, Violating Own Rules"
NY360 (Frank Runyeon)
Soares' former Public Integrity Unit Chief Eric Galarneau --
NOW a City Court Judge,
sworn in January 1, 2020 to fill a vacancy
Albany County's former County
Attorney Peter Lynch,
unanimously confirmed to be Albany County's Deputy County Executive
in December 2019, and, in November 2023 was elected to Albany
Supreme Court, for a
term beginning January 1, 2024
* * *
December 5, 2024 "Albany
County Legislature approves the 2024 budget" Albany
Times Union (Steven Hughes)
Legislative Oversight
Citizens Review Panel for Child Protective Services
CJA v. Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive
March 25, 2024 "Lawmakers,
publishers rally in Albany to save local news"
Lawsuit vs NYS' ethics entities
& the statewide & state
legislative electeds they have protected
Judiciary Law 753
Tel Oil Co. v. City of Schnectady, 292 AD2d 725
NYS Office of Victim Services v. Robinson,
151 AD3d 1515, 1516 (3d Dep't 2017)
$131,400 -- from January 1, 1999 to April 1, 2012
August 29, 2011 Report of the Commission on Judicial
Compensation, at p. 9] $131,400 -- Albany County
Court Judge
to $153,800 (effective April 1,
2012) to $160,600 (effective April 1, 2013)
to $167,300 (effective April 1, 2014)
December 24, 2015 Report of the
(1st) Commission on Legislative,
Judicial & Executive Compensation $167,300 -- Albany County Court
to $185,600 (effective April
7, 2016) to
$187,400 (effective April 6, 2017) to $200,000 (effective April 5, 2018) to
$202,800 (effective April 4, 2019)
4, 2023 Report of the (3rd) Commission on Legislative, Judicial &
Executive Compensation
$223,700 (effective April 1, 2024)
OCA bulletin
* * *
SFY 2014-15:
SFY 2015-16: $78,514
SFY 2015-17: $78,514
2017-18: $78,514
SFY 2018-19: $78,514
SFY 2019-20:
SFY 2021-22: $78,514
SFY 2022-23: $78,514
SFY 2023-24: $78,414
for 2024 --
$223,700 --
OCA bulletin
Albany County Budgets:
2024 Adopted Budget, p. 158:
2023 Adopted Budget, p. 164: $202,800
2022 Adopted Budget, p. 154: $202,800
2021 Adopted Budget, p. 151: $202,800
2020 Adopted Budget, p. 156: $202,800 2019 (adjusted):
2018 (expended) $195,850
2019 Adopted Budget, p. 154: $200,000 2018
Adopted Budget can't open
2011 correspondence underlying its October 27, 2011
Opposition Report -- "Bringing Transparency, Evidence &
Public Accountability to the One-Sided, Media-Created View
(Swallowed Whole from the Judicial-Legal Establishment)
that NYS Judges are Underpaid & Entitled to a Raise"
Compensation Commission's July 20, 2011 Hearing & Related Info
Sacrificed Court Employees, Terminated to Save Money
Genesis of CJA's
Activism on NY's Judicial Compensation Issue
Judges' Judicial Compensation Lawsuits
Jennifer Sober
Sections 371-392
NY Judiciary Law Section 9 recusal
29, 2024 complaint
May - July 2023
Appellants' Brief
Volume I
Volume 2
Volume 3
September 7, 2022 testimony in opposition to NYC Council
confirmation of Milton Williams, Esq. as chair of the
NYC Conflicts of Interest Board & Anthony Crowell, Esq.
as member of the NYC Planning Commission
Daily Beast -- AG
-- analysis
Champions -- Jacqueline Franchetti
Catherine Kassenoff
here Wayne Baker
Katherine Kassenoff - Yahoo Search Results Video Search
We Spoke -- Natalie
Parents Organization of NY -- Andre Rainey
Center for Family
Jennifer Feinberg,
Litigation Supervisor, Policy and Government Affairs
Justice Law Center
NYS Citizen
Review Panel for Child Protective Services
Who We Are | New York State Citizen Review Panels for Child
Protective Services (citizenreviewpanelsny.org)
New York State Coalition
against Domestic Violence
518-482-5465 nyscadv@nyscadv.org
Sanctuary for
Justice: 212-695-3800; info@herjustice.org
Family Legal Care
Michael Weinstein, Esq.
Rene A. Kathawala
Richard C. Lewis -- NYS Bar Association
Joanna Chae Davis -- Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY
Williams Commission Report --
"Report on New York
City Family Court"
Commission meetings
2023 update
-- Alito
assembly website
assembly website 2
senate website
erie signature
erie public integrity unit
Claremont Institute
American Mind
CJA's November 27, 2019 e-mail
to Fair Media Council Exec Director
"THANKSGIVING THANKS for the Fair Media Council, its
Dec 3, 2019 Conference -- & for opportunities for
evidence-based dialogue, scholarship -- & solutions
essential to our democracy
CJA's September 6, 2019 e-mail
to Pro Publica
CJA's August 21, 2019 e-mail to
Gotham Gazette
CJA's September 4, 2019 e-mail to Gotham Gazette
September 3, 2019 FOIL/open meetings law request
Aug. 21, 2019 printed NYLJ letter: "A Call for
Scholarship, Civic Engagement & Amicus Curiae Before the
December 3, 2019 handout
Hunter -
CIty College
John Jay -
CC - https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/academicdepartments/english/journalism.html
Queens -
Lehman -
York -
Baruch -
College - http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/schools/mediaarts/departments/trem/majors.php
SPS - https://sps.cuny.edu/academics/undergraduate/bachelor-arts-communication-and-media-ba
LaGuardia CC - https://www.laguardia.edu/journalism/
August 20, 2018
Attorney General's office won't defend state ethics panel against GOP
Daily News (Ken Lovett)
July 6, 2006 e-mail from Gary
Gilson -- "Re: Evidentiary Significance of CJA's Public Interest
Lawsuit vs The New York Times -- including as a Case Study for Establishing News
Legislative Law 83-N
Indeed posting for executive director
Long Island Power -- Bill A.9035
January 14, 2023: "State's
future of Lipa commission Denise
January 23, 2023: "State
commission hears support for making LIPA a fully public
power authority"
New York State
Independent Redistricting Commission
Legislative/Judiciary S.2501-b/3001-b amended-March
30, April 3, 2021
& here
Fund for
Investigative Journalism
The Trust
April 2, 2017 "Introducing the Facebook for Journalists Certificate"
Meta for Media
Press Institute
Better News.Org
API can help you demonstrate credibility and build audience
API can help you drive loyalty through accountability
Journalism Project" January 11, 2017
August 30, 2022 "News
"News Knight: "
News Literacy Project
Media Impact
Journalism in Crisis"
Institute for Independent News
Tucker v. City of NY -- NYC schools
4 th
Grzyk v. Constantine, 182 AD2d 942, 943 (1992)
Modica v. Modica, 15 AD3d 635, 636 (2d Dept 2005)
Catherine G v. Essex
CPLR 5527
When the questions presented by an appeal can be determined
without an examination of all the pleadings and proceedings,
the parties may prepare and sign a statement showing how the
questions arose and were decided in the court from which the
appeal is taken and setting forth only so much of the facts
averred and proved or sought to be proved as are necessary
to a decision of the questions. The statement may also
include portions of the transcript of the proceedings and
other relevant matter. It shall include a copy of the
judgment or order appealed from, the notice of appeal and a
statement of the issues to be determined. Within twenty
days after the appellant has taken his appeal, the statement
shall be presented to the court from which the appeal is
taken for approval as the record on appeal. The court may
make corrections or additions necessary to present fully the
questions raised by the appeal. The approved statement
shall be printed as a joint appendix.
Court of Appeals redistricting decision --Harkenrider v. Hochul
"...invalidation of a legislative enactment is required when such
act amounts to 'a gross and deliberate violation of the plain intent
of the Constitution and a disregard of its spirit and the purpose for
which express limitations are included therein'' (Cohen [v.
Cuomo, 19 NY3d 196 [2012]] at 202, quoting Matter of Sherrill, 188 NY at
207; see White v. Cuomo, __ NY __, __ 2022 NY Slip Op 01954.* 5
[2022] Burton v New York State Dept. of Taxation & Fin., 25 NY3d
732, 739 [2015]; Matter of Carey v Morton, 297 NY 361, 366 [1948]).
Upon careful review of the plain language of the Constituiton and
the history pertaining to the adoption of the 2014 reform, it is evident
that the legislature and the IRC deviated from the constitutionally
mandated procedure." (at p. 12)
“In the construction of
constitutional provisions, the language used, if plain and precise,
should be given its full effect” and “[i]t must be presumed that its
framers understood the force of the language used and, as well, the
people who adopted it” (People v Rathbone, 145 NY 434, 438 [1895]). Our
Constitution is “an instrument framed deliberately and with care, and
adopted by the people as the organic law of the State” and, when
interpreting it, we may “not allow for interstitial and interpretative
gloss . . . by the other [b]ranches [of the government] that
substantially alters the specified law-making regimen” set forth in the
Constitution (Matter of King v Cuomo, 81 NY2d 247, 253 [1993])." (at p.
July 28, 2022 "For
the First Time Since 1946,
New Yorkers Have Just 2 Choices for Governor" NYT (Jay
Adams Names Milton Williams, Jr. To Chair Conflict of
Interest Board" Harlem World -- August 6, 2022
work in progress
The independence of the
legislature and judiciary compels that each must be
‘confined to its own functions and can neither encroach upon
nor be made subordinate to’ each other.
Matter of Davies, 168 N.Y. 89, 102 (1901); Urban
Justice Ctr., 38 A.D.3d at 27. To this end, the branches
must ‘be free from interference, in the discharge of its own
functions and particular duties, by either of the others.’
Matter of Gottlieb v. Duryea, 38 A.D.2d 634, 635 (3d
Dept. 1971), aff’d., 30 N.Y.2d 807 (1972), cert. denied, 409
U.S. 1008 (1972); see
People ex rel. Burby v. Howland, 155 N.Y. 270, 282
(1898). Simply put, ‘[it] is not the province of the courts
to direct the legislature how to do its work.’ Heimbach,
59 N.Y.2d at 893 (quoting
N.Y. Public Interest Research Group v. Steingut, 40
N.Y.2d 250, 257 (1976)). See also
People ex rel. Hatch v. Reardon, 184 N.Y. 431
(1906). Any other result would foist this Court into an
’improvident intrusion into the internal workings of a
coequal branch of government.’ Smith v. Espada, Index
No. 4912-09 (Sup. Ct., Albany Cty, June 16, 2009).”
Davis v. N.Y. State Dep't of Educ., 96 AD3d 1261, 1262 (3rd Dept. 2012)
Black Inst. v. De Blasio, 2022 NY Slip Op (U) Sup Ct. New York City 2022
Urban Justice Center v. Silver, 66 A.D.3d 567, 567 (1st
Dept. 2009)
Cox v. JCOPE
“To the extent the
Commission is advancing petitioners’ lack of standing here, it is without
merit, as ‘[s]tanding has been granted absent personal aggrievement where
the matter is one of general public interest.’
Police Conference of N.Y. v. Municipal Police
Training Council, 62 AD2d 416, 417
(3d Dept. 1978). In such case, a ‘citizen may maintain a mandamus
proceeding to compel a public officer to do his [or her] duty.’ Matter
of Hebel v. West, 25AD3d 172,
176 (3d Dept. 2005)…see
Matter of Schenectady County Benevolent Assn. v.
McEvoy, 124 AD2d 911,912 (3rd
Dept. 1986). As ‘the overall purpose and spirit of Executive Law 94…is
to strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in government,’(Matter
of O’Connor v. Ginsberg,106 AD3d
1207, 1211 (3d Dept. 2013) (citations omitted)) the Court finds that the
matter here is one of general public interest, and petitioners have standing
to bring this proceeding.” (hyperlinking added).
Sassower v. Comm'n on Judicial Conduct of N.Y.,
289 A.D.2d 119 (1st Dept. 2001) Matter
of Thomas v. N.Y.C. Dep't of Educ.,
137 A.D.3d 642, 643 (1st Dept. 2016).
Rivera v.
Espada, 98 NY2d 422 (2002)
People v Ohrenstein, 77
N.Y.2d 38,
54 [1990]
State Finance Law Article 7-A
A person’s “deep concern” about an issue, without more,
does not give such person standing to sue.
Board of Ed. of Mamaroneck U.F.S.D. v. Attorney General, 25 A.D.3d 637,
638 (2d Dept. 2006). Rather, standing requires the plaintiff to allege not
only that she has an injury in fact that is distinct from any injury of the
general public, but also, that she is within the zone of interests protected
by the statute or constitutional provision at issue. See
Roulan v.
County of Onondaga, 21 N.Y.3d 902, 905 (2013);
Society of Plastics Indus. v. County of Suffolk, 77 N.Y.2d 761, 773-774
Lancaster Dev., Inc. v. McDonald, 112 A.D.3d 1260, 1261 (3d Dept. 2013),
lv. denied, 22 N.Y.3d 866 (2014). And the injury-in-fact may not be
speculative or conjectural.
Matter of
Clean Water Advocates of N.Y., Inc. v. New York State Dept. of Environmental
Conservation, 103 A.D.3d 1006, 1008 (3d Dept. 2013), lv. denied, 21
N.Y.3d 862 (2013).
United States v. Brewster, 408 U.S. 501, 507 (1972);
People v. Ohrenstein, 77 N.Y.2d 38, 54 (1991). The fundamental purpose of
the clause is to ensure that the legislative function may be performed
Matter of Straniere v. Silver, 218 A.D.2d 80, 83 (3d Dept. 1996), aff'd,
89 N.Y.2d
825 (1996). The legislative process is protected not only shielding
legislators from the consequences of litigation, but also from the burden of
defending themselves in court. Id. Once it is determined that the subject
matter of the suit is legislative activity, the privilege of immunity from
suit applies, even where the legislative activity is alleged to be
unconstitutional. Id. The Clause has also been held to apply to all
legislative activity, and to protect members of the State Legislature, and
to protect members of the executive branch. Matter of Town of Verona (Oneida
Cty.) v. Cuomo, 44 Misc.3d 1225(A) (Sup. Ct. Albany Co. 2014).
Appellate Division, 4th Dept Rules
1250.3 Initial Filings; Active Management of Causes;
Settlement or Mediation Program (a) Initial Filings. Unless
the court shall direct otherwise, in all civil matters
counsel for the appellant or the petitioner shall file with
the clerk of the court of original instance and serve on all
parties, together with the notice of appeal or transfer
order and the order or judgment appealed from, an initial
informational statement on a form approved by the court and
in such number as the court may direct. The clerk of the
court from which the appeal is taken shall promptly transmit
to the Appellate Division the informational statement and a
copy of the notice of appeal or order granting leave or
transferal and the order or judgment appealed from. (b)
Active Management. The court may direct that any matter be
actively managed and may set forth a scheduling order
specifying the time and manner of expedited briefing. (c)
Settlement or Mediation Program. (1) The court may issue a
notice in any settlement or mediation program directing the
attorneys for the parties, the parties themselves (unless
the court excuses a party's personal presence), and such
additional parties in interest as the court may direct to
attend a conference before such person as it may designate
to consider settlement, the limitation of issues and any 6
other matter that such person determines may aid in the
disposition of the appeal or resolution of the action or
proceeding. Attorneys and representatives who appear must be
fully familiar with the action or proceeding, and must be
authorized to make binding stipulations or commitments on
behalf of the party represented. (2) Counsel to any party
may apply to the court by letter at any time requesting such
a conference. The application shall include a brief
statement indicating why a conference would be appropriate.
(3) Upon the failure of any party, representative or counsel
to appear for or participate in a settlement or mediation
conference, or to comply with the terms of a stipulation or
order entered following such a conference, the party or
counsel may be subject to sanctions.
(1) A cover which shall contain the title of the cause on
the upper portion, and, on the lower portion, the names,
addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of the
attorneys, the county clerk's index or file number, the
docket or other identifying number or numbers used in the
court from which the appeal is taken, and the superior court
information or indictment number;
February 28, 2022 e-mail
March 4, 2022 e-mail
March 17, 2022 e-mail
April 13, 2022 e-mail
May 6, 2022 e-mail
May 16, 2022 e-mail
June 9, 2022 e-mail
June 21, 2022 e-mail
June 28, 2022
at 2:30 mins -- "Mr. Chairman... If I may at this juncture,
I want to express to you congratulations and I hope I can
speak for every commissioner who has served under your
aegis. Congratulations to you for taking on at the
behest of the governor a very daunting task. And I can say
authoritatively not only by dint of experience having been
on the Commission for most of its existence, but having
observed you at close quarters during your tenure there is
no question that the public interest was significantly
advanced by your leadership. Thank you for letting me
express myself."
at 8:20 mins -- Berland: ...I thought I would take
the opportunity to recap our statistics. Since the
Commission began operations over a decade ago... The
Commission has received and processed over 1700 complaints.
It has issued 286 15 day letters. It has opened 165
formal investigations... So that's an overview,
which I believe is an extremely impressive record, which we
don't talk about enough..."
Annual report in the stages of final cleanup and
commissioners should see final draft for review in a day or
July 7, 2022
May 11 - May 12, 2022 e-mail chain with Grandeau
Independent Review Committee
Wrongful Convictions to the Attention of State Legislators"
Reuters Institute for
the Study of Journalism
Institute for Nonprofit News
Franklin News Foundation
Impact of Public Officials Corruption on the Size and Allocation of US State
Christina Greer
January 6, 2020 "Retired
Supreme Court Justice Phillip Rumsey reflects on his tenure"
Cortland Standard (Colin Spencer)
November 10, 2020 "Appellate
Division Justice Devine tapped
as new Schenectady public safety commission, mayor announces"
Daily Gazette (Pete DeMola)
November 7, 2018 "State
Supreme Court: Democrats win 2 open seats in Third Judicial District"
Daily Freeman (Patricia Doxey)
July 20, 2018
justice reeling in campaign dollars in re-election bid" Albany
Times Union (Robert Gavin)
McCarthy ADR
of the Southern Wind -- Once There was a Hush Puppy
March 2016: NYS Comptroller "Standards for Internal Control in NYS
Resource Page: New York's Corruption Fighting Laws
Policy and Reporting Manual" -- effective March 12, 2012
Comptroller legislation --
Public Trust
Ethical Standards for State Agency Contractors
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal
year 1999-2000
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal
year 2001-2002
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budges: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal
year 2003-2004
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal
year 2004-2005
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislative budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislature budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary & Legislature budgets: fiscal year
Governor's Presentation of Judiciary budget: fiscal year 2012-2013
October 5, 2018 "NYC
Investigations chief apologizes and admits that he
overstepped his bounds in agency power play"
Daily News (Greg Smith)
November 16, 2018 "DeBlasio
ousts City's top watchdog, admits hiring Peters was a
'mistake" Politico (Gloria Pazmino, Sally
Oversight of FBI & Dept of Justice
Senate Judiciary Committee's
June 3, 2020 hearing on Rosenstein's handling of Russia
find out what happened & to hold people accountable
Jeremiah Frei-Pearson, Esq.
bills going nowhere --
Assembly Judiciary;
Gov't Operations;
Senate Judiciary;
Senate Investigations & Gov't Ops;
Ways & Means
Non-partisan, legislative budgeting office
concurrent resolution to establish state government integrity commission
hearing witnessess -- Aug 25
September 18, 2017 press release -- Bragg, Garnett
Janet Sabel: November 19, 2015
Peters Brovner LLP
outside counsel
A pril
28, 2021
Campaign Intern Accuses Scott Stringer Of Sexual Harassment"
Gothamist (Elizabeth Kim)
April 30, 2021 "Stringer
Loses Progressive Flank in Fallout From Sexual Harassment
Allegations" Gothamist (Gwynne Hogan)
April 30, 2021 "Roiled
By Sexual Assault Allegations, Scott Stringer's Mayoral
Campaign Now Hangs In The Balance"
Elizabeth Kim
May 4, 2021 "Woman
Who Accused Scott Stringer Of Sexual Assault Files Complaint
With NY Attorney General"
Elizabeth Kim
A pril
28, 2021
Stringer Faces Groping Claim, Calls to Quit Mayor's Race"
Bloomberg (Henry Goldman)
M ay
4, 2021 "Woman
accusing NYC mayoral candidate of sexual assault files
complaint with state AG" Politico (Erin Durkin)
May 4, 2021 "Claims
by Scott Stringer Accuser Unravel As Progressive Flee New
York Mayoral Candidate" The Intercept (Ryan
Grim, Rose Adams)
May 4, 2021 "Stringer
accuser files 'sexual abuse' complaint against him with AG
James" New York Post (Carl Campanile)
May 4, 2021 "Scott
Stringer's sex abuse accuser files lodges formal complaint
with N.Y. Attorney General James" Daily News
(Michael Gartland)
April 28, 2021
"Stringer Accuser Files AG Complaint"
New York Post
-- Public Officers Law 17
Elections 2021 -- Public Advocate
Debt Service Bill #S.7502/A.9502
March 26, 2019
Assembly debate
& Vote on FY 2019-20 Debt Service Bill
transcript: pp. 15-32
Bordeleau v. State of New York, (2011)
18 N.Y.3d 305CJA's
July 9, 2012 proposal for scholarship of Court of Appeals'
on constitutional questions
"sufficiency of itemization in the state budget"
S.7563 -- (Investigs
& Gov Ops)
A.6018 -- (Ways & Means)
A.9550 (Ways & Means)
"creating the non-partisan
legislative budget office"
-- (Ethics & Internal Governance; Finance)
A.1835 -- (Gov Operations)
A.10579 (Gov Ops)
A.1600 (Gov Ops)
S.4583 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
A5717 (Gov Ops)
S2672 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
A79 (Gov Ops)
S.3450 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
A5927 (Gov Ops)
S.445 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
- 2009-2010:
A.653 (Gov Ops)
S.4526 (Investigs & Gov Ops, Finance, Rules)
"enacts the
public officers accountability act"
A.3945 (Gov Ops)
- 2017-2018:
(Gov Ops)
- 2015-2016:
A.4617 (Gov Ops)
- 2013-2014:
A.7393 (Gov Ops)
"relating to state gov't
S.594 (Judiciary, AG)
A.1282 (Gov Ops, Judiciary, AG)
A.10651 (Gov Ops, Judiciary, AG)
S.8309 (Judiciary, AG)
"integrity in gov't
S.1625 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
S.1941 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
S.7245 (Investigs & Gov Ops)
A.1632 (Gov Ops)
A.5827 (Gov Ops)
"Public Officers Accountability Act"/
creating a new crime for failure to report corruption"
A.3945 (Gov Ops)
A.5864 (Gov Ops) 2015-2016:
A.4617 (Gov Ops) 2013-2014:
A.7393 (Gov Ops)
2001-02 DOB website
Other public info website
Public Protection and General Government (#S.902/A.1302);
Transportation and Economic Development (#S.903/A.1303);
Health, Mental Hygiene and Environmental Conservation
Education, Labor and Family Assistance (#S.905/A.1305)
Severability -- pp.
AAG Lynch's May 22, 2019 corrected reply brief in
further support of defendants' motion to dismiss the amended
p. 7: "Plaintiffs
acknowledge that the Committee was empowered to recommend
salary increases, and now argue that the pay increases
cannot be severed from the recommendations regarding
stipends and outside income. See Pls.' Mem at 25.
Plaintiffs are correct that the recommendations should not
be severed from one another, but the conclusion they draw is
incorrect. The result of correctly viewing the
Committee's work in this integrated way is that, as
Defendants set forth in their opening memorandum of law, all
of the Committee's recommendations are within its mandate.
The test of severability is whether 'the Legislature would
have wished the statute to be enforced with the invalid part
exscinded, or rejected altogether.' NYS Superfund
Coaltion, Inc. v. NY State Dept of Environmental
75 NY 2d 88 (1989). Courts have considered it
'jurisprudentially unsound' to excise particular parts of a
statute or regulation where 'the product of such an effort
would be a regulatory scheme that neither the Legislature
nor the [agency] intended.' Boreali v. Axelrod, 71
N.Y.2d 1, 14 (1987). The Legislature's intent
here has been made knokwn because it did not 'modify or
abrogate' any of the recommendations, thereby allowing them
to take effect."
December 26, 2019 "Ghost
papers and news deserts: will America ever get its local news
back?" Washington Post (Jonathan O'Connell)
States Newsroom
December 15, 2020 "Growing
local news deserts endanger democracy, study finds"
July 14, 2020 "Local
News and Democracy" Brian Lehrer -- interview of
Margaret Sullivan
July 26, 2020 "Yes,
Fake News Is a Problem. But There's a Real News Problem,
Too" New York Times (Jennifer Szalai)
October 8, 2020 "VIDEO
-- Local Journalism & The Health of Our Democracy"
Poynter -- June 9, 2020
putting $15 million in 'Supporting Local News' ad campaign"
Kristen Hare
2012 Critical Information Needs of the American Public
submitted to Federal Communications Commission by University of Southern
California Annenberg School & University of Wisconsin/Madison
information, including information about
candidates at all relevant levels of local
governance, and about relevant public policy initiatives
affecting communities and
We have identified
two broad sets of critical information needs:
(1) those fundamental to
individuals in everyday life, and (2) those that affect
larger groups and communities. They take
different forms across the eight core areas of need
that we have identified. Among the most basic
are needs for information about the myriad elective
offices in even a small American
community: without basic information about candidates
and their positions Americans do not
even have the opportunity for informed participation
in democratic life. Similarly, as public
policy decisions are made across the range of areas
we have discussed, citizens need access to
the policy choices that face them, notice about opportunities
to participate, and information on
decisions that will affect them.
Institute for Nonprofit News
Knight Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
July 10, 2014 --
Pew webpage "America's
Shifting Statehouse Press:
Can New Players Compensate For Lost Legacy Reporters?"
Franklin News Foundation
Organization of News Ombudsmen and Standards Editors
John Daniszewski,
Editor at Large for Standards, Associated Press, New York
Elizabeth Jensen,
Former Public Editor, NPR, New York
Kelly McBride,
Public Editor, NPR, New York
Tom Kent, Columbia
University, New York (Associate Member)
Jack Lessenberry,
Toledo Blade, Toledo
Sandoval-Palos, PBS
Steven Springer,
Voice of America
Wasserman, UC Berkeley School of Journalism, Berkeley
(Associate Member)
Jeff Brown, Fourth
Estate (Associate Member)
Future of Local News in New York City" -- 2018
Columbia Commons
pdf -- May 2018 Report
Tow Center/Tow-Knight Report
As the national crisis
for local news has gained more visibility in the past
year, some of the more mainstream NYC outlets have
renewed their focus on local coverage. The New York
Times spotlighted
its metro desk in advertising campaigns, and WNYC
acquired and relaunched the shuttered
Gothamist site.
The City, an online nonprofit news outlet, also
launched in the spring of 2019 with 10 million dollars
in funding from the Leon Levy Foundation, Craig Newmark
Philanthropies, and the Charles H. Revson Foundation,
among other individual contributors. Addressing what it
classified as a “life-or-death moment for local news
in New York City,” the organization focused on filling
the increasing void in citywide beat coverage.
But none of these efforts have resolved one of the
key issues highlighted at the 2018 Tow event—that
hyperlocal and community-level local outlets in New York
City are still struggling, and that, subsequently,
residents are being deprived of critical information.
Taking this complexity into account, this study seeks
to understand the New York City media ecosystem—print,
digital, broadcast, mainstream, community, and ethnic—by
examining how news organizations prioritize beats and
where they see gaps in coverage, rather than counting or
mapping publications. To do this, we interviewed
journalism professionals at a wide range of news
organizations in New York City about how they allocate
resources when choosing editorial priorities, the
challenges they face, where they see the gaps in
coverage, and what they wish they could be doing better.
These interviews also touched on questions related to
the relationships between news outlets and their
audiences, as well as with one another.
This study relied upon a series
of interviews with 39 participants from 28 news outlets,
one journalism academic center, and a philanthropic
foundation. National or international news outlets were
not included, unless they had dedicated metro sections.
The interview subjects at the journalistic organizations
were both publishers and journalists. All are identified
by name except one, who wished to remain anonymous.
Interviews were sought with as wide a range of news
outlets as possible and potential subjects were
identified from existing local news outlet databases, as
well as by recommendation from industry professionals.
Of the interviews conducted, 25 were with print and
digital publications (11 of which were digital-only). We
spoke with organizations from all five boroughs of New
York City and five that publish or broadcast in a
language other than English. Only two television
networks and one radio station agreed to participate.
Studies have shown that local newspapers continue to
produce more and better journalistic output than any
other medium, and that their reporting is the
basis for most local stories on broadcast media.
Analyzing news output and
the extent to which it satisfies critical information
needs is very helpful in getting us there, but even that
misses the nuances of both accountability reporting and
community journalism that are at the heart of local news
coverage. Are any reporters still regularly attending
city council meetings? How many reporters are
consistently present during courthouse hearings? Who is
informing citizens about changes in government services?
Where can residents turn to make sure potholes get fixed
and to see photos from Little League games?
These questions are critical to understanding the
health of local news ecosystems, be they small rural
communities, midsize metro areas, or major media markets
like New York City. NYC’s media landscape is hardly
analogous to that of less prosperous metro areas or
rural communities, but it is in some ways a microcosm of
broader local news phenomena. The struggles of the
citywide daily papers is similar in nature, if not in
scale or severity, to the market failure of newspapers
detailed in
The Expanding News Desert project. The rapid
acquisition of community papers by the family-owned
Schneps Media company, which now
owns at least 33 newspapers as well as dozens of
magazines and websites throughout the five boroughs,
mirrors concerns about
media consolidation nationwide. After Schneps bought
the daily tabloid
amNewYork in October and
laid off more than half the newsroom, the Gothamist
interviewed former Schneps employees who accused the
company of “cozying up to advertisers and local
powerbrokers, while muzzling critical coverage of
friends and public officials close to the owners.”
At the same time, the
city has become a laboratory for the same kinds of
business model experimentation that are taking place
across the country: the move by public radio station
WNYC to resurrect the shuttered Gothamist digital
publication, the proliferation of nonprofit news
websites like The City and niche education site
Chalkbeat, and for-profit digital upstarts like
BKLYNER, which started as a network of neighborhood
news sites. And as interest in some form of government
intervention to rescue the journalism industry grows,
the city and state have presented a few proposals of
their own. In May, City Hall
issued an executive order mandating that city
agencies spend at least half of their annual print and
online advertising budgets on community and ethnic media
outlets. In October, two New York State Senators
presented a
bill that would “require every cable television
company and telephone corporation that provides cable
television service to carry a local news channel to
ensure a source of local information to every
community.” New York City may be a unique case study,
but the successes and failures of local news here can
tell us much about the potential for local news
A number of recent
articles and reports have assessed the health of
local news in NYC by looking at parts of the city’s
media ecosystem. Many have focused on
declining resources at the leading citywide dailies,
in particular the shuttering of the once mighty New York
Daily News’s bureaus outside Manhattan, and the
impact on accountability reporting. An in-depth
CJR piece featured some of the community media and
new digital publications that were trying to fill the
void left by the dailies, but for the most part
concluded that, with small budgets and staffs, “most
would be hard-pressed to pull off investigations of
pervasive problems . . . and many lack the resources to
support in-depth reporting.” A “landscape
analysis” by News Revenue Hub counted 90 digital
news publications in New York City but found that “local
news coverage is unevenly distributed across
neighborhoods and boroughs . . . There are fewer digital
outlets in Manhattan and Staten Island than in The
Bronx, Queens, or (especially) Brooklyn.”
While the common
perception across these studies is that reporting on
issues of public interest had declined in the city,
there is little consensus on what that looks like on a
granular or hyperlocal level. Building on this work, our
study aims to look more closely at what kinds of
coverage these news outlets are able to maintain, and
choose to prioritize, with increasingly limited
resources. We spoke with a wide range of print, digital,
broadcast, mainstream, community, and ethic
organizations throughout the city about how they
prioritize beats and areas of coverage, and seek to
serve their communities. We also discussed how the
digital transformation of the media landscape has
changed the ways in which information circulates between
news outlets and their audiences, and opportunities for
collaboration. And finally, we asked these media
organizations what topics and communities are going
underreported, and what they would like to be covering
if they had additional resources. While our study only
provides a snapshot of the city’s media landscape and is
far from comprehensive, we aim to provide another facet
of research to the ongoing efforts to assess the
challenges facing the media ecosystem in New York City
and the broader crisis for local news.
The issue that perhaps most
frequently tests the delineation and definition of local
coverage along geographic lines is politics. In a moment
in which many of the country’s most prominent political
figures—President Trump, Representative Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer,
etc.—are all New Yorkers, the lines between national and
local are often blurred. “New Yorkers in general are
used to thinking of ourselves as the center of the
universe anyway, so we probably would get in trouble if
we didn’t [reflect that in our coverage],” joked NY1’s
Errol Louis. For Jim Schachter, the former vice
president for news at WNYC, “So much of what happens in
New York City is a big story for the country,” he said,
that distinguishing between local and national news is
often a “false distinction.” (Schachter left WNYC in
July shortly after this interview was conducted after
seven years in the role.)
At the news organizations that
maintain citywide coverage, the majority of newsrooms
have none or significantly reduced geographic beats in
favor of thematic ones. Despite the likely financial
imperative behind these decisions, some editors
presented the move as an opportunity to tap more deeply
into reporters’ expertise and draw connections between
“intersectional” beats in a way that benefited the
One notable exception is
The City, a nonprofit local news website launched in
April 2019 with a staff of nearly 20, thanks to 10
million dollars in funding from several leading
philanthropic foundations and individual contributors.
The news outlet was created with the mission of filling
the void in consistent, citywide beat coverage left by
the retreat of the daily newspapers and the 2017 closure
of the neighborhood news online newspaper, DNAinfo. The
website follows both geographic and thematic beats,
according to Editor-in-Chief Jere Hester, a Daily
News veteran. The newsroom has a reporter in each
borough, along with a handful of thematic beats like
transportation and City Hall. An additional reporter
covers juvenile justice issues in the Bronx as part of a
Report for America fellowship. The South Bronx,
according to the Report for America website,
is “the poorest congressional district in the country,
[and] is home to Horizon Juvenile Center, which . . .
made headlines recently amid outbreaks of violence.”
Of the topic-based beats that news outlets said they
cover, the clear winner was politics, which not only
gets reported on to varying degrees by the citywide,
borough-level, community and hyperlocal press, but is
also the sole focus of a number of both commercial and
nonprofit news outlets like
City & State,
Gotham Gazette,
Kings County Politics/Queens
County Politics, and others. Following politics in
prevalence were education, transportation, criminal
justice, and public housing/city planning and
development. A handful of news outlets mentioned
immigration as an important beat in the Trump era.
Within these broadly defined beats exist a plethora
of topics, each of which is being covered in different
ways. Political reporting for the Gotham Gazette, a
digital news outlet published by the government watchdog
group Citizens Union Foundation, is mostly in-depth
coverage of City Hall and down the ballot local
elections, according to Executive Editor Ben Max. For
the small for-profit websites Kings County Politics and
Queens County Politics, the mission is “to cover
hyperlocal news from a political lens, and cover it from
the ground up, rather than the marble halls down,” and
starting at the granular level of local political clubs,
said Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Stephen Witt.
The community and hyperlocal organizations mostly
said they cover criminal justice in the mold of the
traditional crime or police beat. But at the Brooklyn
Daily Eagle, according to Berke, they are now
looking to cover criminal justice “by looking at the
systems at play.” Berke, who was
hired as editorial director in April by the more
than century-old paper as part of a “deepening
investment in digital local news product,” said that
part of the daily’s new strategy was: “We don’t cover
individual crimes for the most part. We cover things
that are revealing something broader about the system.”
WNYC has taken the opposite tack, choosing to marshal
its efforts toward narrowly focused investigative beats
like immigrations courts, as well as surveillance,
privacy, and community relations issues within the NYPD,
according to Jim Schachter, the former vice president
for news. Editorial priorities are determined by a
“process of engaging as many people in the newsroom as
we can to discuss topics and issues that we should be
covering,” he said, and then deploying resources to
where there is “consensus of what’s important and how we
can make an impact.” Schachter acknowledged that, “You
can begin to imagine the vast swath of policing and
criminal justice and civil justice systems that we’re
not covering at all.” However, he said, “We kind of have
a strategy of picking our spots and going deep on the
things that we do realize.”
Neighborhood watchdog or
community champion? ersation.”
Michael Hinman, editor of
The Riverdale Press, agreed that finding a
balance between local journalism’s watchdog role and
that of community champion, was key:
You’re going to have the stuff that people want
you to know and then there’s going to be this stuff
no one wants you to know—and you have to have both .
. . It’s less glamorous to be the reporter that
covers the community board, or goes to the
elementary school and covers pajama day. But our
role is to tell stories, not pick and choose what
kind of community we want to depict. The dream
newsroom is to be able to cover all of those
things—have people to do investigative work . . . to
attend every [community board] meeting, and to just
walk the streets.
Hinman’s vision of the dream community newsroom
resonated with some of the other interviewed news
outlets, but in reality, choices have to be made. Liena
Zagare, the editor and publisher of the BKLYNER, said,
“We don’t have that many of the bigger enterprise
stories at the moment . . . because they take time and
we have people that we have. ...
Zagare has been particularly frank about the kinds of
sacrifices local news outlets have to make. In the
September 16 edition of BKLYNER’s daily newsletter,
in-between a selection of the day’s top stories, she
wrote, “I hoped to have the John Dewey High School story
ready this morning but had to make an unexpected stop by
the pediatrician, and so it will be up tomorrow, along
with our next installment on stories about
homelessness.” In November, as part of a plea for
subscriptions, Zagare wrote a long
article that explained her perspective on the state
of local news in Brooklyn:
Brooklyn has the population to be the 4th largest
city in America, and yet we only have a dozen or two
reporters across all the outlets combined . . . We
may all purport to cover all of Brooklyn, but in
reality, all of us combined don’t do it justice . .
. THE CITY does great stories that have an
impact—but have limited reach—something new outlets
struggle with, but it seems a particular challenge
for non-profit news, with the focus on just the
biggest impact. It’s also the mission of these
nonprofits to focus pretty exclusively on tough
accountability stories, which is a good thing—but
there is more to local news and living in our
communities that is worth writing about, rooting for
and celebrating. If you write just about the crime,
and not about the good things taking place in the
community it is easy to distort reality. I want a
bit of candy with my kale. I want balance.
David Cruz, editor-in-chief of the bi-weekly
nonprofit community newspaper in the northwest Bronx,
Norwood News, echoed some of Zagare’s
comments when speaking about coverage of the Bronx in
the city’s legacy news outlets. He praised many of the
big investigations written by The New York
Times, for example, but mentioned they sometimes
amounted to isolated “parachute reporting” that only
focused on crime-related or other kinds of “serious
stories, hard news.” ..
When it comes to “enterprise” reporting, the only
news outlets that said they regularly conducted or
prioritized investigative pieces were either the
specialized nonprofit outlets or the best-resourced
newsrooms. Both Levy of The Times and
Schachter, formerly of WNYC, said their news outlets had
moved to focus on investigations in lieu of daily
reporting. Levy said that the Metro desk was unique in
comparison to other local news outlets in that its main
challenge was finding “where does metro fit in a global
news organization like The New York Times?”
“There is limited space on our home screen,” he said,
“and so we have to be even more nimble and even better,
because we’re competing against the latest Trump news or
the latest news out of Paris or London or Beijing.” The
Metro desk’s hard-hitting
series on the taxi medallion industry, for example,
spun off from the paper’s reporting on President
Trump’s now incarcerated former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
While The Times’s competition may be mostly
internal, most of the news organizations were frank that
their editorial priorities are occasionally decided with
other outlets in mind. Unsurprisingly, many of the
interviewees said they look to differentiate themselves
by finding stories their competitors aren’t covering.
“Is someone else doing it?,” said Berke of the
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, when asked how he prioritizes
beats. “Can we own it? That’s really it.” Jarrett
Murphy, executive editor of the city’s oldest
investigative journalism nonprofit,
City Limits, explained how the city’s changing media
ecosystem has impacted his organization: “Recently, we
have sort of narrowed our editorial focus,” he said,
“because, frankly, we have some more competition in the
nonprofit sphere . . . We’re not changing our brand, so
much as trying to sharpen it, so we have an easier story
to tell. So, we’ve basically kicked a couple of beloved
editorial buckets to the side.”
Murphy said that rather than
compete with well-funded nonprofits like The Marshall
Project or ProPublica or The City on criminal justice,
or Chalkbeat on education, City Limits has chosen to
focus on other areas. ... And lastly, election coverage
of local races, which he said, despite the number of
outlets covering politics, still goes underreported.
York, from the Daily News, also mentioned
increased competition from the nonprofit sector in the
context of difficulties with “staff retention,” and the
loss of well-sourced veteran reporters with deep
institutional knowledge. Three former Daily News
reporters left to work for The City.
Initially, Murphy said, City
Limits’ pitch to funders was “no one’s doing
investigative work. You’ve got to fund this.” While
enterprise reporting is still rare in the wider NYC
media ecosystem, within the ever-growing field of
nonprofit journalism “that has changed to a great
degree,” he said. Speaking of the daily beat reporting
that used to be central to newspaper coverage, he said,
“It’s the sort of day-to-day stuff that is falling by
the wayside.” Explaining the importance of this kind of
coverage, a
report by Tony Proscio for the Revson Foundation
described it as the “routine explanatory reporting that
makes it possible to portray the day-to-day reality of
local life, and also makes it far easier to identify an
opportunity for investigative or enterprise reporting
when it arises.”
Chasing Daily Beats versus Looking for Impact
The City, while itself a
nonprofit news outlet, would like to fill that void of
day-to-day reporting. Describing the organization’s
mission, Editor-in-Chief Jere Hester said:
We have no grand illusions that we are going to
get granularity of coverage with one person covering
all of Queens. And certainly not what DNAinfo was
able to do in terms of volume of stories and the
Daily News and others back in the day. But the
way we’re deploying those reporters is really with a
kind of mission. We set a high bar, to find borough
stories that transcend the neighborhood. So that it
is not just a story about a broken traffic signal on
one block in Brooklyn. It is a bigger story about
Vision Zero [a City Hall program seeking to end
traffic-related deaths and injuries in the city] and
other issues that folks may be having elsewhere.
Something that’s going to resonate, we hope, with a
good number of folks and say something about what it
means to be a New Yorker today. I think another
really big important function of the reporters in
the boroughs is that we can use them to connect the
dots, right? So if we’re seeing something that’s
happening in the Bronx that’s similar to something
that’s happening in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island,
etc., this really gives us a chance to get out ahead
on bigger stories.
This mission to find stories that “transcend” a
specific community came up repeatedly in interviews with
news outlets of varying sizes, and gets at a tension
that is at the heart of editorial decision making for
local newsroom in an era of limited resources. When is a
local story too local, and to what audience
exactly is a news organization trying to speak? This
challenge was highlighted to comical effect in a
statement outlining the editorial strategy for
amNewYork after its sale to Schneps Media: the
“approach is to make it a local paper, but not too
Speaking of the changes that have occurred at the
Daily News in recent years, Editor-in-Chief Robert
York said, “This newspaper was trying desperately to be
all things to all people. Which is just, regardless of
how big your newsroom is, or how small it is, that’s a
very difficult thing.” The mission of the Daily News
now, he said, was defined by “scope control.” And, he
added, “We expect our reporters to be very
entrepreneurial,” which he explained as being “willing
to do a variety of different things, as opposed to ‘I
just cover the Queen’s DA. That’s all I do.’” If
reporters want to get away from the daily work to focus
on a longer story, he said, “as entrepreneurs, sometimes
you’ve got to sell that idea [to your editor]. But, if
it’s a good idea, it’s going to sell . . . a lot of this
falls on the reporters to be able to pitch ideas.”
For York, who has to answer to bosses in the
executive suites at Tribune Publishing (and now the
much-reviled hedge fund Alden Global Capital, which
bought a 32 percent stake in Tribune in November),
the guiding principle for allocating editorial resources
may be “scope control.” But for editors at Chalkbeat,
who have to answer to philanthropic funders, the answer
is “impact.” Journalists have always been proud when
their reporting has led to demonstrable consequences, be
it for individuals or in the policy realm. In the era of
nonprofit journalism, that is an imperative, from both a
mission and a funding perspective.
Carrie Melago, Chalkbeat’s managing editor for local
news, said the organization considers it “really
important to pick stories where a policy might get
changed.” The outlet uses a framework called
MORI—Measures of Our Reporting’s Influence—which,
Melago said, tracks things like “how many people picked
up this story? Did we appear on the radio to talk about
it? Did a council person include it in their city
council testimony? Is it mentioned in a lawsuit?” In
late 2019, Chalkbeat also issued a five-year “strategic
plan” that outlined the organization’s plans to grow
from seven to 18 local bureaus by 2025. The outlet said
it would simultaneously be looking to: “Deepen our
impact. Across our seven bureaus, we are learning what
type of work has the biggest impact. It’s a mix of the
mundane (showing up where no one else does) and the
lofty (identifying important lessons learned, bringing
transgressions and challenges to light, and offering
sharp analysis that fosters understanding).”
Chalkbeat may be unique in its applied measurement
framework, but most of the journalism organizations
interviewed, in both the for- and nonprofit sectors,
highlighted community impact as a guiding principle when
prioritizing coverage. Trying to determine that impact
is essential, they nearly all said, when deciding
whether to field reporters to attend community board
meetings or observe courthouse proceedings. For Zagare
of BKLYNER, like many of the other interviewees,
channeling resources toward impact means identifying the
community board meeting, for example, that “no one’s
going to be covering, where something’s going to be
happening. Or if there’s a story [we’ve been covering],
where there’s likely to be a big development.”
Coverage of community board meetings varies widely
across the media ecosystem. At the hyperlocal level, a
handful of outlets like the Norwood News and The
Tribeca Trib make the effort to attend regularly,
despite limited resources. Carl Glassman, editor and
sole editorial employee of The Tribeca Trib, said that
on average he attends around six community board
meetings per month. In the many years he’s been
attending these meetings, he’s seen the presence of
reporters ebb and flow. After watching the number of
journalists in attendance decline in the 21st century,
he said, there was a brief uptick at the peak of DNAinfo
and the hyperlocal news platform Patch’s influence. “At
a certain point a few years ago, there could be up to
five reporters,” he said. “Now it’s gone back to the way
it was before, which is . . . a lot of times it’s just
me again.”
The medium-sized community news outlets said they
might attend meetings on a monthly basis, prioritized
certain more dynamic community boards over others, or
chose to attend based on the importance of items on the
agenda. Many of the news outlets said they would never
have time to attend most meetings, but at the same time
saw them as important places for story generation and to
cultivate sources. “It takes a lot of determination to
really keep going to community board meetings,” said
Traven Rice, co-founder and publisher of The Lo-Down.
“But that’s where you get everything. All the info that
you can possibly need to lead you down the road to do
different stories.”
Hester said some of the The City’s scoops have come
from “just being there” at meetings. He highlighted a
series the outlet published about dubious use of public
funds by community boards on things like an
SUV and
branded swag, which led to the city council
placing limits on how community boards can spend
funds. At the same time, he said, he couldn’t expect his
one Brooklyn reporter to cover the borough’s 18
community boards and have time to report bigger
stories. “I want those daily beat stories,” he said.
“But I want the good ones that can lead to the great
ones three weeks away, and then the one shaking the city
to its very core that’s three months away. As long as
we’ve got people working on these tracks all the time, I
think that’s where we’re gonna find our balance.”
While several of the outlets interviewed shared
stories in which a reporter’s presence at a random
meeting led to a scoop, it’s the meetings that don’t get
covered that haunted them most. In her
article, Zagare of BKLYNER gave a specific example:
Just this week, we did not have the resources to
cover an important traffic safety meeting about
Coney Island Avenue—something we and I in particular
care and have written a lot about over the almost 12
years of covering the area. But—I was exhausted, and
some of our advertisers were taking their sweet time
to pay, and I had no extra money to hire someone to
cover a meeting that would take hours to attend and
report on. So we did not. And as far as I know—no
news outlet did, though it was an important meeting.
In fact—we only had someone at 1/4 of the
community meetings we wanted to cover this week.
Community boards, police precincts, community
education councils—places where decisions get made
about land use, policing and school rezoning
efforts. Community groups and grassroots
organizations, charity work by neighbors. You
probably don’t know they ever took place. And if we
failed to cover your event—this is why.
Finding the Gaps in Coverage
A central “part of the
problem of the decline of local news,” according to Jim
Schachter, formerly of WNYC, is that “we don’t know what
we don’t know.” Nonetheless, there was a rough consensus
between the interviewed news outlets about the topics
that are going underreported in the New York City’s
current media landscape. Reports by former Newsday
journalist Paul Moses and former Daily News
editor Arthur Browne have both
noted the
disappearance of consistent beat coverage from
“outer-borough” courthouses in the wake of the closure
of the dailies’ borough bureaus. This was confirmed by
our interviewees, all of whom said that outside of a
handful of the city’s most prominent federal
courthouses—such as the one that hosted the trial of
Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, where dozens of reporters
camped outside overnight to earn a spot inside—none
of the courts are now routinely covered by assigned beat
“The courts in New York City have been woefully under
covered,” said Hester of The City. He mentioned not just
the criminal courts, but also “civil court, which really
speaks to people’s challenges.” David Cruz,
editor-in-chief of the Norwood News, also singled
out the dearth of courthouse reporting, as well as wider
criminal justice issues like “bail reform and
alternative methods to incarceration.”
... “Certain agencies get perfectly fine
coverage,” according to NY1’s Errol Louis. Coverage of
the Department of Education and the NYPD, for example,
may be imperfect, he said. “But people are diligent, and
important stories tend to not get missed. And more
importantly, the agency knows that they are being
watched by a group of reporters who can’t be swatted
away or bullshitted.” But generally speaking, Louis
said, echoing many of the other interviewees:
We’re not covering the agencies the way we should
. . . We’re not covering the courts. ...
Fellowship programs like
Report for America have attempted to fill some of
these gaps, placing reporters on narrowly targeted beats
at a handful of news outlets, such as juvenile justice
in the Bronx at The City...
a Newsroom with More Resources
...Stephen Witt,
publisher and editor-in-chief of Kings County Politics
and Queens County Politics, gestured to the surroundings
of the coffee shop where his interview took place and
called it his “away office.” His primary office, he
said, is his home’s basement.
For these smaller outlets, many of whom are scraping
by while hoping to find a path to financial
sustainability, any additional resources would be first
put to cover essential costs, like office space. They
also mentioned difficulties in hiring and retaining
reporters and how they would use higher salaries to
attract better talent and flesh out administrative
support and infrastructure. Traven Rice of The Lo-Down
mentioned the need for a dedicated marketing team. Ben
Max of the Gotham Gazette said he could use a deputy
editor to help him manage his team of reporters and
interns, and a dedicated staff member to work on
audience and revenue growth. Carl Glassman of The
Tribeca Trib said it would be a relief to have just one
other reporter to relieve him of some of his duties as
the sole editorial staff member.
According to City Limits
Executive Editor Jarrett Murphy, “There’s a two
million-dollar plan, and there’s a 20 million-dollar
plan . . . If I had one extra reporter, I would put them
on the climate [beat]. If I had a bunch of reporters,”
he said, he would expand City Limits’ investigative work
into hyperlocal borough coverage. (In early December
2019, Report for America
announced it would place a fellow at City Limits to
cover climate change and its implications for New York
City as part of its 2020–2021 cohort.) Ben Max of the
Gotham Gazette also dreamed of expanding into
borough-based accountability and public policy
reporting, particularly in the Bronx, as well as hiring
a City Council reporter.
Murphy and Max’s wishes indirectly alluded to a
distinction that emerged between newsrooms of different
means: Many of the community and hyperlocal outlets
dreamed of having the ability to pursue more in-depth
investigative and accountability reporting, while many
of the citywide organizations spoke of wanting to
deliver more consistent coverage across the boroughs.
Max of the Gotham Gazette spoke of the need to have more
opportunities for collaboration between outlets that
served different audiences, particularly with the ethnic
and foreign-language media. “How do we get a better
sense of what that ecosystem looks like?” he said. “Are
there ways to work together better?”
Engaging with the Community
Stephen Witt of Kings
County Politics and Queens County Politics also dreamed
of expanding his political websites into the other
boroughs, but he said he feared the tight-knit world of
grantmaking was closed off to people who weren’t in the
right circles. He wasn’t the only person with this
concern. A fair number of the other interviewed news
outlets grumbled and were incredulous about the decision
to pour so much money into the launch of The City,
rather than disperse it to existing organizations.
Beyond the founding of The City by major
philanthropic foundations, Witt watched as publications
such as City Limits, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
the New York Daily News, and NY1 have received
grants from places like the
Facebook Journalism Project Community Network,
Newspack project, the
Poynter-Koch Media & Journalism Fellowship, and
Report for America. Despite feeling excluded, he
wasn’t giving up, however. “My pitch [to funders] would
be I’m fiercely independent.” he said, “I’m an outlier.”
“I believe in training reporters from the community,” he
added. “I’m not that interested in their degrees . . . I
like people that work side jobs. I like people that live
life . . .I think the best way to cover the community,
ideally, is to get someone living in the community and
train them.” He said he saw his mission as inspiring
more civic engagement in local communities. “You can
blame the politicians and you can blame the Board of
Elections, but the media’s not doing something right
when only 10 percent of Queens’ voters turn out,” he
said. “The media should take some responsibility for
NYC’s low voter turnout.”
While the better-resourced nonprofit news
organizations like The City and WNYC have carefully
designed “community engagement” plans and strategies,
and well-resourced for-profit outlets like The New
York Times and NY1 are in constant digital
communication with their audiences, the popular
journalism industry term did not resonate with many of
the smaller community-based news organizations. “It’s a
luxury of time and resources again, I think, to a
degree,” said Zagare of BKLYNER. “Do we hold coffee
hour? No, because nobody has the time for that,” she
said. “I think often times people don’t quite appreciate
how hard small outlets work, and how little time people
have . . . [ But] we live in the communities we cover.
We’re not, foreigners. We’re not strangers.”
In response to The City’s initiative to hold a series
of open meetings with communities in public libraries
throughout Brooklyn, Witt said:
I’m a little skeptical of it but it’s interesting
. . . they always talk about community policing
where cops are actually walking the beats. You know,
don’t go to the library, fan out. Tell them, “These
next two weeks we’re going to be in Bed-Stuy.” All
the reporters are going to be there, walking around.
They’re going to go in the stores, into the barber
shops . . . You walk in, you eat the food, you get a
haircut, it’s the only way. The library idea just
seems too, kind of, white and academic. I mean,
maybe it’ll work . . . It’s a nice try. I’m not
dissing it.
Hester said that before launching The City, the
borough-based reporters did significant outreach in
their communities and that reporters “are going out
during the day and weekends in the parks and just
talking to people.”
Enriching the Media Ecosystem
While some media outlets
may see The City as competition, the news organization
and its funders view its role as “first and foremost,
hopefully, a catalyst for local news in New York City
overall,” said publisher John Wotowicz. “We can achieve
success if others grow their news gathering and
reporting capabilities, either directly or indirectly,
as a result of the fact that the broader local news
arena has been energized.” Besides injecting some
constructive competitive spirit into the media market,
one element of that plan has been encouraging media
outlets to republish The City’s work. Hester said that,
as of late October 2019, outlets ranging from community
newspaper the Queens Courier to WNYC had
republished their stories 768 times since The City’s
launch in April. The publication has also collaborated
on reporting with others nonprofit news outlets like
Chalkbeat and
The Trace, as well as New York Magazine,
provided The City’s content management system and
initial design and tech support.
For the Revson Foundation, a key funder of The City,
as well as WNYC and other local media organizations,
this is a critical part of the foundation’s long-term
move to fortify the NYC media ecosystem. The
foundation’s president, Julie Sandorf,
wrote of their investment strategy:
Investigative journalism is essential but content
must be amplified by distributors who can reach as
wide an audience as possible. Nothing can replace
experienced and expert journalists—investment in
expanding the number of high quality journalists is
essential. And, without the distribution
“megaphones” that are not only authoritative, but
also wide-reaching, great content will not achieve
its intended impact.
Schachter and Louis said that featuring journalists
from other outlets on WNYC and NY1 programming to
discuss their reporting, was a crucial part of the
“megaphone” role. The daily and community newspapers,
Louis said, are “basically our assignment pages on some
level. We do a fair amount of enterprise [reporting],
but we’re always looking at their stuff.” Bob Hardt, the
political director of NY1, said Louis makes an effort to
include members of the community and ethnic media as
part of the “reporters’ round table” on his TV program
“Inside City Hall” whenever possible. “They are trying
to get my attention,” Louis said. “I know that they know
that I’m one of their primary audiences . . . and I’m
relying on them . . . I feel like I have a whole team
behind me that doesn’t work here, but that are going to
do what we’re supposed to do collectively as an
industry, which is hold these folks accountable.”
reporting doesn’t have any impact until it appears in
English, she wrote in a critical
article for Poynter about The New York
Times’s investigation into the New York nail salon
industry, which she said lacked nuance. ...
Is New York City a News
... Julie Sandorf of the
Revson Foundation said it was unreasonable to use the
same frame of reference to compare New York City with a
“town in North Carolina.” She said there were clear
content gaps in the media ecosystem, one of them being
authoritative, borough-wide beat accountability
reporting, which The City had been founded to address.
NY1’s Joel Siegel took the middle ground: “I don’t
think you can make a blanket statement that nobody is
covering local news, or even that it’s just a shell of
what it was. I don’t know how to quantify it,” he said.
“I think it’s robust. I don’t think it’s as robust as it
was, or as ideally as it should be, in a city of
eight-and-a-half million people.”
There was some consensus in our interviews that while
even if the city’s media ecosystem as a whole defies
easy classification, there are certain, specific topical
news deserts (courts, healthcare, and the municipal
hospital system) and geographic ones (Staten Island).
That said, even in its heyday, there were always gaps in
NYC local coverage that reflected wider societal,
economic, and racial inequities. Discussing the history
of City Limits, which originally founded to do in-depth
reporting on housing, and later expanded to cover other
civic and policy issues, Executive Editor Jarrett Murphy
This idea that New York City has this very rich
media environment, and yet there are still things
that go uncovered is kind of the rationale behind
our founding, which was back in the mid-70s when,
frankly, there was a lot more healthy metro coverage
and everybody had, you know, five reporters, or
more, at City Hall . . . Even back then the feeling
was that outer borough neighborhoods were not
getting covered. Even though you had this level of
local coverage doing good work on City Hall, and
keeping the mayor accountable, and covering local
politics, and courts, and cops, really important
stories were falling by the wayside. Either because
of the geography, or the demographics, or the nature
of the story . . . So, City Limits was set up really
to kind of fill that gap.
As the media ecosystem has changed, the quantity of
information available may not directly correspond to its
reach. While acknowledging that there’s “probably
generally less” of it, “there’s a lot of accountability
reporting [still] happening,” said Schachter, formerly
of WNYC. “It’s just more specialized.” To some, the
media-centric news desert question was the wrong one to
be asking. The problem, according to Zagare of BKLYNER,
was not on the supply side, but on that of the consumer:
...Everyone seems to
be so focused on what the outlets are doing, as
opposed to how people are getting the news.
Ultimately, I think the big problem that we have as
a society is a lack of a common conversation about
what’s going on . . . When there are big issues,
it’s not that those issues haven’t been written
about by somebody. It’s that nobody knows that they
were written . . .
Errol Louis agreed that
“what is missing is a feedback loop from the public.”
“We should probably be a little bit less backward-facing
about, ‘Gee, why can’t we reproduce the old metro
section of The New York Times?’” he said, “and
more forward-looking in saying, ‘What do people care
about and what have they proved that they care about?’”
From his perspective, the indicator of that preference
would come from whatever kind of news delivery or
content people were willing to pay for. “Let’s figure
out what they are paying for and see if we can offer
them more, and maybe they will help explain to us what
we are not doing right.”
Clifford Levy believes the salvation for local news
lies with service journalism. “At the end of the day, we
have to find a profit-driven business model,” he said.
Elsewhere, the successful model for news has proven to
be, he said, that “if you can very intensely cover a
particular sector and make yourself an indispensable
read, you can get people to pay for it. But no one yet
has shown, ‘Oh, we’re going to become an indispensable
read for people who live in a particular place.’” The
general bundle of local accountability news that The
City represents, he said, while vitally important, “is
much harder to get people to pay for. You need a
publication that really addresses all needs, and that
means [in addition to accountability news]—weather,
traffic, [subway delays], where to go out, what to
eat—something that brings that all under one place and
says, ‘Hey, for 5, 7, 10 dollars a month, we’re going to
give you the news that you need, but we’re also going to
give you all these things to ensure that you live a
better life.’ That’s what people will pay for.”
Whether a successful financial model for their work
exists or not, many of the community and ethnic outlets
already view their roles as performing a form of service
journalism. ..
While its size and
diversity make it challenging to classify the New York
City media ecosystem as a whole, a rough consensus
emerged between the dozens of media outlets interviewed
for this study on two points: First, that there are
specific areas where there are clear gaps in coverage
(healthcare and hospitals, and courthouses). And second,
that the city’s media ecosystem is not what it once was,
or what most of the interview subjects would like it to
be. But the severity and exact nature of that change is
still up for debate. While the daily newspapers provide
significantly less borough-wide, political beat
reporting than before, for example, there are a number
of new, niche and community political publications
providing in-depth coverage. Some question, however,
whether that reporting can have the desired impact if a
fractured media ecosystem means it’s not reaching the
intended audience, or being picked up on by citywide
outlets. News deserts, to some degree, are in the eye of
the beholder.
Future quantitative and qualitative methodologies of
both producers and consumers of news will likely be
necessary to help determine the exact nature of what has
occurred in the New York City media ecosystem. While it
will never be possible to fully reveal the extent of “we
don’t know what we don’t know,” these studies will be
critical to inform the debate as policy and philanthropy
sectors become increasingly interested in “correcting
the market failure” for local news. As with most issues
related to local news, potential solutions are likely to
be heavily context-specific and resistant to scale. The
economic or editorial model that works for a Queens
newspaper dependent on revenue from printed legal
notices, for example, is unlikely to be helpful for a
digital ethnic media outlet trying to build an audience
in New York and among a wider diaspora movement.
Better and more far-reaching collaboration is likely
to play an important role in fortifying the media
ecosystem. There is an opportunity to develop
partnerships between the sectors that are already
actively collaborating, and the community and ethnic
media, which are often excluded from these initiatives.
While these smaller organizations are eager for more
collaboration that results in reaching wider audiences
and having more impact, they also recognize the pitfalls
of asymmetric power relations, and insist that any
partnerships would have to be truly equitable.
Institutions like the CUNY Center for Community and
Ethnic Media and Montclair State’s Center for
Cooperative Media might be particularly well poised to
play a key role in convening, capacity building, and
resource gathering.
It remains to be seen what the future holds for new
publications like The City, upon whose editorial and
financial nonprofit model so much hope rests. As
ambitious as its newsroom and funders may be, no one
outlet—particularly one with 20 reporters—can fill the
void left by the cessation of both DNAinfo’s
community-based coverage and the Daily News’s
aggressive, borough-wide accountability reporting. But
if its vision of consistent beat reporting that reaches
a diverse audience is realized along with a path to
long-term financial sustainability, it will be an
important accomplishment. Any ecosystem’s health relies
on that of all its organisms, and so every media
organization—and residents in the city—should have a
vested interest in its survival. If the world’s media
capital cannot succeed in doing so, the implications
will be grave for the future of local news far beyond
the five boroughs.
more serious problem than "news deserts"
Baldwin Herald Bellmore Herald Life East Meadow Herald
Farmingdale Observer Floral Park Bulletin Franklin
Square Bulletin Garden City Life Garden City News
Gateway Glen Cove Record-Pilot Great Neck News
Great Neck Record Hicksville Illustrated News
Suffolk "Local Journalism"
Long Island Patch
Nassau Daily Voice
Suffolk Daily Voice
The Long
Islander News
Amityville Record
East Hampton Press
Harbor Press
Southampton Press
Riverhead News Review (Times review media)
Shelter Island Reporter
Islip Bulletin
Island Advance
Suffolk County News
The Suffolk Times
Times of Smithtown
(TRB news media)
Village Beacon-Record (TRB news media)
Village Times Herald (TRB news media)
Port Times Record
(TRB news media)
Farmingdale Observer
Daily Voice
Papers/The Independent --
Schneps Media (Long
Island Press; Dan's Papers, The Independent) Blank
Slate Media (The Island Now)
Islander Group Newspapers
Long Island Patch
Nassau Daily Voice
Suffolk Daily Voice
New York County
Downtown Express/AM NY
NY Amsterdam News
New York Beacon
Straus News:
Chelsea News, Our Town Downtown, Our Town, West Side
Spirit Chelsea Clinton News, The Eastsider,
The Downtowner, The Westsider
Bronx County
Bronx News Bronx Press Review Bronx Times Reporter
Riverdale Press
Kings County
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Brooklyn Downtown Star
The Brooklyn
Paper Bay
News, Brooklyn Graphic, Park Slope Courier,
Mill-Marine Courier
The Brooklyn
Our Press
Queens County
Queens Daily Eagle
Queens Courier
Rockaway Times
The Forum
Queens Times
Richmond County
Staten Island Advance
Erie County: Buffalorising.com
Genesee: Thebatavian.com
Livingston County: Geneseesun.com
Monroe County:
Orleans County: Orleanshub.com
River-Hudson Valley Newsroom
Mid-Hudson --
Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and
Mid-Hudson News
December 6, 2019 "Republicans
leaving the state senate" City & State (Zach Williams)
December 17, 2019 (Announced in
Politico's Dec 20, 2019 "New YorkPlaybook") "New
York's State of Play -- 2020"
Marathon Strategies
December 19, 2019
backs Gianaris, Salazar, Kim And Niou"
State of Politics (Nick Reisman)
December 19,
2019 "CWA
Announces Early Endorsements of 7 Senate Dems"
State of Politics (Nick Reisman)
December 20, 2019
asks candidates to stop defending taxpayers"
Politico (Bill Mahoney)
January 23, 2020
Bichotte: The New Queen of Kings Democrats"
Bklyner (Ben Brachfeld)
January 28, 2020
picks Palumbo to run for LaValle Senate district"
Newsday (Yancy Roy)
January 28, 2020
Senator Alessandra Biaggi picks Mimi Rochah over Anthony Scarpino in
race for DA"
Gannett (Mark Lungariello)
March 3, 2020
York cancels Republican presidentia
December 2, 2019 "Early
starts for local 2020 elections...Robin Schimminger"
Buffalo Rising (Ken Kruly)
December 6, 2019 "Razenhofer
announces retirement plans, angling begins to replace him in the state
l primary"
Politico (Bill Mahoney)
March 25, 2020 "Flanagan
won't run for reelection" Politico (Bill Mahoney)
March 25, 2020
Senate Minority Leader John Flanagan won't seek re-election"
Albany Times Union (Cayla Harris, Amanda
March 25, 2020
John Flanagan, once NY's top Republican, won't seek reelection"
Newsday (Michael Gormley, Yancey Roy)
Among the Republicans
immediately mentioned as potential successors as minority leader
were Sens. Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma), Robert Ortt (R-North
Tonawanda) and Fred Akshar (R-Binghamton).
Among the names immediately mentioned as
potential candidates to run for Flanagan's Senate seat were Assemblyman
Michael Fitzpatrick (R-St. James) and Suffolk County Legislator
Robert Trotta.
"I'm certainly considering it,"
Fitzpatrick said Wednesday, adding that he's been more focused on
helping constituents impacted by the coronavirus pandemic than
electoral politics."
April 10, 2020
Announces Absentee Ballots for All in June; What to Know"
Gotham Gazette (Samar Khurshid)
April 19, 2020 "New
York assemblywoman may be barred from re-election due to paperwork
New York Post (Carl Campanile, Lee
April 21, 2020
Error May Cost Democrats long-held state Assembly seat"
New York Post (Carl Campanile)
January 22, 2020
"Just the facts -- campaign
filings of state legislators"
Buffalo Rising (Ken Kruly)
January 15, 2020
Kelly talks politics on 'Press Pass'"
Investigative Post
December 18, 2020
mudied campaign finances"
Investigative Post
Pro PUblica
December 23, 2019 press release --
"Attorney General James Releases Annual Report Highlighting Key Actions
Undertaken In 2019"
Attorney General James' 2019 Annual Report
AG Public
Integrity Bureau
* * *
April 24, 2020
Gov Cuomo's press release "Amid Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, Governor
Cuomo Issues Executive Order To Make Sure That Every New Yorker
Automatically Receives A Postage-Paid Absentee Ballot Application"
Governor Cuomo's June 30, 2020 Executive Order #202.46
New York State Board of
* * *
Banyan Project
October 2, 2018 -- "No News is Bad News"
Manhattan Institute (Judith Miller)
2013 Senate Journal
December 23, 2019 "Do
an honest diagnosis"
Albany Times Union (editorial)
Jan 3, 2020
Susan Arbetter -- Capitol Pressroom --Dan Clark -- August 9, 2019 --
legal issues
Legislative Bill Drafting Commission
Senate Elections Committee -- Annual Reports:
Dec. 27, 2018
Jan. 29, 2018
Ethics & Internal Governance --
2017 (Feb
16, 2018)
Investigation & Government Committee
2017 (Jan.
29, 2018)
Finance Committee
2017 (Jan.
29, 2018)
Rules Committee
2017 (Jan.
29, 2018)
Local Government
2017 (Jan.
29, 2018)
Judiciary 2017 (Jan.
29, 2018 )
Corporations (Jan.
29, 2018)
Crime Victims, Crime & Corrections 2017 (Jan.
29, 2018) 2018
Jan. 8, 2019
Table of Contents
Expenditure Report Oct 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019
August 2019 Paulino coverletter
payroll report -- September 4, 2019
Payroll Report -- end date September 4, 2019
Assembly Expenditure Report -- October 1, 2018- March 31,
Staten Island Advance
Pro Publica
National Review Institute
November 15, 2013: "Is IKEA the new model for the
Conservative movement? New Yorker (Jane Mayer)
B ank
of Chenango v. Brown,
Matter of Callahan
Solow v. Grace
Division of Appeals and Opinions -- recruitment
click here
for webpages for:
CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE/complaint
to then-Acting
Attorney General Underwood
"NOTICE: Corruption and Litigation Fraud by Former Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman and his Office – and Your Duty to Take Investigative and
Remedial Action, most immediately, in the Citizen-Taxpayer Action: Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v.
Cuomo,…Schneiderman, et al. (Albany Co.
#5122-16; RJI #01-16-122174)
and pursuant to 'The
Public Trust Act' (Penal Law §496: 'Corrupting the government')"
CJA's May 30,
2018 letter to Attorney General Underwood
"What is the Status? –
CJA’s May 16, 2018 letter:...
Disclosure of facts giving rise to your duty to
secure appointment of independent/outsidel counsel to
investigate and report on your ethical and law enforcement
obligations with respect to the May 16, 2018 NOTICE, or a
special prosecutor;
request – conflicts of interest; Executive Law §63.11;
legislative oversight."
The right to representation by counsel of one's own choosing
is not absolute and may be overridden, but courts must
"carefully scrutinize []" any restriction of that valuable
right ( S
S Hotel Ventures Ltd. Partnership v 777 S. H. Corp., 69
NY2d 437, 443; see
Matter of Advent Assoc, LLC v Vogt Family Inv. Partners,
L.P., 56
AD3d 1023, 1024).
Mancheski v. Gabelli
Cerqueira v. Clivilles
Manufacturers Hanover
Citing --
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. v. Cuomo,
(3rd Dept - Rumsey) (December 27, 2018) 167 AD3d 1401
Boreali v. Axelrod, 71 NY2d 1 (1978)
Matter of Retired Employees Association, Inc. v. Cuomo,
(3rd Dept - Peters) (2014) 123 AD 3d,
92, 97
Supreme Court (Ceresia) -- 2012
People v. Hodgson 3rd Dept (Rumsey) July
11, 2019
Sleepy Hollow Lake, Inc. v. Public Service Commission,
43 AD2d 439, 443 (1974)
Matter of Levine v. Whalen,
3rd Dept.
March 7, 2017 "For
Years, City Spent $300 an Hour Looking for $5,000"
New York Times (Jim Dwyer)
of necessity
I nvestigative
v. Glynn, 21 N.Y3d 614, 618 (2015)
Marini Builder, Inc. v. Rao,
263 AD2d 846, 848 (3d Dep't 1999)
Silber v.
Silber, 84 AD3d 931, 932 (2d Dep't 2011)
Waldman v. State
Cliff v. Vacco,
Ryba Decision --
Matter of 381 Search Warrants
Cayuga Indian Nation of NY v. Gould
Metro Enterprises Corp. v. Dep't of Taxation & Finance,
171 AD3d 1377 (3rd Dept. 2019) --
"We affirm, albeit on a different ground."
Dashnaw v Town of Peru, 111 AD3d at 1225
Matter of Tilcon v Town of Poughkeepsie, 87
AD3d 1148, 1150 (2nd Dept 2011)
Report in Support of 2019-2020 Judiciary Budget Request
April 8, 2019 -- Budget Recap
Supreme Court Ethics -- City Bar on recusal]
January 29, 2019 conflict of interest policy
Brennan Center for Justice
August 23, 2012 e-mail to Larry Norden: "Subject: Predicating Electoral
Endorsements on the Brennan Center's Recommended Legislative Rule
Larry Norden's August 28, 2012 e-mail to CJA -- "Subject: Re:
Predicating Electoral Endorsements on the Brennan Center's Recommended
Legislative Rule Changes"
CJA's September 6, 2012 e-mail -- "Subject:
The Unconstitutionality of NYS' Legislative Rules, as Written & as
Carson Whitelemons September 7, 2012 e-mail to CJA -- "Subject: Your
recent inquiries to the Brennan Center"
CJA's September 7, 2012 e-mail to Lee Rowland -- "Subject: Reforming
NYS Government NOW: The Unconstitutionality of NYS' Legislative
Rules, as Written & as Applied"
Lee Rowland's September 7, 2012 e-mail to CJA
-- "RE: Subject:
Reforming NYS Government NOW: The Unconstitutionality of NYS'
Legislative Rules, as Written & as Applied"
CJA's January 5, 2013 e-mail to Larry
Norden, etc. -- "Subject:
Expert Opinion Needed: The Most Important Votes of the Upcoming
236th Legislative Session"
* * *
CJA's September 6, 2012 e-mail -- "Subject:
The Unconstitutionality of NYS' Legislative Rules, as Written & as
August 21, 2012 e-mail -- "Subject: Countdown to the 2012
Primary & General Elections -- Safeguarding our Democracy by DOING WHAT YOU DO
August 21, 2012 e-mail -- "Subject: Countdown to the 2012
Primary & General Elections -- and to the 2017 Ballot Question Whether There
Should Be a NYS Constitutional Convention"
August 23, 2012 e-mail: "Subject: Predicating Electoral
Endorsements on the Brennan Center's Recommended Legislative Rule
CJA's September 7, 2012 e-mail -- "Subject: Reforming
NYS Government NOW: The Unconstitutionality of NYS' Legislative
Rules, as Written & as Applied"
CJA's January 5, 2013 e-mail to Dean Eric
Lane, etc. -- "Subject: Expert
Opinion Needed: The Most Important Votes of the Upcoming 236th
Legislative Session"
Shattenkirk v. FInnerty -- (3rd Dept)
Martinez v. Commission
April 10, 2019 "H.
Carl McCall to retire as SUNY board of trustees chairman"
Syracuse.com (AP)
Mark Walczyk
Senator Patti Ritchie -- member of Finance Committee/
ranking member-local gov't
January 21, 2019 "Don't
give this corrupt politician a chance at a comeback"
York Post
January 22, 2019 "DiNapoli
typifies weakness of state government" The Island Now
(ltr to the editor)
named to Senate Rules Committee" -- January 13, 2019
Sides" Columbia Journalism Review (Ross Barkan) (Winter
2019 -- March 7, 2019)
November 15, 2016 "Commission
Failed in Not Increasing State Lawmaker Compensation", Citizen
Union (Dick Dadey)
April 15, 2019 "Lobbying
Spending In NY Hits A Record" WAMC (Blair
January 10, 2019 "'Investigations
battle' talk shows need for independent probes"
Adirondack Daily Enterprise (editorial)
January 17, 2019 "Skoufis,
Abinanti squabble with Cuomo over new roles in probing
government misdeeds" Gannett/Journal News
(Nancy Cutler)
Reinvent Albany Press Release & Testimony
Assembly Speaker Heastie's referred-to 2016 letter
VIDEO of November 30,
2018 hearing (at
45:45 mins)
click here for:
that was handed up
* * *
September 17, 2012
article: "State
Judges Lose Bid for Retroactive Pay", Joel Stashenko
Assemblywoman Pat Fahy – 109th Assembly
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh – 112th
Assembly District, who is a lawyer and sits on such relevant
committees as the Assembly Committee on Local Governments
Senator George Amedore – 46th Senate
District, who sits on such relevant committee as the Senate
Judiciary Committee
As discussed, there are lawyers
among them – as, for instance,
investigative steps were taken by
the Senate and Assembly committees – all of whom are being
sued the press had NO did not believe that the press
Sheelah Kolhatar
March 7, 2018 "Public
corruption cases drive push"
February 12, 2018 "Cuomo's
poll drop means nothing" NY Observer (Bradley Tusk)
February 10, 2018
Kolb tackling misconduct accusations over race for governor"
January 23, 2018 "Political
Corruption Trial Has New Yorkers Grumbling" Courthouse News
(Alan Klasfeld)
January 22, 2018
here &
here CBS
(Marcia Kramer)
January 22, 2018 "County
GOPs begin backing Kolb as governor" Wayne Post (Julie
pulls in real estate contributions through egregious loophole"
Crain's Business (Will Bredderman)
January 16, 2018 "Cuomo
enters re-election year with highest favorability rating in years"
January 16, 2018 "55
percent of voters likely to re-elect Cuomo"
Spectrum News
January 16, 2018 "Siena
poll shows Cuomo with wind at his back" Albany Times Union
(Matt Hamilton)
14, 2018 "The
Next GOP panic: Governors races" Politico (Gabriel
DeBenedetti, Daniel Strauss)
8, 2018 "Cox:
GOP candidates for governor pledge not to have a primary"
Albany Times Union (Matt Hamilton)
has shortlist of potential candidates for governor"
(Karen DeWitt)
8, 2018 "Cox:
GOP candidates for governor pledge to not have a primary"
Albany Times Union (Matt Hamilton)
December 28, 2018 "In
a Career Year, Which Gov. Cuomo Stands Up?"
The Chief (Richard Steier)
December 25, 2017
marks surround Cuomo scandals, ambitions as he heads into 2018"
Daily News (Ken Lovett)
November 20, 2017 "Possible
GOP Candidates Weigh Chances to Unseat Cuomo"
Gotham Gazette
(Rachel Silberstein)
November 9, 2017 "John
DeFrancisco: No change in plans
after GOP rival drops plans for governor" Syracuse.com
(Mark Weiner)
October 27, 2017 "9
Democratic primaries to watch in 2018" CNN (Gregory Krieg)
October 19, 2017 "Molinaro
for New York: Republican creates campaign committee
to run for governor" Auburnpub.com (Robert
October 17, 2017 "Kolb,
Molinaro in talks to form GOP ticket against Cuomo in 2018"
Auburn.pub (Robert Harding)
October 9, 2017 "State
business leaders worry Democratic primary challenger could push Gov.
Cuomo too far to the left" Daily News (Ken Lovett)
October 2, 2017 "Dutchess
County exec outlines potential gubernatorial campaign in Essex County" The Sun (Pete Demola)
August 18, 2017 "Cuomo
2020 is a pipe dream wasting NY tax dollars"
The Hill (Joseph Borelli)
July 27, 2017 "This
Democrat might be Cuomo's biggest challenger next year"
NY Post
(Carl Campanile)
June 14, 2017 "6/14:
Cuomo Approval Rating Hightest in Two Years,
Cuomo on Track for
Re-Election, Lacks Support for Presidential Bid", Marist Poll
January 18, 2017 "Cuomo
reports $22M in campaign coffers as potential candidates lag behind"
Daily News (Ken Lovett)
Cynthia Nixon --
Bill Hyers
Rebecca Katz
O cto ber
4, 2014 "The
Insiders" (Sandra Peddie, Will Van Sant)
Long Island Judges Win Races Before They Start": Peddie,
July 26, 2016
Center for Cost Effective Government
November 27, 2018 "Con
con is dead, but we still need these New York state reforms",
City and State Steve Levy
S kelos
out, Flanagan in as Senate Leader",
Gannett May 11, 2015
reporting by Shane Goldmacher --
Uses Billionaire's Plane for Sundance Trip"
January 25, 2018
August 22, 2017 "Corruption
in state government? Researchers turn to reporters for
answers" James Drew/Houston Chronicle
* * *
January 18, 2014
To Release Budget Tuesday", WAMC radio, Karen
January 19, 2014
on NY: Progressive groups urge Cuomo to include public campaign financing in
budget", Auburn Citizen, Robert Harding
January 20, 2014
set to release the budget January 21", North Public Radio, Karen
Budget Is Said to Include Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform", New
York Times, Thomas Kaplan
to Include Public Campaign Finance in Budget Proposal", WXII, Karen
of New Yorkers Say They Would Re-Elect Cuomo, Poll Finds",
New York Times, Jesse McKinley
Happy with Cuomo Budget Proposal", North Public Radio, Karen DeWitt
rises (and Christie) falls in new poll", Capital New York, Laurie
met with Moreland leaders just before they sent first subpoenas",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
Cuomo to propose sex harassment complaints hotline for NY employees",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
would Cuomo do to get public campaign financing?",
Capital New York, Liz Benjamin
Horner: The Budget Battle Begins",
WAMC Radio
budget priorities include mandate relief, tax cuts, and reforming school
aid formula", Auburn
Citizen, Robert Harding
Cuomo still riding high with 2-1 favorability",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
"How the state
budget can impact you and your family?", News Channel 10/Rochester,
Berkeley Brean
WNY Republicans meet with Trump, ask key questions", Buffalo News,
Robert McCarthy
blasts Cuomo's comments on Conservatives", New York Post, Fred
January 21, 2014
things to watch for in Cuomo's budget", Capital New York, Jimmy
Act: state budget style", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Seiler, James Odato
Cuomo Should Be All Apologies", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Says He'll Likely Run for Governor if Trump Doesn't",
WGRZ.com/Rochester Channel 2
January 22, 2014
by Cuomo Outrages Republicans", New York Times, Jesse McKinley
We'll Raise What We Need to Raise", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
January 23, 2014
York State Exposed: Following your Money into the General Fund",
News 10/Rochester, Berkley Brean
Warren and Eric Schneiderman Join Forces in New York", New York
Magazine, Chris Smith
is about our values'", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
soon: The most conservative Holiday Inn in New York", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
Calls On Cox To Let the Convention Decide It", State of Politics,
Casey Bortnick
January 24, 2014
DiBlasio joins 'the tin cup brigade' on Monday",
Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin
week on 'NYN': Bob Megna and More",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Paladino: I'll bet you Donald Trump runs for Governor",
Gannett/Albany Watch, Jon Campbell
Cuomo and Senate Independent Dems Met To Talk About This Year's Agenda",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
January 25, 2014
of NY millionaires on rise",
Gannett, Joseph Spector(includes quotes from E.J. McMahon-Empire Center
for Public Policy)
state: NY last in nation migration", NY Post, Carl Capanile
(quotes & based on E.J. McMahon-Empire Center for Public Policy)
Long Short Story", Albany Times
January 26, 2014
on Trump: 'I see good things coming",
Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy
Experts Urge Major Reforms in State, Local Government Budgeting",
PaloAltoPatch, Bea Karnes/Clifton B. Parker
Who is New York's Richard the Lionhearted?",
Capitol Confidential, Bryan Fitzgerald
sees 'good things' on prospect of Trump candidacy",
Buffalo News, Tom Precious
January 27, 2014
Pro: DeBlasio's big day in Albany; Astorino meets the Conservatives",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
Cuomo opponent Astorino address Conservatives",
Albany Times Union,
Conservatives, a choice", Albany
Times Union, Casey Seiler
threatens mayhem if GOP picks Astorino",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
steals the how at the conference",
Albany Times Union, Bryan Fitzgerald
Astorino says GOP, Conservatives will unite",
Gannett, Jon Campbell
before NYS Conservatives, Rob Astorino Sounds Like Gubernatorial
Candidate", Daily News, Ken
$2B budget surplus has ifs", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
January 28, 2014
Cuomo, the wily divider", Daily News, Opinion-Bill Hammond
March 2, 2013
for Albany", New York Post, editorial
March 13, 2014
the Senate's one-house budget",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
March 22, 2014
budget Cuomo can keep", Albany Times Union, Jonathan Soros,
Frederick A.O. Schwarz
March 24, 2014
cuts caused Manhattan courts to work without officers",
New York Post, Julia Marsh
Talks Remain Fluid Lawmakers Say",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Pre-K: What Else is at Stake for NYC in the State Budget",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard King
March 25, 2014
State is running out of time on budget",
Poughkeepsie Journal
Legislative Leaders Find Their Happy Place, But a Budget Remains Elusive",
Daily News, Glenn Blain
finance reformers list top NY donors",Wall
Street, Journal, Associated Press
Being Discussed", State of
Politics, Nick Reisman
Lots of topics for discussion at leaders meeting",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
No agreement yet on New York state budget", Associated Press,
view: Look out, here comes the state budget",editorial,
March 26, 2014
raids NYC politican, he blames 'tabloid hit job'", NY Post, Pat
March 27, 2014
says NY budget deal hours away",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
March 28, 2014
New York's $137B Big Ugly'",
editorial, Newsday
on NY budget continues Friday night",
will have a hard time silencing Moreland",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard Union
Would Mark Twain Say About Today's New York Political Corruption",
Huffington Post, Stephen Bowman
March 29, 2014
calls for more funding",
Tonawanda News
stall on state budget deal as Monday deadline nears",
Chalkbeat, Geoff Decker
of the budget introduced before midnight, but not education bill",
Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Jon Campbell
budget bills missed Friday-night deadline",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
budget react-o-mat", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
campaign finance limited to Comptroller",
Capital NY, Jessica Alaimo
It ain't over on public financing",
Captiol Confidential, Casey Seiler
news for M/Cs in budget",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
offers 'highlights' of budget deal"
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
York budget deal reached",
Poughkeepsie Journal/Gannett, Jon Campbell, Joseph Spector
Moreland panel will shut down", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Pass Ethics, No More Moreland",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
March 30, 2014
York's unfinished budget", editorial, New York Times
Center Disappointed at Decision to Shut Down Moreland Commission"
budget plan offers incentive to end Moreland Commission",
Poughkeepsie Journal, Jon Campbell
Vote Monday Could End Cuomo's Moreland Commission", WGRZ-TV, Jon
State Budget Finalized, Voting on Monday", WAMC, Karen DeWitt
Passing budget would dissolve Moreland Commission",
Legislative Gazette, Matthew Dondiego
rip state's new campaign finance program for 'significant flaws'",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
March 31, 2014
yields minimal reform in on-time budget",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard King
York Lawmakers shut down Cuomo's Moreland Commission to investigate
Albany corruption", Syracuse
Post Standard, Michelle Breidenbach
Public Financing Changes Being Discussed",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Says Campaign Finance Plan Has Serious Flaws",
WXII, Karen DeWitt
budget will be passed on time even if it's late",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
son pushed Cuomo, legislature into campaign funding",
NY Post, Fred Dicker
Commission to go down in a blaze of referrals",
Capital, Jimmy Vielkind
vote could end Moreland Commission",
Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Jon Campbell
Corruption Panel's Demise Angers Watchdogs", Jesse McKinley, Thomas
Kaplan, NYT
swing and mess", Albany Times Union, editorial
April 1, 2014
to kill the Moreland commission, enact weak campaign finance reforms are
insufficient", Buffalo News, editorial
April 2, 2014
on Gov. Cuomo For Killing the Moreland Commission", The Jewish
Voice, editorial
April 3, 2014
budget passes on time", Rockland County Times, Kathy Kahn
again falls short", The Daily Gazette, editorial
is almost a reality", Albany Times Union, guest commentary,
Albany D.A. Soares
week on 'NYN': DiNapoli wonders why no one picked up the phone",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
April 6, 2014
planning tools could improve state's budgeting process", Illinois
April 8, 2014
campaign finance oversight just got weaker in Albany, says observers",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
I won't be 'sacrificial lamb' on campaign finance reform", North
Country Radio, Karen DeWitt
Smith's fraud and bribery trial set for June", New York Post, Rich
April 9, 2014
York corruption commission quietly closing down", Newsday/AP
view: Corrupt state lawmakers get a reprieve", auburnpub.com,
Citizen Editorial Board
Attorney Criticizes Cuomo's Closing of Panel", William Rashbaum,
Suzanne Craig, New York Times
April 10, 2014
Fee: The Price of Silencing Morland", Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union,
David King
Wasn't Built in a Day' Preet Bharara Continues Cuomo Criticism on
Anti-Corruption Commission", New York Observer, Ross Barkan
Timothy Cardinal Dolan is outraged that Albany did not approve promised
tax credits", Daily News, Glenn Blain
Republicans offer most budget pork", Capital New York, Will
Brunelle, Jimmy Vielkind
commission winds down in NY", News Channel
won't rule out investigating Cuomo over Moreland Commission",
Gannett, Joseph Spector
Attorney won't rule out investigating Cuomo", Gannett, Joseph
says Moreland came to a natural end", Capitol Confidential, James
on the premature end of Cuomo's ethics commission", Capital New
York, Laura Nahmias
responds to Moreland rebuke", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
prosecutor vows to complete all Moreland Commission probes", Buffalo
News, Tom Precious
States Attorney's Office Looking Into the Closing of Gov Cuomo's
Anti-Corruption Panel", New York Magzine, Caroline Bankoff
Attorney Seizes Documents from Moreland Commission", City & State,
Morgan Pehme
prosecutor won't rule out prosecuting Cuomo",
Crains New York Business, Chris Bragg
Slam governor rounds the bases", Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett,
prosecutors take over last of New York's anti-corruption cases as state
commission closes", AP/syracuse.com
Caught Up in Rare Conflict with Prosecutors", New York Times, Thomas
Kaplan, William Rashbaum
Won't Rule Out Cuomo-Moreland Probe" Brian Lehrer show, WNYC
Attorney takes control of Cuomo commission probes", Times
Union, James Odato
Moreland: 'Former Co-chairs 'pleased' with Bharara's moves", Capitol
Confidential, James Odato
Cuomo's gift to the cynics", New York Times, editorial
"Sitting Preet-y",
New York Post, editorial
Cuomo's anti-corruption commission agrees to turn over files to U.S.
Attorney", New York Daily News, Ken Lovett
Corruption Commission Passes Baton to Bharara",
Wall Street Journal, Jacob Gershman
April 11, 2014
"Go, Preet, Go",
Daily News, editorial
Cuomo trims down pork-barrel spending from state budget, issuing 483
vetoes", Daily News, Glenn Blain, Ken Lovett
-- and karma -- sting Chris Christie, Andrew Cuomo", Politico,
Alexander Burns, Maggie Haberman
C.D.:Rivals slam Rice on state probe; DA decries 'mud' slilng",
Newsday, Robert Brodsky
my choice", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
chairman: what did the president, er, governor know and when did he know
it?", Buffalo News, Tom Precious
Risk Report: Death of NY Anti-Graft Body Fits Statewide Trend",
Wall Street Journal, Samuel Rubenfeld
April 12, 2014
spring cleaning: fix legal loopholes", Journal News/Gannett,
Bahrara now takes on Governor Andrew Cuomo", India news reporting
Seiler: The boy who cried Moreland", Albany Times Union
of Cuomo's anti-corruption commission detail frustrating environment
curbed by administration", Daily News, Ken Lovett
April 13, 2014
men behind the masks", Daily News, Mark Green
suit ending with NY corruption commission", Wall Street Journal/AP
April 14, 2014
get a critic his own size", Capital New York, Blake Zeff
amid Moreland struggles, realizes he might lose", New
York Post, Fred Dicker
handling of ethics commission points to his control freak style:
insiders", Daily News, Ken Lovett
Preet met the Moreland panel", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
defends Moreland's demise in op-ed", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Moreland Mission", Huffington Post, William Fitzpatrick
April 15, 2014
Picks to Write Moreland Report were Nixed by Second-Floor Insiders:
Updated", City & State, Morgan Pehme, Jon Lentz, Matthew Hamilton
April 17, 2014
Panel Gone, A Move to Monitor New York Lawmakers' Income Is Thwarted",
New York Times, Thomas Kaplan
April 18, 2014
Israel: Cuomo held accountable, let's hope others are, too", Times
NYU, Astorino complains about Cuomo's playbook, reads from his own",
Capital New York, Conor Skelding
'Big Ugly'?", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King
April 22, 2014
commission dissolves without public notice", Epoch
Times, Petr Svab
Disapprove of Cuomo's Shutdown of Anticorruption Panel, Poll Shows",
New York Times, Thomas Kaplan, Suzanne Craig
April 23, 2014
Samuels calls on US Attorney to probe Gov. Cuomo's fundraising",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
April 24, 2014
'surprised' Gov. Cuomo shut down anti-corruption commission so fast",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
on Moreland tampering: It's my commission",
Crain's Business, Chris Bragg
April 25, 2014
Cuomo: I didn't interfere with anti-corruption panel...but if I did,
it's my prerogative", Daily News, Ken Lovett
Cuomo stands by his decision to shut down anti-corruption commission",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
Moreland extortive? Depends on when you ask...",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Cuomo's tantrum", New York Times, Eleanor Randolph
commission", New York Post, editorial
April 26, 2014
unite around Suffolk County real estate broker", Capitol
Confidential, James Odato
April 27, 2014
superpac to launch anti-Schneiderman campaign", New York Post, Carl
April 28, 2014
advisors criticizes Cuomo", Newsday, Mike Gormley
curious reform logic", Daily News, William Hammond
April 29, 2014
accusations of the season fly in the Governor's race", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
April 30, 2014
widen crackdown on New York political corruption", New York Post,
Carl Campanile, Pat Bailey
Bharara asks for all complaints filed with NYS ethics commission",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
U.S. Attorney goes after state's troubled ethics watchdog", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
Attorney Subpoenas Records of Ethics Panel", New York Times,
Suzanne Craig, William Rashbaum
on JCOPE subpoena", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin
Prosecutor Subpoenas New York Ethics Enforcement Agency", Wall
Street Journal
Attorney Subpoenas Documents from State Ethics Panel", WAMC Radio,
Karen DeWitt
May 2, 2014
commission members says there are cases of potential government
corruption that need review", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 6, 2014
campaign finance 'last meaningful reform left undone'", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
mum on Moreland-investigation questions", Capital New York, Jimmy
distances himself from Moreland commission", Gannett, Jon Campbell
Said to Seek Records from Anticorruption Panel's Members", NY Times,
William Rashbaum, Suzanne Craig
can't talk about Moreland subpoena", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Senate & Assembly leaders express little concern about U.S. Attorney's
Moreland Commission probe", Daily News, Glenn Blain
Preet Bharara just starting with Moreland Commission", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
May 7, 2014
still needed to bring ethics to state government", Schnectady
Gazette, editorial
May 8, 2014
residents fed up with constant corrupt lawmakers", Daily News,
Reuven Fenton, Pat Bailey
May 9, 2014
huddles with W.F.P, reformers on campaign finance", Capital New
York, Jimmy Vielkind
Attorney Bharara Serves Subpoenas To NYS Ethics Committee for Corruption
Claims", Jewish Voice, Ira Katz
first in nation, DeFrancisco to support new commission on prosecutorial
misconduct", Syracuse.com, Ken Sturtz
May 11, 2014
Moreland: Documents Reveal Details of Lawmakers' Campaign Spending",
City & State, Jon Lentz, Matthew Hamilton, Morgan Pehme
works to mend fences with liberals", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan,
Suzanne Craig
May 12, 2014
complaint filed against John Cahill a day after he announces run for
attorney general", Daily News, Ken Lovett
unfinished clean-up", Times Union, editorial
Fitzpatrick: NY Legislature's prosecutor conduct proposal retaliation
for Moreland Commission", Teri Weaver, Syracuse.com
referrals spur call for itemized expenses", Capital New York, Jimmy
Vielkind *
kept pols 'on the payroll' before ballot bribes: feds", NY Post, Pat
Baily, Bruce Golding
May 13, 2014
Common Sense Budget", City & State/John DiFrancisco
say no, Gov", Daily News, editorial
May 14, 2014
Astorino: Gov. Cuomo a dirty down-in-the-mud politician", Daily
News, Ken Lovett
On Comptroller Only Public Financing: 'Let's try it out", Nick
May 15, 2014
new New York republicans", New York Post, editorial
mock Rob Astorino as cry baby in seat controversy", Daily News,
Glenn Blain & Ken Lovett
GOP leader Dean Skelos says 'discussions' taking place on campaign
financing", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 16, 2014
Time Left for Campaign Reforms", New York Times, editorial board
Smith has a surprise witness he says will clear his name", New York
Post, Rich Calder, Carl Campanile
May 18, 2014
of two no-show defenses", Albany Times Union, James Odato
May 19, 2014
John Liu will run for state senate against Dem incumbent Tony Avela:
source", Daily News, Ken Lovett
blast former Morland co-chair as 'hypocrite'", Daily News, Ken
wants state to reimburse legal expenses", New York Post, Fred Dicker
May 20, 2014
Sees Chance as Schneiderman Seeks 2nd Term as AG", New York Times,
Thomas Kaplan, Jesse McKinley
May 21, 2014
tall, Gov", Daily News, editorial
write state laws", editorial, Poststar.com
Bronx Assemblyman Sentenced for Corruption", New York Times,
Benjamin Weiser
May 22, 2014
Picks Ex-Congresswoman as Running Mate", New York Times, Thomas
boss rule", Daily News, editorial
shows legislators still distrust state government", Legislative
Gazette, Matthew Dondiego
Astorino can fight corruption", Newsday, editorial
May 27, 2014
defends Moreland Commission's hiring of criminal defense attorney",
Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden
tell NY Legislature to retain records in probe: gov's office says it
will cooperate" , Newsday, Mike Gormley
Assembly told to preserve Moreland records", Newsday, Mike Gormley
Assembly and Senate receive Moreland Commission related records
preservation request from the US Attorney", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 28, 2014
US Attorney Preet Bharara Keeps the Heat on Albany", Wall Street
Journal, Jacob Gershman
challenges Cuomo on Moreland Commission", Legislative Gazette, Kelly
June 12, 2014
holds secret meeting of disbanded anti-corruption panel",
Albany Times Union, Robert Gavin
June 18, 2014
Game After Push to Revamp Campaign Financing Fails", Wall Street
Journal, Erica Orden
June 23, 2014
Has Raised Millions Through Loophole He Pledged to Close", Moyers &
Publica, Theodoric Meyer
June 27, 2014
in Manhattan Pleads Guilty to 2 Felonies", New York Times, Benjamin
Weiser, Thomas Kaplan
June 30, 2014
months after Gov. Cuomo pulled plug on Moreland Commission, executive
director still being paid", Daily News, Ken Lovett
July 1, 2014
state senator accused of lying to the FBI is indicted", AP/Crain's
July 2, 2014
with a capitol C", Daily News, William Hammond
July 18, 2014
Issues Subpoena in Inquiry on Cuomo's Closing of Moreland Commission",
New York Times, William Rashbaum, Suzanne Craig
"Teachout on Moreland
news: Cuomo's Albany is structurally corrupt", Capitol Confidential,
Casey Seiler
Corruption Prosecutor is Tapped as Bharara's Chief Counsel", Wall
Street Journal, Jacob Gershman
from Moreland Commission Continues", Gannett, Joseph Specter
July 20, 2014
Parties Tailor-Made for New York State", Buffalo News, Denise Jewell
on corruption", Times Union, editorial
July 21, 2014
lawmakers spent $300,000 in last six months in legal fees over scandals",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
Cuomo's lead insurmountable?", Crains Business Week
July 21, 2014
state assembly candidate's 'ragged' efforts for 'hope and change'",
NY Post, Michael Benjamin
of voters think Albany lawmakers are corrupt: poll", Daily News,
Celeste Katz
shifting state Senate landscape", City & State
Are Not Surprised When Albany Pols Get Indicted: Siena Poll Says",
NY Observer
July 23, 2014
Office Hobbled State Ethics Inquiries", New York Times, Suzanne
Craig, William Rashbaum, Thomas Kaplan
up to Cuomo's political 'con' game", New York Post, Michael Goodwin
Brooklyn Democrat Backs Indicted Senator's Reelection Bid", City &
State, Jon Lentz
July 24, 2014
Attorney Preet Bharara: My Office Will Investigate Public Corruption",
July 30, 2014
Bharara, Eric Schneiderman meet for lunch amid Cuomo's scandal", New
York Post, Carl Campanile
July 31, 2014
of chief Cuomo anti-corruption defender up for judgeship", New York
Post, Geoff Earle, Carl Campanile
August 2, 2014
to pay Moreland lawyer out of his campaign war chest", New York
Post, Carl Campanile
August 11, 2014
warrant targets Frances Libous, wife of GOP senator", Capital NY,
Jimmy Vielkind
August 15, 2014
When will the public say enough is enough?", Gannett, Joseph Spector
Cox: nine senate districts in play", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Finance Board retains attorney in probe", Crains NY, Chris Bragg
Andrew Cuomo scandal explained", Vox, Andrew Prokop
August 16, 2014
commissions scored wins and criticism", Gannett, Joseph Spector, Jon
easy answers in prosecutor's probe into allegations that Cuomo meddled
with corruption commission", Associated Press, Michael Virtanen
August 18, 2014
Cleaning Up Albany Keeps Being Left to Bharara", Gotham Gazette,
David Howard King
real Moreland takeaway", Daily News, Gerald Benjamin, Fritz Schwartz
August 20, 2014
voters see Gov. Cuomo as part of New York's corruption problem, not
solution: Quinnipiac Poll", Daily News, Celeste Katz
August 25, 2014
"Lost in the Controversy -- Moreland's critical
recommendations", Legislative Gazette, James Gormley
August 26,2014
Commission haunts Klein-Koppell Debate", Riverdale Press, Shant
August 17, 2014
Schneiderman defends work on public corruption cases", Newsday,
Michael Gormley
August 19, 2014
Outsider: Zephyr Teachout Will Never Be Governor, So Why is Andrew Cuomo
Worried?" Village Voice, Anna Merlan
August 29, 2014
Utica Chamber calls for 'complete investigation' of Moreland Commission",
Business Journal News Network
September 2, 2014
fees top $100K for Sen. Tom Libous Campaign", Gannett, Jon Campbell
September 3, 2014
Would Revive Moreland, Limit Big Donor Money ", North Country
Gazette, Teachout
September 8, 2014
I 'Endorsed" Andrew Cuomo", The New Yorker, John Cassidy
Race is Shaping Up as a Nail Biter", Wall Street Journal, Mike
September 11, 2014
Preet Bharara prepares for the spotlight", Crain's Business (Andrew
September 12, 2014
Astorino calls on Preet Bharara to detail Moreland Commission probe
findings before Election Day", Daily News, Ken Lovett
October 1, 2014
a Smirk, Bharara Diagnoses New York's Corruption Problem", Ben Max,
Citizen Union
October 2, 2014
wants paystubs", NY Post editorial
York needs Preet Bharara to stay on as US Attorney and keep fighting
corruption", NY Post, Michael Benjamin
December 17, 2014
trial lawyers' playground", Daily News (Bill Hammond)
December 22, 2014
year's biggest winners and losers in state politics", NY Post, Fred
December 29, 2014
eye boycott of Cuomo inauguration and State address", NY Post, Fred
Speaker Silver was scrutinized by Moreland Commission", Wall Street
Speaker Silver was scrutinized by Moreland Commission", Wall Street
* * *
MENU of NYS Budget Reform Webpages
THE EVIDENCE substantiating the Open Letter
A four-year evidentiary trail of Senator Latimer's knowing &
deliberate betrayal of the duties of his office & complicity in systemic
gov't corruption & grand larceny of the public fisc -- necessitating CJA's TWO citizen-taxpayer actions, whose verified
pleadings detail the corruption that Senator Latimer perpetuated:
CJA's FIRST citizen-taxpayer action
CJA v. Cuomo,...Senate,
et al. (Albany Co. #1788-2014)
March 28, 2014 verified complaint
(fiscal year 2014-2015)
March 31, 2015 verified supplemental complaint
(fiscal year 2015-2016)
March 23, 2016 verified second supplemental complaint
(fiscal year 2016-2017)
CJA's SECOND citizen-taxpayer action
CJA v. Cuomo,...Senate, et al.
(Albany Co. #5122-2016)
September 2, 2016 verified complaint
(fiscal year 2016-2017)
March 29, 2017 verified supplemental
(fiscal year 2017-2018)
* * *
where it begins --
March 8, 2013 in-person meeting
with Senator Latimer at his district office & viewing together:
** CJA's TESTIMONY #1 ** at
Legislature's February 6, 2013 budget hearing on "public protection"
Assembly VIDEO
Senate VIDEO
(last speaker: at 7 hours-21 minutes)
click here for:
CJA's February 6, 2013 budget
testimony webpage with substantiating documentary EVIDENCE:
CJA's Oct 27, 2011 Opposition Report & March 30, 2012 verified complaint
in declaratory judgment action
* * *
legislative rules reforms materials
brought to March 8, 2013 meeting with Senator Latimer
* * *
illustrative subsequent correspondence
[additionally see webpage:
"Securing Legislative Oversight & Override..."]
( 1)
CJA's February 15, 2013 handwritten note to Assemblyman Buchwald
CJA's March 8, 2013 e-mail -- "Immediate Attention Required -- Judiciary
Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request"
CJA's March 11, 2013 e-mail
-- "Superseding
Letter to Senate Budget Subcommittee on 'Public Protection'...Verifying the
Dispositive Nature of the Opposition to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial
Salary Increase Request" --
transmitted letter
CJA's March 12, 2013 e-mail -- "Judiciary Budget -- A Slush Fund as the
Dollar Figures Would Show"
CJA's March 11, 2013 memo to Subcommittee on "Public Protection"
"Rectifying your Absence at the February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on 'Public
Protection' by Verifying the Dispositive Nature of the Opposition Testimony
to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request"
CJA's March 13, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald --
"What is the
cumulative dollar amount of the appropriations bill for the Judiciary --
A3001? And of the Judiciary's budget request?"
(6 )
CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald --
"Your Power & Duty to Reject the Budget:
S2601/A3001 ---Judiciary Appropriations Bill" & referred-to
March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo-- "Assisting the
Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty: the People's Right to
Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Appropriations Bill
for the Judiciary & to be Protected from 'Grand Larceny of the
Public Fisc' by Unidentified,
Unitemized Judicial Pay Raises, whose Fraudulence, Statutory-Violations, and
Unconstitutionality are Proven by Documentary Evidence in Your
Possession & the Legislature's"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald (6:38 am)
"Info to Assist You in Your Presentations Today
on the Assembly...Floor"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald (8:59 am) --
"Part 2: Info to Assist You in Your
History-Making Presentations on the...Assembly Floor. But Will They be
Today or Tomorrow?"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald (10:19 am) --
"Part 3: Info to Assist You in Your
History Making Presentations on the...Assembly Floor. But Will They Be Today
or Tomorrow?"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman
Buchwald, responding to his
--"Thank you..."
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman
(6:22 pm) --
"Part 4: Info to Assist You on Your
History-Making Presentations on the...Assembly Floor"
to Buchwald:
CJA's March 26, 2013 e-mail
-- "Request that CJA's Opposition Report & verified complaint be
brought to the Senate floor for inspection by the Senators"
CJA's March 28, 2013 e-mail
-- "In further support of SUCCESSFUL procedural, due-process objections on
the Assembly floor -- Opposition to A.3001, etc."
CJA's April 26, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman
-- "Analysis & Hearing Request: A.246-establishing special commission on
managerial & confidential state employees" --link to video of
February 6, 2013 testimony
click here for:
CJA's May 7, 2013 & May 22, 2013 letters to ALL Senators & Assembly Members
"Doing Your Part to End
Public Corruption" -- Parts I & II furnishing:
CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
[click here for:
webpage for April 15, 2013 corruption complaint]
cc to Buchwald:
CJA's May 29, 2013 letter to Assemblyman Michael Kearns
-- "RE:
Making Good on Your Pledge to Your Constituents
“To Do The Right Thing” and “Stand Up To Albany Politicians”:
--referred to/linked webpage of
CJA's July 9, 2013 letter to ALL Senators...
and CJA's June 4, 2013 letter to the Senate
Committee on Investigations & Governmental Operations...
CJA's July 22, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald --
Government Integrity -- Starting with the 'Public Trust Act'"
with link to:
CJA's July
19, 2013 corruption complaint
Albany County D.A. Soares
CJA's August 13, 2013 letter to
Assemblyman Buchwald
-- "RE:
Constituent Request
that You Introduce the Public Trust Act (Governor’s Program Bill #3),
Consistent with the Senate and Assembly Informational Guides: “How a
Bill Becomes a Law” and “The Legislative Process and YOU”
& related August 21, 2013 letter to Gov. Cuomo,
to which Assemblyman Buchwald
was an indicated recipient --
"Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & Your Public Trust
Act (Program Bill #3) -- the Sine Qua Non for 'Government
Working' & 'Working for the People"
CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman
Buchwald "Championing Good Government by the Public
Trust Act (Governor's Program Bill #3)..."
CJA's August 20, 2013 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald -- "latest
draft of letter to Governor -- plus new webpage!"
CJA's December 19, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
-- "Subject: Request for
a Meeting: The Judiciary's proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015"
webpage for attached CJA's December 11, 2013 letter to Gov. Cuomo &
Legislature -- "SAFEGUARDING
Statutory Duty to Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary's Proposed Budget
for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third
Phase of the Judicial Salary Increase that Wil Otherwise Take Efffect,
Automatically, on April 1, 2014"
CJA's February 5, 2014 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald --
"Subject: Drafted Questions for Chief
Administrative Judge Prudenti at Today's Feb 5, 2014 Budget Hearing on
'Public Protection'"
CJA's February 6, 2014 e-mail to Assemblyman Buchwald --
"Subject: Request for Meeting with...
Assemblyman Buchwald NEXT WEEK & for Info on the Legislative
'Reappropriations' in Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551" -- referred-to,
webpage for January 29, 2014 letter so Senate Finance Committee..
CJA's March 5, 2014 letter to...Assemblyman Buchwald "RE:
Your Constitutional Duty: (1) to address the fraud and
unconstitutionality in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets...
CJA's March 4, 2014 letter
CJA's March 25, 2016 e-mail -- "Subject: Restoring
constitutionality and lawfulness to NY's budgeting process -- &
overriding the 'force of law' judicial pay raises"
CJA's March 31, 2016 e-mail to Assemblyman David Buchwald
"Subject: FOR ASSSEMBLYMAN BUCHWALD: Have you read what the NYS Constitution
has to say about the NYS budget?"
NYS Constitution, Article VII, §§1-7
referred-to, linked webpage for
CJA's March 23, 2016 Verified 2nd
Supplemental Complaint
May 26, 2016 e-mail to Senator Buchwald --
Elections 2016: What is Assemblyman Buchwald's expert opinion of CJA's
March 23, 2016 second supplemental complaint challenging the NYS
budget & the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive
Compensation, etc?"
cc to Buchwald:
CJA's January 26, 2017 e-mail
"Subject: Oversight by Assembly Committee on Local Governments,
beginning with the striking of the $4,212,000 D.A. salary grants
in Aid to Localities Budget Bill A.3003 (at p. 61)"
cc to Buchwald:
CJA's February 6, 2017 letter...Legislative Leadership
"RE: (1) Where are your appointments to the Commission
on Government Administration and to the Commission on
State-Local relations, required by Legislative Law Article 5-A?
(2) When will you be responding to my requests for a meeting for
purposes of preventing a repeat of the constitutional, statutory and
legislative rule violations chronicled by the September 2, 2016
verified complaint in CJA's citizen-taxpayer action?
transmitting e-mail
CJA's February 8, 2017 e-mail to
lawyer-Assemblyman Buchwald
"Subject: Letter to Leadership: (1) Legislative Law Article
5-A Commissions on Gov't Administration & State-Local
Relations; (2) requested meetings to prevent repeat of
constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations:
re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget"
( 1)
CJA's March 12, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
"Judiciary Budget -- A Slush Fund as the Dollars Would Show" --attaching:
CJA's March 11, 2013 memo to Subcommittee on "Public Protection"
"Rectifying your Absence at the February 6, 2013 Budget Hearing on 'Public
Protection' by Verifying the Dispositive Nature of the Opposition Testimony
to the Judiciary Budget & its Judicial Salary Increase Request"
(2 )
CJA's March 18, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
"What is
the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Judiciary Appropriations
CJA's March 22, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer --
"Your Power & Duty to Reject the Budget:
S2601/A3001 ---Judiciary Appropriations Bill" & referred-to
March 19, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo-- "Assisting the
Legislature in Discharging its Constitutional Duty: the People's Right to
Know the Dollar Cost of the Judiciary Budget & of the Appropriations Bill
for the Judiciary & to be Protected from 'Grand Larceny of the
Public Fisc' by Unidentified,
Unitemized Judicial Pay Raises, whose Fraudulence, Statutory-Violations, and
Unconstitutionality are Proven by Documentary Evidence in Your
Possession & the Legislature's"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer (6:38 am)
"Info to Assist You in Your Presentations Today
on the Senate...Floor"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer (8:59 am) --
"Part 2: Info to Assist You in Your
History-Making Presentations on the Senate...Floor. But Will They be
Today or Tomorrow?"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer (10:19 am) --
"Part 3: Info to Assist You in Your
History Making Presentations on the Senate...Floor. But Will They Be Today
or Tomorrow?"
CJA's March 23, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
(6:22 pm) --
"Part 4: Info to Assist You on Your
History-Making Presentations on the Senate...Floor"
CJA's July 10, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer --
"What Steps will Senator Latimer take to secure
oversight, analysis & investigation
of Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010?"
--referred to/linked webpage of
CJA's July 9, 2013 letter to ALL Senators...
and CJA's June 4, 2013 letter to the Senate
Committee on Investigations & Governmental Operations...
CJA's July 24, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
"Subject: Securing Government Integrity -- Beginning with the 'Public
Trust Act'"
with link to:
CJA's July
19, 2013 corruption complaint
Albany County D.A. Soares
CJA’s previously-furnished April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
[click here for:
webpage for April 15, 2013 corruption complaint]
CJA's August 13, 2013 letter to
Assemblyman Buchwald
-- "RE:
Constituent Request
that You Introduce the Public Trust Act (Governor’s Program Bill #3),
Consistent with the Senate and Assembly Informational Guides: “How a
Bill Becomes a Law” and “The Legislative Process and YOU”
& related August 21, 2013 letter to Gov. Cuomo,
to which Assemblyman Buchwald
was an indicated recipient --
"Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & Your Public Trust
Act (Program Bill #3) -- the Sine Qua Non for 'Government
Working' & 'Working for the People"
CJA's December 19, 2013 e-mail to Senator Latimer
-- "Subject: Request for
a Meeting: The Judiciary's proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015"
webpage for attached CJA's December 11, 2013 letter to Gov. Cuomo &
Legislature -- "SAFEGUARDING
Statutory Duty to Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary's Proposed Budget
for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third
Phase of the Judicial Salary Increase that Wil Otherwise Take Efffect,
Automatically, on April 1, 2014"
CJA's February 5, 2014 e-mail to Senator Latimer --
"Subject: Drafted Questions for Chief
Administrative Judge Prudenti at Today's Feb 5, 2014 Budget Hearing on
'Public Protection'"
CJA's February 6, 2014 e-mail to Senator Latimer --
"Subject: Request for Meeting with Senator Latimer... NEXT WEEK & for Info on the Legislative
'Reappropriations' in Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551" -- referred-to,
webpage for January 29, 2014 letter so Senate Finance Committee..
CJA's March 31, 2016 e-mail
to Senator Latimer -- "Subject: FOR SENATOR LATIMER: Have you read what the NYS Constitution
has to say about the NYS budget?"
NYS Constitution, Article VII, §§1-7
referred-to, linked webpage for
CJA's March 23, 2016 Verified 2nd
Supplemental Complaint
May 26, 2016 e-mail to Senator Latimer --
Elections 2016: What is Senator Latimer's expert opinion of CJA's
March 23, 2016 second supplemental complaint challenging the NYS
budget & the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive
Compensation, etc?"
* * *
** CJA's testimony
#2 ** at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing on "Local
Government Officials/General Government"
(last speaker:
at 8 hours-47 mins.)
transcript: pp. 518-535
CJA's webpage of Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing
DeFrancisco --
February 7, 2018: "Times
Square billboard attacking Hillary Clinton donors attacking
'Fake News' media lasts one day" Daily News
(Stephen Rex Brown)
February 7, 2018: "Sexual
harassment in Albany: 6 years, a thousand complaints and
more than $6.4M" Politico (Jimmy Vielkind, Marie
91st Assembly District
member: Assembly Committee on Local Governments;
Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities &
member -- Assembly Speaker Heastie's "Workgroup on
Legislative Process, Operations, & Public Participation"
Notice of Public Budget Forum
93rd Assembly District
Member: Assembly Committee on Governmental Operations;
Assembly Judiciary Committee;
Assembly Committee on Local Governments
Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities &
David Buchwald's announcement
Westchester Assembly Delegation to Hold Public Forum
on Governor’s Proposed Executive Budget
92nd Assembly District
on Governmental Administration;
Member: Assembly Judiciary Committee,
Assembly Committee on
Corporations, Authorities & Commissions;
Assembly Codes Committee
Assemblyman Abinanti's announcement
Westchester Assembly Members to Hold Budget Forum in
Next Week: Assemblywoman Galef Invites the Public to Attend
Town Meetings throughout 95th State Assembly District
Byrne Urges Accountability, Fiscal Responsibility Following
Governor’s Budget Presentation
budget forum -- Feb 2
December 1, 2017
Where are the Legislature's "itemized estimates" of its
"financial needs", "certified by the presiding officer
of each house?"
CJA's December
4, 2017 FOIL/records request to Senate & Assembly --
"RE: The Legislature's Certified Itemized
Estimates of its Financial Needs for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, as Required by
Article VII, §1 of the New York State Constitution"
Assembly's December
11, 2017 response with
Senate's December 11, 2017 response
* * *
December 1, 2017
J udiciary's
two-part budget:
Operating Budget &
General State Charges
December 4, 2017, New York Law
Journal "NY
Judiciary Seeks $44.4M Budget Increase but Stays Within 2%
* * *
January 16,
VIDEO -- Governor
Cuomo's budget address -- at
25 mins/45 secs:
Judiciary is asking for a 2-1/2 % increase.
They would be the only entity above
2%. The Senate, the Assembly, the Executive, all
came in at 2%. The Attorney General came
in at 2%, Comptroller DiNapoli wins the prize on the budget
limbo contest: 1.5%. Congratulations to
the Comptroller.
So the Judiciary comes in at 2.5. My
position is the backlog of cases is tremendous, especially
in downstate New York. We have a chronic
problem of people in Rikers Island who have been there for
years, haven’t had a day in court.
The Judiciary wants a budget increase.
The People of the state have a right to know that the courts
are open and functioning from 9 to 5. You
have many courthouses where, literally, 1 o’clock the place
shuts down. So, I would support the
increase at 2.5, but the judges have to certify that the
courtrooms are actually operating from 9 to 5."
Judiciary is asking for a 2-1/2 % increase.
They would be the only entity above
2%. The Senate, the Assembly, the
Executive, all came in at 2%. The Attorney General came
in at 2%, Comptroller DiNapoli wins the prize on the budget
limbo contest: 1.5%. Congratulations to
the Comptroller...."
Alcantara Robert Jackson
Legislature's webpage on
Division of Budget website
Judiciary's webpage on Division of Budget website
Legislative/Judiciary Budget
Bill #S.7501/A.9501
Aid to Localities BIll #S.7503/A.9503
* * *
CJA's January 16, 2018 FOIL request to
the Governor --
"Subject: The Governor's 'recommendations' pertaining
to the Legislative & Judiciary budgets for fiscal year
CJA's January 22, 2018 FOIL
request to Legislature/Governor/Comptroller/Division of the
Budget --
"Subject: The Legislature's
budget for fiscal year 2018-2019, its 'General State
Charges', and its reappopriations popped into the back of
the Governor's Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill
* * *
Hearing Schedule
Senate Majority White Book -- January 22, 2018
Senate Minority Blue Book
Assembly Yellow Book --
Niagara County
Rensselear County
Suffolk County
Dec 2017 Gov Cuomo addressing Oyster Bay -- LI
118th Assembly District -- St Lawrence Co.
plaintiff's cause of action is valuable property within the generally
accepted sense of that word, and, as such, it is entitled to the
protections of the Constitution.”,
Link v. Wabash Railroad Co,
370 U.S. 626, 646 (1962),
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black
writing in dissent, with Chief Justice Earl Warren concurring.
Auburnpub.com -- Aggregator -- January 6, 2018
Saul weprin
Truth DIG
6 most dysfunctional states, then and now
2018 legislative session preview
its time for a change" Newsday, January 6, 2018
Putting NY's "full-time" and "part-time" legislators to
work in the six months the Legislature is "out of session"
Groups Launch Restore Public Trust Campaign", Gotham
Gazette, January 5, 2018 (Rachel Silberstein)
January 10, 2018: "DA
Fitzpatrick double dips to get six-figure pension while
working $182 K D.A. job" Syracuse.com (Douglass
Grory: January 10, 2018: "Hard
Arithmetic in New York's Gubernatorial Election"
January 18, 2018: DiNapoli rips prison oversight", Albany Times
Union (Rick Karlin)
Cuomo -- agenda of progressive gov't
New York
City-Transportation Issues
Project Veritas
“That which we persist in doing becomes
easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but
that our power to do has increased.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Correspondence-paper trail -- on which the March 28, 2014
citizen-taxpayer action sits
cja experienceOctober 18, 2017 " Molinaro
forms gubernatorial campaign committee" Albany Times
Union (Matt Hamilton)
Prosecutors Accountable is Hard. It Could Get Harder"
October 8, 2017 (Alan Feuer)
Exposes and Embarssments, Hundreds of Judges Preside in New York
Without Law Degrees", ProPublica (Joe Sexton) June 26,
Quarts letter
December 2014 "Cyrus
Vance's moneyball approach to crime" "They
Had the Goods on Him", Slate
-- Oct 2, 2017 get out the vote
NYT public editor
LWV seeks to energize voters over constitutional convention, Oct
9, 2017 East End Beacon (Beth Young)
October 6, 2017: "You
Can Help Boost Voter Turnout on Election Day, but you Have to
Register Soon", Citizens Union (Ben Brachfeld)
Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez,
Democrat, incumbent (named acting District Attorney in 2016)
Patricia Gatling, Democrat Vincent Gentile, Democrat Stephanie
Ama-Dwimoh, Democrat Marc Fliedner, Democrat Anne Swern,
Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance,
Democrat, incumbent
Reform Party
September 16, 2017 "Latimer
Picks Up Nod From Reform Party Started by Astorino"
Voice (Sam Barron)
CJA's subsequent correspondence
with US Attorney Bharara
May 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Lynch (EDNY)
June 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Hartunian (NDNY)
CJA's April 2, 2013 FOIL request to the Governor's Records Access
Officer & FOIL Counsel --
(1) the Legislature’s
“General State Charges” for Fiscal Year 2013-2014, with Certifications of
Temporary Senate President Skelos & Assembly Speaker Silver;
(2) Records Pertaining to the Governor’s Signing of S.2601-A/A.3001-A, if
Signed by Him; (3)
Video of the Commission on Judicial Compensation’s July 20, 2011 Public
Hearing in Albany;
(4) Video, Audio, or Transcript of Commission on Judicial Compensation’s
July 11, 2011 Public Meeting.
April 9, 2013 acknowledgment from Gov's FOIL counsel/records access officer
May 7, 2013 letter from Gov's FOIL
counsel/records access officer
enclosed 46 pages
of Commission on Judicial Compensation's 1st meeting
CD-video of Commission on
Judicial Compensation's
1st & only hearing
[CJA testimony at
at 03:12:58 - 03:24:23]
Transcription of CJA testimony
click here for:
referred-to CJA handout
referred-to judicial compensation webpage --
with its posting of CJA's letters to the Commission, most importantly those
of May 23, 2011 and June 23, 2011
wheeler complaint
August 1, 2017 Seaman blog
Start-Up Will Take Aim at Fake News" The Street
(Ken Doctor)
constitutional convention
October 11, 2017: "Unions
Continue To Fund Anti-Con-Con Push", State of Politics (Nick
September 12, 2017 "Polls open" -- Democrat & Chronicle
Karle ends campaign for Ontario County D.A. -- Ontario
September 6, 2017 "Ontario
County D.A. candidates spar at debate"
July 29, 2016 "How
Long Island judges win races before they start" Newsday
(Sandra Peddie)
"Independence Party v. Board of Elections"
M arch 29, 2004:
for state supreme court", Daily Freeman (Franco)
August 2016: "No
cross-endorsements this year" Artvoice
2nd circuit affirmance -- re: Malcolm Smith
Tioga da -- now judge
September 28, 2017 "Make
absentee voting easy" Times Union
the Left wants to win elections", September 27, 2017 In These
Times (Sam Lewis, Luke Elliott-Negri)
dem candidates leading in primaries
September 28, 2017 "Ethics
Groups Worry that Reform Efforts in Albany May Be Fizzling",
Wall Street Journal (Mike Vilesky)
September 29, 2017 "What's
next after Skelos and Silver overturned convictions" New
York 1 (Zack Fink)
" How
Party Bosses, Not Voters, Pick Candidates in New York"
New York Times, September 19, 2017
(Shane Goldmacher)
2 017-2018
A.0522 -- Rosenthal
Ortiz, Malliotakis
S.1797 -- Squadron
-- Kavanagh, co- Colton, Lancman, Magnarelli, Hooper multi-
Errigo, Finch, Thiele, Wiesenberg
S.155 -- Squadron,
2 013-2014
-- sponsored by Rosenthal; co-sponsored
by Ortiz
S.161 -- sponsored by Squadron
-- sponsored by Jeffries, Kavanagh, Camara
S.26 -- sponsored by Squadron
-- sponsored by Jeffries, Kavanagh, Camara, Espaillat
S.5294 -- sponsored by Squadron
Genesis of CJA's
Activism on NY's Judicial Compensation Issue
scores another blow against GOP candidates", Politico, September
14, 2017 (Jimmy Vielkind)
Ending Road-Buchwald
voters score legislators", August 31, 2017 Legislative Gazette
(James Gormley)
re-elected chairman of Republican state committee", September
20, 2017, Legislative Gazette (James Gormley)
lawmakers eyeing an exit see mixed results on Primary Day",
September 13, 2017 Legislative Gazette (Thomas Gierney Pudney)
September 7, 2017: "Lawmakers
fill extra seats, earn extra", Times-Union (Rick Karlin)
Center loses another case over constitutional question",
Times-Union (Rick Karlin)
legislators need to get back and act", June 24, 2017
NY legislators get a 47% raise", August 7, 2016
Reacts: Full-Time Legislature vs Albany's Ills", February
19, 2015 (Nancy Cutler)
NY lawmakers should be full-time without a raise", February
1, 2016 (Joseph Spector)
Paulin, Corwin top list of richest legislators", September
3, 2013, Jon Campbell -- Albany Watch
Elaine Phillips -- "Yes,
New York has more corrupt officials than any other state",
Politifact, September 19, 2016 (Dan Clark)
Syracuse New Times
State Needs a Full-Time Legislature", August 16, 2017 (Luke
Syracuse.com -- syracuse mayoral candidates
campbell debates -- WRVO
Merrell v. Sliwa -- #5829-16
October 27, 2016 decision of Albany
Supreme Court Justice Christina Ryba
October 31, 2016
group wins legal battle over control of the Reform Party",
Politco (Bill Mahoney)
York Reform Party Case Decided; Curtis Sliwa Faction Wins",
Ballot Access News (Richard Winger)
Mari show -- WVOX radio
Third Party wins by becoming second Chris Ladd
August 31, 2017 "Facebook
fakery the lowest kind of politics (editorial)", Staten
Island Advance
August 31, 2017 "Our
Views: if not fake, misleading news" The Island Now
August 16, 2017 "NY
powerhouse Herman (Denny) Farrell set to retire after 42 years",
Daily News (Lovett)
4. Disciplinary Actions, Malpractice, and other Misconduct
a. Have you ever been disciplined by, or do you have any
charges currently pending before any disciplinary committee,
commission, or government agency arising out of your official or
professional responsibilities? If yes, describe the
circumstances. p. 16
Identify any experience in or association with any local,
state or federal governmental entity (including advisory,
consultative, honorary or other part-time service or
positions). Specify the dates of such service.
p. 26
H. Please describe any business
relationship, dealing or financial transaction which you have
had during the past five (5) years, whether for yourself, or on
behalf of a client, or acting as an agent, which you believe may
constitute an appearance of impropriety or may result in a
potential conflict of interest in the position for which you
seek appointment. If none, please so state.
p. 28
N. Please describe any other matter in which you have
been involved which may be incompatible or in conflict with
the discharge of the duties of the position that you seek,
or any matter which may impair or tend to impair your
independence of judgment or action in the performance of
your duties. If there is none, please so state.
XV General Matters
B. Investigatory Actions
Have you ever been the subject of any inquiry or
investigation by a federal, state or local agency (other
than for routine background investigations for employment
Are you or have you ever been a party in interest in any
administrative agency proceeding or lawsuit that is
related in any way to the position that you seek?
If yes, please explain and provide the title of any
litigation, its index number or civil action number and
the disposition or status of the case
monroe, ontario, wayne
S.4787 -- introduced February 21, 2017,
referred to Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations
Senate website
Assembly website
-- introduced January 27, 2015,
referred to Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations
Senate website
Assembly website
S.3447 -- introduced February 1, 2013,
referred to Senate Committee on Investigations & Gov't Operations
Senate website
Assembly website
S.2780 -- introduced February 1, 2011,
referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
Senate website
Assembly website
Relevant Legislative Oversight Committees
statutory provisions relating to D.A. compensation
May 27, 2015 "AG
Schneiderman Proposes Sweeping Legislation to Reform New York State
March 23, 2016 "AG
Schneiderman and Comptroller DiNapoli Announce Guilty Plea..."
June 29, 2016
public corruption
March 20, 2013
Senate session
Daily Signal
6, 2016 Opening Senate Session
transcript (at pp. )
January 8, 2014 Opening Senate Session
transcript (at pp. )
March 6, 2017: "Andrew
Cuomo's Accomplishments Defy Cynicism About Government"
(The Slant/City & State/opinion by Lawrence Schwartz)
March 7, 2017: "Cuomo
Official: Pay Raise 'Untenable' Without On-Time Budget", State
of Politics (Nick Reisman)
March 7, 2017: "How
Gov. Cuomo can lead the nation by leading a more progressive New
York" (Daily News/opinion by Bill Lipton, Morris Pearl)
Section 15 of the bill adds a new section 54-a to the
Legislative Law providing that, within ten days after the submission of
the Executive Budget, the Senate and Assembly must adopt a joint rule
that requires the Senate and Assembly to establish a schedule for joint
conference committees, and to establish other processes to assist in
timely passage of the budget. Section 16 of the bill adds a
new subdivision 2 to Legislative Law § 54 to require the Legislature to
enact a balanced General Fund budget. Each house would also be required,
prior to a vote on the budget bills, to place on the desks of its members
a summary report that itemizes impacts of proposed budget changes and,
where practicable, impacts on local governments, the State workforce and
All Funds spending.
Section 17 of the bill adds a new section 53-d
to the State Finance Law to require that every budget appropriation bill
passed by the Legisla- ture include estimates of the fiscal impacts of
the items added by the Legislature.
March 7, 2017: "State
Senator calls for investigation"
July 22, 2016: "Super
Pac begins flying Bronx Senate Race"
Citizens Budget Commission
Citizens Union --
Budget Reform
"Spending in the Shadows" -- February 2016
"Spending in the Shadows" -- September 2016
"Spending in the Shadows" March 2015 -- update FY 2014-2016
March 2015 position paper
"Spending in the Shadows" -- September 24, 2013
March 2012 position paper -- "State Budget Language Allowing the
Transfer of Funds"
December 2008 -- "New York State Budget Reform"
Citizens Union -- Examining Turnover
March 16, 2016 conference committee on local general
officials/general government
March 23, 2016 conference committee on local government
officials/general government
March 16, 2016 conference committee on public protection
March 23, 2016 conference committee on public protection --
table target, requires review of a number of issues -- $13
commission on judicial conduct; division of criminal justice
services --"the staff has the challenge to help us forge in
March 16, 2015 conference committee on local government
officials/general government
19, 2015
conference committee on local government/general government
March 17, 2014 conference committee on local government
officials/general government
-- 16 agencies within their jurisdiction, including JCOPE,
changes comptroller; division of budget, local gov't assistance;
Assembly Bill #1749 -- Concurrent Resolution
-- Pension Forfeiture -- Buchwald
vote: 122-1
Resolution 25 -- advisory opinions -- outside employment
February 9, 2017:
approves anti-corruption bill",
Rye City Review (Franco Fino)
January 30, 2017 press release --
Heastie/Flanagan: "Legislature
to Reinforce Commitment to Ethics Reform by Stripping Corrupt Public
Officials of Pension Benefits & Regulating Outside Income for
Legislators" [Senate
* * *
AG Schneiderman
Proposes Comprehensive Reforms
to Combat Pervasive Corruption
In Albany March 16, 2015 -- Citizens Union
written remarks
Schneiderman Proposes Sweeping Legislation
To Reform New York State Government" May 27, 2015
Senate Rules 2017-2018
PER DIEMS -- November
11, 2001 "Albany
Lawmakers Raise Their Allowance", NYT (Richard
January 30, 2017 Senate Floor Proceedings --
Senate Bill #418 -- Concurrent Resolution -- Pension Forfeiture
-- Croci
Senate Resolution: B-404 -- outside employment (video: 9 - 33
transcript: pp. 395-417 vote: 57-4
February 3, 2017: Assembly Minority Leader Kobl: "The
Case for a Constitutional Convention"
February 8, 2017: "Flanagan
and Heastie Announce Joint Legislative Schedule For Adopting
SFY 2017-2018 Budget"
* * *
Wyoming Free Press -- Gallivan
November 2006: "The
Albany Triopoly", Governing Magazine (Alan Ehrenhalt)
April 3, 2014: "Budget again falls short", Daily Gazette
February 23, 2015 "Cuomo's
plan to tilt Albany's balance of power", Capital New York (Liz
February 26, 2015: "Can
Albany Open the Door on Three Men in a Room?", WNYC Radio
(Karen Rouse)
March 11, 2015: "Budget
process keeps same corrupt system", Times Herald-Record (Ken Hall)
March 11, 2015: "Three
Men in a Room and Albany. Where did the Phrase come from?"
(Albany Gov't Law Center- Bennett Liebman)
April 9, 2015: "A
state budget grown in the dark", Lake Placid News
May 8, 2015: "Critics:
What's wrong with Albany? The 'three-men-in-a-room'", Gannett
(Joseph Spector)
January 29, 2016: "Who needs a NY state legislature when 'Three
Men in a Room' decide laws? (Commentary)", Syracuse.com (Joseph Fahey)
New York median household income per
county -- 2009-2013
New York's per capita income
NY household
Affordability in New York State",
March 2014, Comptroller DiNapoli Report
Ballotopedia -- gubernatorial salaries
Book of States 2016
Salaries -- Governors
Salaries -- attorney general
Association of Attorneys General
Association of Comptrollers
could face next guilty verdict", (Micha
York state legislators' salaries: Who Makes the Most Money; Who
Double Dips", December 31, 2014 Syracuse.com (Michell
State legislators pump up pensions in ways you can't",
April 16, 2012, USA Today, Thomas Frank
Furman Center -- "Trends
in NYC Housing Price Appreciation"
January 19, 2016: "Who's
Taking On Ethics in Albany? Not the Ethics Panels", NYT
(Vivian Yee)
The Myth of Outside Income
October 31, 2016: "Cuomo:
Ethics Reform Will Be A National Issue", State of Politics
Assembly Workgroup
Robert Mujica named to head division of budget, Washington Times
named chair of State Finance Committee", Buffalo News (Tom Precious)
watchdog critiques Cuomo's budget"
needs a New York State Legislature?
Menu of CJA's
webpages on NYS Judicial Compensation:
Keeping the Commission
to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name &
Announced Purpose
CJA's July
19, 2013 corruption complaint
Albany County District Attorney Soares
April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara
CJA's June 27, 2013 ethics complaint
to NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics
CJA's July 11, 2013 corruption
complaint to NYS Inspector General
Correspondence with the Legislature
pertaining to
CJA's corruption & ethics complaints
Going After Black & Hispanic
"Little Fish",
while the "Big White Whales" Go Free
Fighting Off Progeny of the Judicial
Compensation Statute (S-2953: A-246) & Securing a Functioning Legislative
Securing Legislative Oversight & Override
of the 2nd & 3rd phases of the
judicial pay raises...
Championing of appropriate rules and
leadership for the New York State Legislature
CJA's People's lawsuit
to void the judicial pay raises
& secure judicial accountability --
CJA, et al. v. Cuomo,
et al.
October 27, 2011 Opposition Report to the "Final Report of
the Commission on Judicial Compensation"
Judges' Judicial Compensation Lawsuits