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The George Sassower, Esq. Legacy Project


under construction & reconstruction, with what has been recovered, thus far...

George Sassower's September 25, 1986 letter
to Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall

September 22, 1986
George Sassower, individually and on behalf of Puccini Clothes, Ltd,
a helpless judicial ward, and Hyman Raffe, a judicial hostage v Harwood, et al

"Rule 43 Application -- Oral Argument Imperative"

September 22, 1986
George Sassower v. Feltman, et al --
"Rule 43 Application -- Oral Argument Imperative"

September 22, 1986
George Sassower v Justices of NY's Appellate Division, 1st Dept & NY County --
"Rule 43 Application -- Oral Argument Imperative"

March - May 1987
Due Process-Less Disbarment by the Supreme Court

April 9, 1989

In the Matter of the Application of George Sassower
for a Writ of Mandamus, Prohibition, &/or Procedendo Ad Justicium
to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals


1989 Petitions for Writs of Certiorari

September 10, 1989
George Sassower v. Dillon, et al. --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to NY's Appellate Division/Second Department

motion for a stay

In Forma Pauperis Motion


Court's November 28, 1989 denial

September 24, 1989
George Sassower v. Politan, et al.
Petition for Certiorari for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals

September 26, 1989
George Sassower v. Littman, et al. --
Petition for Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

In Forma Pauperis Motion

Court's Sept. 28, 1989 letter

October 2, 1989
George Sassower, individually and as Receiver for Puccini Clothes, Ltd...
Petition for Certiorari to NY's Appellate Division/1st Judicial Dept.

Oct. 1, 1989 motion

Oct. 1, 1989 in forma pauperis affidavit

1990-1991 Petitions for Certiorari & Other Writs

October 12, 1990  [#6261]
GS v Brieant, et al --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Preliminary Statement (at p. viii)

"1.  This is the first of a series of interrelated certiorari petitions
to the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth and District of Columbia Circuits.
Consolidation and/or joint considerations of these petitions is respectfully requested.
Anticipating that a consolidated and/or tandem consideration will be given to these various petitions,
an attempt will be made by petitioner to avoid repetition wherever feasible.
2. There can be no more important petitions pending before this Court than petitioner's petitions, since they all involve the lawless bondage and corruption of the machinery of justice ..."

October 12, 1990 -- in forma pauperis affidavit

October 23, 1990 stay application

November 11, 1990 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

November 25, 1990 -- motion for disqualification, stay, etc.

November 26, 1990 -- criminal & civil contempt & stay moving affirmation

December 6, 1990 supplemental affirmation

December 10, 1990 recusal affirmation

December 10, 1990 stay motion

miscellaneous correspondence

GS' January 14, 1991 letter

Clerk's February 19, 1991 denying cert


October 14, 1990
George Sassower v. Pratt
for a Writ of Certiorari for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Preliminary Statement (at p. vi)
"1.   This is the second of a series of petitions
to the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth and District of Columbia Circuits.
Consolidation and/or joint considerations of these interrelated petitions is respectfully requested.
Anticipating consolidation and/or joint consideration by this Court,
there will be a studied attempt to avoid repetition.
2.  There can be no more important petitions pending before this Court than petitioner's petitions,
since they all involve corrupt judges and courts, the usurpation of power,
the lawless bondage and corruption of the machinery of justice,
as will be dramatically demonstrated in the various petitions presented by petitioner."

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

miscellaneous correspondence

January 17, 1991 letter to Clerk 

January 17, 1991 Amended Petition for a Writ of Certiorari

February 1, 1991 affirmation

February 1, 1991 motion

October 15, 1990
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Prohibition and Mandamus for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Preliminary Statement (at p. iii-iv)
"1.  This is the third of a series of petitions
to the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth and District of Columbia Circuits.
Consolidation and/or joint considerations of these interrelated petitions is respectfully requested.
Anticipating consolidation and/or joint consideration by this Court,
there will be a studied attempt to avoid repetition.
2. There is set forth in this petition only some of the 'hard evidence' of judicial corruption
at the level of the respondent.
b. Familiarity with petitioner's second petition, dated October 14, 1990 is assumed."

October 15, 1990 in forma pauperis affidavit 

October 23, 1990 stay application

November 11, 1990 in forma pauperis affidavit

November 25, 1990 -- motion for disqualification, stay, etc.

November 26, 1990 -- criminal & civil contempt & stay moving affirmation

December 6, 1990 supplemental affirmation

December 10, 1990 recusal affirmation

December 10, 1990 stay motion

October 19, 1990
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

Preliminary Statement (at p. iii)
"1.  This is one of a series of interrelated certiorari petitions
to the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth and District of Columbia Circuits.
Consolidation and/or joint considerations of these petitions is respectfully requested.
Anticipating that a consolidated and/or tandem consideration will be given to these various petitions,
an attempt will be made by petitioner to avoid repetition wherever possible.
2. This petition is one of two interrelated petitions to the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia
arising out of events in the Third Circuit, although the Orders involved in this proceeding are Second Circuit Orders.
3.  There can be no more important petitions pending before this Court than petitioner's petitions,
since they all involve the lawless bondage and corruption of the machinery of justice."

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

October 31, 1990 motion to proceed in forma pauperis 

December 26, 1990 Motion -- "The Case for 'Impeachment' Consideration
of Various Named Circuit and District Court Judges

Clerk's February 19, 1991 denying cert

October 19, 1990  [#90-6260]
George Sassower v. Thornburgh, et al.--
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

Preliminary Statement (at p. iii)
"1.  This is one of a series of interrelated certiorari petitions
to the Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth and District of Columbia Circuits.
Consolidation and/or joint considerations of these petitions is respectfully requested.
Anticipating that a consolidated and/or tandem consideration will be given to these various petitions,
an attempt will be made by petitioner to avoid repetition wherever possible.
2. This petition is one of two interrelated petitions to the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia
arising out of events in the Third Circuit, although the Orders involved in this proceeding are Second Circuit Orders.
3.  There can be no more important petitions pending before this Court than petitioner's petitions,
since they all involve the lawless bondage and corruption of the machinery of justice."

October 19, 1990 in forma pauperis affidavit

miscellaneous correspondence

October 31, 1990 motion to proceed in forma pauperis

January 9, 1991 motion to disqualify US Solicitor General & Attorney General

December 14, 1990
In re George Sassower
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus & Prohibition
to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

"4a. Petitioner's poverty is unique since he has substantial assets. 
However, those assets have been unconstitutionally frozen by the judiciary
in an attempt to silence petitioner on the subject of judicial corruption.
...7b. Furthermore, the matters presented herein
is related to similar matters pending in this Court or shortly to be filed in this Court."

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


December 19, 1990
Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus by George Sassower, individually
and next best friend, constitutional & professional obligor of Dennis Vilella

January 15, 1991 affirmation


December 19, 1990 [#90-6785]
George Sassower v. Mahoney, et al --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Second Circuit

"Reasons for the Grant of this Writ" (at p. 3)
"There can be no more important pending petition in this Court
than the series of petitions being brought by the petitioner, all of which involve
the 'impeachable' conduct of federal judges and the integrity of the machinery of justice."

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

January 14, 1991 moving affirmation

January 26, 1991 moving affirmation to disqualify US Solicitor General & AG

Clerk's February 19, 1991 denying cert

December 26, 1990
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Prohibition & Mandmaus
to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals & the EDNY/SDNY Courts

notice of motion to proceed in forma pauperis

December 26, 1990 notice of motion & demand to produce

January 15, 1991 affirmation

December 26, 1990
In re George Sassower --
Petition for Writs of Mandamus & Prohibition
to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals & District of New Jersey

motion to proceed in forma pauperis

January 27, 1991
In re George Sassower --
Peition for Writs of Mandamus & Prohibitions to SDNY & Judges Thereof

motion to proceed in forma pauperis

January 31, 1991 stay motion

January 28, 1991
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus & Prohibition to EDNY

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

January 28, 1991 stay motion

February 7, 1991 motion


January 29, 1991
In re George Sassower --
Petition for Write of Mandamus & Prohibition to SDNY

"Preliminary Statement" (at p. 1) -- "Controlling All Judges"

1a.  Present is a judicial scandal quantum leaps more egregious and dangerous than those involving Chief Circuit Judge MARTIN T. MANTON
of the Second Circuit, Circuit Judge J. WARREN DAVIS of the Third Circuit, or any other corrupt federal jurist in American judicial history.
b. Prior judicial scandals involved the transgressions of individual jurists, not significant systematic corruption."

"Reasons for Granting this Writ" (at p.5)

"Nothing less than the integrity of the federal judical system is at issue in this matter,
as well as the attempt by the District and Circuit Court to prevent the review power of this Honorable Court..."

Jan. 29, 1991 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Jan. 29, 1991 motion, inter alia, to disqualify Solicitor General

February 5, 1991 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

February 5, 1991 motion

February 5, 1991
In re George Sassower
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus & Prohibition for SDNY

"Preliminary Statement" (at p. 1) -- "Judicial Racketeering in the Second Circuit"

"Reasons for Granting this Writ" (at pp.  )
"1a. The integrity of the federal judicial system in the Second Circuit, including at the Circuit Court level,
has been seriously challenged, and the only response, thus far, has been to repeatedly punish petitioner,
including by trialess incarcerations, the freezing of his assets, and other in terrorem actions.
...2b.  ...as far as petitioner is aware, never before has this Honorable Court been confronted
with a situation wherein a judicial administrative order is issued, without any due process,
with a concomitant bar for judicial examination.
...3a.  Puccini is not an isolated case wherein judicial trust and estates are plundered,
with judicial participation.
...c.  Where judicial corruption is involved...the state-federal relationship is nothing short of incestuous.
d. 'Greylord, Justice Chicago Style' (Touhy & Warden), p. 193 et seq.,
reveals that this judicial racket is not limited to New York."

Feb. 5,  1991 motion

[miscellaneous "In re Sassower" correspondence-- #90-6658, 6688, 6694, 7000]


February 11, 1991
GS v. Fidelity and Deposit, et al (Action #1);
GS v. Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, et al. (Action #2) --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

February 16, 1991 motion

March 1, 1991 motion


February 13, 1991
George Sassower v. Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, et al. --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Rule 11 motion

March 1, 1991 motion


February 14, 1991
George Sassower v. Brieant, et al. --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Clerk's February 26, 1991 letter & Geo. Sassower's March 1, 1991 response


February 14, 1991
George Sassower v. Brieant, et al. 00
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


February 28, 1991
George Sassower v. Mahoney, et al
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for Second Circuit Court of Appeals

"Judicial Corruption in the Second Circuit"

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Clerk's March 6, 1991 letter


February 28, 1991
GS v. Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland, et al.
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals

March 1, 1991 motion

March 1, 1991 motion


September 1, 1991
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus & Prohibition to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Rule 20 affirmation


1992 Certiorari & Other Petitions

April 27, 1992
George Sassower v. Higgins, et al (#91-8121)
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

April 27, 1991 motion

April 27, 1992 Rule 27 stay application

Solicitor General's May 12, 1992 waiver

Geo. Sassower's May 18, 1992 motion responding to waiver

Geo. Sassower's May 23, 1993 letter to Clerk

May 5, 1992 denial by Justice Blackmun -- Application A-814

May 11, 1992
George Sassower v. USA, Abrams, Feltman
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


Court's May 15, 1992 letter


May 12, 1992
George Sassower v USA, ex rel Moore, et al, Abrams, et al
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Court's May 21, 1992 letter

May 14, 1992
In re George Sassower
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus to the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


Clerk's May 20, 1992 letter

May 18, 1992
In the Matter of the Disbarment and/or
Disciplinary Action against William P. Barr, Attorney General of the United States
and Kenneth W. Starr, Solicitor General of the United States

Sassower's May 23, 1992 letter to Clerk

Sassower's June 10, 1992 letter to Clerk

May 23, 1992
In re George Sassower
Petition for a writ of mandamus and prohibition
to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

stay application

Rule 11 statement

Clerk's June 5, 1992 letter

May 23, 1992
George Sassower v. Crites & Barr
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Rule 11 statement

stay application

May 23, 1992 letter to Chief Justice Rehnquist

Clerk's June 3, 1992 letter

June 15, 1992 motion

March 2, 1992 motion/affirmation pursuant to FRCivP Rule 59 & Rule 60(b)(3)(6) to US District Court/Southern District of Ohio

June 26, 1992 letter to Clerk-US District Court/Southern District of Ohio with motion

June 26, 1992 motion/affirmation pursuant to FRAppP Rule 8(a) to US District Court/Southern District of Ohio

June 26, 1992 petition for rehearing to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

June 26, 1992 application pursuant to 28 USC 1254[2] to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

District Court September 16, 1992 order


George Sassower v. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals,
In the Matter of a Grand Jury Application, Sassower v. Crites, Barr
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

September 2, 1992 stay application


1993 Certiorari & Other Petitions

February 3, 1993
In re George Sassower --
Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
& Chief U.S. Circuit Court Judge Gilbert Merritt

April 12, 1993
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus & Prohibition

to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
& Chief U.S. Circuit Court Judge Thomas Meskill

motion for mandatory stay

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


April 21, 1993
In re George Sassower --
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus and Prohibition to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

for the Second Circuit and Chief U.S. Circuit Court Judge Thomas Meskill

April 21, 1993 motion to stay #1

April 21, 1993 motion for stay #2

April 21, 1993 motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Supreme Court April 28, 1993 letter

May 1, 1993 letter  with Rule 23.3 statement

May 14, 1993 letter with enclosures

April 28, 1993
George Sassower v Kreinder & Relkin, et al --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals --
Motion/Application for Stay/Injunction & Recusal Application of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

April 28, 1993 motion to disqualify solicitor general

April 28, 1993 Rule 11 affirmation 

April 28, 1993 Rule 23.3 statement

May 14, 1993 letter

Clerk's October 12, 1993 letter with order


May 5, 1993
George Sassower v. NYS Attorney General Abrams -- Grand Jury
Petition for a Writ of Certioraqri to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Motion/Application for Stay/Injunction & Recusal Application of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

motion to compel, from petitioner's contractually based,
constitutionally protected, assets the filing fee and printing expenses

Rule 11 affirmation

Rule 23.3 statement

GS' May 14, 1993 letter


May 12, 1993  [#92-1405]
Elena Ruth Sassower & Doris L. Sassower v Field
Petition for Writ of Certiorari to Second Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Petition for Rehearing

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Court's May 18, 1993 letter


May 14, 1993
In re George Sassower
Petition for a Writ of Mandamus to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
and Chief U.S. Circuit Court Judge Gilbert S. Merritt


George Sassower v. Lee Feltman & Robert Abrams  [93-5127]
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

May 27, 1993 Motion/Application for a Mandatory Stay/Injunction
& Recusal Application of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Rule 23 stay motion (July 20, 1993)  

July 20, 1993 consolidation motion

S. Ct's July 29, 1993 motion to consolidate not necessary

October 12, 1993 letter & order

May 27, 1993 [#93-5128]
George Sassower v. Puccini --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals --

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

May 27, 1993 Motion/Application for a Mandatory Stay/Injunction

& Recusal Application of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

July 20, 1993 consolidation motion

S. Ct's July 29, 1993 motion to consolidate not necessary

August 23, 1993 Solicitor General's waiver

October 12, 1993 letter & order

May 31, 1993 [#92-8934]
George Sassower v. Mead Data Central, et al. --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

June 24, 1993 dispositive motion -- Rule 21.2(b)

June 28, 1993 Mead waiver


June 21, 1993  [#92-9228]
George Sassower v. Sargus, Reno, Crites and Barr --
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

June 23, 1993 dispositive motion  -- Rule 21.2[b]

July 17, 1993 motion to disqualify solicitor general

July 17, 1993 Rule 23 stay motion

Solicitor General's August 27, 1993 waiver

Clerk's October 12, 1993 letter & order

June 25, 1993
George Sassower v Kreindler & Relkin, et al. --
Petititon for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

July 6, 1993 motion to compel the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
to Expeditiously adjudicate stay application

July 6, 1993 dispositive motion (Rule 21.2[b])



June 28, 1993  [#93-5128]
George Sassower v Puccini, et al. -- 
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

July 20, 1993 Rule 23 stay motion

July 20, 1993 Consolidation Motion -- Puccini & Feltman -- #93-5128; #93-5127

June 28, 1993  [#93-5129]
George Sassower v. A.R. Fuels, Inc and Hyman Raffe
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

July 16, 1993 Rule 23 stay motion

July 23, 1993 letter to Court

July 20, 1993 Consolidation Motion -- Puccini & Feltman -- #93-5128; #93-5127

Clerk's October 12, 1993 letter & order


July 11, 1993 [#93-5252]
George Sassower v. Barr; George Sassower v. Stephens
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

mailing affirmation

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Solicitor General's August 2, 1993 waiver

September 29, 1993 motion

July 22, 1993  [#93-5358]
George Sassower v. Robert Abrams, et al
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Solicitor General's August 9, 1993 waiver


August 9, 1993
George Sassower v. Robert Abrams -- In Matter of a Grand Jury Application
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

August 9, 1993 stay motion


August 30, 1993
George Sassower v. Thompson, et al.
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis


U.S. Supreme Court October 12, 1993 decision -- In re Sassower

See analysis of decision in Doris Sassower's September 23, 1998 letter application
for disqualification/disclosure by the Justices -- at pp. 3-4 --
webpage-cert petition in federal action:Doris L. Sassower v. Mangano: here











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